Did Sheamus just shoot on the "PG" fans???


Pre-Show Stalwart
At the top of the hour tonight on RAW. We saw WWE champion Sheamus on the mic doing what he does best besides wrestle, talk sh*t! But when Sheamus started to talk about how in the united states the children here are nothing but a bunch of "spoiled children". Sheamus even went as far as to go up to some kids (WWE-PG Fans) and put them on the spot on live TV and asked them about what their parents do for them. Incorperating that the children of the WWE universe are spoiled rotten. So for a second there, did Sheamus just do a shoot on the "PG" fans of the WWE?

Because if that was a shoot on the WWE-PG? Then Sheamus is my new hero on RAW for now on!
No, you are just grasping at straws. Russo is not booking Raw; Sheamus did not "shoot" on the PG fans. A heel claiming that the fans are spoiled is nothing new. Do you have anything else to add? Because besides being about "kids", this is hardly thread worthy.

He really took it to the chubby one though. "Who ate all the pies?". Oh we know, Sheamus, we know.
Yeah I wouldnt call it a shoot, Russo isn't booking Raw. It was just a heel tactic insulting the crowd, calling the children spoiled, it isnt anything new it has been used millions of times before aand will be used millions of times the future.
Nah, I wouldn't say he was shooting on the PG fans. He was making some valid points, most American children are spoilt to death by their parents and it was merely a perfect heel tactic. Plus, believe it or not, heel characters are completely over with the crowd. Alot of people don't like Sheamus so he's doing his job perfectly. Personally, I believe Sheamus is one of the greatest heels to be in the WWE since I started watching back in 1999.
Lol, don't think so. Was just doing the classic WWE heel insult to the fans to get lame heat. Though I was surprised when he made the pie comment to that kid, that kid will take that home and then his mom will be like, "it's fake, don't worry!" And then his dreams will be crushed. God damn you Sheamus.
If it happened in TNA people would probably call it a shoot because Russo is booking it. But because it's in WWE it can't be a shoot. Anyway I thought it was a bit harsh on that kid about the pies because he just got embarrassed on live television, he isn't going to forget that.
Sheamus' rant on the kids did get me thinking, but it really is nothing new. Chris Jericho used to call WWE fans hypocrites, parasites, and a bunch of other 20+ letter words that I cant even remember(why he hasnt been talking down to the crowds like that Ill never knoow) And CM Punk was tough on all of Jeff Hardy's young fans last summer. SO this is not out of the ordinary and I wouldnt call it a shoot on "PG" fans.
I don't even like Sheamus but what he said to the spoiled rotten brats are totally true.
Kids, a lot of them just get things cause they ask.
Like cell phones....Kids do not need cell phones, expensive tickets to raw...

I went to a couple house shows with my dad but he would never buy me the ton of crap that half those kids are wearing, it goes from doing something nice for your kid to spoiling them getting them almost 100.00 worth of merchandise, they just don't need it and spoiled brats here in America half no idea the value of a hard earned buck
I was going to write a sarcastic comment but I won't, instead I'll just answer the question. NO! This type of promo has been done for years. It's an easy way to get cheap heat, and it works. Sheamus goes around insulting children; of course people are going to boo him. Guys have done this sort of thing for years. Hell Edge did it at one point last year. That being said, I thought it was a solid promo. He got across his point (he felt he deserved respect for being the WWE Champion) and it set up the show nicely.
Sheamus definitely had a moment last night where he was looking like a top-level heel, but it wasn't a "shoot" on the PG fans in general. As has been mentioned, a "bad guy" insulting folks in the crowd has been around for as long as pro-wrestling itself. However, rarely has been the occurence (lately anyway) where fans, particularly children, are singled out.

The Dudley Boyz made an art form out of this in the original ECW. I remember them challenging fans to get into the ring, calling them every name in the book, and even insulting their mothers in the most vulgar of manners. It was pretty incredible and got them so much heel heat it wasn't even funny. Now obviously with the PG rating, Sheamus can't go all out and really incite the crowd in a very personal and threatening manner.

Nevertheless, that "who ate all the pies" comment was absolutely golden and may have instantly made me into a Sheamus fan. You could tell that was a non-scripted, off the cuff remark. That is the type of "attitude era" stuff WWE needs to encourage these days.

Let the personalities be creative for crying out loud.
No, I really don't believe it was a shoot, but I didn't hear it properly and the quality I watched it in was bad, I watched it on Justin TV (I live in Australia) so I may have missed some of the things he may of said.

But what I did here was just the classic heel getting some cheap heat like when they insult a town etc. So yeah...
This wasn't a shoot, but I disagree with it being usual heel tactics. I don't remember a wrestler actually picking on kids in the crowd. Adults.....yes. Kids as a collective in an in ring spiel....yes. Not this though. This was a personal attack on the whippers.

If the fat kid had cried Seamus would have been made for life.

The consensus would seem to be that it wasn't a shoot, and I don't disagree, but that was one of the more cutting promos I've seen in a long time on WWE TV.

I've been mostly indifferent toward Sheamus up to this point, because I resent seeing someone pushed to the top for poltical reasons, but the comment about the kid ever having mowed the lawn had me screaming with laughter. As someone who begrudgingly mowed my family's gigantic lawn for most of my youth, I thought this was brilliant writing and brilliant delivered.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you disturbedbob saying it's not usual heel tactics. PG WWE knows who its target audience is nowadays and has been going after kids quite a lot. Did you forget Edge going around the ring rubbing it in childrens faces that he proved them wrong? Did you forget Batista yelling at a kid that he hates him during a match? I became a Batista fan that day hahaha.

Anyways onto the topic at hand... Of course it wasn't a shoot you troglodyte! It didn't even come off as a shoot. It was just a classic case of a heel insulting the audience for some cheap heel heat. The audience just happens to be much younger now than before the PG Era.

Also you have to take into account the double taping of this episode. The crowd was absolutely worn out by this time (I know 2 hours of wrestling is usually my limit) and Sheamus had to find a way to rile them back up again.
I don't think it was a shoot at all...

If anything it was a standard Heel jump on the fan's asses! It was similar to Ric Flair spouting off one of his promos and in the middle randomly screaming at some kid. "What are you lookin' at FAT BOY!" Or he would take a shot at some kid's mom or something.

It was good what he did though. I like what they are doing with him. But, that particular segment or moment was a replayed classic Heel move from the depths of wrestling history!

NOWHERE near a shoot, my friend!!
This is no way in fact a "shoot."

This is mainly because he is a heel and did what a heel is suppose to do and that is to get the fan's to boo him.

Another note is that it seemed what he said to the kids that he went up to were ment for him to use whatever kids happened to be in front row. Also, I don't think Sheamus woulda been able to pull of a shoot that well.

Personally, I liked the opening segment the best besides the Miz and Cena match because I actually remembered it more than 5 seconds after it happened unlike almost all the other matches. Also, in my eyes, it was a nice change in pace from the usual I'm the WWE title champ but I'm scared of everyone on the WWE roster.

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