Did HHH tease a Shawn Michaels return?


Pre-Show Stalwart
last night he looked at d bryan and said i thought shawn taught u better than this, it seems like the new hhh ain't afraid to lose friends as long as its for business, this could lead up to a hbk/hhh possible feud which 90% fans want for wrestlemania? did u notice this? and whats your thoughts on the 1st tease of hbk/hhh rivarly
the idea of Michaels vs Bryan at WrestleMania 30 is awesome but I don't think it had anything to do with a return, I think hhh was just meaning as how he said it nothing more sadly..
There is no doubt that I think HBK will return. It makes perfect sense, he is Triple H's best friend and the only man capable of talking to his power-crazy friend. It depends on how many shows HBK wants to work but he can make sporadic appearances to help build a feud help HHH garner some more heat.

I don't think HBK will ever wrestle again. He has other interests and making an odd appearance on Raw and PPV suits him far better. As for WM30, it could simply be HBK in the corner of whomever HHH is facing.
I've read a couple of reports over the past week or so suggesting that WWE intends to bring HBK back to Raw at some point in the coming weeks. I don't remember the exact details as to where the shows are taking place, but I do remember reading that he was being advertised as part of the show for at least two different episodes of Raw.

I highly doubt HBK will wrestle again but he's someone who'll whose support will only lend more credibility to Bryan, especially since Bryan was one of HBK's students years back.
90% of fans want this? Did you do a poll of all the WWE fans?
Shawn is my all time favorite wrestler but honestly I don't want him to come back and wrestle. I don't mind him doing some appearances here and there but he doesn't need to feud with Triple H and they certainly don't need to have a match at WM30.
The dirt sheets are reporting that Shawn will be at Raw sometime in the next few weeks. He'll probably come out and defend Bryan and Triple H will get mad and either have The Shield or Big Show take him out and that will be the end of it.
It's highly unlikely we'll see him in a match again. He seems happy with what he's doing outside of wrestling.
This is the one thing about the HHH/Orton/Bryan storyline that has actually made the most sense. Most smart fans already know Bryan was trained by Michaels and they mention it on TV all the time. Triple H mentioning it was obviously foreshadowing Shawn's return and I am glad. I just hate that WWE has to spoil potential returns in order to hype their returns up before they actually do return. I know they want high ratings but it would be nice to see HBK return shockingly when no one expects it. The element of surprise has been gone for too long from WWE and having Michaels return unexpectedly would be nice for a change.
If Shawn comes back it will probably just be for a few shows... and more than likely to get taken out by The Shield and Hunter in order to get more heat on them. I can hear Michael Cole now: "That's his best friend! Can you believe he's doing this to his best friend?!". Then he'll be in Bryan's corner in one of the PPV matches along the way, maybe a Sweet Chin Music to someone in The Shield. If he comes back it will be Michaels through Daniel Bryan vs Triple H.
Michaels will get involved in the HHH/Bryan feud, but that's going to be it. I don't see HBK returning to the ring against HHH for the millionth time. Could he return for a match sometime down the road? Sure. If he could wrestle after a 4 year absence and look like he's never missed a step, he can certainly come back in his 50's and still steal the show.
Shawn is my favourite wrestler of all time as well and I don't want to see him wrestle another match, he had the perfect ending to his career. I do think he'll pop up as part of the Bryan/Corporation storyline and he will be taken out by The Shield which lead to him being in someone's corner at Mania.
I don't think Shawn will ever wrestle again no matter what. He made it pretty clear after he retired that he was going to keep his word to Taker and everyone else that he has retired. Of course he'll make occasional appearances and get attacked by them like he was by Lesnar during the build up to Summerslam '12 or superkick heels but he'll definitely never wrestle again.

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