Dissension in the Ranks of the Championship Committee?

It's Damn Real!

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If you've been watching at all over the last few months, especially the last few weeks, there seems to be a lot of dissension between Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and Dixie Carter — all of whom are collectively the Championship Committee of TNA, that is, those who are responsible for all the big-time decisions made on the show.

Weeks ago Hogan overturned Carter's decision regarding the suspension momentarily levied to Ric Flair.

Just tonight Carter overturned Bischoff's decision to have Angle/Hardy/Anderson as a three-way at Bound For Glory, only to end up with the second draw (essentially) between the two in a match that was supposed to have a clear-cut winner no matter what.

Carter was seen on ReAction as visibly frustrated by the whole thing and when asked to comment on the situation refused and continued in her path away from the cameras backstage.

Is it just me, or is there dissension growing in the ranks of the Championship Committee? I smell a mutiny a coming!
I totally agree with you man. I knew The Pope was a bad guy and him aligning himself with Nash/Sting now, only reinforces my suspicions that he is up to no good. Joe's gonna kill him! I can't even keep up with all that's going on ... but what do you expect, it's TNA. It's fucking awesome!

Also btw, Dixie and The Pope are in cahoots. So which ever side of the championship comitee Dixie is on, The Pope is with her. And if Pope is going after Hogan/Bish now, I'd assume Dixie/Pope/Sting/Nash gonna all be on same page.
Oh dear god.. After reading the OP, I just had a horrible thought.. What if Dixie is bringing in "Them" to "get her company back" from Hogan/Bishoff? Wow I hope it doesn't turn out that way at all. That would be way to heavily criticized for being very "McMahon" like.
This has been building for a while, even before the title was vacated. Remember when Dixie confronted Sting in the rafters and Bischoff suddenly shows up to kick Sting out of the building before he could talk? Or how about when Dixie took full responsibility for bringing in the ECW crew? Hogan may have come out to "endorse" the decision later, but that's probably part of the "deception."
This storyline really picked up steam last night. I am excited to see how it plays out. They have definitely been blending IWC reputations and reports heavily into storylines lately. This kind of makes me think that it is supposed to appear like Dixie was a mark that did not see what Hogan and Bischoff were doing to her company. What were they doing? Ruining it and turning it into WCW 2.0. Now all of a sudden she wakes up and sees what is going on. What happens next? Should be interesting. Does WCW take over? Is it too late for her to win back the locker room? Will she fire Hogan and do a Russo Bash at the Beach promo on him? Who is going to win the struggle to be in charge? What happens to the side that losses?
Will this storyline is serving it's purpose definetly, it is raising more and more questions and keeping us guessing. Well done TNA creative.

Little hints and suspicions are all being laid out every week or so on TNA iMPACT, which definetlly breathed some life back into this angle. Just hopefully they follow through on 10.10.10 and give us that shock value that we are all waiting for. Come on TNA don't let us down you have something excellent going on that has potential to be their biggest storyline ever if executed correctly.
The way things are going down, it looks like this whole power struggle is between whats good for the new talent and whats good for the old talent. Samoa Joe is pissed because the good ol' boys are in the main event and not the hard workers like him. Nash brought up Joe's tantrum where he was suspended for 30 days for yelling at a production truck. Nash was pissed about Joe being brought back in and given money back to join Hogan and Jarrett's side.

What if "they" are the TNA original that were fired from TNA to make room for the new guys? Daniels and Awesome Kong would be on that list along with ODB, Homicide, and other TNA originals. It's a shot in the dark, but the released guys and guys that you don't see on Impact like Amazing Red, Hernandez, and Shark Boy could be in the picture as well. It might be ridiculous, but if Fourtune was set up so the young TNA originals could shine then "they" being underutilized talent in TNA isn't a far fetch.

I just don't know where Hogan, Bischoff, and Dixie stand on this.

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