Disappointing moments in Gaming.

Leeds Guy

Retired Former WZCW EurAsian Champ
Following on from Spoodbeasts thread about Mark out moments in gaming. I'd like to get your thoughts on things you were expecting to be awesome in a game that turned out to be a disappointment. Also things about a certain game/forthcoming game that you would like to play but has something negative about it thats put you off.

For me I think it was the announcement that Resident Evil 6 will not have Resident Evil 5 producer Jun Takeuch returning for the sixth entry in the series. I think Resident Evil 5 was one of the best Resident Evil games out and that the producer isn't on board will effect overall gameplay. Apparently the game is going to be a complete reboot which doesn't sound too appealing to me.

So lets see what you guys think.

Lee said:
Mod note: If it involves an actual plot of a game please use spoiler tags.
As much as I love this game and it's by far my favorite game on the Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl did disappoint me in a way. It was being built up as this huge fighting game that was going to be packed with a massive roster and plenty of new fighters included in the new game. The way they announced things such as characters on the website made anyone who as anticipating this game feel like it was going to be the next big thing.

We all had our thoughts of who may be getting included in the game and what not, but when it boiled down we all thought the roster was going to be huge and epic. Then the roster got revealed due to a leak from Japan after the game got released there. The roster looked alright but if I told you I thought it was perfect I would be lying to you. There was a roster barely bigger than Melee's with many characters that returned from Melee and basically only a few additions to the roster. Where was this huge big time roster with a bunch of new characters? That was what many of us wondered to ourselves.

Also the lack of majority requested characters. Geno for example was a highly requested character in the game, and was only behind Sonic in that regard. Why the hell wasn't he included, he had the popular demand and the only game character that got more requests than him was the second most well known gaming character in the world. Ridley from Metroid was overlooked, as well as Little Mac who was an assist trophy but would have been a perfect fit in the game and Balloon Fighter is a character I would have liked to see in the combat field as well. The roster felt way to empty because of the hype. It seemed that it was going to be so much more bigger and epic then it turned it out to be.
My dissapointment moments in gaming? Sure, I'd love to.

Finding out that the best 2D platform game that I've EVER played in my entire life, Alundra, was being made into a 3D sequel by Activison who renamed the main character, changed his complete appearance and did a massive shit on the prequel's short lived memory - was my greatest dissapointment.

Another dissapointment was the entire Halo 3: ODST game.
They built that game up like the stairway to freaking heaven and the game was nothing what people were expecting. Terrible character voice-overs, incredibly annoying and confusing campaign because you do it in any order you damn well wanted to, the fact that if you had started the campaign in single player and wanted to play online co-op with a friend; then you had to restart the entire thing from Mombasa Streets when you first arrive and the overall lack of enjoyment throughout playing.
And last, AND LEAST; Modern Warfare 2.

Can somebody please explain to me, what the fuck Modern Warfare 2 was supposed to be? Don't get me wrong, the campaign was epic; but what most people's focus was on the game itself, was the online play. Modern Warfare 2's online play is quite obviously a kiddies battle ground. 80% of the people who play Modern Warfare 2 online firstly; aren't LEGALLY allowed to own the game, and secondly they are the most annoying, childish and enjoyment killing people out there. If I wanted to hear a little kiddie screaming at me because I just cleanly killed him, I could have gone to play Halo 3 and hear somebody singing down the headset, blasting out their Lil' Wayne albums.

And for christs sake, if you're going to play the game; at least have the decency to play it properly. Here's one of my past experiences:

"Dude, why are you hiding in a glitch? Can't you play properly or something?"

"GLITCH, what GLITCH?? I'm not hiding in a GLITCH! shut the fuck up you bloody dick and go suck on your gay dads cock you prick."

"Dude, you're floating 50 feet in the air when the game's basic control system doesn't even let you look UP that high. Play the game properly and stop hacking."

That dude was officially 9 years old and his Bio on Xbox 360 clearly stated that it was his Dad's account he was using. He beforehand was heard speaking to his Dad over the headset telling him that he'd just unlocked a new gun. ******.

So yeah, there are my dissapointments in gaming.

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