Did the Rock bury the WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
Now tonight was one of the greatest moments for me in wrestling history. I havent felt the way i did tonight in an extremely long time. But heres the question. Did the rock bury the wwe, not on purpose of course.

The image of the rock standing at the top of the ramp was an image we havent seen from a WWE wrestler in many years. The rock stood there looking like an ICON and presance. I kept saying to myself " now thats what a champion is suppossed to look like " .. Within seconds of talking, or a matter of fact , walking .. He showed just how NOBODY in the back is today.

He basically buried its top star that has been built for 6 or 7 years within 2 minutres. Destroyed his catch phrase , and ruined what he wears to the ring. Now its just laughable when cena continues. He also buried its current champ the miz. Now if anyone thinks that cena vs miz is somewhat important after tonight. IT ISNT. The rock just showed them how they are nowhere near in his league. I wish i was with cena in the back, just so i can see his face when all this was going on.

Basically tonight , the rock showed the world how useless everyone in the wwe is on the mic, even there top guys, and also how they have no charisma.

Does anyone else believe that rock unintentionally just ruined what WWE has been tryin to grow with the youth movement, and even its main eventers , just by talking on the mic?
I don't think he buried anyone so to speak, but I think he certainly is causing some changes. As far as the Miz goes, I think he was just griefing him, he didn't harp on him too long.

Now Cena is a different story. He murdered his character... his face character that is. I definitely see Cena turning heel ASAP after tonite. What would be really cool is to see Cena jump The Rock (wearing his old school black gear) then stand over top of him and do the "you can't see me".
RUINED? What on earth are you talking about??? When your product sucks, when a certain area sucks..bringing back a guy like The Rock cutting a promo like that means it is a lesson to those in the back how to cut a promo.
Thank you Dwayne for making RAW INTERESTING for 20 minutes at least. Its about time someone mentioned John Cena's terrible outfits.
He definitely didn't ruin Cena. Did he make WWE's current roster look a bit less-than? Absolutely.

Nothing wrong with that. Those guys are going to have to step it up. The Rock does what he does, and he's the best at it. No one is going to tell The Rock to "tone it down" because the other guys might not be able to keep up. It's their JOB to keep up. It's their JOB to be great.

I'm not expecting everyone to be as great as The Rock, because they aren't. None of them. Cena is close in popularity, but not in talent. Sorry, he's not. Orton isn't nearly as exciting as The Rock. The Miz looks like a second-rate hack standing next to Rocky. If these guys don't want to be completely overshadowed, they have to step up, and make it happen.
I think he just said that to get the crowd to go crazy when Cena was mentioned. Am I the only one that thought he was gonna mention Taker?
no he didnt bury wwe. rock just proved hes the best EVER at cutting a promo and nobody can even come close to touching him.
I like the idea of this ultimitley helping Cena turn heel..attacking the rock wearing some non cena colors, posssibly all black. But to answer your question, no. The rock didn't bury or ruin the wwe. He pointed out some weakenesses in the Wwe's top guys which will ultimitley lead to some changes I think. I noticed that they censored the rock a lil and then they stopped, maybe this is a sign of things to come, who knows???
no he didnt bury wwe. rock just proved hes the best EVER at cutting a promo and nobody can even come close to touching him.

Recently? AJ Styles did, and so did Roode in TNA. In WWE not even close, there is nobody who could cut a promo like that. Though if I had to list them in order of my preference:

Rock tonight
AJ Styles 2 weeks ago
Robert Roode last week.
I hope after tonight, vince and the wwe should come to a realization through that thick skull that the state of the wwe is pathetic. The entire wwe roster combine cannot even matches the star power and talent of the great one.
After tonight the PG-era has to go in my opinion. If your going to put Rock on the mic and even Austin when TE comes around there is no way your sensors are going to get every word they catch.

Its simple, get rid of the PG-era say its PG-13 and let them speak. Rock said so many cuss words tonight and there were kids there. You think their parents were offended? I think not.
I guess the point im tryin to make is that the WWE has spent years grooming john cena into the face of the WWE. And within 5 mins , the rock can come out and turn them against cena and show that the ROCK is the true icon of the WWE. Makes me wonder if the only reason cena is so big is because most of the talent pool isnt as amazing as it was 10 years ago. And i mean mic wise. Cena yells at the crowd to make them go nuts. I cant ever recall another wrestler who legit screamed at the crowd everytime he talked just to get them to cheer and get hyped. It just goes to show that Cena , is the face of the WWE, in a time where there arent amazing faces period in the WWE. Even when he use to face HHH , HHH use to talk crap about him on the mic cuz he was one of those old school guys and knew how to do it to turn the fans on his side. Thats why cena never made HHH look like a fool. Ah whatever, great times ahead.
I guess the point im tryin to make is that the WWE has spent years grooming john cena into the face of the WWE. And within 5 mins , the rock can come out and turn them against cena and show that the ROCK is the true icon of the WWE. Makes me wonder if the only reason cena is so big is because most of the talent pool isnt as amazing as it was 10 years ago. And i mean mic wise. Cena yells at the crowd to make them go nuts. I cant ever recall another wrestler who legit screamed at the crowd everytime he talked just to get them to cheer and get hyped. It just goes to show that Cena , is the face of the WWE, in a time where there arent amazing faces period in the WWE. Even when he use to face HHH , HHH use to talk crap about him on the mic cuz he was one of those old school guys and knew how to do it to turn the fans on his side. Thats why cena never made HHH look like a fool. Ah whatever, great times ahead.

Your right and the main reason why and Triple H talked about it too. The development camp that the WWE uses is pure crap. Where TNA gets their talent is from all the indy federations. WWE just uses one, and in general is nothing. Talent wise there is nobody on the WWE that has the talent most homegrown TNA talent, or what was around 10 years ago.
I think anyone over the age of 9 knows Cena looks like a Skittle and sucks like one. Likewise, most people who appreciate wrestling (as opposed to Sports Ent) know the Miz sucks donkey balls too. These are not historic revelations - besides someone in the company saying it in public - and let us not forget, saying them because he was told to in order drum up hype.

I think with the week to week fights between Cena, Nexus, Orton, Miz and Lawlor it would have been premature to think any matches were set in stone for WM, and even more unwise to think that has changed after one promo, albeit an epic one. The critic doesn't even hurt the Miz that much - it would have been a bigger blow to his cred if the Rock had ignored the apparent lead heel on Raw and WWE champ.

As for Cena, unless the Rock is serious about staying with company beyond WM, then there's no chance of a heel turn. Cena is a face sole due to merchandise sales to under 12yr olds. IF Rock was back full time, in the ring, then he might provide the fresh line in t-shirt sales etc that would make for the lost revenue from a Cena turn. Bringing him after a series of movies aimed at the same demographic as the WWE targets and who would have likely been too young to remember him during his last stint opens up a whole new potential cash cow - assuming this isnt just a one night bang.

As for matches, I think as I said, it is too early to think anything is nailed on. Rock is only meant to be there as a host, not wrestling - so the Cena/Miz match could go ahead, with Rock as either ref or 'enforcer'. I do think it's a stretch to think they would consider putting the strap on the Rock at WM via a triple threat etc. One final word on JoMo, the Rock's return could help him in the sense that most the critique about him facing the Miz for the title at WM was that wouldn't be a big enough draw - if they can book Cena vs Rock and HHH vs Taker, then the pressure is off the WWE title match to draw, thus gives the safety net I feel they were worried JoMo would need. PV
Recently? AJ Styles did, and so did Roode in TNA. In WWE not even close, there is nobody who could cut a promo like that. Though if I had to list them in order of my preference:

Rock tonight
AJ Styles 2 weeks ago
Robert Roode last week.

much different cutting a promo in front of a wwe crowd. tnas crowd are pathetic and until the wrestlers you mentioned above come to the wwe, you cant compare their work to a wwe wrestlers.
Crowd of what? 12,000 compared to the old crowds of 20,000-30,000. While they are not in WWE those two cut just as good of promos this year. I put Rock at number one because tonight's performance was way over the top. AJ and Roode are next best so far this year.

As for fans, most of the time WWE is under 10,000 people in the arenas. Chris Shore mentioned this on prowrestling.net about the numbers on a merchandise / revenue scale compared to seating.
i did my mark out session in another thread, so ill leave that alone. this gets me excited for mania in many different ways. miz vs cena is no longer set in stone. what would get people to buy ppv's, cena vs a reality star, or cena vs the great one? now, the rock may not wrestle, but he will definately have an impact. i can definately see the rock being revealed as the gm. think about all the shit the gm put cena through, now the rock is hating on him. i see something going on. i have no idea what will happen come e.c. and mania, but wwe you got me entertained.

not to mention hhh and taker are coming back by sunday probably. damn, its a great time to be a wreslting fan right now.
I think he just said that to get the crowd to go crazy when Cena was mentioned. Am I the only one that thought he was gonna mention Taker?

No, I thought initially he was going to say Taker too. That would be epic for a WrestleMania match, eh?

But Cena vs. The Rock at WM???? Everyone said it was impossible. The Rock even said it was impossible. Now it seems we're all but sure SOMETHING is going down between the two.

But heres the question. Did the rock bury the wwe, not on purpose of course.

BURY???? WHAT?!!?! Pop in a few Rock tapes and tell me if he buried anyone. That's The Rock. That's how he became one of the most successful wrestlers in the history of the WWE. That's how he branched out and became a movie star - because of that personality that also arguably helped destroy - along with Stone Cold Steve Austin - WCW in the Monday Night Wars. There has never been another Rock.

I understand your argument. But from a business standpoint, The Rock could come out and insult the WWE for all I care, people are going to tune in next Monday. People are going to want to watch Cena's response. He'll have one. People are going to want to watch what happens to Cena's character - will he turn heel? Will he remain face for a PG Era vs. Attitude Era confrontation?? The Rock solidified Cena and The Miz by even mentioning them.

And if The Rock is truly back for some time (at least until WM), then the smart Superstars will pick The Rock's brain to learn as much as they can from The Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment.
I agree with TCBT. The young people in the locker room need to talk to him while he's there to help out. Miz I'm looking at you, if you say you are the future of the WWE, and you already have the mic skills, your not better then the Rock. Neither is Cena but Cena doesn't really care.
If cena turns heel what will all the little kids do? I just don't see these kids booing cena. Any chance they will boo the rock or that the adults will root for the rock and the kids for cena?
If he was buring them with that then he has been burying people since he debuted

He used to do that to guys like HHH, Austin, Jericho, Taker and the list goes on.

What he did do was say lets step up. I do hope thought that he comes face to face with Miz or Cena before WM as the war of words could be epic

and lets face if I as a result of this we never hear "You cant see me" ever again I will personally write a check to his favorite charity
dang it I missed this lol. I got bored while watching raw as i usually do when I watch. So I flipped the channel to watch a basketball game...didnt flip back as my team was on a comeback win. guess i'll watch the raw replay on saturday on hd net.. wwe's roster currently cant lace up the rock's boots. if they teased a rock vs cena feud or whatever then I guess it's time to watch raw mor consistantly for now. cna need a boot...straight up his candy ass...yes im glad the great one might have a program with cena...always felt cena need his as kicked by mr johnson
True but then realize , stepping in the ring with the rock, be it cena or the miz , they are risking being completely owned on the mic. The rock can legit make them look like fools if there not careful with how they are on the mic. You risk making ur 2 stars( cena miz) look like children in the presense of there daddy.
True but then realize , stepping in the ring with the rock, be it cena or the miz , they are risking being completely owned on the mic. The rock can legit make them look like fools if there not careful with how they are on the mic. You risk making ur 2 stars( cena miz) look like children in the presense of there daddy.

That's because the Rock is their daddy. And Stone Cold is their uncle :)
Ok, here's my little 2 cents. I don't think the Rock buried the WWE. However, lets go to your earlier point: When the Rock's music hit and he walked out onto the ramp, the pop he received was unmeasurable. Not by any pop Cena gets, Orton or anyone else in the business for that matter. It took 5 minutes just for him to actually speak. Not because he couldn't over the crowd, but because he knows how to WORK the crowd. It goes beyond saying that the man can cut a promo. Forget about that. What ITALIAN NYC was pointing out was clear as day to me...there is NO one and the ROCK MEANS NO ONE, on the current WWE roster, who has THAT kind of star power. Not Cena, not anyone. And I am a Cena fan. Really. I like the guy. I think he's funny and anyone who can take the boos as well as the cheers and keep it movin gets the thumbs up from me. But
The Rock, single handedly within a few minutes took a part piece by piece the wwe's top draw for the past 7 years. CENA, is the WWE's top draw champion or not. And within minutes, was made to look silly. AND HIS fans, while wearing HIS shirt, cheered the Rock.
If the companies TOP draw was so EASILY dismantled (though yes, it was only a promo, BUT again, HIS fans cheered the dismantling) stars like JoMo, Orton, Miz and others don't stand a chance.
So did he bury the WWE. No, if this was a one shot deal and the Rock never came back, they'd keep going as if it never happened.
But we'd know it did.
Now on the other hand...keeping the Rock around? That MIGHT bury the WWE. Especially if Trips doesn't come back. It would look like Michael Jordan in his prime facing a bunch JV basketball players.

As much as I love the Rock (no homo) with him on the roster he's virtually alone, without the likes of Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Taker (as a regular), Kurt Angle or Chris Jericho.

He didn't bury the WWE, but he certainly showed them what they DO NOT have.
ANYWHERE on the current roster.

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