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Did Daniel Bryan's return kill The Miz's Push?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Just my personal opinion but I feel by having Bryan return and Miz attacking him at SS and on Raw is gonna kill his push.Over the past several weeks The Miz has been one of the most popular guys on Raw except for maybe Orton and Cena then WWE brings back Bryan and has The Miz attack him.Now dont get me wrong this rivalry could be great and both Stars can grow from it but I feel like The Miz was ready for the Main event and maybe a face turn but having him jump Daniel Bryan sets that back.I just think this would've been better two months ago.Its great for Daniel Bryan to come back and feud with the Miz for the U.S title but I really dont think its gonna help the Miz that much.The Miz's chance of going face is pretty much dead for now anyway,and even if you think Miz should stay heel what does a rivalry with Daniel Bryan do for The Miz?Not much imo.
This is going to do 2 things. One, this is going to get the US title off of Miz in a way that keeps great credibility to the title, and Two it is going to slingshot Miz to the world title. It will be interesting to see what happens at NOC sfter the title match.
Well, I do not think it has killed his Push. Like you've said, a rivalry with Danielson could be great, and I think this feud is more about getting the U.S. Championship off the Miz so that he can go for the WWE Championship and at the same time building up Danielson.

Miz doesn't necessarily need to become face, he is a pretty good heel. Just because his "face turn" seems pretty dead to you, there will always be other chances. I like it more when there is an actual reason to turn either heel or face, not because "it's long overdue"...Look at Orton back in 2004, he turned face just to feud with Triple H, and that wasn't a great run for him...Look @ Orton now, the fans cheer for him and have turned him face, and it's going great for him at the moment...Same thing can happen for Miz at a later point. I rather have him a heel at the moment, and am really looking forward to his feud with Danielson.
I think this is pretty simple to disect.Bryan will be US champ because MIZ has been saying "IM the us champ blalbla" but he hasnt really done anything with it.I can imagine what matches Bryan can have with mid carders.Man i cannot wait for this.I really doint care if Bryan can main event or not.Cause sure he is very little and he has a very generic and boring look but damn he can put on some good matches.

Im not saying this to bash Bryan but we all know how WWE thinks.
But to answer your question, no it wont kill his push, its just a way of them ending their little feud they had on NXT and give bryan the US championship ( american dragon u know!) and let Miz go to his business in between upper-mid/main-event lvl.
No, Daniel Bryan's epic return did not ruin Miz's push because Miz still has the MITB and that is all that matters. Daniel Bryan is only going to take the US Title to get his career started. Frankly, who cares if Miz loses the US title because he never defends it and the MITB is worth more. If Miz loses his MITB then he is going to have huge problems.
This isn't going to kill The Miz's push what so ever. The Miz holds the Money in the Bank briefcase right now. They needed a way to get the US Championship off of The Miz so he can go after the WWE Title. It's that simple. This will be an awesome feud with Daniel Bryan that will only make both wrestlers look much better.

And I don't think The Miz should be turning face anytime soon. Being a heel is working wonders for him right now and his promos have gotten better because of it. Look what happened to John Morrison when him and The Miz split up and he turned face. He became boring, irrelevant, and his mic work got worse. I wouldn't want that happening to The Miz, doubt it would, but still. The Miz needs to stay heel. It's working for him and he is going to continue being pushed.
I don't really see Miz making a very good face...he knows how to make people hate him, but he's never really succeeded in making them like him for any extended period of time. Maybe he will prove me wrong. I don't think this kills his push at all...what I see happening is that he loses his U.S. title, maybe to Bryan, then cashes in his title shock and takes the title from Sheamus, possibly on the same show.
i dont think its killing The miz's push. I think this is just a way to take the US title off him to put him in the main event and WWE champioship run. would you really want to see him keep both of the title's if he won the WWE title.
Miz will only benefit from a feud with Bryan. Taking a little longer to rise to the world championship isn't going to hurt him, and if by chance his wrestling ability increases during his feud with Bryan, even better. I personally don't see a problem with his wrestling, but it seems a lot of people hate it.

Besides, people have been wanting to see the Miz and Danielson have a full on feud ever since they NXT was going on. This culminates the feud, and could possibly set up Danielson costing Miz the world championship. If that means that Miz has to earn it legitimately, even better. Overall, I am looking forward to a Miz/Danielson feud.
Miz is at the top of his career right now will it kill his push... no! I think Miz will actually challenge Bryan for the US title and at NoC Bryan will win. Now as for Miz after he will focus on becoming WWE champion. Its a six pack challenge at the PPV so whoever is champ after is gonna be pretty beaten up. Miz will cash in but... i really dont see him cashing in sucessfully. He dosn't need a title and like sheamus he would be a crap champ.
No I don't think it will kill his push at all. He has to drop the US title to someone before winning the WWE title. At least Bryan has credibility as a wrestler. Cena lost the US title to Orlando Jordan right before winning the WWE title, and he turned out OK. I think a feud with him could actually help the Miz prove his wrestling ability before moving up.

I think Miz will have a match or two with Bryan and it will set up Bryan to feud with Alex Riley. Then the Miz will quickly move up possibly cashing in the MITB the same night he drops the US title.
I don’t think so. In fact, I would probably go as far to say that Daniel Bryan is going to play a very integral part in accelerating The Miz’s main event push.

To me, Daniel Bryan is going to be a very hot commodity in the WWE over the next few months. Due to circumstance, Bryan has become the most talked-about superstar outside of The Miz in the last couple of months and both of them are going to get so much out of this feud that is it unreal. Both of these guys need each other badly right now and I have a feeling that what the WWE are going to give us is going to live up to the high expectations that we have set for this prospective angle.

Daniel Bryan and The Miz obviously have some history and it only makes sense for these guys to feud as Daniel Bryan comes out the abyss once more. It just so happens that all of these guys are connected by both The Nexus and John Cena (to some extent). Really, there is no better fit for either of them and I assume that they will be feuding for the next couple of months. The reason that I think that it will help The Miz is because of the amount of responsibility that he is getting from the WWE. He is basically feuding with Sheamus right now and the briefcase is at the front of everyone’s mind. I think that with his feud with Bryan taking over, we are likely to forget about his Money in the Bank contract for a while and it might allow The Miz to settle into a position in the main event a little easier.

I don’t think that it has wasted his push but it has allowed the WWE to take their foot off of the gas for now whilst keeping him very relevant. Plus, whilst he has that case, The Miz’s push will not be forgotten at all.
yeah you guys make alotta good points and I think this rivalry is gonna be great.Just hope WWE doesnt lose site of what they got in the Miz.But the losing the U.S title and winning the WWE title in the same nite sounds real possible and likely.To me this rivalry may steal the thunder from the whole Nexus scituation but we shall see.
Not a chance. The man got the biggest cheer at Summerslam and he didn't even have a match. His promo was flawless. His heel persona and confidence just go from strength to strength week in, week out.
From the sinister and serious promo's he cut after his beat down of R-Truth and then after winning MITB to his refusal to participate with the crowd at Summerslam he is just gaining more heat and more fans.
After Sheamus was disqualified and RKO'd on the super strong announce table, audible chants of 'We Want Miz' and WWE officials, in my mind, seemed to fade to black quite quickly... something that rarely happens at PPVs. I thought at the time it was to cover up the chants only a little too late.
His music was cheered louder than Jericho's when he came out to almost participate in the tag match and Cena's dismissal of him was met with a chorus of boos. It was either clever booking or pure fluke that the only person who could forgivably replace him in this match was Daniel Bryan. The shock of it forced us into forgetting about the Miz momentarily. Michael Cole promptly reminded us though.

Michael Cole is the factor in all of this. You can insult him all you like, 'He's a poor announcer.' 'He is jealous of JR' and the latest was 'He's no different to Mike Adamle!' Whilst it all may be true, I don't claim to know, I'm a rubbish announcer, I've tried and failed at local Muay Thai events, he is building the Miz up every week.
Cole has been a squeaky clean face without real personality for years in the WWE. His sudden change has sparked a lot of intrigue. Things like hating on Bryan, getting bored of R-Truth's entrance and hyping the Miz, becoming the leader of his bandwagon and other heel-like comments on NXT have got us all listening. Lines like 'The Miz is the future of the company' and 'The Miz is the best Pro on NXT' will certainly continue. And we won't stop listening.

And as others have mentioned. He has the briefcase. Looking at recent events (ignoring the very predictable Kane/Undertaker storyline) the IWC has been God Awful at predicting what is going to happen. In The Miz's case the majority of the IWC is predicting he will lose his cash in attempt when it comes around. I completely disagree. He'll win.
Despite his upcoming feud with Daniel Bryan, The Miz can continue to haunt Sheamus and other title contenders. Backstage segments, Commentary appearances or just stage presence during matches can keep him in the limelight. A thought was tossed out earlier by Wushady, he'll probably cash in the night he loses the US.

Why not?
Are you kidding?! This didn't stop the Miz's push at all. If anything it, as Dave said, accelerated it.

The Miz has the Money in the Bank briefcase. He is hovering right there at the edge of the main event and can compete for the WWE Championship whenever he wants. However, he has one thing standing in his way: The US Championship. He is currently the titleholder, and until he gets rid of that, he's not going to cash in his MITB.

Cue Daniel Bryan. Bryan is the perfect man to take the belt off of Miz. Miz and Bryan have history together. Miz has defeated all comers. Bryan will be able to put on great matches and feud with all the midcarders on RAW for the title. And him beating Miz means that Miz can go ahead and cash in the briefcase.

No one else was going to be able to step up to the plate. No one else was credible enough. Bryan's return was perfectly timed to catapult Miz right into the main event scene where he belongs.

As for Miz not being able to turn face - Who cares?! The Miz is a fantastic heel and is doing perfectly in his role. Why would you WANT to turn him face when he's quickly getting the biggest heel reaction out of anyone on the roster? This Bryan feud may just save the Miz in his heel role because Bryan is so well-loved. Beating up on a fan favorite will get you instant heat; just look at last night! Bryan's return was perfect for both men, and this feud is going to be great.
I do not believe Daniel Bryan return killed the Miz push. No Chance in HHHell.

The Rock and Stone Cold once feuded over the WWF IC Title. And look at how they turn out later.

Daniel Bryan and Miz are already embarked in a feud between the Reality TV turned Wrestler and the Internet's Golden Child. This could be the start of a possible co-main event at WrestleMania.
C'mon Patriotjay thought you knew better than that? The Miz will lose his U.S title to Daniel Bryan (maybe?) Then move on to the WWE title picture. It's part of both wrestler's evolution to better things, while also properly introducing Alex Riley (who looks like he won't win NXT but still get kept on).

Miz I don't believe will turn heel until at least after he wins his first World championship and maybe for a long time after that. This isn't a Miz setback,it needs to be done to move on to the bigger picture.
Well the simple the fact this could be a good feud does good for The Miz on my opinion, It's going to do a LOT for the U.S title (seriously the title hasn't been defended in a while and at the moment it's just there to make The Miz look good). The Miz is a great heel and I'm not complaining if he stays heel for a little longer. Bryan Danielson derserves the U.S title with a solid run anyway in my opinion (if the two actually feud), the guy is very good in the ring. I don't think The Miz is ready to be a WWE Champion just yet and this feud could be a good delay for his Money In The Bank Cash-In. I wouldn't say it killed the push I'd just say it's being put on hold so then he could drop the U.S title to the American Dragon.
You know, I know I'm in the minority here, but I hope it kills the Miz's push... I really don't like him and really don't think he's all that great. He's good on the mic the same way Amazing Red is good in the ring, he's got the mechanics down and it's really flashy, but he doesn't know how to use it to tell or progress a story (although I did LOVE his promo at Summerslam... until Cole opened his mouth)
Just my personal opinion but I feel by having Bryan return and Miz attacking him at SS and on Raw is gonna kill his push.Over the past several weeks The Miz has been one of the most popular guys on Raw except for maybe Orton and Cena then WWE brings back Bryan and has The Miz attack him.Now dont get me wrong this rivalry could be great and both Stars can grow from it but I feel like The Miz was ready for the Main event and maybe a face turn but having him jump Daniel Bryan sets that back.I just think this would've been better two months ago.Its great for Daniel Bryan to come back and feud with the Miz for the U.S title but I really dont think its gonna help the Miz that much.The Miz's chance of going face is pretty much dead for now anyway,and even if you think Miz should stay heel what does a rivalry with Daniel Bryan do for The Miz?Not much imo.

Well not really, both men are really over and it's a rivalry that we been waiting to see. If The Miz is gonna be in the main event he's gonna have to drop the US title. Miz has the briefcase, Mr. MITB can enter the main event at anytime and it's best done at a time unexpected. And if these two have a great feud it will put both of them over like a million dollars.
It wont kill his push, Miz and Bryan had unfinished business, if they would have waited untill miz cashed in money in the bank and was champion then brought bryan back to face miz (the only logical reason to bring bryan back) it would result in them putting the miz (a questionable champion in manys eyes) against a no name contender in bryan (nobody outside the IWC) would result in the miz having a boring forgetable run.
No this won't kill The Miz's push, it will only help it. Since Bryan came back it is pretty much a natural thing that he would want to fued with The Miz, they had a decent fued going on on NXT and this is just a continuation of it. How will this kill Miz's push, as you said he is hot right now he is Mr MITB, the US champ he is being called the future of Raw do you think that the WWE is really going to just drop all of the time and effort they put into building up the Miz just because Bryan is back, of course they arent. This fued will only send the Miz further up the card as Bryan will likely take the US title thus allowing the Miz to focus on the ME picture and possibly cash in MITB.
I dont think his return will hurt The Miz at all. I actually think only good things will come because of his return.

Its already been said, but Daniel Bryan and The Miz are the two most talked about stars right now. Daniel Bryan will get a good rub from The Miz and The Miz will get a rub in return. A connection between these two will only generate more conversation and bring a lot more attention to their feud and the two of them.

Also, I still think that The Miz will drop his US title before he picks up the WWE championship. Right now, it seems DB is the man he'll be dropping it to. If so, we can hope that Daniel Bryan's in ring skills can make The Miz look like a more credible main eventer than he is now.
No, no no no no no. Wrong. It will not kill his push whatsoever. Its a very smart move by the WWE and its a very good way to get the US belt off The Miz without killing his momentum, and this way Miz can concentrate solely on his main event push which undoubtedly is going to happen. Surely he cant keep both belts that would be ridiculous plus we are getting what we wanted from the very start of NXT season one, a title match between Miz and Bryan, which is yet to be confirmed yet btw...
I dont think its killed his push. now they just have person he can drop the U.S belt to so he can cash in his MITB so his push can go to the top.

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