Did Christian Need The MITB More Than Kane?


Staff member
Before Money in the Bank last night, a lot was said about Christian and hoe should be the superstar from Smackdown to climb the ladder and retrieve the Smackdown briefcase. A lot of people though that this was not only a smart thing to do but also a chance to give the briefcase to someone who was right on the cusp of the main event but was also a chance to give the shot at the Championship to someone who really deserved it.

However, as we all likely know by now, Kane was the man who managed to win the Money in the Bank ladder match for Smackdown and subsequently cashed-in on Rey Mysterio after his match with Jack Swagger. Now, my question is quite simple really:

Should the Money in the Bank contract have gone to Christian instead of Kane?

Now, I am very happy that Kane has won the Money in the Bank and the World Heavyweight Championship too. However, I feel that Christian was the one man in that match that really needed it. Kane could have gotten to the same position by following the angle that he was on before Money in the Bank. He was decimating everything that stood before him and it wouldn’t be too long before he eventually made it to the main event on the back of the angle.

However, Christian can not say the same thing. It looks as though he will be feuding with Matt Hardy in the future and I think that he is better than that. I would have loved him to win the match because it would have given him that boost to get into the main event, where he should be. Christian needed that case last night and he didn’t manage to get it. I have a feeling that whilst Kane will be a good Champion, Christian could have used that case a lot better than Kane could.

Will Christian need the case? Or will he make it to the main event without the Money in the Bank?
Personally, I was pulling for Christian, and almost felt annoyed when Kane won.

But Christian jsut continues to get stepped over.

Anyway to answer the topic, I do not believe this is the end for Christian, I mean he's only 36, still has another 5 years in him, if not more, and aslong as he stays loyal, and waits patiently, I believe his chance will come, even if its only one title reign.

However, this does bring up the questions of, if Christian hadn't gone to TNA, would he be any better?

I think Christian would be WHC by now, if he hadn't have left for the competition :banghead:
Or will he ever make it to the main event? I ask this because over the course of this year the WWE have almost made me thoroughly convinced that they have no desire to make a main event talent out of Christian. They seem content with keeping him at a level above Matt Hardy in terms of where he stand on the card. I don't like what they're doing with him but that's the route they continues to go. Let's talk about Christian's year of 2010 shall we?

Christian started off this year with a lot of promise as he continued his ever so impressive ECW title reign that took up a good portion of last year. He even scored a successful title defense against Ezekiel Jackson. Then ECW came to a close and they had Christian drop his title to Jackson on the last edition of ECW, just so Big Zeke could have some momentum on his way to a new roster. Then Christian was thrown on RAW as I shuddered at the thought of it. During this time he was mainly used for building up towards the MITB Ladder match as WreslteMania where for a good while he looked to be the favorite going into the match.

Then WrestleMania 26 came and the crowd was fully into Christian, whether they were in the stadium live or watching at home. The MITB seemed to be Christian's match and his time to shine, but then they gave the win to Jack Swagger, which for me was one of the most underwhelming victories i've seen from a MITB match. So what does Christian do after this? Feud with Swagger, the man who screwed him out of the case i'm sure, no he goes on to have a pointless three week feud with Ted Dibiase before thankfully being drafted to SmackDown.

It was here I certainly thought Christian would be used to his true and full potential, a lot of other wrestlers have done this on SD such as Jeff Hardy for example. Once again my thoughts of him competing in number one contender matches and challenging the man that stole MITB from him Jack Swagger were put to waste as the only relevant thing he did was compete in a tournament for the IC title. Other than that he has teamed with Hornswoggle, feud with Dolph Ziggler, and have a brief feud with Hawkins and Archer, before getting into a feud with Matt Hardy over the recent MITB pay-per-view.

It just seems no matter how much we want them too the WWE just refuses to give Christian the rightful push he deserves. I am in full doubt he will ever make it to the top as he was drafted to SmackDown, but his spot on the card is very similar to his spot he had when he was on RAW for that brief period of time. Whatever momentum Christian had from his days on ECW are gone, because the WWE keeps continuously wasting him on almost every opportunity they get.
Not necessarily. Kane was just as well a great choice to carry the belt. He's the one that has the storyline revolving around him and Undertaker right now. He's the primary focus on Smackdown for the most of it due to that storyline.

That makes Kane somewhat of a draw. The draw is the guy that needs to hold the belt. Or at least he needs to be up there chasing it. Kane is now holding it. Therefore it allows the other drawers to challenge for it.

Christian isn't that big of a draw. He's over with the crowd don't get me wrong. But do you truly tune in on a show to watch Christian. Or to watch the interesting storyline going on? He was a draw on ECW. And he was the top guy due to that. But that's about it. ECW drew ratings like TNA and NXT.

Christian could very well have taken the championship. He could've run with it. But I don't think it warrants him as more deserving of the championship. When Kane has devoted the most of his career to WWE. He has been the go-to guy in terms of putting over talent and actually serving more of a jobber than anything. Other than Christian who left in 2005 for 4 years.

4 years is a long time. Christian could've achieved stuff in WWE with that. But in the meantime Kane was out there building his legacy. Becoming more and more the go-to guy for WWE to put over talent.

Let's look at what Kane was doing while Christian was out building his legacy in another company. Kane became tag team champion with Big Show. He had the "imposter" storyline. He had feuds with various of the mid-carders as well as some of the main eventers. And he held the ECW championship for approximately 3 months.

Wouldn't you much rather rest a championship on Kane's shoulders than the guy who left the company for 4 years? I sure would rest it on the more loyal company man.

Both could've held the championship. That's all there is to that. Kane was just the better choice right now.
Kane has a hell of a lot more mileage on him than Christian. I'm a huge Christian fan, especially during his tenure in TNA where he was allowed to shine,however from a business point of view, it made sense to finally make Kane champion. Not just because of his current storyline, but because direction. Not much to go after Rey beats Swagger as he was the only heel around with Punk hurt. A Tweener champion is a bit of a need right now, and Kane fills that spot quite nicely. Christian is playing a tweener right now as well, but he hasn't been as influencial to the main event as Kane has lately.

Don't worry. Someday Christian will get his. If Kane did, so can he. Even if it's in TNA.
Yes Christan needed the briefcase more then Kane.

Kane was on a roll, demolishing people and putting together epic preformances. Christan Hasn't done anything relevant since his ECW title run. Kane earned this though, look at how much work he has put in since Taker's injury. Kane has stepped up in every sense of the word.

Christan may have needed it more, but Kane deserved it more.

As for christan in the main event, Kane's WHC reign is proof enough anything is possible. Just might need to wait for the opportune moment.
I couldn't have been more disappointed with this match. For weeks we have it hyped it up that it could be either Christian or Matt Hardy to possibly win it and become world champion and out of nowhere we find out Kane wins and cashes it in. Not to say Kane doesn't deserve it but the story he's in right now would of most definitely pushed him into the world title scene. I was pulling for Christian and Matt Hardy all the way and possibly see a badass fued for the title but like always the WWE doesn't seem to want the spotlight on these two. I'm hoping they'll one day push Christian and Matt Hardy if not I'd rather see them go to TNA where they would shine like they should.
I was hoping Christian or Hardy would win it, because they're both veterans who have never been given a chance with the world title in WWE. Of course, Kane had his 1-day reign which barely counts, but I honestly didn't think there was any chance they would give Kane the belt. So when Kane did actually cash in the briefcase and win the title, I was very happily surprised. I think there's a good chance that both Christian and Hardy will get a short run with the world title before they retire. Neither one is too old and they are good workers, despite some people's hate for Matt because he got fat from an intestinal injury. And if they don't, then that's ok. There are some high midcarders who just never get that chance to win at the main event level, but it doesn't mean their career was a failure.
Let's be honest here folks, until the very recent Undertaker storyline - Kane was not anywhere near the title picture. They've given him the ball and he's ran with it, creating a compelling storyline. Then... they give him the MITB and the belt in one night :wtf: How does this forward his revenge storyline? All this can serve to do is make the belt a secondary aspect to his current storyline. Kane's storyline does not require the belt so why give him it? He can always move into the title picture once the storyline ends - or at the very least have the World champ be the attacker, so the title victory can be the ultimate punishment!

Miz won the RAW MITB, this made sense - it elevated a mid carder, not in an existing storyline, logically into the title picture. On the SD side we had Christian, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston (personally I could never take Matt as a serious title threat) who could all have moved into a similar position.
I know what you all think by looking at my name and signature... that i will always back Christian and be biased, but I truly believe he deserved the Briefcase. Kane is a automatic title contender because of his size and past, he does not need the contract. While Christian's only hope of getting a title was thou Money in the Bank. I do believe this was one of Christians last chances of becoming a true main player.
Plus Christian really wanted it. Kane has said numerous times that he would rather put other guys over, and now he is the World Heavyweight Champion. Christian deserved it more and should have got it, I almost feel Vincent Kennedy McMahon wants to punish Christian and his peeps for going to TNA because when Christian went his peep's followed. VKM always teases a Christian main event push. like Money in the bank at WM 25, 26 at this ppv and when he had that couple week feud with Edge. Vince is probably reading this and laughing like an evil maniac. It is so disheartening to be a peep.
Yeah, I think Christian will need the briefcase if he's ever going to get any where near the World Heavyweight Championship, and he's going to have to wait until Wrestlemania 27 to get another chance, so Christian better hope that the MITB PPV didn't draw well.

Christian is currently going no where on Smackdown. Ever since his VERY brief time in the IC title picture, he's been fading away into the land of obscurity. He's tag teamed with Hornswoggle, and I seriously hope he doesn't have a long feud with Hardy, because it won't do anything for him. I have to beleive that Kane and Undertaker will be in the world title picture for a while, and others(Rey Mysterio Jack Swagger, Big Show) will get their chance at the gold before Captian Charisma will. Wrestlemania 27 might be Christian's last chance, because I just can't see him making it to the title without the briefcase.
Goddamn not another one of these Christian has to win MITB threads. Since he came back to the WWE Christian has been in I believe 3 MITB matches and every single time people say he should win and go to the main event. Then every time he ends up losing and about 10 of these threads are created. Christian, not unlike Kane, is an established veteran who is over with the crowd. Whenever the WWE wants him to be in the main event it won't take much effort for him to get there.

However, with each passing opportunity it seems more and more likely that the decision makers in the WWE do not see Christian as a main event guy. I personally believe they are wrong but that is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Kane is part of the second biggest storyline in the WWE right now and the biggest one on Smackdown. This was an easy way to continue that storyline and add some fire to it. Kane was the best choice and the right move was made. Please stop with the Christian needs to win MITB threads because they are really getting redundant.
Not That I could ever agree with Vinnie Mac but As Much as i Love Christian, I just dont see him as a Champion in WWE. Not a World champ anyway. I Barely Believed it when he was champ with TNA.

He just doesnt seem......There yet, He needs something New than this "Peep" Stuff, but hell he has a "Talk Show" named after the Peeps so he is kinda Stuck I suppose.
lol Their was never a second in my mind where I thought he would win, I knew it wasn't going to happen. You guys actually think vince is going to push someone who went to TNA and then came back, vince has already said he doesn't see christian as main event material and the fact that he was in TNA basically ceils the coffen shut. Christian will never be a world champion, he might get a IC title reign but never a world title run i'll tell you that

I know all of love christian because he gives most of you a boner but the fact is that he's been in 3 MITB matches since his return and each one he's lost, it's not going to happen

Kane was the right choice, he's currently being pushed, he's always been loyal, and he deserves it.
I have stopped trying to care about Christian for the past few years now. I know that his place will probably be mid card status for some time now. Christian is now feuding with Matt Hardy and is getting the Matt Hardy treatment pretty much. I wanted to see Christian win MITB since Wrestlemania 25, but it hasn't happened. I think his gimmick now is getting really stale. I think the best way for Christian to break out of this slump is to turn heel and challenge whoever is the top face on Smackdown.

The problem is that there aren't any top faces on Smackdown anymore besides Big Show and Mysterio. If Christian was on Raw we could see some great matches with Edge and Jericho. He is lost in limbo on Smackdown right now. I would like to see Christian win MITB or get a title shot, but now isn't the right time. It was the right time for Kane to win the match since he has been on a roll lately on Smackdown. It will probably lead to the Undertaker beating him again down the road for the title, but at least Kane got one last shot at glory.
Absolutely, Kane definitely deserves the World Heavyweight Title but, Christian would make more sense here. Kane already has an angle coming up with the Undertaker and I don't think there is a need to put the World Heavyweight Championship into the mix. Plus, it's extremely obvious that if Undertaker returns to face Kane, the end of the storyline will feature Kane losing the title to his brother.

If Christian would've won, he could've turned heel, or stayed face and started to gain some momentum on his way to the World Heavyweight Championship. He could've gave Smackdown exactly what it's missing, an entertaining cocky face who everyone loves. He could've even turned heel and feuded with Matt Hardy or Rey Mysterio. Christian in my opinion is one of the most versatile wrestlers in the WWE. He can be face or heel, he can put on some really good matches, mic skills are great too. It's too bad that he doesn't get what he deserves.
Well yeah Christian NEEDED it more, but Kane DESERVED it just as much.

Christian, as much as I am a fan of his, has no momentum left, I don't see him picking any up either. Lets face it, every single time Christian is on the cusp, or hes the "favorite" to win something, he falls flat on his face due to shit booking.

I love Captain CHarisma, and I was hpin he'd win the most. But Kane might just be the slightly better choice. Because hes got momentum and a huge storyline behind him. I just hope Christian atleast gets a PPV shot at the title, that would be his heaven.
No Christian did not need it more as Christian wont be pushed for a shot at the title. I was always a major fan of Christian since he moved to TNA. Since moving from ECW his job has been clear to everyone. He is used to put talent over and have feuds with talents that are young and are able to be pushed.

Christian is happy with his current role and he has no desire to pushed once more.

Would i of liked to of seen Christian win MITB well yes course i would but he didn't need it.
In my opinion no.Kane needed this more because he has been in very bad storylines over the past few years.He was a jobber from about 2007-Mid 2010.Only in recent months has he become intimadating again.
no he doesn't. he needs to build up first, have him win the intercontiental title first, keep it for about 3/4 months, drop it, then step up to the world title.

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