Did the Rock bury the WWE?

The Rock completely shitted on Cena and everybody else in the back i enjoyed it myself. Let's face it the top guys in WWE today are lacking
Rock showed Cena how to work and control a crowd. That's how a top main eventer gets the Crowd jakked Cena usually gets booed nightly i understand what Rock was saying Cena was and is a repetitive Rock wanna be.
The champ is here??? The peoples Champ???Just bring it?? Come get some???
Cena has been ripping off the Rocks promo style, Mannerisms etc. since the Rock left 7 years ago. Now Cena has to pay the piper for being a wanna be peoples champ. I wonder how shitty Cener felt sitting backstage getting grilled by Rock world wide on live television. I would have payed big money to see John cener's reaction had to be priceless. XCan't wait for RAW next week Rock is going to pwn that awful miz i feel it coming. Speaking of the Miz boy is he a sorry exscuse for a World champ does he even know how to do wrestling moves?? All i have seen him do is that pathetic finisher of his and that corner clothesline which isn't impressive in the least. Miz you ARE NOT AWESOME ^__-

well according to many WWE fans who miss the attitude era, it's good they have someone to voice their opions. And he did it in very hilarious way...with all the talk about fruity pebbles and what not lol

THE ROCK IS BACK WHOLY SH*1t! still can't believe it.
Internet fans pick things apart to much.....
The Rock returning is nothing but GOOD for the WWE and WRESTLING
He is going to bring back some casual fans, and this is a great chance for new WWE mid carders, and main eventers to make an impact to help bring wrestling back up
Last night was the first time I was excited watching raw since I was a kid thanks to the Rock. Its about time the WWe is acknowledging that the "talent" is very lacking these days. I don't have to go into huge detail about why I think WWe is garbage now, but I do remember guys like HBk, the Rock and HHH having to duke it out as mid carders for 5+ years before becoming big stars, and now they have some dbag who couldn't make it as an MTV host or an actor as wwe champ, he blows on the mic and his in ring skills are below Eugene's. I don't care much for Cena as I see him as a poor man's people's champ but at least he paid some dues unlike the miz.
Not really. The IWC are going to be praising The Rock's return like the second coming of Christ in the next few weeks (the same people who called him a sell out many-a time). But, as much as I do love The Rock, I'm looking at this in an unbiased way.

Did Rock cut the best promo we've seen in years? Yes, of course. Better than the best promos of Cena, The Miz and Punk? Certainly. But there's no shame in looking average next to the greatest talker of all time. They may not be The Rock, but Cena, Punk and Miz all cut great, consistent promos on a weekly basis. Just like how the Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker matches didn't bury the WWE roster. They put on a show that the rest of the roster couldn't match, even at their best, but we still get great matches. I think that the IWC expects too much because many idealise the Attitude Era. People have to understand it's ok to not look as good as those who are truely special. And the includes the current WWE roster compared to The Rock.
I really enjoyed him dissing John Cena ^_^ "You can't see me, You can't see me, WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING PEEKA BOO?!?!" I really had a nice time watching him diss Cole and Miz, Because i hate them both, But this thread make big sense, When i thought he was coming back he would be all kind to the wrestlers, Now, I was hella wrong, Rock brang back the attitude, But what pissed me off the most last night was THE FREAKING LITTLE BADIES BOOING ROCK FOR DISSING CENA!
Am I the only one that thought he was gonna mention Taker?
It was in the back of my mind for a bit, but we all knew it would be Cena.
To answer you're question, the Rock, if anything revived the WWE. It was becoming stale, dull, boring, and at times, unwatchable. I didn't care what was happening, I would tune out, I wouldn't even watch. I haven't marked out since Miz cashed in. Last night, I fully expected it to be someone no one would care about, like Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber. It turned out, it was the Rock, and a smile immediately was on my face. Rock renewed my interest in the WWE, and renewed the interest of many fans.
So yeah, the Rock absolutely destroyed Cena, but you can't forget that Rock destroyed just about everyone when he was around back in his time. The Rock just dissed Miz a little, and so does everyone else. If anyone was just destroyed last night, it was Cole. Good lord, Cole was just killed by the Rock last night.
I don't know why every Tuesday there is a thread about someone or something "being buried". The Rock didn't bury anybody. He put over the fans and WWE huge. He put over Cena and he even put over Justin Bieber for of all things. He said he liked Cena but didn't like what Cena said about him. He also doesn't like The Miz or Cena's catch phrase. That is about it. I didn't hear anything about the PG era or attitude era. I didn't hear him calling out anyone in the locker room besides saying that he would see Cena and Miz at Mania.
I don't know why every Tuesday there is a thread about someone or something "being buried". The Rock didn't bury anybody. He put over the fans and WWE huge. He put over Cena and he even put over Justin Bieber for of all things. He said he liked Cena but didn't like what Cena said about him. He also doesn't like The Miz or Cena's catch phrase. That is about it. I didn't hear anything about the PG era or attitude era. I didn't hear him calling out anyone in the locker room besides saying that he would see Cena and Miz at Mania.

I dont know what you watched but Cena wasnt put over in any sense of that word. Thats the second time the Rock has verbally spanked Cena infront of a WWE crowd.. AND THE MILLIONS!!!
the rock is by far the best man on the mic EVER

theres no stopping him from trashing everyone

even if hes not trying
even if it is only 12,000, that's more than 12 times the crowd any TNA wrestler will ever see in that crappy Impact Zone. and i have a hard time believing 12,000 for WWE crowds. first off, they never had 20k-30k fans in the attitude era. They've always done their show in arena's that generally seat approx 20k, give or take. now some of the seats are knocked out on one end of the arena due to the WWE's set, but not almost half the seats. granted i'm sure there are some empty seats, but not that many.

and i think it's laughable if you think, next to the Rock, AJ Styles and Robert Roode are the best on the mic. I know people don't like Cena, but he's good on the mic. everyone has their opinion, but i guess it depends on how you define someone as being good on the mic.

The Rock is great b/c he looks like he can go out there on a whim and do his thing. He doesn't look like he rehearsed any lines; rather he can wing it and make it good. In other words, you can tell he's very comfortable on the mic. Cena's promos aren't as electrifying as the Rock, no one is, but he is good on the mic. He looks very comfortable, and doesn't look like he's spouting lines he had to rehearse over and over. he can ad-lib.

not saying aj and roode are worse, but i don't think they're better, either. i don't think any one has established himself on a plane by themselves above all others (not counting the rock). if there's anyone that has, it's probably Cena. people will disagree w/ that, but it's b/c they don't like him and are sick of his act. they're not looking at it objectively. when he talks, he gets a good reaction from the crowd, and he has the crowd's attention.

If I can find the promos that AJ and Roode did you'll think of Cena is pure crap compared to what they did. AJ in my book next to the Rock has the best promo / mic skills in the business and yes even better then Anderson. Though AJ is still light years away from what the Rock can do, that's because the Rock is gifted. In some ways he is the Holy Grail of wrestling. Hogan was the old way, and nobody is following Hogan anymore not even the IWC.

Here is how I define someone on the mic. Their charisma that can get a crowd involved, as well coming off as cocky / smart but can prove it with the right move set. Rock is way up there, as I said I don't think anybody is close to him when it comes to mic skills. AJ and Roode are the closest to him but a good 5 years away from what he did tonight.

Edit - Video of AJ's promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj-c0QCIPSY
Your right and the main reason why and Triple H talked about it too. The development camp that the WWE uses is pure crap. Where TNA gets their talent is from all the indy federations. WWE just uses one, and in general is nothing. Talent wise there is nobody on the WWE that has the talent most homegrown TNA talent, or what was around 10 years ago.

I disagree, somewhat. If TNA was so superior in getting their own talent than why are they always brininging WWE rejects or former talent? They are pretty good at scouting and signing talent but not that much better than the WWE.
If cena turns heel what will all the little kids do? I just don't see these kids booing cena. Any chance they will boo the rock or that the adults will root for the rock and the kids for cena?

Not every kid is a Cena mark, some of them that are old enough to remember the Rock will cheer for him.

Whether or not Cena turns heel remains to be seen, but I expect the vast majority of the crowd to be pro-Rock should that match happen. After all, Cena's gotten booed against HBK, HHH, RVD, and even at times vs Batista and Randy Orton.

In any event, WWE NEEDS to make this match happen!! Miz is not Wrestlemaina main event material. They should have John Morrison win the EC so that'll clear Cena up to take on the Rock.
I disagree, somewhat. If TNA was so superior in getting their own talent than why are they always brininging WWE rejects or former talent? They are pretty good at scouting and signing talent but not that much better than the WWE.

Different times. 5 years ago, TNA would of went to indy shows to get wrestlers, now they can get WWE rejects just because they can.

I don't like their business motto as much as the next guy. Some of their talent (AJ, Beer Money, Kaz etc) are at the peak of their game. Others like the Nasty Boys when they were there made me want to turn the channel to CSI.
Not every kid is a Cena mark, some of them that are old enough to remember the Rock will cheer for him.

Whether or not Cena turns heel remains to be seen, but I expect the vast majority of the crowd to be pro-Rock should that match happen. After all, Cena's gotten booed against HBK, HHH, RVD, and even at times vs Batista and Randy Orton.

In any event, WWE NEEDS to make this match happen!! Miz is not Wrestlemaina main event material. They should have John Morrison win the EC so that'll clear Cena up to take on the Rock.

It won't happen. All over the entertainment news sites and shows all have said that Rock has wrestled his last match and he is doing this as a favor to Vince. What he gets in return we have no idea.

I agree Miz isn't Wrestlemana main event status, and I don't think he should be. Alas this is the new WWE.
What would be really cool is to see Cena jump The Rock (wearing his old school black gear) then stand over top of him and do the "you can't see me".

I agree that Rock burying Cenas Face character is true. If i ever wanted to see Cena turn heel this is the way that i would want to see it. However i dont see it happening, Cena will stay face and Rock will probably ref Cenas WM match, then they will have no trust in each other, with the implied stipulation is Cena will want to watch his back.

To answer the OP though The Rock did not bury, his return has given Wrestlemania the... what do you call it... stand out reason to watch... or something like that.
It won't happen. All over the entertainment news sites and shows all have said that Rock has wrestled his last match and he is doing this as a favor to Vince. What he gets in return we have no idea.

I agree Miz isn't Wrestlemana main event status, and I don't think he should be. Alas this is the new WWE.

You never know, Rock could end up pulling a Brett Favre. It probably won't happen at WM but it needs to. A one and done appearance by the Rock does nothing for the WWE product if he doesn't wrestle. I honestly don't feel that Rock has wrestled his last match, he will get pressured and pulled in many directions until he finally gives in and gives the people what they want. After all, he said himself that if it wasn't for the people, they'd be no Rock so he owes it to the WWE Universe to have one more match.
Let's face it.The whole Rock's speech about Cena would be absolutely pointless if there wasn't any kind of program scheduled between two at some point in future.

If there isn't gonna be a Rock/Cena clash in WM in any shape or form,then Rock's promo on Cena IS BURYING WWE.

But i think it's not.Because all Rock did was destroying Cena and the new era of WWE and It will absolutely be dangerous for WWE not because of fans but also because of what will locker room think about it.Do Vince McMahon want Rock to return after 7 years only to destroy his current top guy and his wanna be future top guy and then do nothing?NO.

I'm sure there will be a program between these three or only Rock and Cena.Probably Rock guest refereeing Cena vs. Miz , hopefully Rock vs. Cena.
You never know, Rock could end up pulling a Brett Favre. It probably won't happen at WM but it needs to. A one and done appearance by the Rock does nothing for the WWE product if he doesn't wrestle. I honestly don't feel that Rock has wrestled his last match, he will get pressured and pulled in many directions until he finally gives in and gives the people what they want. After all, he said himself that if it wasn't for the people, they'd be no Rock so he owes it to the WWE Universe to have one more match.

And that is what I call a lie. A sell mind you. Rock left years ago for the money, even though he was making $500,000 a year or more when he was in WWE. He left because his idiot agent told him to go to Hollywood and make more money. Did he? Yep, but his movies smell worse then rotten eggs. Even the Mummy movie he did was terrible, and I thought back then I wish Rock would of just stayed in WWE.

Its the same treatment now. Rock knows (actually Vince told him) that the WWE is losing money. Not to TNA, not even in the same boat in reality, but to other shows. Their merchandise went down in sales, arenas are not being filled. Just look at the Honda Center, the entire top half had nobody sitting in those seats. Thats a good 1500 seats when the arena only holds about 8400. WWE is going back to the old school arenas that were popular before the Monday Night wars where they could enter the mall of America (25,000+) and sell it out. Rocky saw this as a potentiality to him. He has 2 movies coming out, good easy promotion for him. Second Vince saw this as money making time for shirts, and other Rock memorabilia.

What Rock said in his speech about his fans is a flat out lie. Cena is the same way, Hogan is the same way, and I will even mention Jeff Hardy in that same boat. All are in for money, and really do not care about their fans. The only thing honest about his speech was what he was going to do that Mac.
Let's face it.The whole Rock's speech about Cena would be absolutely pointless if there wasn't any kind of program scheduled between two at some point in future.

If there isn't gonna be a Rock/Cena clash in WM in any shape or form,then Rock's promo on Cena IS BURYING WWE.

But i think it's not.Because all Rock did was destroying Cena and the new era of WWE and It will absolutely be dangerous for WWE not because of fans but also because of what will locker room think about it.Do Vince McMahon want Rock to return after 7 years only to destroy his current top guy and his wanna be future top guy and then do nothing?NO.

I'm sure there will be a program between these three or only Rock and Cena.Probably Rock guest refereeing Cena vs. Miz , hopefully Rock vs. Cena.

I have to disagree on what should be done. IMO , putting the rock as the ref would be a horrible move. Do you really wanna risk your guest ref getting a bigger pop , and probably having his name cheered the whole time during the main event of wrestlemania? If you put the rock between these 2 , the rock is going to be better in every aspect. The walk and The talk.

You also now need to look at it as, from rock just talking and saying what he said last night, nobody is going to care about the cena vs miz match simply because the rock basically showed the world what everyone already knew. That its pointless , and nobody wants to see it.

Kinda crazy , but Rock just put himself above even the main event of wrestlemania just by talking on a mic.
The Rock could actually fall down the same path as Rock. When Rock first started he was pushed down throats as a good guy who was wearing all those crazy Brahma Bull costumes. WHat happened, they turned him heel, gave him a new gimmick, and pretty soon all the girls wanted to sleep with him.

It may be PG but applie that same knowledge to Cena and you truly got yourself a "passing of the torch"

I love how AJ and Roode cut a few promos and already people are considering them close to the rock and no offense to everyone here but the IWC have just proven why the sometimes can be two faced and what I am have to say is coming specifically on the Miz. Ever since The Rock returned everyone's talking about him and saying the Miz sucked but just yesterday no one gave a two sents about the The Rock and were seriously being Miz Marks saying he had the best promos of 2010 but the minute Rock comes everyone hates him. I don't get it.
Because that promo that Rock did was over the top. That wasn't your standard run of the mill promo. To be honest even when he was here full time he never cut a promo like that.
No way did he bury him...you actually think Rocky is stinckin around very long??? I'm gonna be surprised. Rock will ref Miz/Cena match, count Cena's 1,2,3, then pass him the torch and go back to Hollywood. I pray it's more, but I am realistic in my expectations!!
no he saved it from drowning. john cena and the miz should feel blessed to get shit on in the rocks promo. michael cole got shit on for years by THE ROCK...and look at him now...top shotta announcer with a drunk hobbit of a gimmick. nobody should feel bad or think cena and miz are headed towards the future endeavor roster. THE ROCK pwned them. nothing new. THE ROCK's been doin it for years. no discrimination. they are all jabronis to THE GREAT ONE.
Because that promo that Rock did was over the top. That wasn't your standard run of the mill promo. To be honest even when he was here full time he never cut a promo like that.

Of course he did.

Have you forgotten?

Do you remember his 2003 heel turn stuff?

His 1999 stuff?

His 2000 stuff?

The Rock is known for his mic skills and how to cut a great promo. And you can honestly say that he never did a promo like that when he was working full time? If you believe that then you either don't remember or never saw The Rock in his prime.

He constantly done great promos. This was just one of many other great stuff. He never lost a step. There's a reason why he is probably the best mic worker of all time, and that's because he done great promos like that constantly when he was full time.


For the main topic, I think what The Rock did was show that WWE still haven't found a megastar like The Rock or Stone Cold yet. The pop for The Rock was amazing and he basically showed he still got it from the mic. The current wrestlers are FAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from that level. Even the best of mic workers of the current generation cannot touch The Rock. It's nothing to be really ashamed of that much since The Rock is one of the greats. But, I think that the current generation don't have a superstar like The Rock or Austin to control the crowd and bring the level of entertainment that they brought. As The Rock sort'a poke fun of, the WWE went from power of "Austin 3:16" and the ionic "smell what the Rock is cookin" to U can't see me.

I think The Rock being back, even for a short time, would help the WWE. It could cause some people to step their game up.

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