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Discussing RVD...


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I don't normally make threads anymore, unless i have an opinion which im not sure where others stand...

For me, RVD is no longer entertaining..
Lets start with his mic work:
- for me he comes across extremely bland on the mic; i know thats the idea, he's this guy whose so relaxed and calm.. but for me, its not entertaining. and it doesn't make me excited to see him in the ring - which (correct me if im wrong) is the whole idea of mic work

In the Ring:
- Im never sure what to make of rob in ring. he is far FAR from the competitor we all loved back in ECW and early WWE, and can no longer do a lot of the amazing spots he used to do then. This means he can't rely on spots to carry his matches (not saying he used to) and these days there are hundreds of other daredevils about, who can do the same types of aerial spots
- Rob seems to work the same match week in week out. Not do too much for the first half of the match, save for a few martial art kicks, then at the end either 1) rolling thunder + frogsplash and win 2) (and more rarely) rolling thudner + miss frogsplash and lose
- this brings me onto his in ring ability. Rob has lost the ability to put on a technical match. his only ability that hasn't left him is his GREAT ability to sell

This makes me wonder, why is RVD still being pushed as a major player? especially with the slow change of the guard in TNA, why is RVD going over joe and other good TNA talent. He fails (for me) to entertain, because i've grown use to his matches and on the stick, he doesnt get me going.

Don't get me wrong, i am completely aware, RVD is a name, a draw, a nostalgic person but i dont think realistically, he alters ratings/buys due to this. This combined with the fact that TNA has several (bigger) nostalgic names - Hogan, Sting, Flair, Angle, (Bischoff) jump to mind

So my questions to you guys are these things

Does RVD entertain you on the mic?

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?

Do you think RVD should still be being pushed/being a top level talent/title contender

or do you agree with me, that RVD should now be a gatekeeper, who is around the upper mid card, to get people over, like Morgan/Gunner/Crimson etc
Does RVD entertain you on the mic?
Hell no. The guy is fine on the mic, very generic. He's not an ear bleeder, but it's just nothing to capture you. He can cut a promo if he really, really HAS to, but is he entertaining on the stick? Nah.

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?
Always have, always will. He slowed down a little due to getting older, but I can thoroughly enjoy just about any RVD match. I wish he'd come up with some new moves though. The 90's are way, WAY over.

Do you think RVD should still be being pushed/being a top level talent/title contender
Nope. RVD is good for a one off deal every year or so. He's not a mainstay type of guy. He's not a wrestler you can build a company around. He's just fun to watch in the mid-card and stuff, but not your number one guy.

or do you agree with me, that RVD should now be a gatekeeper, who is around the upper mid card, to get people over, like Morgan/Gunner/Crimson etc
I wouldn't say gatekeeper, but more of an X-Division wrestler. RVD adds prestige to the X-Division and they can teach him a few things :laugh:
I have said this many times.

Rob Van Dam is a perfect example of what was cool in '99 is no longer cool in the years 2011. He is stale, he went from playing a cool hippie type character in the late ninties to playing an aging hippie in TNA. He can still wrestle, just no entertaining when he does it. He's no longer the "Whole F'n Show" either.
Honestly couldnt disagree more. Instead of doing a long winded talk to combat it,ill just anwser your questions.

On the mic-its because in TNA they let him be him. As of late though,hes been in more serious situations so hes done serious promos which sometimes isnt his strong suit. Yet his promo on the post show of impact,was great. He said everything plain and simple,it had personality to it,and it go the point across. Before this he was in the program with Anderson and before that the whole "im gonna get you jeff hardy" thing. So his humor wasnt on showcase. His real character promos are usually more humorous and self centered because thats how rob is in real life. Let be honest whlie we're at it,how much mic time did WWE ever give rob? When they gave it to him,it was more the humorous stoner type promos which were good and kinda like rob,but not quite there

Ring work-I think hes still quite innovative in the ring. Yet he is older so hes not like a AJ or anything pulling off new stuff. Hes gets it done in the ring,tries to bring out a few of his moves we know,and everyonce and a while,will get innovative. Its alot like Jeff when he first went to TNA. He was doing what he was doing in WWE yet,when you put that in TNA where guys in the X-Division do crazier stuff,hes still doing it amazingly,but it just doesnt seem as flashy when you got guys doing crazy stuff left and right(funny side note,met Jeff back in 06 and he admited thats was hard to have to try and go on after the X-Division guys because they did crazier stuff then he did). RVD when it comes to innovative and high flying,is great but you got guys like AJ,Daniels,MCMG,Amazing Red,and more doing crazier stuff because they are younger more hungry guys who have yet to reach the level of a Hardy,RVD,Sting,etc. The older guys get,the less they look like they did in their prime,its natural. In my opinon,I still think Rob looks great out there and can still run with the young guys. Can he top them every night? No but we shouldnt expect him to. Hes 10 years or more older then alot of the guys and has been wrestling way longer.

I gotta admit,the last two questions seem contradicting to me. See id like to ask where you think hes at? After he lost his matchs against Anderson and Sting,he wrestled guys like Bully Ray and Samoa Joe who are considered high midcard. With him being in the BFG series,its almost a sure thing that he will stay there at least till BFG. Before the sting anderson stuff he was wrestling Matt Hardy,Rhino,etc which are more high level midcard guys. He had a 2 month period where he was at the top. Yet in my opinion I think he does deserve some top spot time and maybe another run with the belt. Like I said,he in my mind can still go,still impress and its better then Hogan or flair holding the belt,or another Sting title reign(it gets old to be honest after the 7th time he gets the TNA belt). I think he has put on great matchs with Jeff,Anderson,Sting,and others. Id really say wait till Destination X. He will deffintly have a match on the card and if its the one thats rumored,I have a feeling its gonna be a amazing match.
Does RVD entertain you on the mic?

hell no. He was never really good on the mic but in TNA he's been one of the worst ever, up there with Jeff Hardy. He's bland, and always looks like he doesn't even care or want to be cutting a promo.

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?
not in the slightest. He does the same set of moves in every one of his match, he doesn't bring anything new, or as you said, he works the same match week in week out. Truth be told he hasn't been exciting in the ring for a long time now, again, he just doesn't look like he puts any effort in it.

Do you think RVD should still be being pushed/being a top level talent/title contender
absolutely not. I'd have a hard time of thinking of people who shouldn't get a title shot before him. His most entertaining program since coming to TNA was that Team Hogan vs Team Flair program from last year, his title reign was awful and his "chase for the title" was awful.

or do you agree with me, that RVD should now be a gatekeeper, who is around the upper mid card, to get people over, like Morgan/Gunner/Crimson etc
somewhat, except those guys are pretty bad themselves. TNA should just make the TV title a relevant mid card title and actually revive the X Division 'cause at this time, I can't see any of the three chaps you mentioned as worthy of the world title.
Does RVD entertain you on the mic?

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?

Do you think RVD should still be being pushed/being a top level talent/title contender

or do you agree with me, that RVD should now be a gatekeeper, who is around the upper mid card, to get people over, like Morgan/Gunner/Crimson etc

1. No, he most certainly does not entertain me on the microphone. There is no legit emphasis with his promos and he just doesn't help the build up to a match. Which is what a PROMOTIONAL vignette is supposed to do.

2. At times. But, at this point, it feels as though he is just out there to perform the hits, mail it in and collect a paycheck. He's like the Rolling Stones. Nothing really new, just getting the hits done and moving on.

3. Yes and no. I don't mind him chasing, but I don't want him catching. The chasing should be done sparingly as well. He's simply past it, in my personal opinion.

I agree with your concept of him sticking around to help the younger talent. He CAN still pull out a quality match here and there.
Does RVD entertain you on the mic?
He never has. A few words here and there, but he's never been a good promo, in my opinion.

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?
He used to, but lately he's been sloppy and uninspired. He really seems to be collecting a paycheck and going home. Maybe the light TNA schedule is hurting him...if he only wrestles 4-5 times a month, it's tough to stay on top of your game. He does his usual match, but hasn't shown me anything new, or all that special since he came to TNA. And I have been a fan of his for a while, am disappointed with him so far.

Do you think RVD should still be being pushed/being a top level talent/title contender?
I'd like to see him put in with the X division...maybe working with some of the young, athletic guys would light a fire under him. I could see him pushed as the X division champ for a bit, which might give some name value to the division. But as a top heavyweight, he's just not showing that he belongs right now.
RVD is an interesting character. There will never be a consensus on Love/Hate with him, RVD is who he is and that makes him an oddity in pro wrestling.

In Ring: I like him in the ring, he can sell anything and put on some good offense. He has slowed down, but with the pounding he took early in his ECW days, and some of the nasty falls in the WWE I can sympathize with this. But he is still good enough to compete at the upper mid card. His TNA Championship reign I thought was a good one, but nothing spectacular.

Promos: He is a laid back, stoner and his character is a laid back, self absorbed stoner. Just like Bubba Ray who is an asshole, his character is an asshole. RVD plays his part perfectly, it's interesting if you take it for what it is, but for people who would rather see over the top characters, he's bland. RVD is one of those guys where you love him or hate him for who he is, no in between. His promos are a perfect example of this.

Main event?: Yes RVD is a main eventer, no RVD is not World Championship Material anymore. That will limit his main events to Number One Contenders matches, Tag Matches, Triple Threat Matches, Championship Losses, Mid Card Championships on tv, etc.

RVD is a guy you can put with Gunner, a guy you can put with Kaz, a guy that can make the young guys look like gold with back and forth wins between them while bringing prestige to the X-Division and such. RVD is a guy millions of people still love, and millions of people still don't love, because he is RVD, and that makes him extremely relevant, and valuable.
RVD is a name and suits the TNA brand well. He's a lot slower and isn't launching himself inot the crowds like he did in 1995, but he's learnt that a Rolling Thunder gets a similar reaction. That's smart for longevity in this tough sport.

His mic skills have always been average but RVD's thumbs, his spots and cocky attitude is probably a big merch seller for the company and in TNA I would rather have him around in the main event than Anderson who I don't like at all. RVD is one of those guys who doesn't need the belt to be over and can keep having top level feuds to keep fans happy.
Does RVD entertain you on the mic?

Not in the least. Rob Van Dam is atrocious on the microphone and always has been. His delivery has almost always been downright wooden with little to no real emotional display. I have an example that springs to mind though it's not a promo in a traditional sense. After RVD was put out by Abyss for a while, Tenay & Taz talked to him via telephone. They'd gone on and on for weeks about how severe RVD's injuries were, how much the attack had taken out of him, etc. When RVD was on the phone, instead of being royally pissed off at Abyss for such a heinous attack, for nearly ending his career, he sounded like he'd just blazed one up. Just all laid back and easy going. There've been times he's hardly been able to string a meaningful sentence together. His promo skills are most definitely a huge weakness and I've never really enjoyed hearing him talk.

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?

Generally speaking, kind of. RVD is still athletic and can do most of his high flying stuff and all that as well as he used to. I do think he's a little overrated when it comes to his in-ring work. Not that he isn't good but, and this is especially for internet fans, some fans practically bust a nut whenever he does anything. I haven't been all that impressed with RVD since he came to TNA. The two matches he's had with Samoa Joe that we've seen on iMPACT!/Impact Wrestling, one last year and one this past Thursday, are easily the best matches I've seen out of him. They were good, don't get me wrong, but everything else hasn't come close to meeting expectations.

Do you think RVD should still be being pushed/being a top level talent/title contender?

Not really. RVD was lousy when he was TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Some of that did have to do with the TNA Ranking System as it stuck him, for all intents and purposes, into meaningless one match feuds with little to no build up. Also, those title matches just ultimately didn't seem to resonate with a lot of people. I've no desire to see him back in the title picture.

or do you agree with me, that RVD should now be a gatekeeper, who is around the upper mid card, to get people over, like Morgan/Gunner/Crimson etc

Yeah, kind of. TNA has had an abundance of established stars pass through over the course of the past 5 years or so and, for the most part, TNA has used the younger talent on the roster to put them over instead of using the established names to help build & get over new stars. Rob Van Dam has his name. He's over with your average fan for his time in WWE, he's over with the IWC and is still over with the ECW die hards. RVD could be TNA's version of Rey Mysterio in the sense that he could lose, elevate someone and still come out smelling like a rose. Maybe not with Gunner & Crimson because I'm still not even remotely sold on either one of them just yet. TNA might be wanting to ram them down everyone's throat at the moment but that's no real guarantee that even losing to RVD will ultimately get these guys over for the long haul.
Does RVD entertain on the mic

Not at all. He never has, even when I was a big fan of his back in the early 2000s. The only good promo I can ever remember of his was at ONS where he did the shoot on the WWE invaders. I got into RVD because he was exciting in the ring, but even then I knew he was awful on the mic.

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?

Nowhere near as much as he used to. He used to be innovative and exciting, but now he just uses the same tired moves in every match, and is alot slower than he used to be. I know he is getting older and is bound to slow down, but he just looks like he is doing the bare minimum and offers little excitment in his matches now. You pretty much know whats coming next. He can still do it though, but less often than he used to. Every RVD match used to be great, now its just the occasional one.

Should RVD still be pushed as a top guy

Not all the time. He still has name value and is one of the company's bigger draws but he shouldnt be main event all the time. Upper mid-card who can wrestle in the main event occasionally. I would actually like to see him feud for the TV title to give some prestige to the division, or maybe mix it up with some of the X-Division guys.

Should RVD be a gatekeeper to put over rising stars

After being a big RVD fan for years I do not want to see him relegated to enhancement talent, and I dont think he will be. However, I think that he could be a stepping stone for guys like Crimson. Beating RVD is still a big deal and would certainly benefit an up-and-coming young wrestler. I don't see the problem with this. Jericho is regulalry used like this in the WWE- a respected veteran who can still work a good match and has name value. RVD can still pull out a good match when he needs to, and doing the job for Crimson would be good business for TNA.
For me personally i still enjoy his matches because his ability to sell a move is incredible, the flexibility and agility allows him to take moves that not many others can
To me RVD is an old man. When he was in WWE it was cool and new, a style you don't see often and the mythical figure that was coming over from ECW. But for a while now I haven't really enjoyed him. To be honest when he came in TNA at first I loved him and I still love his song in TNA that is catchy and all but I just don't want him at the top and please don't make him win over Joe.

You see this very topic crossed my mind last week when he beat Joe. All the match I was like "man that's a good match" (because of Joe to me he was the standout) Joe had some BRUTAL move and offense and I started to think, "man are they finally getting what Joe should be about" and with that tournament I figured that Joe may be in the final 4 (and don't get me wrong he may still be) but when RVD one I came back to no interest and I thought to myself who wants to see RVD win anymore.

On the mic he's never really been good and he the ring he used to be good but to me he feel like Jeff Hardy when he was getting fat, sloppy and uninspired before the heel turn. RVD seems like he's just going through the motion, he is not bad not at all. But he doesn't stand out anymore he is RVD and RVD is stale, to me at least.
RVD's Mic skills have been okay not bad not good!! Can he still entertain me in the ring yes he can!! He can still do some amazing stuff despite the fact hes getting older can still leap to the top rope in one fell swoop!! As far as being a top level player In TNA absoultely he can! I still would like to see him get one more title run (for Gods sake please dont give sting another run or all our favorites Good ol Druggie Hardy:p..
TNA might be wanting to ram them down everyone's throat at the moment but that's no real guarantee that even losing to RVD will ultimately get these guys over for the long haul.

Gunner and Crimson are hardly being shoved down anyones throat. Gunner was in what a segement and a match last week, while Crimson wasn't even featured. And this week Gunner was in a couple of Immortal segments, while Crimson was in a tag match. Its just a gradual push for two guys.

Does RVD entertain you on the mic?

RVDs mic skills were never the reason I became a huge fan of his. And his mic skills are not the reason why he's in my top 3 favourite wrestlers of all time. Van Dam is obviously not in the same league as guys like Anderson, Hogan and Sting when it comes to mic work. But he's also not as bad as guys like Amazing Red and Samoa Joe. I'd put him up there with guys like AJ Styles, Abyss and Daniels. Not terrible but not great.

Does RVD entertain you in the ring?

Hell yes! Van Dam is still one of the best in ring talents around. I would rather see a Rob Van Dam match over 90% of todays wrestlers (barring maybe AJ Styles and Kurt Angle). Van Dam can still pull off all his classic moves when required. His matches are always fast paced and physical and he sells better than anyone in the business. Van Dams matches with Abyss were some of the best I've seen since I started watching wrestling again.

Do you think RVD should still be being pushed/being a top level talent/Title contender?

I wish RVD was still being pushed as a top contender, its a shame he's not being pushed like that IMO. But while TNA are trying to push newer, younger guys, I wouldn't mind seeing Van Dam drop down into the X-Division and making that relevant. And with TNA trying to rebuild that division and giving it some focus, Van Dam could really add some huge star power and name value.

Should RVD be used to get talent over?

He should do this occasionally, like any established wrestler should. I wouldn't want to see RVD putting over any tom, dick or harry, but guys who deserve it I don't see a problem with that. Van Dam could have a good, intense, physical match with Gunner and come out on the losing side and i wouldnt see anything wrong with that. As its pretty obvious Gunner is on his way to becoming a huge star.

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