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Did Reigns Fail A Drug Test?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
The following is taken from a Reddit user, BUT, who knows what's true in this day & age?

Here is the full story from what I have been told from a very reliable source.

First, Brock Lesnar was not expected to put over Roman Reigns on the microphone nor was he expected to be part of the segment that featured Daniel Bryan and Paul Heyman putting Reigns over. Rather, Lesnar was expected to be a part of the main event. Lesnar's walkout occurred in the hour or so following the Bryan-Heyman-Reigns segment. It is this reason why literally nothing of particular note to Reigns occurred in the main event aside from the Bryan tag-in which the commentators quickly put over as a bit of retaliation of what happened pre-Fast Lane now that they're all buddy buddy (Bryan-Reigns).

Daniel Bryan was made aware of the situation before he cut his promo. Before Bryan did the professional thing that was required of him, putting Reigns over, you can clearly see much more intensity in the promo. That was the makings of a very good promo. It was also cut straight from the hip from a guy who feels legitimately robbed of his main event status at Wrestlemania for the chosen one who really fucked up in a pretty big way.

Reigns failed the WWE's drug testing policy. The higher ups in the WWE were made aware of Reigns's failure early Monday morning.

Clearly all involved are very disappointed in Reigns. It has brought back discussion of Jeff Hardy's drug test failure prior to Wrestlemania XXIV where it was highly likely that he was to win his first championship (which was delayed until Armageddon in December). Many feel that Reigns should be forced to forfeit his position at Wrestlemania and take the suspension. However, Vince McMahon is backing "his boy" and made the decision not to suspend him as there is more than 30-days to go before Wrestlemania.

However, given the current situation in the UFC with the steroids controversy, Brock Lesnar is beyond infuriated with that decision. His legitimate fear is that should he choose to return to the UFC, quite likely given the money that Dana is offering, his Wrestlemania main event status against Roman Reigns links him directly to failed drugs tests in the media. It's a guilty by association issue for Brock and a perfectly understandable one.

Lesnar has demanded that Reigns be replaced preferably with Daniel Bryan or John Cena, both of whom he is happy to put over given their popularity. Lesnar does not particularly care if the much smaller Bryan were to defeat him - it's a non-issue due to the known 'scripted' nature of professional wrestling - as it wont effect his UFC reputation. Again, Vince McMahon has said that Reigns would not be replaced in the main event of Wrestlemania. Lesnar walked out.

tl;dr - Reigns failed a drug test, Lesnar walked out. He demands that Reigns be replaced with Cena or Bryan, Vince is backing Reigns.

So, if this could be the reason that Lesnar walked out, how does it affect Wrestlemania?? If Lesnar feels very strongly that Reigns should not be at Wrestlemania now due to the failed drug test (should it be true), will Lesnar even bother turning up to 'Mania to defend the belt?

Will the WWE decide to fire Lesnar to "make it easy"? Will they actually make sure Reigns is punished & taken out of the title match? Will they allow Reigns to win at 'Mania AND, then be cashed in on before punishment?
I've heard this a few times, re: Reigns' test failure, but i'm still quite sceptical. Innocent until proven guilty and right now all we have is some gossip to go on.

Only thing I will say about your post is that any idea that Vince firing Brock to make things easy is way off the mark. Lesnar could sue WWE and embarrass them publicly in that instance. Firing a guy with Lesnar's public standing for having an issue with WWE not enforcing their drugs policy would be a PR disaster and could land Vince in legal trouble.

Most obvious solution to Brock walking is over money/dates
I'm going to create a Reddit user account and start spouting random shit to see how many idiots believe me now too. THE EARTH IS FLAT!!!!

Seriously, unless confirmed by anyone of credibility, this post belongs in the trash, Thrash.

And just "fake wrestling" with someone who tested positive for drugs is directly associating one's self with them? That's like saying Derek Jeter's legacy is tarnished because he played alongside A-Rod.

I can't believe I'm actually amazed by the stupidity of the internet. Usually it's just funny to me.
There's so many holes in this story that I am finding it very hard to believe. Where to start?

How about the fact that it is taken from Reddit. Seriously? Since when was Reddit the bastion if all sporting knowledge and insight? Nah, I don't buy the source for a second. What's more, the author could just be a fan that is trying to get some story out there? What's his credentials or history? More importantly, how does he know all of this before any of the news outlets? It's not adding up, that's for sure.

Secondly, last I checked, there was no official word on where Brock was going after WrestleMania. This article all but assures us that he will be leaving the WWE and heading to the UFC. That light be the case but I doubt that some guy on Reddit knows for sure, regardless of how confident he sounds.

Lastly, if Reigns failed the drugs test, he would already be on suspension; it's that simple. It doesn't matter who he is or what he has done, he should be gone. The WWE have punished so many for this in the past, so they cannot afford to be hypocritical about this matter. If Reigns failed, then he needs to go on suspension. The WWE cannot leave themselves open to criticism about this, not with everything else that is going on with Reigns right now; it's just another reason for the IWC to hate Reigns.

Honestly, I don't see this being true. And if it is then Lesnar should leave now if he is that bothered. Obviously he is going to have pay the WWE a lot of money for breach of contract but of he's willing to walk out on the company on live TV, then what does it matter to him.
Lastly, if Reigns failed the drugs test, he would already be on suspension; it's that simple. It doesn't matter who he is or what he has done, he should be gone. The WWE have punished so many for this in the past, so they cannot afford to be hypocritical about this matter. If Reigns failed, then he needs to go on suspension. The WWE cannot leave themselves open to criticism about this, not with everything else that is going on with Reigns right now; it's just another reason for the IWC to hate Reigns.

I hate to be a miserable cynic there, but we're heard stories for years from former wrestlers about those chosen few that are protected. Now some of them might be fibbing here or there, but too many have come out and said it for them all to be lying. If it is true I'm surprised at Reigns. In the position he's been given to screw it up like this doesn't make sense.
I hate to be a miserable cynic there, but we're heard stories for years from former wrestlers about those chosen few that are protected. Now some of them might be fibbing here or there, but too many have come out and said it for them all to be lying. If it is true I'm surprised at Reigns. In the position he's been given to screw it up like this doesn't make sense.

I get that, I do. People are protected and the rules are only applied to those who can be punished, not those who should. My point is that Roman Reigns is in a situation that he hasn't earned quite frankly. For him to do something this stupid on the eve of his biggest career match just doesn't feel right to me. If he truly is the guy in the WWE now, surely someone ought to be telling him that this shit isn't acceptable? Surely he'd realise that on his fucking own? I'm not buying it for a second. There is no reason for Vince to protect him and get some serious backlash from his staff and the fans when it eventually comes out. Especially when it should be a simple matter to replace him with someone else in the main even when he is on suspension.

If this is true and Vince is covering for him, then Reigns' career is good as over when the fans get the real scoop.
I don't this could be true. Roman can not be this stupid to mess something like this for himself, and Brock's 'guilty by association' doesn't work in this scenario. Also, WWE wouldn't want to take a chance with something that could turn into PR nightmare.

It's that guy with the keyboard.
Probably just an angry Daniel Bryan fan-and when I say that I don't mean a shot at all his fanbase since I'm somewhat a fan but not a huge one, but instead I mean his fans who act like the only good thing about WWE is Daniel Bryan and would willingly ruin the whole product and force their shit on everybody 24/7, I swear D Bryn has select group in his fanbase that are larger, more crazed and more annoying than any other wrestling fanbase I've ever seen. - who can't let it go, nothing unusual.
It doesn't seem logical for Brock Lesnar to be scared to go in the ring and be "associated" with failed drug tests, no professional athlete should be scared of drug tests if they aren't using. It also doesn't seem logical for McMahon to just sweep it under the rug. I think that he knows not to mess with this stuff and he has suspended or fired much more popular superstars for the same thing.

This isn't a stunt that will add to WWE popularity or increase network sign-ups. McMahon has a more popular star waiting for a title shot.
This really seems like some tweeter or blogger or just someone trying to get some fame off the story.
After seeing the article is on what culture I believe it even less. This is the same website that posted several CM Punk comeback stories before and said that he was going to be in a storyline with Sting and Undertaker at WM 31. All of which is false.
I doubt this is true, but if it is it could be catastrophically bad.
Also it would seal Romans fate for the foreseeable future.

This is proabably some made up rumor, but if it comes out being true then wow is all I can say.
Probably just an angry Daniel Bryan fan-and when I say that I don't mean a shot at all his fanbase since I'm somewhat a fan but not a huge one, but instead I mean his fans who act like the only good thing about WWE is Daniel Bryan and would willingly ruin the whole product and force their shit on everybody 24/7, I swear D Bryn has select group in his fanbase that are larger, more crazed and more annoying than any other wrestling fanbase I've ever seen. - who can't let it go, nothing unusual.

To be fair many fan favorites have had This type of support it's just for those other guys vince was like let's push this guy to the moon now vince is saying no to that even though it's always been that way before. But as far as the drug allegations go I don't believe it I don't like reigns and don't know his personal life style but he just doesn't seem like a user of ped or recreational drugs plus it could really screw up his shot and as far as lesnar caring I couldn't really see that either.
I dont see this being true this is like the lesnar broke script and beat the undertaker at wrestlemania seems so unlikely and a stupid story why would lesnar walk out cause of reigns failing a drug test?
Not saying I believe the rumors, but Reigns not being suspended means nothing.
I think in the past they have delayed suspensions, or used other punishments. Remember Swagger got busted for pot and DUI heading into a WM Title shot. I don't remember if he was suspended/punished afterwards, but he kept his mania spot.
I believe there's also been cases where people worked a week or two so they could be written off tv before a suspension.
Swagger still worked, but was basically embarrassed by being given a jobber entrance at WM which never happens.
Then he lost also.
If true they wouldn't be able to book Reigns to do a quick job to Brock as punishment though because they haven't got any other match that can go on last.

Undertaker's draw at Wrestlemania isn't what it once was now the streak is dead and neither Triple H v Sting or Rollins v Orton are big enough matches to take the closing spot. Arguably Sting's match is but I'm not sure I'd risk putting him in that spot given his age, and that's coming from a huge fan of his. They could go with Rusev v Cena in a Russia v USA grudge match I guess but that would really cement this Wrestlemania as potentially the worst we've seen in a long time.

This is all hearsay until we get some facts anyway.
The latest on the lesnar rumor is they're pressuring him hard to resign and he wants to wait and play the field, so they're not pushing his merchandise or featuring it at events Out of spite or so he feels. He gets a higher percentage of his merch than any other performer so he's missing out on a lot of money.
I imagine if he did fail a test it would be from trying to recover faster from his injury. Many athletes will use substances to heal up faster. He most likely isn't getting punished because he may have been encouraged by WWE to either take it to or to do what he could do speed up his recovery.

WWE has been planning for Reigns to headline Mania way before his injury, they did what they could to ensure the plans could be stuck to as well as possible.

This is all hearsay though, no one knows if he did or did not. I'm just speculating as to why he would. Was it MetsFan that posted this? Because that guy is full of shit.
This would be a HUGE blow for WWE if it were true. But that's the thing, "IF".

First of all, this is all rumors. We don't know for sure if indeed Lesnar walked out and if he was intended to appear at Raw.

But let's pretend it's true. If Lesnar walked out, it had to be for a good reason. Lesnar's contract ends at WM (at least reportedly), so why walk out 5 weeks earlier? Something happened for sure.

IF Reigns indeed failed a drug test, why are people defending him that "he's not that stupid to make such a mistake"? We don't know Reigns personally. This sort of stuff has happened before with Jeff Hardy and Jack Swagger, so why not Reigns? WWE could push Reigns's suspension until after WM, but isn't that a double standard? If indeed WWE pushes Reigns's suspension, they don't need to change the WM main event much. All they need if for Lesnar to retain and then Rollins to cash in. The problem is that it leaves Lesnar with a rematch.

I won't take any "news" as serious until I see what course of action WWE takes on the following Raw. Again, if everything is true, it would be interesting to see how WWE reacts to it.
If anyone thinks lesnar would give two shits about a drug test they're crazy.

That aside I refuse to blindly accept anything as truth just because some reddit user posted it.

Is it possible its true? Sure, but I highly doubt it.

If you truely feel compelled to bash roman there are plenty facts you can reference. No need to start quoting text from a random post with no evidence to back it up.
The fact that this is even being discussed is ludicrous. Since when has Reddit become the associated press. This is the equivalent of a youtube comment making it to the front page of the New York Times.
I seriously doubt that there's even the slightest shred of truth to this. If there were even just the tiniest hint of validity, it'd be all over any half decent wrestling site on the internet.
I've heard this story a few times and the truth is there is zero evidence that would suggest any of this being true outside Lesnar leaving the building on Monday. There is plenty of reasons why Lesnar could have left and to be honest I think Reigns failing a drug test would be near the bottom of that list.

There is no question I'm a Lesnar fan but he's a business guy, I don't think he would ever have a problem putting Reigns over. I guess the "guilty by association" is a plausible reason business wise but just because Reigns is on steroids doesn't mean anything in regards to Lesnar. If Reigns did fail a drug test and this is legit then 1 of 2 things would happen:

1) WWE would announce Reigns failed a drug test and suspend him for 30 days because they don't have much choice in the matter.

2) WWE wouldn't announce the failure, sweep it under the rug and the whole "Reigns failed a drug test" would be nothing but a rumor because it wasn't confirmed or denied.

I don't see how either of those scenarios would affect Lesnar if he chose to go back to UFC as one involves WWE taking action and the other is nothing more than a rumor (even if it's true). I bet Lesnar knows that too so I don't see him losing his shit because the guy he's facing in 4 weeks failed a drug test. He doesn't come off as a guy who cares who he loses to, as long as he gets paid Lesnar just doesn't seem to care and will do what WWE asks of him. I see the following as possible scenarios why Lesnar left:

1) Pay dispute
2) Vince wants him working more appearances than his contract dictates
3) An emergency of some sort
4) A rewrite dictated Lesnar didn't need to be there so he left.
5) Vince REALLY pissed him off

When I look at this story I just don't buy it, there's just too many holes in it.
WWE execs confirmed that this "Reigns drug test failure" rumor is absolutely false. Just some Roman Reigns hater with a keyboard spreading the Anti-Reigns propaganda to sabotage his career. I'm actually surprised that an Anti-Reigns supporter would go this far!
Thriller raised a great point in the Wrestling Spam Zone that really makes a lot more sense when you think about how everything went down. Considering that Lesnar took his own private jet to the arena and was touted to appear, what would happen of Vince decided that he didn't need Lesnar on that Raw and would like to save his appeal for sometime closer to WrestleMania? You guessed it, Lesnar would flip the fuck out! Of course it is a complete dick move by Vince and the Creative team if this turned out to be true. But those sort of things happen all the time in the WWE. If Lesnar was there like a wrestler ought to be (full time) then perhaps this wouldn't have happened.

Still, this seems to be more akin to the truth really. The real sticking point would come down to Lesnar counting his showing ip backstage as an appearance and the WWE believing differently. And the issue is, if this is the case, then no one is going to be convinced that they were wrong.
Not saying I believe the rumors, but Reigns not being suspended means nothing.
I think in the past they have delayed suspensions, or used other punishments. Remember Swagger got busted for pot and DUI heading into a WM Title shot. I don't remember if he was suspended/punished afterwards, but he kept his mania spot.
I believe there's also been cases where people worked a week or two so they could be written off tv before a suspension.

He may not have gotten suspended but I would say he got punished pretty hard. They were pushing him really hard at the time while ADR was clearly on the decline popularity wise, before the DUI it was a pretty safe bet that he was supposed to win that match and become WHC. But after that DUI he sank like a rock and before long was jobbing to almost everyone.

More on topic way too little evidence, the only reason why it seems even remotely possible is because we don't know why Lesnar no-showed. (and possibly never will)

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