TNA Pulled A WCW Tactic Last Night

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To everyone. Wrestling is a business full of formulas. From taking slams, recovering from them in a certain amount of time, from cutting promos etc, to running out of time. It's a formula that goes way back to the beginning. Anybody see the "old" NWA/WCW? The main event was always scheduled for "1 fall with TV time remaining". They'd show you the outcome of the main event the next week. I'd say this formula was used for 9 out of 10 shows. So to conclude, if it ain't broke...
Yeah, with impact ending with a cliff hanger was a bit disapointing. However, we all watched the entire two hours to see what would happen.


I had gotten out of Wrestling after about the year 2000. It was just getting lame and the storylines seemed rehash and there was I felt there was nothing left to build on..

This past summer, I slowly got back into it, WWE and TNA.

I must say, since the last two or three PPV's, TNA has litteraly gone down the sh!tter.

Their storylines have no continuity and make no sense. They seem to jump in and out of them like a hopscotch game. The same guys have been getting pushed for months now, and it all goes like this:

Angle is the untouchable world champ
Black Machismo cant lose his title at a PPV, but loses every match between them.
Team 3D puts at least one wrestler through a table every night
Abyss gets bloodied up and gets beat up on every Impact!, but manages to go over at PPVs.

I, sir, for one, did not watch the live two hour airing of Impact!, and I haven't for quite some time. TNA just doesn't draw me into their programming as it did a few months back.

Hell, even as I was watching the last episode of Impact! on my DVR, I switched over to my recording of Raw! to see JBL's rediculous entrance.

Get your act together TNA. You're really starting to suck.
Angle is the untouchable world champ
Like John Cena, Triple H or Jeff Jarrett before him? World champions last a long time, unless you want the belt to be passed around like a ****e and completely devalue it.

Black Machismo cant lose his title at a PPV, but loses every match between them.
Black Machismo won a match not two weeks ago, and the X Division guys are often jobbed out. Besides, he hasn't a had a title match in what, two months?

Team 3D puts at least one wrestler through a table every night
They out a wrestler through a table occasionally as it's their signature beatdown tactic. Their entire gimmick revolves around it. They're the vicious heels, do you want them to shit themselves in the back every show? It makes no sense - they live to kick the shit out of X Division wrestlers. How do they do that? The same way they've always done.

Abyss gets bloodied up and gets beat up on every Impact!, but manages to go over at PPVs.
No he doesn't. Abyss rarely gets beat up on iMPACT!, with a few exceptions over the course of the year. And yes, he's won the at the last few PPVs as he's been against vastly inferior opponents, and it would make no sense for him to lose to them in his signature match - anything with no DQ. It'd make him look week.

You may say you were using hyperbole, but that makes your points look ridiculous in the first place anyway.
JAJAJAJAJAJA very nice, I agree. Now serious, TNA MUST drop out the booker´s, the nash´s, all that kind of WWE/WCW icons, yeah, Tna should focus on The Joe´s, The Style´s, the motor city machine guns, they should make really superstars, because even Angle is a WWE face.
The biz is going through a rough time, the days of the hugely popular Monday Night Wars of the late 1990's are over. steroids and the death of so many former wrestlers and the benoit murders have hurt.

WWE is in trouble because they can't harvest new talent from the developmental squads. (partially it's because the Attitude Era didn't bring anyone over) When they finally get a guy like Mr. Kenndey who seems like the total package, he shoots himself in the foot like geing ssupended during a big push. Cena maybe hated by many, but he is the face of wrestling right now. CM Punk appears to be the next superstar-in-the-making, let's see how they use 'em in 2008.

TNA seems stuck in the past glories of the Nitro-Raw wars. They have more talent, and put on mostly good matches, yet they feel they need former WWE/WCW talent for ratings, while burying their own guys. First it was Jarrett, then Christain ,then Angle, then Sting, then Bookah, then the Steiners, then Scott Hall. Now u got guys like Tomko, Christian and Roode in main event roles, when they should be midcarders at best. They have a goldmine with guys like Samoa Joe, Styles, Daniels, Shelly and others, who are being buried by Angle, Christian and the other washed-up-past-their-prime WWE'rs.
JAJAJAJAJAJA very nice, I agree. Now serious, TNA MUST drop out the booker´s, the nash´s, all that kind of WWE/WCW icons, yeah, Tna should focus on The Joe´s, The Style´s, the motor city machine guns, they should make really superstars, because even Angle is a WWE face.

I agree. TNA has lots of talent that should be pushed. I watch impact for guys like Alex Shelley and Petey Williams. Booker T is awesome but I've seen him before. What I am looking for is to be excited about the new stars and not see them get squashed by Attitude era guys. Besides, tha attitude era has been over for almost ten years now.
Last night? Only last night? More like for the past year they have been pulling this crap and its not getting them anywhere.
Booker T means less now than he has in years, Kevin Nash is one of the big time stars and he stopped dying his hair so he looks like the ghost of wrestlings past. The X division is getting buried just like the cruiserweights, and these are the guys who are probably the most talented out there.

I hope no one takes this as a slam on tna, because it is not. I really wish TNA would get their act together, just so there may be some competition between tna and wwe and create a new attitude era.
Last night? Only last night? More like for the past year they have been pulling this crap and its not getting them anywhere.
Booker T means less now than he has in years, Kevin Nash is one of the big time stars and he stopped dying his hair so he looks like the ghost of wrestlings past. The X division is getting buried just like the cruiserweights, and these are the guys who are probably the most talented out there.

I hope no one takes this as a slam on tna, because it is not. I really wish TNA would get their act together, just so there may be some competition between tna and wwe and create a new attitude era.

I agree. How can TNA make important/big wrestlers look so worthless? All you need to do with Booker is have him in a feud with somebody who's worthy of facing him. He's a big star, that is all you need to do. Booker vs. Christan Cage. Sorted. No other elements, that's it.

I want TNA to be great. And for a while there I was folled. I thought that they were going to be a legit number two promotion. Now they are just number two by default. There are good things in TNA, but there is that much shit it's sometimes hard to find anything positive.
TNA isnt struggling, they have higher Ratings than ECW and Just about the same as Smackdown, so with that is WWE struggling?....and what about the old days the WWF signed alot of the released WCW talent such as Austin and Mick Foley, yall seem to think the WWE didnt sign any WCW talent. ppl are crazy to believe TNA talent are wasting their careers in TNA, Samoa Joe was there (WWE) early on, he wasent utilized, he may be bigger than John Cena.

Carlito isnt being utilized right, niether is Kane. Mcmahon would not use AJ Styles, Eric Young, Abyss, LAX, or any TNA guys the way he does the big time WWE stars. They'd go the WWE and die.

Let them pull a WCW, without WCW there'd be no WWE as we know it now.
TNA isnt struggling, they have higher Ratings than ECW and Just about the same as Smackdown, so with that is WWE struggling?....

I don't think for a second that TNA is drawing the same as Smackdown. Maybe ECW. But how much promotion does ECW really recieve? It's a hour long show, with a champion who nobody cares about, they are an opening PPV match act. TNA is a whole company with two hours and a PPV deal. If they can't draw more than ECW then it's time to shut the doors on the promotion.

and what about the old days the WWF signed alot of the released WCW talent such as Austin and Mick Foley, yall seem to think the WWE didnt sign any WCW talent. ppl are crazy to believe TNA talent are wasting their careers in TNA, Samoa Joe was there (WWE) early on, he wasent utilized, he may be bigger than John Cena.

Samoa Joe bigger than Cena? No.

I don't think I need to say the differences between hiring Stve Austin & Mick Foley, and hiring Rikishi & Goldust. Hell they aren't even hiring Rikishi & Goldust. They are hiring Junior Phatu & Black Reign.

Carlito isnt being utilized right, niether is Kane. Mcmahon would not use AJ Styles, Eric Young, Abyss, LAX, or any TNA guys the way he does the big time WWE stars. They'd go the WWE and die.

I think that says more about TNA than it does WWE. TNA release Eric Young, WWE don't give a shit. WWE release Kenny Dykstra, TNA make him a mystery partner for Kurt Angle.

Let them pull a WCW, without WCW there'd be no WWE as we know it now.

WWE would be different. But it would still be here.
This is unacceptable. Two weeks in a row we have tuned in to find out AJ's decision and both times left without an answer. You can't have the promise of a decision going for 3 weeks. It leaves the consumer felt used and abused. It is downright insulting. Its like "we'll take your Nielsen number but we're not gonna give you what you're waiting for. You have to give us that number for 6 hours of programming before you get remitted for it".

Jeff and TNA can go fuck themselves. I don't even watch TNA anymore. Its all Tivo'd so that I can fast forward through all the bullshit. The show's are despite their incredibly rich list of segments for the most part uneventful and the matches are fucking boring. Its all talk without a purpose. AJ had about 20 minutes of airtime to himself these last two weeks and for what? NOTHING!! I would much rather have a 20 minute long AJ match two weeks running and still not know what his decision was; then go through the dumb attempts at humor to achieve the same thing.

I miss the days when D'Amore had the book. At least TNA made sense and was interesting back then.
true, im pissed off with what there doing with AJ and his desion between angle and cage.AJ is a great wrestler why dont TNA let us see more of him wrestleing than acting the fool on the camera! i was really pissed at the time i wasted watching that crap! makes no sense!
There are many things wrong with TNA. When they first started, they had a few post WWE/WCW Monday Night War guys, but the face of TNA was AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, and the X Division matches. Now, we have WCW with no money. That's exactly what's going on. Christian is terrible as a main eventer, and so is Angle. Kurt Angle has been in ALL of the main events in TNA's 2007 PPV's. I didn't turn on TNA to watch something I saw on WWE programming a couple of years ago. Nash should give it up. He's gray headed and looks worse than Ric Flair does at his age. And the fact that they're playing off Samoa Joe's shoot by making him seem to be disgruntled with TNA management is nuts. Samoa Joe and AJ Styles, along with the other X Division stars should be main eventing, not Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, and Sting. The worst is the commentary with Mike Tenay and Don West. Terrible. Bring back Tony Schiavone or someone with a sense of telling a story.
Samoa Joe bigger than Cena? No.

I don't think I need to say the differences between hiring Stve Austin & Mick Foley, and hiring Rikishi & Goldust. Hell they aren't even hiring Rikishi & Goldust. They are hiring Junior Phatu & Black Reign.

I think that says more about TNA than it does WWE. TNA release Eric Young, WWE don't give a shit. WWE release Kenny Dykstra, TNA make him a mystery partner for Kurt Angle.

K yes Samoa Joe believe it or not was voted best wrestler in 2006 and 2nd in 2007.

they didnt hire Stone Cold they hired a hollywood blonde, Not to mention Eddie Guerro, Benoit, Milenko, Saturn.

WWE did care Young didnt want to go to WWE cause he didnt feel like he would be used right.

and its great that the WWE uses the great Kahli and Hornswoggle. Having cruserweights as main eventers, thats a great Promotion right there.

WWE doesnt know how to use good talent, they just want money.
Originally Posted by Derrville
Carlito isnt being utilized right, niether is Kane. Mcmahon would not use AJ Styles, Eric Young, Abyss, LAX, or any TNA guys the way he does the big time WWE stars. They'd go the WWE and die.

I think that says more about TNA than it does WWE. TNA release Eric Young, WWE don't give a shit. WWE release Kenny Dykstra, TNA make him a mystery partner for Kurt Angle.


K yes Samoa Joe believe it or not was voted best wrestler in 2006 and 2nd in 2007.

Yeah best. Not biggest. John Cena is by far the biggest full time wrestler performing today. Next is probably The Undertaker. Samoa Joe? I wouldn't even say in the top 10. Possibly 20.

they didnt hire Stone Cold they hired a hollywood blonde, Not to mention Eddie Guerro, Benoit, Milenko, Saturn.

There is a difference between hiring talent who haven't had there prime yet, and using wrestlers who's prime passed 10 years ago. It would also help TNA if they could use those wrestlers gimmicks. Instead they have to do cheap rip off versions.

WWE did care Young didnt want to go to WWE cause he didnt feel like he would be used right.

Because for some unknown reason TNA are pushing him. That's fine. But why is he still doing the same paranoid gimmick he's been doing for months? He was in the main event of Turning Point, and yet again TNA didn't capitalize.

and its great that the WWE uses the great Kahli and Hornswoggle. Having cruserweights as main eventers, thats a great Promotion right there.

Didn't TNA promote a PPV main event between A.J. Styles, Chris Daniels & Samoa Joe. Two of them are smaller wrestlers.

I haven't actually seen Hornswoggle or Khali wrestle each other in a main event yet.

WWE doesnt know how to use good talent, they just want money.

Well that's kinda the idea. It's a buisness.

I'll ask you a question.

What happens to TNA if Dixie Carter's company pull funding? Where will TNA get the money to pay there top stars?
TNA is to much of the one mans trash is another persons treasure, they have to realize that now every time a former WWE talent comes to TNA fans are already gonna know the story "i want the tna title" then boom main event next ppv and most likley gonna win if not another former WWE will win it, when was the last time we seen samoa joe with the title, he i rather see shark boy with the TNA title instead Kurt Angle all the damn time
to be honest, it seems like i am the last person on earth who enjoyed WCW more than the attitude era. TNA does not look like WCW to me more like WWECW, i can see why most would think otherwise, but what i think needs to happen in TNA is this, get two brands, make more money, sign more wrestlers, get more fans, get even more money.
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