Did I miss some of the change on TNA IMPACT last night?

Actually I think if I read correctly that TNA did get over that 1.2 rating this week. I think they got like a 1.32 rating.. I know it's not a huge jump, but it shows that they are staying consistent week after week with a fanbase, and they are gaining a few new viewers. I think they did a pretty good job having a live show before Bound For Glory. Even though I feel like "They" won't be a huge surprise, I like it because there are so many ways it could go with so many combinations of who they could be.
Am I the only one who thinks this change is 1. not something we are going to see right away and 2. something that will be more of a backstage thing? Didn't Bruce Prichard join TNA last night? If you ask me that is changing. Like I have said before I think this whole change thing is going to be more of a backstage thing with little change to stuff that is on tv.

Its a process. Like last time she said there would be changes. She said you would see them in the next months or so and in that time TNA got a new show, will get Xplosion in the states really soon, changed the iMPACT zone (seating and in ring) areas and look, started filming backstage segments in a more gritty more real life way, and the production quality of iMPACT has improved immensly. But the IWC smarks wont and dont see that because its not something that pops out right in front of their face so they dont bother to care for it.
I noticed something big, the camera work was different at the start. more upclose and in your face, that was a good thing.
but the rest was bad.
the commentry was absent for half of the show, what was up with that
the show finished in the middle of the main event. WTF, talk about bad time management

Spent too much time on the non wrestling segments. Jay Lethal nastalgia, Jershey Shore bit was mind numbing, the start of the show was way too long.
and another this will change the face of wrestling speech. this time by Team 3D

Prove it lol
Ladies an Gentlemen, boys an girls......children of all ages.......

with that said lets say that the changes that have started were that A) the show was LIVE B) the cameras were a little bit better C) it looked crisper an not like a clusterfuck when the wrestlers were doing promos an interviews D) there were no sightings of the cancer crew E) i will give you that they need to stop that shit cutting the show off in the middle of the main event, some of us watch this shit online an do not have cable or satellite so we cant watch reaction but thats all the bitching im gonna do for the moment........

now for those of you who keep saying that "THEY" is Hogan an Bischoff, for weeks an months an years an milleniums and quadratrons Abyss has been going around screaming "THEY" ARE COMING, now just like with sex.......which im sure alot of you kids dont get......coming means NOT YET HERE.........So Abyss with Bischoff an Hogan while may seem plausable, THEY ARE COMING totally means its not them! now I am not going to tell you that I think its really Shane McMahon naw yall don't get to be privy to that kinda information, as for the rest of the show the impact zone seemed bigger, more space........its kinda funny when you think about it i remember watching the last few wwe produced dvds that have come out, an back in the early days WCW was having HUGE venues, with great turnouts, yet at the same time WWF didn't seem to have as large events I have always wondered why.........anyways the show seems like its going to possibly be moving to maybe taping 3 or 4 episodes before a pay per view then making the final impact before the ppv be live.........maybe we're going to see Impact start branching out of Orlando Florida, I mean the only good thing to come out of Florida, are Oranges, an even they can be a little comese comesa. But I swear to god if Bischoff an Hogan turn out to be "THEY" I think I am going to have to just be a little bit peeved, Now that dude CrazyChrisR I liked where you were going, but I'd rather Bischoff be the one that turned an not Hogan, I am tired of seeing Hogan turn......but ladies an gentlemen as I sit here writing this we have 8 hours until the pay per view starts an I gotta admit I for one am more excited about BFG an tonight's pay per view than I have ever been for a WWF pay per view in some time, now I will admit I was excited for Wrestlemania cause of the return of The Hitman, but I AM A HUGE HITMAN mark, an his Wrestlemania return was the ONLY reason I was excited, I totally could have cared less for Taker/HBK 2, Shameus/HHH, Orton/Legacy, or the MITB (Christian should have won God Dammit, ooops I mean Allah Dammit), or the tag title match........but I am not trying to trash wwf, so like the rest of you guys, I will sit by the pc, going to wrestlezone.com an pwinsider.com an wrestlenewz.com every hour until the pay per view starts to see any news that may occur before the show, but I will pop my popcorn, get my tea, sit my happy asshole ass down in the recliner infront of the pc click confirm on my ppv listing, an watch like a good lil boy, and I will mark out that there is NO CENA, NO NEXUS, NO MICHAEL "FUCK ME IN THE ASS CAUSE IM GONNA BE A BADGUY" COLE an proceed to shine that sumbitch up turn that sumbitch sideways an watch me a great ole fashioned TNA BOUND FOR GLORY pay per view, an oooohhh an aaaaahhh when Gen Me an MCMG hit their highspots, oooooooooooo when Pope turns on Nash an Sting, have wet dirty thoughts when velvet steps through those ropes an wish to god my cock was that middle rope, chant holy shit when abyss an rvd tear it up, chant this is wrestling when EV2 an Fortune tangle it up, an mark out when the biggest asshole in the business takes HIS FIRST MAJOR CHAMPIONSHIP, and then sit there in shock as we find out who "THEY" really are.........if we find out who "THEY" really are..........it might just be someone comes down an tells Abyss they are coming but not here, who knows........all I know is that we might get to see some storylines from Dr. Tom Prichard that were shot down in WWF...........as for the papers Bischoff signed, I like one posters idea about it being Nash, an Stings termination papers instead..........but we're just going to have to wait an see.........so i leave you with this...............don't be upset if something doesnt happen the way you want it to.........you mutherfuckers arent getting paid lots of money to write a pay per view show, you mutherfuckers arent creative writing genuises who run a big wrestling company and, you mutherfuckers are just regular fans like me, who can sit there in our big comfy chairs an say well i wouldn't have done that.......because just like yesterdays Texas A & M game......in the fourth quarter 3 minutes an 5 seconds to go......A & M trapped on the 7 yard line, they ran the ball, when i would have thrown up a pass...........what happened? they were stopped an the final score was 24 to 17 A & M lost, now as heartbreaking as that was for me........maybe the head coach knew somethings I didn't but whatever the case may be.........we all can say we'd do it different, but yet we aren't shit........an I am sorry if I offended any of you.....but hey.......I'M AN ASSHOLE.......Won't you be an ASSHOLE too?
i honestly have no clue who they and will be disappointed if it is E and Hogan because that will just be a mega let down. I much prefer TNA's story lines over WWE's though because TNA's story lines are a lot more in depth and have a big surprise factor to them while WWE you have Nexus/Cena and Kane/Taker as the two main feuds.. imo im already over the kane/taker feud which we all know how it will end. Taker will defy the odds and win.
The big change is probably going to be someone diffrent running Tna? That's what abyss was saying when he had dixie handcuffed! But people didn't hear and probably didn't pay attention due their dislike for dixies supposely bad acting! ''Which I thought was good by the way''!
Honestly Dixie tweets every 48 hours or so about change and big things and surprises....I hardly see results from her tweets either. I just ignore her and try to enjoy the product...

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