Did the Rock bury the WWE?

Here is the scenario I would like to see:

The Rock vs Cena (babyface vs babyface). This would be the biggest draw because of it being the Attitude Era vs the PG Era. The main point is to base 2 large crowd/fan bases against each other. This is why Hogan vs Rock was so huge. You had the 80's/90's vs 90's/2000's. The same rule would apply here. You'd have the crowd that loved The Rock and the attitude era, against the era that loves Cena. This would get the same reaction when they went toe to toe at Mania, as Rock and Hogan did. Rock has stated multiple times that he wouldn't return unless it was something, epic. This could be it.

What I think will actually happen:

Cena vs Miz w/ The Rock as Enforcer. They will probably have Rock and Cena have issues leading all the way up to Mania. Constantly butting heads, sending verbal jabs, etc. With Cena getting the win at Mania and The Rock shaking his hand or something at the end. The reason why I think this? The Rock only had 2 real orders of business to address tonight. He needed to obviously talk about being the host at Wrestlemania, and he felt he needed to address John Cena. There was no reason for him to bring up The Miz. None whatsoever. He touched on Miz long enough to plant the seed. That was it. In Rock's words, "Cena I'll see you at Wrestlemania. The Miz, I'll see you at Wrestlemania." The whole thing is well thought out in the sense that this is aimed at a younger crowd. Cena and Rock, don't get along up until WM (if Rock is even on TV throughout), and Rock counting the 3 for Cena, shaking hands at the end, and "passing the torch."

On a side note:

There is going to be something with The Rock ignoring that GM's email. What would it have said? They wouldn't have had a females legs get out of the limo, and then not have anything to relate to it. There IS something there. I think it will be Stephanie McMahon, but that is my opinion. I think she will be seen on TV within the next few weeks, and will be the one who makes the match, pitting The Rock as the special guest enforcer.
was it a coincidence that the same night The Rock comes back, a rising "face" star in John Morrison suddenly connects with fans more by showing an aggressive mean streak and straight laying the beat down on Nexus instead of his normal finesse moves and smiles. These younger guys realize how far they have to go and will need to raise their games.
the only thing i was dissapointed about was when he said he was never gonna leave dont get my wording wrong im a hugh fan of the rock but he made it clear in the past that de was moving on to movies so i really dont see him staying longer then mania heck i would love to see him play the gm role since he said he was never gonna wrestle again. but when he said he was never gonna leave idk maybe he will stay but i dont see it happening but ii dont think he buried anyone maybe the cena part is a storyline that will turn cena heel but for a while ii thought he was gonna mention taker.

What I think will actually happen:

Cena and Rock, don't get along up until WM (if Rock is even on TV throughout), and Rock counting the 3 for Cena, shaking hands at the end, and "passing the torch."

I 100 percent disagree with you , and heres why. When hogan passed to torch to the rock , the rock didnt NEED that from hogan. Even so , the rock is THE ROCK. Look at tonight for that example.

The rock can pass 100 torches to John Cena , but he will never be on that level or have that star power, or mic skills, or wrestling ability. In some ways, the rock was a BETTER and BIGGER star than hogan. Cena isnt a better or bigger star then the rock, and never will be. Even hogan wouldnt have gotten that reaction tonight, nor is he anywhere close to where the rock is on mic , or charisma

Big difference.
Gotta love Raw... I am on the other side of the globe so I woke up to watch who would guest host wrestlemania... The Rock made my morning coming back telling Michael Cole to know his role and putting Raw on notice that he is indeed back

I dont think he is burying these guys. Notice that since Raw has turned to Cena and Orton a lot of people wanna see the old days or something better than this PG bs so I think the Rock coming back to WWE TV was the best move to not bury but revive what was lost people love the jabroni beating pie eating.... lol

If anything this could boost Cena as a top heel i see him changing sides soon but first the Nexus storyline has to end....
Crowd of what? 12,000 compared to the old crowds of 20,000-30,000. While they are not in WWE those two cut just as good of promos this year. I put Rock at number one because tonight's performance was way over the top. AJ and Roode are next best so far this year.

As for fans, most of the time WWE is under 10,000 people in the arenas. Chris Shore mentioned this on prowrestling.net about the numbers on a merchandise / revenue scale compared to seating.

even if it is only 12,000, that's more than 12 times the crowd any TNA wrestler will ever see in that crappy Impact Zone. and i have a hard time believing 12,000 for WWE crowds. first off, they never had 20k-30k fans in the attitude era. They've always done their show in arena's that generally seat approx 20k, give or take. now some of the seats are knocked out on one end of the arena due to the WWE's set, but not almost half the seats. granted i'm sure there are some empty seats, but not that many.

and i think it's laughable if you think, next to the Rock, AJ Styles and Robert Roode are the best on the mic. I know people don't like Cena, but he's good on the mic. everyone has their opinion, but i guess it depends on how you define someone as being good on the mic.

The Rock is great b/c he looks like he can go out there on a whim and do his thing. He doesn't look like he rehearsed any lines; rather he can wing it and make it good. In other words, you can tell he's very comfortable on the mic. Cena's promos aren't as electrifying as the Rock, no one is, but he is good on the mic. He looks very comfortable, and doesn't look like he's spouting lines he had to rehearse over and over. he can ad-lib.

not saying aj and roode are worse, but i don't think they're better, either. i don't think any one has established himself on a plane by themselves above all others (not counting the rock). if there's anyone that has, it's probably Cena. people will disagree w/ that, but it's b/c they don't like him and are sick of his act. they're not looking at it objectively. when he talks, he gets a good reaction from the crowd, and he has the crowd's attention.
Another thing that i noticed was when he was threatening cole about going toward the computer that he was gunna slap him. Rock made that seem real and legit. Cena always threatens people and says who tuff he is , but somehow Rock makes it so much more believable.
tht was the happiest ive ever been watching raw or wwe in such a long time i had tears in my eyes!!!!! the rock told everyne in the world that there new top sucks ass and that what happened to wwe is down right laughable!!!!!!!!!

form the 3:16 and the SMEELLLLL is cooking to ..... u cant see me was so great i luaghed right out of my chair!!!!!

as to burying wwe no!!!! he just pointed out what sucks and that cena is a joke! straight from barney's anus!!!!

im so glad the rock is back finally finally!!!!!!!! wwe is fun again!
He didn't bury the WWE, but he made them look very bad. His star shined so bright it made all the others look like glow sticks. I like Cena, and certainly think he is the face of the WWE. However, he looked like hell tongiht. I'm not even talking about the Rocks insults. I'm talking about emotion. Cena is always played up to have so much compasion and love for the WWE and its fans. He always goes out and tries to give these rousing emotional speeches. He looked like a God Damned bump on a log compared to the Rock. The same could be said for Miz and certainly Orton. How the hell are the fans supposed to get pumped up when one of those guys gives an interview after seeing what an promo should be?

Here's a good analogy. Imagine you go to a local club to hear music. A bunch of local bands play and you and your friends think their pretty good. Then one night the Rolling Stones show up unannounced and play a two hour set. The Stones certainly didn't mean to hurt the club or the bands, but you can guarentee that everyone will think the other acts look like shit after seeing a legendary rock group play.

P.S. The Rock made a good point. What the fuck does "you can't see me" mean exactly?
i personally think that he took a shit on the current product! just like Egypt WWE need a Revolution and i think The Rock is leading the charge
Did The Rock bury the WWE? No. He did the same thing that he did to Stone Cold, Triple H, and Y2J. The only difference is that those guys had qualities that let them overcome, or in Stone Cold's case, illegitimate The Rock's comments: Triple H kept stealing the title away from him, Y2J was one of the only men that could keep up with The Rock on the mic, Stone Cold simply whupped his ass. John Cena hasn't been given an opportunity to overcome those insults yet. If Cena comes next week with his same old corny "I never give up. I never surrender" gimmick, then you may see something that I have personally never seen before: a top draw bury themselves.

Oh, and I totally think that The Rock mentioned The Miz because not only is he champion, but he's also one of the biggest Rock fans out there in real life. The Rock was giving him a rub. Notice that he didn't insult The Miz nearly as bad as he eviscerated Cena.
I just hope that the Rock ends up in a good angle with Cena because of this, and of course sticks around a little bit. While I don't see that truly happening for the long-term, I am worried that if he doesn't, his promo will become somewhat of a burial.

What I AM hoping for is maybe more of a chance for stars to shine. Let a couple of people get a little looser on the mic, see what can happen. If you read Jericho's book, he started by getting 30 seconds or so before and after his match. Years later, I'd say he's one of the better promo-cutters we've seen. You'll never know what can happen if you let stars be themselves.
*FREEZE happy 4 the first time in 7 looooooonnnnnnnggggg years*

FINALLY..... I SAID FINALLLY.... FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK 2 MONDAY NIGHT RAW! See ppl that is what I have been talking about! I have been chastised and discredited on this site because I have stood by the same stance since I first started posting. That the new era just was NOT cutting the MUSTARD! All I heard was U want the ATTITUDE ERA BACK! U aren't giving the product a chance... THE MIZ HAS GREAT MIC WORK AND CUTS SOME OF THE BEST PROMOS EVER... WTF? I kept saying is it me or has all the top stars turned into skinny little wanna be FRAT BOYS who U just want 2 smack? What happened to identity? what happened to character development? I JUST DON'T SEE IT ANYMORE! I swear it was AMAZING! ROCK LOOKED LIKE 3 MILLION BUCKS LAST NIGHT! I had no intentions of paying my hard earned 60 bucks for WM this year. FOR WHAT? CENA vs the MIZ... YUCK... PUNK vs ORTON... Good match but more of a RAW MAIN EVENT then a WM headliner... EDGE vs ALBERTO... Same as Punk Orton... Good match for SMACKDOWN but not WM...Undertaker HHH...Seen it but YEAH I WOULD SHELL OUT MY BUCKS FAST FOR GENA AND THE ROCK! See the ROCK not only sells himself and his CHARACTER... HE LOOKS THE PART! 6'5 CHISLED...U really believe this guy can WHIP SOME AZZ! Oh and as for PROMOS that is what I was talking about. Last night everyone was on every SINGLE WORD THE ROCK SAID... It's like SAVAGE and FLAIR back in the Day. U may have loved them or hated them but U LISTENED! During MIZ and PUNK interview all U here is U SUCK and not in a I HATE THE VILLIAN WAY... It a I HATE U WAY! The MIZ came up with the WORST CATCH PHRASE EVER and U guys PRAISE HIM LIKE INVENTED A MONEY TREE THAT ONLY GROWS FRANKLINS! That is what i didn't understand. The fact that in 5 minutes the ROCK not only blew up the WHOLE WWE PRODUCT but put himself right back as the TOP STAR THERE tells U how BADLY THE FANS HATE THE CURRENT PRODUCT! That is what I have been complaining about! U guys talk about he needs acting classes... Its his "MIC WORK"....No it's EVERYTHING! The wrestlers look 2 girly now and they do not have any personality! I keep asking what is the difference between the MIZ and A- RILE... NO ONE EVER ANSWERS! I HAVE ASKED IT REPEATEDLY AND NOT ONE MIZ FAN HAS EXPLAINED THE DIFFERENCE...Now compare the ROCK 2 ANYONE THROUGHOUT WRESTLING HISTORY? Who is the next JAKE THE SNAKE? That's what I was saying? I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM NOW.... FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A LONG TIME I CAN'T WAIT 2 SEE WHAT IS COMING NEXT IN WRESTLING....



He definately hurt cena, but i think cena will recover. the miz on the other hand, i think it was a rub. he did the same thing to cm punk a couple years ago when he cut a promo on smackdown. he didnt stay on him too long, because it was to put him over as the heel, then continue to cena. but yeah, he definately showed how no one in the locker room holds a candle to the rock.
Recently? AJ Styles did, and so did Roode in TNA. In WWE not even close, there is nobody who could cut a promo like that. Though if I had to list them in order of my preference:

Rock tonight
AJ Styles 2 weeks ago
Robert Roode last week.

You are joking? Robert Roode and AJ Styles should not be mentioned in the same sentence as The Rock.

Has it killed Cena's face character? Yeah, probably. Rock could turn help turn Cena heel and in the process Cena would create a whole new character, and the best part is that Rock doesn't need to face Cena 1 on 1, although from a WWE/storyline viewpoint it would really enhance it.
I think that, to some degree, this is people just taking something and making it into what they want it to be. I can even spell it out in an equation: Take IWC hates Cena + The Rock insults Cena x Consistent IWC hatred of the PG Era = The Rock running down WWE talent. At least, that's how it looks to those that want to see that come about.

Like everyone else, I marked out when The Rock showed up on Raw and will be guest host for WM 27. If you bother to listen to Rock's promo, aside from merely counting how many times he cursed during the promo, then you'd hear all the great things that he had to say about the WWE. The Rock likened coming back to Raw as coming "home", so I think a little too much is being read into it. I'm guessing that a lot of people aren't familiar with the term alpha male. When one alpha male in the pack is challenged by another male the, of course, there's "animosity". The Rock's character ha ALWAYS been an alpha male, someone that's always been into it with others vying for the same position. Guys like Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker and now, of course, John Cena. The fact that the Rock made fun of Cena is nothing different from what he did to any other person he has "hostile feelings" toward.

Now if there's anything that can legitimately be interpreted out of this, rather than just the PG bashers seeing & hearing what they want to hear, it's that maybe The Rock & John Cena will have some sort of altercation at WrestleMania. Maybe John Cena vs. The Rock will be that big WrestleMania moment that Cena has said that he "needs" after the year he's had. At this point, it's still a little too early to tell for sure. However, having The Rock wrestle in a match against the top babyface of the WWE could be that extra little special attraction that the WWE is looking for. Having Rock at WM doing stuff as the guest host is great in and of itself, but just add onto that the fact that he MIGHT, just might, wrestle one more match.

As for this being a sign that current WWE talent needs to "step up", I think it's an example of the insane, unrealistic expeectations some people have. You can't just decice that you're gonna make somebody as good as The Rock or that you're gonna take a wrestler and put him on the same level as The Rock. Having someone with the overall abilities of The Rock come along is EXCEPTIONALLY rare. The WWE has a lot of talented wrestlers on the roster, so let's not let a great nostalgic moment blind us to that. Not every wrestler, Hell the vast majority of wrestlers for that matter, can be on a level such as Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and a few others. However, that doesn't mean that they're not great wrestlers in their own right.
He didn't ruin Cena by any stretch of the imagination. By your logic he buried all these guys too when he made fun of them


Yeah, pretty sure Kurt, Austin, Taker and HHH turned out fine, Rikishi, yeah not so much. Rock was joking, it's what he does best, next week when Cena comes out he will get just as big of a pop as ever I guaran-damn-tee it.

Anyway, Rock didn't bury the WWE. If anything what he did was good, it means that people are going to have to step up their game now to keep up with The Rock. Sure Rock is miles ahead of most of the roster but at the end of the day that is just going to make them better.
He didn't ruin Cena by any stretch of the imagination. By your logic he buried all these guys too when he made fun of them


Yeah, pretty sure Kurt, Austin, Taker and HHH turned out fine, Rikishi, yeah not so much. Rock was joking, it's what he does best, next week when Cena comes out he will get just as big of a pop as ever I guaran-damn-tee it.

Anyway, Rock didn't bury the WWE. If anything what he did was good, it means that people are going to have to step up their game now to keep up with The Rock. Sure Rock is miles ahead of most of the roster but at the end of the day that is just going to make them better.

Whilst I agree The Rock buried no one last night or ever, the difference between then and now is that those who insulted came back with good promos/interviews etc.
The Miz and Cena.... which just happens to be the rumoured championship match, you can place a bet on The Rock being the special referee for this... will come out on Raw and delivery nowhere near the quality of those The Rock has insulted in the past. Some of that isn't their fault, The Rock had what something nobody in the WWE has had for years, the freedom of the mic (to the point PG went right out the window and the WWE gave up trying to bleep it out). They really do need Cena and The Miz to come out and have them delivery their own lines and not something the writing team put together. Let everyone develop into their own characters and not forced ones.

Most of what The Rock said last night comes down to Cena slagging off him for years, suggesting The Rock sold out and no longer cares for the product. The Rock basically answered this and in the process showed Cena a thing or two about being the top face. However its absolutely nothing new and The Rock has mocked wrestlers since his NOD days.
The Rock has always been the best at getting a crowd going CRAZY! If no one noticed, RAW fans have not been to loud since HHH left. The Rock comes back and the crowd goes absolutely NUTS! The Rock truly is the greatest entertainer in the world. He has earned his nickname, "The Great One". I think he was just getting back in the game by talking smack and it just so happened to be at cena and miz's expense. He has not lost a beat btw.
What is with all this talk of Cena turning heel? Why would he have to? WWE has done Face vs Face matches before. A Face vs Face match would be the best option in a fued with The Rock and Cena. This way, you have all the kiddies that love Cena, still loving Cena, While all of the people that hate him, cheering for The Rock. WWE would still have all the money from the Cena merchandise and gain even more from The Rock merchandise. Turning Cena heel would possibly be the worst option for them.
He didn't bury the WWE, otherwise he wouldn't have done that Dwayne Johnson shoot. If anything he might have helped turned the biggest face of the company turn into a heel.

But that promo sent a message to the workers. That is how you cut a promo against your foe. That is how you hype up a ppv or match.
I think that, to some degree, this is people just taking something and making it into what they want it to be. I can even spell it out in an equation: Take IWC hates Cena + The Rock insults Cena x Consistent IWC hatred of the PG Era = The Rock running down WWE talent. At least, that's how it looks to those that want to see that come about.

Like everyone else, I marked out when The Rock showed up on Raw and will be guest host for WM 27. If you bother to listen to Rock's promo, aside from merely counting how many times he cursed during the promo, then you'd hear all the great things that he had to say about the WWE. The Rock likened coming back to Raw as coming "home", so I think a little too much is being read into it. I'm guessing that a lot of people aren't familiar with the term alpha male. When one alpha male in the pack is challenged by another male the, of course, there's "animosity". The Rock's character ha ALWAYS been an alpha male, someone that's always been into it with others vying for the same position. Guys like Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker and now, of course, John Cena. The fact that the Rock made fun of Cena is nothing different from what he did to any other person he has "hostile feelings" toward.

Now if there's anything that can legitimately be interpreted out of this, rather than just the PG bashers seeing & hearing what they want to hear, it's that maybe The Rock & John Cena will have some sort of altercation at WrestleMania. Maybe John Cena vs. The Rock will be that big WrestleMania moment that Cena has said that he "needs" after the year he's had. At this point, it's still a little too early to tell for sure. However, having The Rock wrestle in a match against the top babyface of the WWE could be that extra little special attraction that the WWE is looking for. Having Rock at WM doing stuff as the guest host is great in and of itself, but just add onto that the fact that he MIGHT, just might, wrestle one more match.

As for this being a sign that current WWE talent needs to "step up", I think it's an example of the insane, unrealistic expeectations some people have. You can't just decice that you're gonna make somebody as good as The Rock or that you're gonna take a wrestler and put him on the same level as The Rock. Having someone with the overall abilities of The Rock come along is EXCEPTIONALLY rare. The WWE has a lot of talented wrestlers on the roster, so let's not let a great nostalgic moment blind us to that. Not every wrestler, Hell the vast majority of wrestlers for that matter, can be on a level such as Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and a few others. However, that doesn't mean that they're not great wrestlers in their own right.

I usually agree with you Jack Hammer, but I think we see this differently. You pointed out that Rock always talks trash to his opponents because he's an alpha male. This is true. However, the thing with Cena is a little different. Back in the Attitude Era Stone Cold, Triple H, Angle, Jericho, Taker, Foley, and the Rock were equells. Sure some may have had more success, but they were all top stars that regualary fought for the belts. Lay the Smackdown and Austin 3:16 weren't just catch phrases, they were the motto that the company ran itself on to make millions of dollars. The same can be said today for U Can't See Me. It is used by the face of the company, therefor it's the motto of the company. U Can't See Me is put on everything that makes the WWE money and represents the current image of the WWE. It's a lot bigger than just being Cena's catch phrase. The Rock came back after 7 years and didn't attack John Cena, he attacked the motto that the company has stood behind since the PG era began. U Can't See Me is on everything WWE, and in 2 minutes he made it look pathetic.

The mention of Austin is also what makes it different than normal trash talking between wrestlers. If the Rock said "we wen't from know your role to you can't see me", it wouldn't have been a big deal. However, he said "we went from Austin 3:16 and Lay the Smackdown to U Can't See Me". Thats the difference. In the Atitude Era Rock would have never brought up another wrestler to help run something down. It was much more a statement of the times than it was "heat" between wrestlers.

As I said in other posts, this isn't about which era is bigger or who the bigger star is. This is about scripted promo's. Rock looked so amazing last night because he was going on the fly. Sure he was given bullet points, but 90% of what he said out there was probably based on crowd reaction and the flow of things. All we see today is people reading a script. Wrestlers are litterely handed a script that has every word, gesture, and look at the crowd laid out for them. Thats why we don't think anyone has the charisma of Rock, Austin, or old school Jericho. We have three guys in the back speaking for 50 wrestlers. Thats why everything sounds the same and there isn't that energy that promo's used to have. I like Cena and think the YES, he probably could hold his own with the Rock if the WWE let him. Look back to 03-04. Cena was incredible on the mic. He came up with his own gimmick and wrote all his raps and insults. The stuff he was saying was better than most of the promo's cut durng the Attitude Era. The crowd loved him and thousand of people would cheer and sound out when it was their turn to finish a line for him. It was the complete oppisite of the promo's he does today. I think this whole arguement comes down to the fact that the WWE doesn't give wrestlers the freedom develope a great character today.
The Rock in no way "buried" the WWE or John Cena or The Miz. Its not the first time he has made fun of someone. He has made fun of everyone from Steve Austin to Kevin Kelly over the years. As said and heard he was glad to be back in the WWE and looking forward to Hosting Wrestlemania. I hope we get a Rock/Cena confrontation either before or at Wrestlemania,it would be epic beyond belief IMO. He was on fire last night and he just said whatever came to mind.
I don't think so.. I mean nobody is as good on the mic as The Rock, but look at Jericho, Cena and the Miz both have held there own on the mic against Jericho, and he is one of the best mic workers in WWE history (Rock is still a bit better though, nobody can even compare)..

The point is, he didn't bury talent, he made you want to see that confertation.. He SOLD Wrestlemania like nobody else does today.. Hell he probably isn't even going to be in a MATCH and already people are buying it left and right.

I WANT to see Cena's repsonse.. I want to see the Miz's response.. That is the Rocks character, he puts EVERYBODY down, nobody is as great as him.. He makes you feel it, but at the same time he forces other's to try and elevate there game to the next level.. Cena has been cutting promo's with below average to decent mic workers for the last 7 years.. Now we have a chance to see how he stacks up against the best of all time.. I for one and excited as hell to see how he (and hopefully the miz) do in response to what happened.

The Rock did something no other person in the WWE outside of Orton has had the talent to do in the last 7 years - Make John Cena look a little less like Superman and a little more like a wrestler....

In my opinon by the end of mania everyone will step up there game a bit.. I mean HHH/Taker/Jericho could hold there own, I'm postive guys like Punk/Miz/Cena/Orton/Barrett could as well.. You never truly know though untill they are in that situation..

Sometime before Wrestlemania we will hopefully get to see just how good John Cena and The Miz can be on the mic..

You can only be the best by going against the best. When all is said and done if Cena / Miz do there job right you they WILL be viewed like true stars.. That's how you get over, you step up your game and MAKE people see how good you can truly be. The rock is giving the young guys on the Rooster a chance to prove they deserve to be where they are at.
The Rock came in, and said something that was real. What did you want him to say? Something like this...

"John Cena went on Letterman, called The Rock out. He went on Fallon, called The Rock out. Went on radio shows, talk shows, did interviews and in everyone said The Rock sold-out... But that's the way it happens, he's cool, lets leave it."

Hell no.

John Cena to me, is a nice guy. He does all his Make-A-Wish stuff and his advertising campaigns and he makes his stupid movies and does, whatever the hell else he does. But he's a nice guy.

However. THAT is outside the ring. In the WWE, John Cena's character to me is portrayed as a guy who does anything he wants. Examples can be, calling Vickie Guerrero fat and ugly and when he was "fired" coming in every week and beating the hell out of Nexus.

That's his character. What happened last night was karma in the WWE.

Did The Rock bury John Cena. Yeah, he buried him and did it very well. Did Cena deserve it? Yeah, when The Rock is around, Cena can make as many movies and appearences as he wants, he isn't Dwayne Johnson and never will be. Cena is the face of a ship which sees its main demographic as kids. The Rock made teens and young adults laugh until their gut was sore for, what? 5 years.

John Cena was buried ONCE.

I guess his career is over now, huh? /end sarcasm

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