Did Roman Reigns finally cement his self as The NEW Face of WWE last night?

Is Roman Reigns the NEW Face of WWE already!!

  • Yes, I should say so.

  • No, Not yet

  • Yes, but IMO he already has been the guy

  • No, Not yet,not ever

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Reigns' title win was extremely well done. The setup was perfect, and contrary to what some believe, last night was the perfect time to pull the trigger.

If WWE had waited until the Road to Wrestlemania, or god forbid Mania itself, the crowd would've gone back to booing.

If WWE plans on running Lesnar/Reigns II at Mania Brock Lesnar has to be full blown heel. The only way to turn Brock Lesnar completely heel is to have him destroy Daniel Bryan at Royal Rumble en route to facing Roman Reigns.

By the way, if Lesnar destroys Bryan it will set up Lesnar versus Bryan for Wrestlemania 33, wherever that is. Bryan seems to want one round with Brock Lesnar so give it to him. I agree with the notion that it is dangerous, but it would be one hell of a swan song for Daniel Bryan.
Are you guys serious? What are you smoking because i would like some of that. You guys fail to remember this is the same guy who cut one of the WORST promo's in WWE history. Tater tots? Seriously? This guy is going to be a huge fail. He cant cut a promo to save his life. He couldnt get over to save his life. They NEEDED vince mcmahon himself to show up to get him over. For gods sake people how can you be this stupid? The guy cant talk, cant wrestle cant do anything. I bet he will be getting booed before royal rumble... Smh.
I don't think they're gonna clear Bryan anytime soon and I think that the title change was done just to get the rating up. Vince wanted to show everyone that Raw doesn't suck and can still be entertaining and surprising and keep you hyped and wondering what will happen next week. Next week is the Slammy Awards show, so I think Vinnie Mac wanted to make a splash tonight so he could reel lots of viewers in next week.

As for Wrestlemania, Reigns vs Triple H is the match with all the story and build behind it, so why anyone is seriously contemplating any other opponent for Roman is beyond me. As for how to book things at the Rumble, there's a couple of different ways they can go with this one:

1. Reigns is stripped of the title and the belt is once again declared vacant, and for the first time in 24 years, we get a Rumble for the vacant WWE Championship. Don't see them going down this route, especially since it would revolve around Reigns capturing his second vacant championship within the span of two months.

2. Reigns keeps the title, defends it against Sheamus at the Rumble, and then HHH, having not made a single appearance on the show since then, enters himself into the match at #30 and wins it. Or if WWE really wanted to get some heat, he waits for the match to end and for someone else to be declared the winner (and you can choose whatever babyface you want for this position... Ambrose would probably fit best for a couple of obvious reasons), and then Stephanie comes out and says this year has a special 31st entrant, and out he comes. He tosses out the winner, screwing them over and winning the match and then getting on the mic and saying that he's gonna take care of Roman himself at WM.
One of the best Raws ever? Pffffttttttt Not even close. Reigns got cheered for who he hit, not for what he did, and guess what? It's been done to death. Everyone all of a sudden sees this as the WWE fixing things, but it's been 48hrs. Settle down. This was a band-aid fix at best. Roman is nowhere near championship material. His promos are life sucking and his actions are cheesy. I roll my eyes every time he cocks his wrist. Does he suck as a wrestler? Not really, but he doesn't get me excited to watch like a champion should. The ratings might spike next week, but I foresee them dropping again thanks to the Completely Boring Era.
Honestly no. Vince returns and they do a World Title change on tv - would they be doing this if ratings weren't so low? We all knew he was going to be champ (again) at some point but this is just desperation on wwe's part. Why wouldn't you do it at the ppv or at the Rumble? So now there has been 3 title changes between 2 men in the last 3-4 weeks. That's best for business? After what happened at the ppv, it would have been smarter for them to punish Reigns over the next few weeks, brag up that Sheamus is going to have the Rumble off, then do the match where you win you get a title shot at The Rumble. Builds Regins up as a babyface for overcoming the Authority and then you have a nice setup for Mania - will Sheamus get his title back before Mania to face the winner? Much better story than him winning now and having to sit through the "will he be champ at Mania"crap since we know he is going to be.
I went with "No, not yet" though I think it's possible that it could be "No, Not yet, not ever" because even though Reigns had one extremely good night, it takes more than one extremely good night to be THE man.

Reigns was much better last night than he's been, but that's not to say that he's still anywhere close to being on the same level as Cena when it comes to charisma, personality or in-ring capability as a whole. I think that Reigns has the potential to be THE guy and it'll take time for it to happen as it's taken time for him to come as far as he has. Fans aren't booing him out of the building and it's fair to say that the overwhelming majority of the live audience was behind Reigns last night during his bout with Sheamus. He's come a long way since this time last year and I do believe he'll be counted on as one of the go to guys for the next decade. But as for being THE guy in the same way as Cena, I'm of the opinion that WWE needs to move away from the notion of having just one true "face" of the company because it's a format that's bitten them in the ass far too often, especially the past 6 weeks or so. WWE needs roster depth in the main event scene more along the lines of what was seen during the Attitude Era, at least in my opinion; During the AE, nobody was built to such an obscene level, nobody was booked to look so unflinchingly strong that there weren't several guys ready to step up to take the main event spot if needed. If Austin was injured, there was the Rock, Taker, Triple H, Jericho, Foley and Kurt Angle able to step up to the plate. Nobody's really been built up with the near obsessive level of strength as Cena has and it's cost WWE creatively on numerous occasions. Rather than putting all their eggs, or most of 'em anyway, in Roman Reigns' basket, try the alternative and have several different upper mid-card/main event guys ready to step in without having to worry about whether or not fans see them as having the goods due to inconsistent booking.
You call that garbage last night one of the Greatest episodes of Raw? WTF?????? That was horrible booking and made Sheamus and the League of Nations look weak. Reigns is still horrible in the ring. He's slow and lethargic. If your ignorant asre paid attention instead of going all goo goo gaa gaa over Reigns, you would see Sheamus had to slow down for that stiff prick in several spots. I was there last night and the ENTIRE audience was not in Reigns corner. I don't know what you saw, you probably just made that up. Heck, Vince showed his old asre up and did not get a pop. Needless to say, I won't be wrestling WWE anymore. Way more talented guys deserve that belt than that stiff prick Reigns.

So you're done watching WWE? Interesting. Why did you even go to that show? You call it horrible booking but it created a buzz for Raw that it desperately needed. The majority seem to be behind Reigns. I think they got it right last night. We'll see where it goes from here but last night was a win.

I know I can let my kid be a fan of a guy that lays waist to three guys after the bell with a chair. I couldn't let my son who was actually a Roman fan watch him do what how did to Hunter or the LON. Nor can I let my kid be a fan of a guy that beats up 70 year old men. It's just not a good look. So in essence he made fans of the older crowd and now I can't let my youngster be a fan of his. Cena had his flaws but at least he was 100% for the kids. I can respect that. He stood for something. The kids.

So now I'm truly confused to be honest. If they were going to make him for the kids then they should've stuck to their guns and figure out a way. You can't have a guy that beats people since led after the bell with chairs as the face of a PG show. You can't have him doing make a wishes because he isn't a good example. Sorry that just the truth. He shouldn't be on the front of toys boxes and commercials because how he got to his title is marred with bro ken bodies of of bosses he has out through tables and guys he has beat down with chairs. Good guys don't do that in the PG world. You can't have him beating up the Boss. What does that teach kids?

So no he isn't the "face" of the WWE. At least not of the PG WWE. If we are transitioning out of PG to a PG-14 then ok I can deal with that. But if it stays PG all you sheep have been lead astray. There won't be anymore beatdowns and chair shot that got you to like him and his title reign is going to be crap. You have officially been punked. You will be back here emotional trying to figure out why the creative direction is terrible. Why his promos are terrible and why he is only doing five moves. Honestly I'm just left with more questions then answers. I will be reading the RAW updates to find out though.

Lighten up man. If you're letting your kid watch wrestling you should expect some violence. One of my biggest pet peeves is people misinterpreting PG. PG does not mean Sesame Street. PG is for parental guidance. If it was 100% ok for little kids there would be no need for parental guidance. If you have a problem with your kid looking up to Roman Reigns give your kid some parental guidance and explain to him what you don't like about Reigns. Really though I highly doubt Reigns has done any worse than some of the characters in the movies your kids watch.

Furthermore, it gave NOBODY a reason to watch the Rumble or WM. You need to have a hint of mystery in the air. You do not have that here. At this point you know it will be Brock winning the Rumble and facing Reigns at WM. SO, why buy it?

What makes you so sure?

He will never make it unless he turns heel but Vince wont let him.

The solution is to always turn people heel. Everybody should be heel.

Give it a week and you'll all realize this really isn't that special. By WrestleMania we'll all be praying for Brock Lesnar to kill him.

Oooh so close. You almost made it a full post without mentioning Lesnar. Better luck next time.

Honestly no. Vince returns and they do a World Title change on tv - would they be doing this if ratings weren't so low? We all knew he was going to be champ (again) at some point but this is just desperation on wwe's part. Why wouldn't you do it at the ppv or at the Rumble? So now there has been 3 title changes between 2 men in the last 3-4 weeks. That's best for business?

Title changes on free tv. Three title changes between two men in four weeks. I had to check and make sure I wasn't in the old school section because this sounds exactly like Rock and Mankind. I guess it was ok for them though.

Look, I don't know if Reigns is going to succeed as the next face of the company. I'm not super confident and I'm not his biggest supporter. I think he has the potential and I'm willing to give him a chance. I have a feeling most people would be willing to give him that chance if he wasn't already getting it. I'm sure the only reason some hate Reigns is because the office likes him and it's not cool to like the guy the office is supporting. If Reigns didn't have the backstage support and was just hanging around the mid card people would probably be begging for him to be pushed to the main event.
No, because you have Brock available and Cena is returning. TLC was a good start but having to call in Vince to get punched out on Raw might last one week. All the fans love Vince getting lumped so I don't know if the cheers turn back to boos. Also, Vince did fire Reigns so "technically" he couldn't win the belt, could be used in the storyline. People also have to stop coming up with storylines involving Bryan, he's not getting the doctors release.
It is so funny how negative people are even saying that they wouldn't allow their sons to be fans of Reigns!? LOL. The same people praising Cena here now were bashing him for the better part of 10 years. I didn't even watch Raw last night, just clips and I'm happy for Roman. While Reigns isn't a indy spot monkey, he's a good brawler and he's really improved - earlier this year he was booed pretty badly in Philly and yesterday he was damn over and everybody was cheering for him. Everything has come full circle for him and I'm happy to see it, I'm going to keep an open mind to Reigns being Champion. He might surprise us, but for now assuming he isn't plagued with injuries Roman is here to stay.
I went with "No, not yet" though I think it's possible that it could be "No, Not yet, not ever" because even though Reigns had one extremely good night, it takes more than one extremely good night to be THE man.

Reigns was much better last night than he's been, but that's not to say that he's still anywhere close to being on the same level as Cena when it comes to charisma, personality or in-ring capability as a whole. I think that Reigns has the potential to be THE guy and it'll take time for it to happen as it's taken time for him to come as far as he has. Fans aren't booing him out of the building and it's fair to say that the overwhelming majority of the live audience was behind Reigns last night during his bout with Sheamus. He's come a long way since this time last year and I do believe he'll be counted on as one of the go to guys for the next decade. But as for being THE guy in the same way as Cena, I'm of the opinion that WWE needs to move away from the notion of having just one true "face" of the company because it's a format that's bitten them in the ass far too often, especially the past 6 weeks or so. WWE needs roster depth in the main event scene more along the lines of what was seen during the Attitude Era, at least in my opinion; During the AE, nobody was built to such an obscene level, nobody was booked to look so unflinchingly strong that there weren't several guys ready to step up to take the main event spot if needed. If Austin was injured, there was the Rock, Taker, Triple H, Jericho, Foley and Kurt Angle able to step up to the plate. Nobody's really been built up with the near obsessive level of strength as Cena has and it's cost WWE creatively on numerous occasions. Rather than putting all their eggs, or most of 'em anyway, in Roman Reigns' basket, try the alternative and have several different upper mid-card/main event guys ready to step in without having to worry about whether or not fans see them as having the goods due to inconsistent booking.

This right here.

Today's fans aren't prepared to accept One Guy above all others for the long haul a la Cena/Hogan. As JH said; there needs to be like 6/7 guys at least, who can all take up the slack at different points through good storytelling as was done last night.

I'd say for the next 5 years: John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose.
Daniel Bryan would be a huge bonus if he is cleared to return at some point.

Beyond them there are guys like: Sami Zayn, Finn Balor and Apollo Crews who seem to have wonderful futures as well.

WWE just has to balance a number of guys, strike when they are hot and know when to withdraw/cool them down so the audience doesn't ever get to think of them as being stale.
it just left me more confused really. So now everyone is a Roman fan. Is it because he is champ? Is it because anyone that beats up Vince and Triple you like. (That means they suckered you and you are actually sheep because they knew they would get you to like him that way) Is it because you respect his hard work and you have always been a supporter.(there haven't been too many of those in this forum) I just don't know.

I know I can let my kid be a fan of a guy that lays waist to three guys after the bell with a chair. I couldn't let my son who was actually a Roman fan watch him do what how did to Hunter or the LON. Nor can I let my kid be a fan of a guy that beats up 70 year old men. It's just not a good look. So in essence he made fans of the older crowd and now I can't let my youngster be a fan of his. Cena had his flaws but at least he was 100% for the kids. I can respect that. He stood for something. The kids.

So now I'm truly confused to be honest. If they were going to make him for the kids then they should've stuck to their guns and figure out a way. You can't have a guy that beats people since led after the bell with chairs as the face of a PG show. You can't have him doing make a wishes because he isn't a good example. Sorry that just the truth. He shouldn't be on the front of toys boxes and commercials because how he got to his title is marred with bro ken bodies of of bosses he has out through tables and guys he has beat down with chairs. Good guys don't do that in the PG world. You can't have him beating up the Boss. What does that teach kids?

So no he isn't the "face" of the WWE. At least not of the PG WWE. If we are transitioning out of PG to a PG-14 then ok I can deal with that. But if it stays PG all you sheep have been lead astray. There won't be anymore beatdowns and chair shot that got you to like him and his title reign is going to be crap. You have officially been punked. You will be back here emotional trying to figure out why the creative direction is terrible. Why his promos are terrible and why he is only doing five moves. Honestly I'm just left with more questions then answers. I will be reading the RAW updates to find out though.

Dude. It's wrestling. People get beat up. It's fake.. lol man.
You call that garbage last night one of the Greatest episodes of Raw? WTF?????? That was horrible booking and made Sheamus and the League of Nations look weak. Reigns is still horrible in the ring. He's slow and lethargic. If your ignorant asre paid attention instead of going all goo goo gaa gaa over Reigns, you would see Sheamus had to slow down for that stiff prick in several spots. I was there last night and the ENTIRE audience was not in Reigns corner. I don't know what you saw, you probably just made that up. Heck, Vince showed his old asre up and did not get a pop. Needless to say, I won't be wrestling WWE anymore. Way more talented guys deserve that belt than that stiff prick Reigns.

This is a completely serious question. Why would you pay good money to attend "garbage"? The reason I ask is because everytime you post you sound like you hate the WWE.

Now don't get me wrong I can understand not being a fan of certain wrestlers, but I can't understand this apparent dislike of the whole product. I'm not a huge Sheamus fan, made that abundantly clear on a number of occasions, but I still watch the show every week. I just go out of the room when someone I don't like comes on. I do watch the rest of the show though.

With regards to Reigns I picked the "Not there yet" option as well. He just won the title, and I do agree with what someone else said above, he got a lot of his cheers from the fact he beat Sheamus and who he had to hit to get the title.

It's pretty clear they've used a lot of people this year to get this guy over, when all it took was spearing HHH and super punching Vince, to get the crowd on his side. Whether they stay there is another subject, we'll have to see what happens going forward.

I really hope he has a good run with the title, God knows he's waited long enough. If they book him right he should be okay, if they book him the way they have been in the past though, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Not yet, but he will get there. Creative is seemingly making a shift and if they continue with it, it will help Roman tremendously.

WWE just has to balance a number of guys, strike when they are hot and know when to withdraw/cool them down so the audience doesn't ever get to think of them as being stale.

That's contradictory to the successful eras in WWE.

1. Establish who your main event stars
2. Make sure each segment has high value entertainment

In the 90s-early 00s it was Austin, McMahon, Rock, and Triple H. You would get Foley, Jericho, Angle, Undertaker, and Kane popping up in the main event from time to time, but it was always the top 4.

In the 80s it was Hogan, Savage, Dibiase, and Andre. Again, another top 4.

This whole "balance" as fans put it is exactly what WWE is doing right now. 50/50 booking. Just rotating guys in the main event. Lesnar and Cena are the 2 top guys who at least have 5 or 6 years left. They need maybe 3 or 4 more guys on their level because of the level of exposure currently and they are set. Apollo Crews, Seth Rollins, and Finn Balor. The rest; well this is where creative needs to do their job. Look at what the New Day has done. With their segments, they made the tag team division worth watching. They are not in the main event, but they are always talked about as one of the best things on the show.

Now take that example and apply it to the rest of the show. Make sure guys like The Wyatt Family, Ambrose, Zayn, Neville, Ziggler, Rusev, and the like are involved in entertaining segments instead of just pointless match after pointless match. Only then will the programming deliver entertainment from beginning to end.
no. just having him be a different character all of a sudden isnt gonna do it. especially when im not so sure its the character and not the actor. i mean, his horribly cringe worthy facial expressions and awkward oration make him hard to watch. combine that with his colored contacts and stutter stepped telegraphed wrestling, and its almost impossible.
If you thought Raw was garbage it's because your one of the those guys who look for a bad show. The show was great. At moments it dragged (diva's match,and Neville/Breeze/Miz) but every Raw has a dragging moment and at least those moments were building to something. And it didn't really make them look weak, it just made Reigns look strong. Rollins looked more weak his whole title reign than Sheamus did last night. And it was one of the greatest Raw's of all-time for the fact that 10 years from now everyone will be talking about it.

Only person ignorant here is you if you can't see talent. Your one of those indy sheeps I can see that think if he isn't from the indy's then he sucks and then replies with something cute like "oh but I like Bray Wyatt." He doesn't suck in the ring. In fact nobody in WWE had more MOTY candidates this year than Cena,Reigns,and Rollins. And ever match slows down for several spots. He didn't have to slow down for him. The match was pretty damn good and fast pace.

Good we don't need blind haters like you watching anymore anyway who just tune in to bash the products. You say you were there then you know both Reigns and McMahon got mega pops. You can tell it wasn't audibles because you can literally see the fans going nuts on the screen. So stop trynna make shit up. It's OK that you dislike Reigns but blind hate is just petty. And i'm tired of hearing that anyone who doesn't do German Suplex's,Flying Sentons and Hurricarrana's aren't talented. You don't know talent then. And Reigns works harder both on and off screen than anyone not named Triple H and John Cena out of the wrestlers. If we want by who really deserves the title then Reigns,Cena,Titus,Miz,Big Show,Seth Rollins,and Daniel Bryan would be top of the list.

And your right at first the entire audience wasn't in his corner. But the moment he won the belt they was. You probably was the only guy booing at that point.

Dude WTF? You're kinda slow so I'm go easy on you. You probably are waiting on your crazy check on the first so you can buy more meds. That was one of the WORST RAWs ever! Everyone knew Reigns would win and not be fired. Shemaus wrestled circles around that bag of horse manure Reigns! It's a shame the WWE want to prop up "The Rock's" cousin. Sad thing is Reigns couldn't carry Dewayne Johnson's jock strap on the worst day of his life. Don't get me started on the Uso's. (2 more generic punks that are related to the Rock). The Usos are hot garbage. The best thing about the Uso's is one of the bastards married to that sexy Namoi. I refuse to watch WWE anymore until a DESERVING champ is crowned.
Raw was a hell of a night for Roman Reigns. But it doesn't cement him as the face of the company yet. Two great nights just isn't enough for that. But. They are well on their way to getting it done. It was good booking. I sort of feel like a guy that was lost in the desert and finally made it to the oasis after watching so much poor quality content as of a late. That fresh water tastes good.

Roman still has a way to go. He's had a big moment. But what will really cement him is the coming months, what he does with that title, and how WWE handles this feud leading up to Wrestlemania. It's a long road to April, and booking, injury, or Roman himself can all screw this up in the meantime. Cross your fingers for his sake.
Dude WTF? You're kinda slow so I'm go easy on you. You probably are waiting on your crazy check on the first so you can buy more meds. That was one of the WORST RAWs ever! Everyone knew Reigns would win and not be fired. Shemaus wrestled circles around that bag of horse manure Reigns! It's a shame the WWE want to prop up "The Rock's" cousin. Sad thing is Reigns couldn't carry Dewayne Johnson's jock strap on the worst day of his life. Don't get me started on the Uso's. (2 more generic punks that are related to the Rock). The Usos are hot garbage. The best thing about the Uso's is one of the bastards married to that sexy Namoi. I refuse to watch WWE anymore until a DESERVING champ is crowned.

I'm kinda slow?:lmao: I'm not going to argue with you. Fact is Raw WAS one of the greatest Raw's ever. Why? because in 10 years from now everyone will remember it as the night Reigns won the big one.

I'm kinda slow but you can't even spell Dwayne and Sheamus right. You're sitting there bashing The Uso's who have nothing to do with the thread and creeping on Naomi. Also a back and forth match isn't Sheamus wrestling circles around him.

And if you don't want to watch the show again don't. But to say Roman,after all the hard work he has been putting in doesn't deserve the belt...your simply delusional if you honestly believe that.

But like I said I will not pay you anymore attention as I see you may not be around that much longer as it is.
I don't think it cemented Roman as the face of the company. It's more like when Mankind won or Daniel Bryan won. It's a great moment but we've yet to weather the storm. Personally I think he'll be considered the face when he's universally over consistently and not like John Cena where the over half the audience boos you but all the way over and gets consistent cheers which would also means he's have to get more comfortable on the mic and be able to cut more natural less scripted promos. He already can wrestle at an average skill level enough to be the top face. Work on mic work, get consistent cheers and make people engage in the product and he'll be the one
I voted for No, Not Yet
Yeah TLC & RAW were great nights and they elevated Roman but not as the top babyface..... Top babyfaces cant be made in such a short time.... And about the cheers.... Yes he was over but i would want to see how crowd reacts to him when Daniel Bryan or even John Cena are around here..... And yes these two nights were booked strongly and were good too.... If they continue this booking for Roman then he can become the top babyface but if they get back to that stale booking which Roman had been getting from Shield's break till recent times then my answer would change to No, Not yet, Not ever
So All is in WWE's hands...
Make him or Break him :shrug:
This is a completely serious question. Why would you pay good money to attend "garbage"? The reason I ask is because everytime you post you sound like you hate the WWE.

Now don't get me wrong I can understand not being a fan of certain wrestlers, but I can't understand this apparent dislike of the whole product. I'm not a huge Sheamus fan, made that abundantly clear on a number of occasions, but I still watch the show every week. I just go out of the room when someone I don't like comes on. I do watch the rest of the show though.

With regards to Reigns I picked the "Not there yet" option as well. He just won the title, and I do agree with what someone else said above, he got a lot of his cheers from the fact he beat Sheamus and who he had to hit to get the title.

It's pretty clear they've used a lot of people this year to get this guy over, when all it took was spearing HHH and super punching Vince, to get the crowd on his side. Whether they stay there is another subject, we'll have to see what happens going forward.

I really hope he has a good run with the title, God knows he's waited long enough. If they book him right he should be okay, if they book him the way they have been in the past though, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Here we go again...another slow one. For the record, you are right about one thing. I would NEVER pay good money for a WWE ticket. The entire product is hot, hot garbage. I was given the tickets as a birthday gift. To be honest I wish I'd thrown the tickets in the trash. I hate my valuable time to be wasting watching hot garbage. I think Reigns is the worse wrestler in the business. If he were not related to the Rock, no one in WWE would even care about him. The good thing is putting the belt on Reigns may be the final nail in the WWE coffin. Like who in their right mind would pay to see Reign's main event? That guy couldn't fill out a junior high school gym. I expected ratings to continue to tank and WWE will flounder into 2016. Thankfully TNA is going to the POP network. Can't wait to see Taryn Terrell, Lashley, and the Wolves. You know...real talent...something WWE doesn't have.
Here we go again...another slow one. For the record, you are right about one thing. I would NEVER pay good money for a WWE ticket. The entire product is hot, hot garbage. I was given the tickets as a birthday gift. To be honest I wish I'd thrown the tickets in the trash. I hate my valuable time to be wasting watching hot garbage. I think Reigns is the worse wrestler in the business. If he were not related to the Rock, no one in WWE would even care about him. The good thing is putting the belt on Reigns may be the final nail in the WWE coffin. Like who in their right mind would pay to see Reign's main event? That guy couldn't fill out a junior high school gym. I expected ratings to continue to tank and WWE will flounder into 2016. Thankfully TNA is going to the POP network. Can't wait to see Taryn Terrell, Lashley, and the Wolves. You know...real talent...something WWE doesn't have.

Yeah man, if only WWE had someone like Crazy Steve. Then the company would be red hot.

You're full of it and quite clearly a troll. If you detested the product as much as you claim you do then you wouldn't have gone to the event, even if someone did give you it as a birthday present. Now whoever 'gave' this to you as a gift either doesn't know you very well, or wanted to see just how badly they could wind you up.

But, again, you're nothing but an obvious troll and if you're not then... blimey... god help us.
Here we go again...another slow one. For the record, you are right about one thing. I would NEVER pay good money for a WWE ticket. The entire product is hot, hot garbage. I was given the tickets as a birthday gift. To be honest I wish I'd thrown the tickets in the trash. I hate my valuable time to be wasting watching hot garbage. I think Reigns is the worse wrestler in the business. If he were not related to the Rock, no one in WWE would even care about him. The good thing is putting the belt on Reigns may be the final nail in the WWE coffin. Like who in their right mind would pay to see Reign's main event? That guy couldn't fill out a junior high school gym. I expected ratings to continue to tank and WWE will flounder into 2016. Thankfully TNA is going to the POP network. Can't wait to see Taryn Terrell, Lashley, and the Wolves. You know...real talent...something WWE doesn't have.

And I would know you got them as a birthday gift how? Do I know you personally? And why would anyone give you tickets to a show, when it's obvious that you hate it so much? But no you waste your valuable time going to see a 3 hour show that you don't like.

It's fans like you that have no credibility. You say the product is garbage, yet you put on your coat, travel to wherever the arena is, and sit through a 3 hour wrestling show. That doesn't make any sense at all, and the person who gave you the tickets must not like you.

Why didn't you give the tickets to someone who would have had a good time, that's what I would have done if I felt the way you did. Listen I can understand you not liking the WWE, my husband doesn't like it either. It would take a nuclear bomb to get him to a show, so I go with my son instead. He wouldn't spend the money and time to go to an event he doesn't like, and quite frankly neither would anyone else I know.
Here we go again...another slow one. For the record, you are right about one thing. I would NEVER pay good money for a WWE ticket. The entire product is hot, hot garbage. I was given the tickets as a birthday gift. To be honest I wish I'd thrown the tickets in the trash. I hate my valuable time to be wasting watching hot garbage.

Seems odd. I'm not a fan of Justin Bieber so even if someone gave me tickets to his concert for my birthday I wouldn't go. Then again anyone that would buy me a birthday gift wouldn't get me tickets to something I didn't like. Maybe you did get the tickets as a gift but I doubt you were too upset about it. You still had the choice of staying home.

I think Reigns is the worse wrestler in the business. If he were not related to the Rock, no one in WWE would even care about him.

Yes, this explains the success of Manu and Rosey.

The good thing is putting the belt on Reigns may be the final nail in the WWE coffin. Like who in their right mind would pay to see Reign's main event? That guy couldn't fill out a junior high school gym.

I guess it's possible for the multi million dollar WWE will go under simply because they put their fake title on a guy you don't like. Oh wait, not it's not.

And he did help to fill Levi Stadium so he could probably fill a junior high gym all by himself.

I expected ratings to continue to tank and WWE will flounder into 2016. Thankfully TNA is going to the POP network. Can't wait to see Taryn Terrell, Lashley, and the Wolves. You know...real talent...something WWE doesn't have.

Actually ratings went up significantly thanks to Roman's performance at TLC and championship victory on Raw. And yes, it's a good thing TNA is going to that network I never heard of and don't even know if I have in my cable package. I'm not going to bother to find out either.
As much as I don't like Reigns. That was his night. People will be talking about this one for a while, and it was probably a game changer. I still felt that his talking was a little forced, but it was definitely an improvement. I can't imagine where they are going to go with this, and am excited for the next raw. I have high hopes for him.

Not one of my favorites, but I can't deny the matches I got to watch of TLC were awesome and so were the ones on RAW.

I don't think I will ever like someone as much as I did while watching Bryan on my first couple of RAWS getting re-introduced to wrestling. I am also not really ready for Roman to be champion, but I think that could be a good thing :)
I can't believe my ears and eyes in this thread.
You people actually marked out and liked the burying of the entire WWE last Monday???
The second it became Job vs Title you KNEW Reigns was gonna win. He has buried HHH, Rusev, Sheamus, and Del Rio....not to mention VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON in the last two weeks. It's disgusting. For a cheap pop no less.

You think that pop was for Reigns? LOL
Anyone would pop for the first title change on RAW in 4 years. Anyone.

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