Did John Cena need a shock comeback

Should John Cena make a shock return

  • Yes, John Cena should make a shock return

  • No, John Cena should make a planned return

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Dark Match Jobber
Would you of preferred a planned comeback (Like at HIAC) or a shock comeback. (E.G Brad Maddox says that Alberto's opponent will be revealed at Hell In A Cell. Then John Cenas Music Hits)

I would've preferred a shock comeback like the example because that would give time for people to get excited and talk about who they think the mystery opponent would be.
Cena was announced early for the simple fact that the WWE knows people will buy the PPV to watch him and see what happens. Nothing more. Nothing less. They could have easily waited and have the SHOCK return. But if they did that, they know they'd miss out on a lot more revenue.

Cena = More PPV Buys

Especially after the last 2 clunkers.

So I voted no not because he should have made a planned return, but because it was planned due to financial reasons.
A shock return is great after the fact and during the moment. A planned return gets better buys at a PPV. Shock returns work best at an event that's already loaded, like the Rumble, Survivor Series(maybe not now but in the past), at MitB or even WM. HiaC needs all the drawing factors it can use, especially as it's the third PPV in 8 weeks I think(could be wrong).

If it was the Royal Rumble or a mystery 5th man for a team at SSeries, then yes, I'd go for a shock return for Cena. However, it is HiaC and it could use some help.
The shock return wouldn't have worked at the Rumble, cause that's when everyone was expecting his return anyways. Survivor Series may have worked and I would have gone that route instead, but it appears WWE is desperate right now...so they didn't have much of a choice to get his name back out their.
It all comes down to the aged old "you can't sell me if you don't know i'm coming" theory.
John Cena having a planned return may not be the best entertainment decision, it certainly will more buys for PPV.
I swear there is a good quote from Kevin Nash to summarise this but basically if John Cena just randomly turned up at Hell in a Cell it would be a waste. Yes, it would be an incredible shock but I don't think it would be worth it from the WWE's position. They are now able to promote Cena's return for three weeks and that can only increase buyrates.

I would personally prefer a shock return because the PPV's this year have been very mixed and the last two have been awful. Giving John Cena as a shock would have been a nice thank you for baring with the utter crap I have sat through in the last two PPV's. I obviously understand that the WWE had to do it this way but a surprise return would have been nice.
Has Cena really been gone long enough to have a shock come back? I'm still not buying HIAC since it looks too much like Battleground. The problem is now I don't know anyone who is buying it so I probably won't be watching it at all.
He'd get a better reception from the audience if it was a surprise return, but it's best for business for it to be advertised prior. Look at Raw last night, not even back yet and already being shoved down our throats again All the kids are gonna get their parents to buy it, so that's what they're gonna do.
Cena's return being announced early has (mostly)everything to do with one thing alone: Money.

No one draws more money from pretty much every demographic. For every 1 male age 18-5 who 'tunes out' or truly boos when Cena is announced, there are two men in that age group who will now be watching Raw after his return, and will be ordering Hell In a Cell as well. People on these boards get tired of hearing it but those same people have a hard time grasping the obvious. Cena sells more merchandise then any other Superstars, his segments on Raw are easily the highest rated, and the show overall as well as PPV buys increase in viewing and buys when Cena is involved.

Look at the last two PPVs, for example. Night of Champions and Battleground were awful PPV's, the latter which likely should have never taken place. But look at the PPV before it, Summerslam. Cena and Brock Lesnar were the only two wrestlers who on the card that haven't been around since. But it's only two guys one of whom rarely shows up, right? Well, if Cena is so easily replaceable, why have Bryan and Punk, babyfaces #2 and 3, failed to do so? Bryan has become the top babyface, the one of which the entire major storyline has been centered around on the face side, save for some contribution from Big Show and The Rhodes. Punk has been given his own storyline, separate from the rest.. Yet neither have succeeded at producing good shows, the ones that Cena regularly is a part of.

My point is, they simply couldn't wait. Ratings have been dropping, PPV's failing in both buys and quality. HBK is a nice start as the Hell In A Cell referee, and there's a reason they made him the only legitimate candidate to win. There's a reason they did the vote 3 weeks away: They wanted to bring legitimate excitement back to the show and prompt PPV buys. At the same time, they can count on fans not to know what's coming, as Cena's return isn't until the PPV. Want to see Cena? Buy the PPV. That's a far bigger draw then naming his opponent a surprise, which WWE frequently under-delivers.

I understand how awesome the surprise can be, as I was present when Cena returned at the 2008 Rumble. The difference? The Royal Rumble sells itself, and the Cena return was a nice bonus for fans in attendance or buying the PPV. In contrast anything WWE is trying sell these days needs all the help it can get. Enter the man who won the first Hell In a Cell match, and even bigger, enter the man who guarantees definitive buys for the PPV.

If WWE was in a good place, with Bryan and Punk showing even some ability to be the top guy, perhaps you make it a surprise, or wait until the Raw after for Cena's return.

They haven't, so they bring back the top guy, the guy we saw on Raw to be very much healthy. At Hell In A Cell, the time is now for John Cena. ;)
Cena doesn't need a shock comeback as in push,
cena doesn't need a push!
i don't understand the title of the thread, however
i would a whole lot rather see john cena in a match with alberto del rio for the whc at hiac, then john cena to return in the rumble which was rumored for months. where's the surprise in that? if we know he's returning then the surprise sucks! i was surprised when he was announced by vickie guerrero to have a match at the upcoming ppv, everyone was and so was you.
Like people have said; if the card was too good to pass up regardless, than a surprise from Cena would be icing on the cake. The Corporate storyline is good, but it's starting to get somewhat stale. I'm assuming SHIELD losing again will take it somewhere new, despite Show's appearance, but the WWE (sadly) needed Cena back fast. I think if NOC wasn't so bad, I think they would have waited a bit longer for Cena to come back. Battleground was just one big flub and shouldn't have even been put out to begin with.

If Cena was already on the card, then a shock return by someone like Rey Mysterio would have been worth it.

But this Cena stuff is strictly for money. And for those who hated on those montages, be prepared for A LOT more between now and HIAC.
The SOB was gone only for 4-5 weeks , they made him a promo like he was absent for 5 years. I wish him to be healthy , BUT PLEASE GET THE F*#$ AWAY FROM WWE and our TV, he is ruining everything with his childish promos and his pathetic work.
Now he is threatening us with the fact he will be better then ever? Really like super Cena isn't enough , whats next uber Cena? Please go away you will do everyone a favor.
In my humble opinion, I think that he did not.He should have stayed away a few more months but WWE are dying without him and they need him, so I can understand that.

But at some point they need to draw a line.Unless they give talent an actual chance, meaning a span of time longer than 2-3 months, to perform and become superstars that can actually draw, they will never get their new face of the company.

I'm ok with him challenging for WHC, because atm I'm tired of Del Rio stomping everybody ( I personally enjoy the guy, unlike most people, but I can be objective and say enough is enough ) and Cena as WHC would bring back some prestige to it.

Dunno how Damien Sandow is going to fit into all of this seeing as he is showing some face traits as of late, but we shall wait and see.

In conclucusion, I think Cena should have stayed away and healed even more cause we all know he is banged up even if his triceps is doing ok.Vince prolly called him crying on the phone that the ratings are what smackdown was getting a few years back ( well almost at least ,I mean I can vividly remember smackdown getting 2.4,2.5,2.6 ratings pretty constantly ).
The planned return was just so WWE could get more PPV buys. Simple as that. Honestly if they wanted the fans to care about Cena more, he should've taken the full 4 months off. The man is human, not a machine and with him being gone for 4 months, it would at least give the rest of the roster a chance to try and step up.

That's why there's only a few stars or main event guys out there. WWE only relies on Cena. Sometimes Orton or Punk, but when push comes to shove, it's ALWAYS Cena. Been that way for nearly 10 years now. I shudder what to think will happen when Cena is gone for good.
The fact that he hasn't appeared on television and likely won't until the ppv is good enough. The shock came when he was announced as the opponent. Now we have the anticipation and the guessing "Is he really ready?" / "Are we going to get swerved?". And at the ppv we'll get out answers. It was the best strategy.
the idea obviously is to increase buy rates and have people give a shit about the WWE product after the post Summerslam garbage we have been dealt on ppv. Survivor Series and Rumble traditionally sell, so Vince needs to have people want to blow their cash on the b ppvs, and having Cena and HBK pre announced should ensure more buys. Cena could really elevate Sandow here if he is going to beat Del Rios, and Sandow booked to cash in and PIN Cena would not only be refreshing for Sandow and the main event picture, it starts off a new feud

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