Did JeriShow and now DX as champions, really help the Tag Division?

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The Kingpin

Dark Match Winner
Did the team of Chris Jericho and Big Show ( Jeri-Show ) and now Shawn Michaels and Triple H ( D-Generation X ) really help the struggling Tag-Team Division?

No, in my opinion the Tag-Team division as a whole is no different, not better nor worse off then it was 4 months ago when Jericho and Edge ( Later Jericho and Big Show ) won the Unified Tag-Team Titles in a Triple Threat Tag Match.

Some will argue Jeri-Show and DX have brought prestige the division, but no they haven't, they've brought udder destruction to all young Up and Coming Tag-Teams that have faced them ( See Legacy, Cryme Tyme, M.V.P and Mark Henry ) and have brought only a slight amount of prestige to the Tag Titles.

When Jeri-Show were Tag-Team Champs, they had no rivalries, no big feuds, they got there Number One Contender, beat 'em and left 'em. No lasting feuds, only one was with M.V.P and Mark Henry and that fell flat.

So what do you think: Have the Tag Team of Jeri-Show and now DX fixed or revitalized the Tag-Team Division as hoped by Vince or have they just washed it and nothing happened.
Well, the purpose of them as Champions was not necessarily to "help" the "Tag Team Division". The purpose of them becoming Champions was to get DX back together to sell merchandise, and to use the "Unified Tag Team Title" rule of the Champions being on both shows to do just that and provide television filler for both Raw and Smackdown.

Essentially, they just use that rule to inflate the Upper Midcard for each roster by slapping two name people together that fans recognize. I would expect this trend to continue with "Tag Teams", as Vince is simply using Tag Teams for this purpose, as opposed to really having an interest in the Tag Team Division.

So I would say No, JeriShow as Champions and now DX as Champions did not help the Tag Team Division, because Vince really did not intend for these two teams to do that. Rather, he used it as a way to get DX back together to sell merchandise, and to get both Big Show and Jericho (or it would have originally been Edge and Jericho) on both Raw and Smackdown.
I don't think it helped because both of those teams were singles stars that were paired together for the sole purpose of making a super team of established power. More often than not they were going to win, and only lose to each other. The actual, young, new tag teams wrestled these guys a few times but nothing came out of it. Legacy looked alright against DX but look at them now; they basically disappeared and have nothing to do with the belts. There isn't enough teams to even call it a tag team division.

I'm hoping DX will have an honest to goodness program against the Hart Dynasty w/ Bret Hart, make them look good and credible, drop the belts to them so the newer, young, actual teams start coming after them. Bret being involved with the HD will really give them a boost, and working with HBK and HHH will help as well.
I think it did. You have to take into consideration how little the tag team titles meant for so many years, being held by total no name teams and not even making it onto most PPV's. Chris Jericho and the Big Show really stepped up and made the titles mean something again, by constantly mentioning them and bragging about how dominant they were as a team. They were the team to beat for several months, and their matches ranked higher and higher in importance as time went on. You had them facing teams like Mysterio & Batista and the Brothers of Destruction, made up of established main eventers and former world champions. Then finally, you had the match at TLC with DX, which was huge. The fact that the tag team titles actually main evented a PPV after being treated so poorly for so long meant a lot in terms of what Jerishow did for them.

Now the question is whether DX will do the same, or make them look unimportant once again. I hope it's the former, but they haven't exactly made a big deal out of winning them so far. But I don't see how it can be denied that Jerishow really upped the significance of the titles during their own reign.
It has and it hasn't. For starters I care a lot more about the Tag Championships now than I did in 2008 so that's a plus, but I also don't see the division as any better than last year.

Ok, so JeriShow and DX are 2 teams that are made of main event players. They've completely overshadowed all other tag teams over the past 6 months (?) but they've made the titles somewhat important again which is a good thing. DX did build Legacy pretty well for a while there (Legacy did beat DX in a submission match which is a pretty good rub/push) but then they fell off the map.

So, IMO I don't see them as having helped the division so much but I do recognise the importance in the titles now. Who knows, maybe this is all building to a launch of younger tag teams going after the titles that 2 established teams have carried? Maybe, it is a possibilty...?
Ugh... are you kidding? Of course not. There wasn't even a feud. One match barely constitutes a feud. You have to look at the big picture. JeriShow didn't even help the tag titles like people want to praise and clamor that they did. Look who JeriShow beat. Their biggest opposition were Batista and Rey Rey. Just because you put two big stars on the same team doesn't mean they were a formidable tag team. Same goes with MVP and Mark Henry. They're hardly a tag team. Throw in Legacy who has had an identity crisis from Day 1, The Hart Dynasty, and Cryme Tyme and what do you have? You still have a piss poor tag division. Just because JeriShow held the titles for a decent amount of time doesn't mean they helped shit. And turning the titles over to DX... doesn't make things any better. They didn't even have a tag team match for the titles. They had TLC match where there is very little chemistry or tag experience needed. They won the tag titles, in a match that had no tagging. I find that puzzling.
And I'm not just griping about this TLC match either.

Before I get shit thrown at me from all angles, hear this young buckies. Even back in the day of the Hardyz, Dudleys, and Edge & Christian, their most well known matches were TLC matches. Now I love the TLC matches just as much as the next person, but these matches had very little to do with team chemistry. Team chemistry is what I think about when I think "Tag Team Champions." The Rockers had it. The Hart Foundation had it. LoD had it. Hell, even Tito Santana and Rick Martel had it. I could go on and on. JeriShow did have decent chemistry for two guys just kinda thrown into the mix the way they were. But you again, you have to look at their body of work. They didn't face much true competition. It's like... JeriShow = The Pittsburgh Steelers of the mid-late 70s, and every team they beat = your local pee-wee team. Just because you hold your titles, doesn't mean you brought anything to the table.

Which brings me back to the present. Bottom line is this... DX and JeriShow had 1 match with a "feud" that was built for 3 weeks. That is hardly a feud. JeriShow/DX brought absolutely nothing to the table. IF Bret Hart's return means he will be able to get the Hart Dynasty over DX, to win the tag titles, I would expect the Hart Dynasty to hold on to them for quite some time. They deserve them. HBK and HHH have no business holding on to them unless its for the sole fact that you can involve HBK in a storyline that involves the Hart Dynasty, and the return of the greatest Hart of them all in The Hitman. I expect to see something like this happen.
I think jerishow and especially dx only made it harder for up and coming tag teams. When jerishow was champions tag teams had a better chance of winning the titles. Now that dx is the champs I don't see them losing the titles to teams like cryme tyme and henry and mvp. I only see dx losing the titles to jerishow legacy or hart dynasty and only way this will happen is if the creative team plans on breaking up dx. Honestly I'm glad that they have the titles but its going to be a struggle for new teams to win the belts off of them. Neither team helped the tag team division just made it harder for others and built up their status in the process.
Obviously no, DX and JeriShow as champions did not help the tag team division. In my humble opinion, these teams helped to destroy the tag team division. First you had JeriShow pretty much run through every significant tag team in the wwe. They(by they I mean Edge and Jericho) took the titles from Primo/Carlito, and this in the process broke up probably the best team in the wwe at the time. They also in the process defeated Legacy. Next JeriShow destroyed Cryme Tyme and made them look weak. Clearly at this point you realize, besides the Hart Dynasty, there isn't any other team viable to face JeriShow. So Henry/MVP are put together, and Batista/Mysterio are put together, but these 2 teams are also beaten.

Now DX comes in, defeats JeriShow for the titles, and will probably run right through the Hart Dynasty (I don't read the spoilers) and kill any of their momentum.

So what you have are these 2 super teams, wrestlers of main event status joining together to win the tag team gold. Should this happen? NO! Tag team wrestling should be a different breed from singles competition. You should not go into a tag team match and instantly know the ins and outs, how to distract the ref are the right time, use double teams, help your partner ect. Tag team wrestling is like an art form, and should only consist of your true teams. Singles wrestlers, while dominate alone, should not gain the same success as a tag team for the simple reason that they should not understand the team concept.

But alas, these 2 teams were made for 2 simple reasons. 1) They can sell merchandise (as is the case with DX) and 2) So they can appear on any show. This was more important for JeriShow, as Jericho was allowed to freely be on Raw. Being the top heel, Jericho = ratings. Why wouldn't you find a way to have him on all the shows. The same is with DX. Apparently the kids love them (I hate them as a team personally). So allowing them now to be on all the shows is a big deal. It would make little difference for a team like Cryme Tyme or the Hart Foundation to be able to go onto any show, as nobody really cares. People won't tune in to see just them, at least not yet in terms of the Hart foundation.

Teams like DX and JeriShow will continue to exist while the unified titles exist. The only way lesser teams will regain their former glory is for the titles to be split again, and well I don't see this happening.

So I guess to say in closing, it was suppose to be a good thing that the titles became unified, but it helped in the destruction in my mind of the tag team division. The unified titles led to teams like JeriShow and DX, and only when these titles are unsplit will these teams disappear.
You can't judge DX properly yet, but I think for them to help the division they need to start acting as if the tag belts mean something to them - they rarely have the belts with them from what I've seen. Jerishow and DX have made me care about the tag division a lot more than I did without them as teams. So I guess, if others felt the same way I do, it's 'helped'. But at the moment I don't see much help in terms of other stars, so it all depends on how DX's reign ends.
I think that it speaks volumes that since the end of the Dudleys, Hardyz and Edge & Christian (throw APA in there also) rivalry there has only been three standout tag-teams in the WWE -- MnM (Nitro and Mercury w/ Melina), Miz & Morrison and Cryme Tyme.

The Hart Dynasty has the potential to reach that point and Legacy have been very good but haven't been scripted to be a dominant tag-team like the others were but rather as a dominant stable.

For me, this question is yet to have a resolution. The answer will be telling in how DX lose the belts, if and when that happens. If they have a very solid feud with the Hart Dynasty where they drop the belts in a fashion similar to how Austin and Triple H put over both Benoit and Jericho back in 2001 (without the devastating injury in the final match, touch wood) then I would say that it has the potential to be very positive. If, however, the opposite happens and it's a "meh" moment rather than something to promote new guys then obviously the answer would be in the negative.

Watch this space!
Lord Sidious said:
"Well, the purpose of them as Champions was not necessarily to "help" the "Tag Team Division". The purpose of them becoming Champions was to get DX back together to sell merchandise, and to use the "Unified Tag Team Title" rule of the Champions being on both shows to do just that and provide television filler for both Raw and Smackdown."

Ah, the same, tired Sidious argument, but with an added, ridiculous twist. I would love to hear how Edge and Jericho originally being made Unified tag champs had ANYTHING to do with DX reuniting. DX reunited originally to take on Legacy to continue with HHH's storyline and it was a way to bring back Shawn Michaels in a way that somewhat made sense. I would argue that DX getting over with crowds (and yes they are over, at least they were a month ago when I attended Raw) force creative's hand to challenge for and take the Tag Titles. So let's remove the whole DX fodder because it's clear you aren't a fan of the new DX and are looking for reasons to bash them. As for your other argument, which is even more tired, we'll get to that later......

"Essentially, they just use that rule to inflate the Upper Midcard for each roster by slapping two name people together that fans recognize. I would expect this trend to continue with "Tag Teams", as Vince is simply using Tag Teams for this purpose, as opposed to really having an interest in the Tag Team Division."

I completely disagree with this statement. The tag titles were unified, but due to the upcoming singles push for the Miz and John Morrison, the unified belts went to the Colons, a team completely incapable at that time of making Unified Belts relevant. As has been done all througout wrestling history, from the Rock and Sock Connection to the Two Man Power Trip back to Diesel and Shawn Michaels and even further to the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff, it is often a tactic of combining big name singles stars to win tag gold. This is done to perhaps further storylines for those superstars, but for teams competing actively as tag teams, it's the best thing that can happen for the belt they seek. I may have used an example like this, but if say a team like the up and coming Hart Dynasty (who aren't ready yet BTW) would have beaten the Colons after a similar 4 month reign to that of Jeri-Show, would anyone care? I highly doubt it. You might, but to give the newly Unified belts and credence and credibility, someone strong has to carry them and make you want to watch what happens with them. If it's any indication, when the belts were actually Unified, it was in a dark match! Clearly, it wasn't important enough to make a 4 hour PPV, so something needed to be done. Thus, you take 2 way over heels in Edge and Jericho and put the belts on them. The plan was for those 2 entertainment dynamos to create heat for themselves and thus for the belts and eventually have turmoil and lose the belt to most likely, an up and coming team. The only problem with that logic is, EVERY UP AND COMING TEAM EXCEPT CRYME TYME ARE HEELS! So even substituting another main eventer in The Big Show left the WWE with trying to find a way to get the belt from heel to heel. However, in the 4 months the Jeri-Show heel team held it, they did something no one has done in years. They made having a tag team segment an important part of WWE TV. I know you will argue that it was the performers, not the belt that was being showcased, but even though the "feuds" weren't that strong, that was the booking! It was supposed to come off that teams would line up anxious to take down the arrogant champs but they'd dismantle all comers. It was finally decided that DX (who again, was not recreated with the long term plan to slap them with the title belts-remember that Shawn doesn't want to work Tuesdays so I expect them to have a short reign as a result) would take the belts from JeriShow due to being over and being faces. Looking long term, the up and coming teams like Legacy, Hart Dynasty, and the Dudebusters (Barretta and Croft) are heel teams who could look to take down DX. The first 2 are most likely at this point and the team that does beat them will have beaten Degeneration X, two of the great performers of our generation. That is greater than any rub they could have gotten from the Colons!

"So I would say No, JeriShow as Champions and now DX as Champions did not help the Tag Team Division, because Vince really did not intend for these two teams to do that. Rather, he used it as a way to get DX back together to sell merchandise, and to get both Big Show and Jericho (or it would have originally been Edge and Jericho) on both Raw and Smackdown."

We get it. You don't think Vince (who you blame for everythign by the way) cares at all about the tag division and that it's all pretend to get main eventers on both shows.......but how will that theory hold up when one of the young teams goes over and becomes champions? Keep in mind this was "tested" in a way with Miz and Morrison who started to appear on both shows with the Colons feud. Miz and Morrison are still up and comers and that extra exposure I believe has benefited them greatly moving forward. Now, I know they both have had singles success already, but they would have been a better choice to unifiy the belts and if that had happened, it might have been a different road for the Unified Belts. However, regardless of who holds it, sometimes tag titles are held by 2 main eventers. It has been that way for a long time and it will continue to occur because it works. During times where the belts switch from young buck to young buck, no one cares unless they are stealing the show with their matches. For the last few years, that hasn't happened. For once, the tag titles are relevant in the minds of WWE viewers and THAT was the point. If you think the point was to elevate new teams right away, remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will the tag division be rebuilt in one. It takes time, and I am arguing that the JeriShow reign was a step in the right direction in getting exposure for the belt. So far, I'm not feeling that way about DX's reign. I hope they put a renewed emphasis on it so that JeriShow's momentum isn't completely killed. I think though that it's important to understand that it's unfair to expect the tag division of the late 80s or late 90s, but if this Unified idea continues to grow, and if WWE signs the Briscoe brothers as has been rumored, it would seem that tag team wrestling will at least be a solid option for young wrestlers trying to make their mark and that ultimately, is a great thing.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

I think JeriShow helped the tag titles gain more significance because they were written to care about having the titles. They bragged about having the titles and they mocked other teams for not having the titles.

From what I've seen so far, DX hasn't been booked to care about having the titles. Being sued by Hornswoggle is apparently more important than the titles to them.

As far as the tag division goes, that has less to do with the JeriShow and DX, and more to do with Vince and the creative team actually building a fuller division from the ground up. Adding more teams that stay together longer on Raw and SD, and giving them storylines is what can really help the tag division.
Let me try and make this short and clear.

Jerishow helped elevate the tag titles by actually defending them and defending them strongly. Anyone remember how many title defenses Primo and Carlito had? Very few. They had the belt forever but we never saw them defended. Ever since Jerishow took the belts, they were featured at every PPV except SS. Something that hadn't happened since 2006. They main evented TLC. DX main evented HIAC. That's twice this year that a tag team match main evented a PPV this year. When was the last time that happened? Plus, as has been said, Jerishow always talked about the titles and how they had them and nobody could take them. That in itself elevates a bad division.

Now we have DX who have not made the tag titles a big deal at all. What was their main purpose? Why did they want the titles? They wanted them not to hold gold for the first time ever, but to get rid of Chris Jericho. Since then, the titles really haven't been showcased. I will give them that it has not been long. I will give them a shot to make the titles seem important, but you get the point.

Now DX has their likely feud with HD. This is HD's big shot. They are a bit green still but still cutting a program with DX can certainly help them. HBK is one of, if not the best at making someone look good but still winning. I don't think that HD has to technically win the belts, but a small feud with DX can certainly help elevate them. It all depends on how DX is booked and if the titles are highlighted. The answer to this question is definitely wait and see.
I don't really think so, because most of the feuds that Jeri-show were involved in were on Raw, not as much with Smackdown (despite Cryme Tyme, but they were on Raw for that one match when Shaq was guest host) and didn't feud with Jackson/Kozlov on ECW (when they were together)...I will leave you all to ponder the same question I have been pondering: If the Unified Tag Titles are supposed to defended on all 3 brands, why are there hardly any matches with the gold on the line against the Smackdown tag teams or the ECW "tag teams" (using the term loosely for ECW right now)?
Jerishow have brought prestige to the Tag titles, mentioning it and associating it as one of the reasons they were legendary.

They however have destroyed the tag team division in the process, for me the reason they put Jericho and Edge (later Big Show) together was because the creative team were afraid that Jericho and Edge were somewhat going to be wasted in the singles division (not so much, but still.)

I personally loved Rated Y2J and to a lesser extent Jerishow due to the fact that i am both a Jericho and Edge mark, and generally am fond of Big Show. They in fact put on my favorite match at SummerSlam (I personally feel that Cm Punk vs Jeff Hardy was overrated.)

The negative is obviously them somewhat dwarfing the credibility of the tag team division, and know we see DX not give a crap about their win at TLC instead they were worrying about a dwarf (no pun intended.)

I pray to god we see the Tag titles off DX as soon as possible, however due to HHH's ego we are going to see the titles lose all prestige, maybe only Shawn might convince HHH to drop the titles to The Hart Dynasty.

BUT THEN WHAT? The fact is we might see the prestige for the titles themselves go down, then we return to square one. Just hopefully The Hart Dynasty themselves could get over as that is the only way we are going to see the titles keep their prestige and the tag team division get some type of boost.
JJYanks121 said:
I completely disagree with this statement. The tag titles were unified, but due to the upcoming singles push for the Miz and John Morrison, the unified belts went to the Colons, a team completely incapable at that time of making Unified Belts relevant.

The Colons never even had a chance with the tag belts. They had them, what, 2 months and spent most of it wrestling singles matches, instead of having any sort of tag fued. And then they hand them over to Edge and Jericho. 2 SD guys that would suddenly get to be on both shows.

With the RAW ME scene repeating over and over, they wanted to get 2 of their best heels on all 3 shows. Edge got hurt and Show stepped in, seeing as he was doing nothing. They could have used Kane but his position as a 'roster legend' (as in, he's been there so long he'd never get boo'ed properly) would have counter-acted Jericho's heat. Anyway, it was done so that experienced guys with great mic skills could work programmes with the guys who were doing the same old shit every week on Raw. Did you notice how when DX weren't beating on Legacy, they were fueding with JeriShow?

They aren't going to let mid-card guys be on both shows. Only ME or experienced tag guys will get to do that. If Jeff were still around, i'm sure the Hardy's would have made excellent Unified Tag Champs, or if Edge and Christian were togther again, THAT's a pair that they'd be happy to have on all 3 shows, not Cryme Tyme who no one cares about, or Legacy who don't appear to be relevant at all unless Orton's stood with them.

JeriShow made the belts seem far more important than they were beforehand, but only because they'd be happy to have those guys on PPV, and since they have a title, it makes sense to have them defend those belts, but there's still no decent tag teams, and the ones they have don't seem to give a shit about the tag titles, and THAT's the problem with the tag division. Vince doesn't care, the talent isn't encouraged to look like they care, so therefore, we don't care.
Jerishow were only put together to add midcarders to each show and that was it. If Vince really cared about the tag division, then he would have had them drop the titles to an established team like Cryme Tyme a while back but they didn't. Now that DX has them, I don't know where this will go. I would love to see a DX/Hart Dynasty where DX drops the belts to them because I don't think DX cares any more then Jerishow died. I don't think they even acknowledged that they were the tag team champions Monday night. That just goes to show that Vince hasn't cared about the tag team division in years and will probably continue not to care.
If they're doing what I think their doing yes, they're helping a lot. By having the belts on established guys the belts won't become irrelevant. Also while DX/Jerishow feud over the belts, WWE can figure out their long term goals for the tag division while keeping the belts on TV weekly. There is also the possibility of DX putting over a young tag team which appears to be the case with the Hart Dynasty.

Having wrestlers that were relatively unknown going show to show with belts they beat two established guys for would be one hell of a rub.
well i honestly can say that i don't think neither of them made any type of prestiegeous impact on the unified tag titles. for the simple fact that they should have had y2j surrender the unified tag titles and then had an 8 team elimination tournament and have legacy come out on top. or stick with jericho picking big show and had them do a best of 7 series and have the 7th match become a 2out of 3 falls match. and have legacy come out on top.

i think that with legacy winning that would have smothly segwayed into the dx/legacy rivalry that completely vanished in thin air. as for the big show he was picked because he was in wrestling "limbo" and creative had no use for him. and i personally think that was a mistake because big show really did nothing. all he did was spend most of his time on the apron and came in the last few moments of the match and then deliver that knock out punch wich to me is terrible.

i want to say that you can call me "old shool" but what ever happened to those matches where you had matches that was dramatic, poetic, and entertaining and made you say "hey thats a damn good match i would love to see a rematch" like the midnight rockers vs. doug sommers and buddy rose thats the matches im used to seeing or harlem heat vs. the steiners. i mean i think that vince mcmahon should take all the wrestlers that they are not using and use them to put the tag team division back on the map. i mean cause as of right now TNA is killing them in the tag division.

so thats what i think.
You gotta look at it this way.. Big show had nothing to do.. And jericho, edge, shawn michaels, and triple h all needed to get away from the title scene cause it was getting real old and tiring... So BAM! Tag teams were made lol.

Same goes for henry and mvp. They weren't doing much, but u know what? They pair good as a team. And u have a new tag team on ecw.

And with DX as champs, we can see them help the heals, Since Jerishow had some good matches with cryme tyme, henry & mvp, and even batista & rey. When DX feuded with Legacy, we saw Legacy become a legit team. So now, we just wait and see how the titles are treated around the waist of the jokesters.
So what do you think: Have the Tag Team of Jeri-Show and now DX fixed or revitalized the Tag-Team Division as hoped by Vince or have they just washed it and nothing happened.

Well.... yes and no. JeriShow and DX have not REVITALIZED the tag tean division, but they CERTAINLY helped it. Did anyone think those belts had any prestige left before they were unified? Not really. After the unification? maybe a little. What about after JeriShow won them and used them to gain access to both Raw and Smackdown? Bingo. They made the belts far more important than they used to be. DX will likely be doing the same.

You have to recall that a division can't be helped, let alone revitalized, if the belt has little to no prestige to it. "Why win the tag team titles if I can win a midcard and world title later on instead?" has now turned into "Come on, let's win the tag team titles so we can go on both shows!". Think about it that way. That's why.

JeriShow and DX have helped the division because they gave importance to a set of belts that was at one point seen as almost as unimportant as the female belts and midcard belts.
No, well I mean the there were tag team matches in the least few pay per views, but it's not what the tag division really needs, like everyone said before, what it really needs is a legit tag team, that can work well together so well as a team, that they have trouble wrestling in singles matches because they keep going towards the corner to reach their teammate who won't be there.
And it's only a matter of time before the tag titles are merged together to make an Undisputed Tag Titles(s) just so the superstars won't look so awkward walking out with 2 belts on their shoulders.
Absolutely. This time last year, the tag team division consisted of The Colons, Cryme Tyme, Legacy and Miz and Morrison. There were very few matches between them and the titles were never ever defended on PPV. Fast forward to now, and we have a division that has the same number of teams, but who face each other more often, and the titles were defended on 5 consecutive PPVs for the first time in about 7 years. There can be no argument that 2009 was a better year for tag teams than 2008, no matter what criteria you use.
Without a doubt 2009 was the re-birth of the tag team titles, they were focused on so much this year than they have been in the last 5 years or so, but i am afraid that with DX holding the titles now they are going to go downhill, most adults fans know for a fact that HHH and HBK dont care a hell abou twearing those titles. but with Jeri/Show i just got the feeling that the titles means a lot to them, i see DX holding these titles until their eventual break up, possible making a match between HHH and HBK at Wrestlemania 26
They really did not help. What is hurting the tag division is the lack of teams. There used to be tag matches at the beginning of cards as a scheduled match. Now, you only have the main event tag team matches, where you pair the number one contender and some big name, against the champion and some big name.......or you have a tag title match. I think some of us are missing a potential boost for the division: Bret Hart. With him at the helm next week, you would think the Hart Dynasty could have some compelling role.

On top of that, you have Rhodes and DiBiase, who are a good team. Cryme Time is around, but there isn't a lot to say for teams. I think that it is due to the lack of tag matches that don't revolve around the titles. Does every singles feud revolve around the WWE title? No. But you can have the feuds brew to the end, suck them for all their worth, and then whoever comes out on top, have them cut a promo challenging the tag champs.

Today's division sucks because there's no Con-chair-to's, no 3D's, no whispers in the wind, there's nothing compelling to the division.

To answer the question: They made the titles relevant again, but really did not help the division.
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