Did the WWE feel sorry for the Miz?

there was no break. the miz started from scratch. i think a lot of people thought he thought he deserved a push early because most people knew him as Mike from The Real World, but he has paid his dues from early on until now and has taken it and ran. he does everything that is asked of him and he never complained about it. during appearances, he has been more than courteous to the fans when, let's face it, a lot of people in his position wouldn't have done. i wouldn't consider him cocky. if anything, that's his characters persona, not him.

he's been in the E, what, 5 years now? not including OVW. and i think he has made great progress every year.

i remember first seeing him in the ring with chris benoit and was impressed with what i saw.

honestly, i never thought he would make it this far, but he is the blueprint for anyone who has the drive and will do anything and everything asked to make it big.
I don't think that it is a case of the WWE feeling sorry for the Miz at all, more it is a case that the WWE took notice of his attitude towards working hard to better himself, and that hard work has shown through his progressively better matches. The charisma has always been there, but now he has found a way to convert that into drawing people into a match, something he should be admired for, and something that Mr. Mcmahon is obviously taking notice of.
WWE does not promote or push anyone out of pity. Period.

So its been said countless times that the Miz didnt have much respect for the wrestling business in the beginning. He has changed and has matured.

I wonder what the Miz thinks of Benoit now, since Benoit was such a man full of respect and so traditional-minded when it comes to the business. And then goes out and kills his family and himself. But thats a whole different story.

Im happy to see Miz where he is. If he's capable to carry the ball and run with it then why not. Let him have his time.
The miz is a young guy who if he keeps going the way he is now could one day be the face of the company think about it he does all the appereances and everything like cena done people used to be dead wenever he came out now there are arenas shouting IM the miz and im AWESOME right there with him i know hes not really a great wrestler but he is a good worker and he gets over with the fans so no i do not believe the wwe felt sorry for him i think they saw something in him that could one day make him the face of the wwe
No the WWE didn't feel sorry for the Miz... He worked his ass off for years.

He got better, and better. Then he took that punishment from other guys and molded himself around that. Now he is one of the top talks of the wrestling community.

Not also that, but you hear how the locker room disliked him, and how many other performers couldn't stand him at first he would of just been fired. So no, WWE is just rewarding good work. Nothing more.
The McMahon's feel sorry for no one and i mean look at Waltman or Hall. Mike Mizanin has came along way in his WWE run so far, From debutin on the $1'000'000 TE challenge to Host of Smackdown! he actually takin The Taker to the limit back in Jan. 2006 to transferin to ECW and forming as part of the greatest tag team of the 21st century w/ Johnny Nitro/Morrison to gettin drafted to Raw and holding the US Title twice and winning the MITB @ MITB plus be branding to RAW. Here's a lil fact about the Miz just go back and watch a few yrs ago while he was on SD! and listen to Cole's commentary he F'n joins with JBL and dogs him then listen now at Cole's commentary a total 180 So no the WWE does not feel sorry for no1. I've been a MIZFit from the get go. And he's ring name is his Nickname for his last name ppl. The Miz will have all of us "Know are roles and shut our mouths 'cause he's the Miz and he's Awesome"
A lot of people seem to forget that he didn't just walk off the street into the WWE, he spent time in UPW, learning how to wrestle before he ever got the call to do Tough Enough. Then there was DSW and OVW. I think he busted his ass to get to where he is today. I mean look at how many fans went from completely hating him and begging for him to be released to loving everything he does. I definitely have to count myself as one, The Miz has made me eat my words on more than one occasion.
I think the Miz is getting this push cause the guy has become a pretty good worker and has tons of charisma.Built in the same mold as guys like Michaels.and Jericho he's destin to be a main eventer for a long time and he's earned it on his own merits in the old style of working his way up the ranks in WWE the guy has slowly climbed the ladder over the past 5 or so years going from ECW mid carder to the tag team ranks,United States champion and now he's arrived.I like the Mizl rize more then the way they threw the title on Sheamus who I like now but its a felief in this day in WWE to see a guy take a few years to get a spot at the mainevent level.And WWE feels bad for nobody there's no fn way this push has pitty behind it.

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