Christian heel turn?

Heel turn what Christian needs to finally make it to the top?

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So many others have said this but yea, that fiasco on SD was just the "every man for himself" thing WWE has been pounding in our head for a few weeks now. As far as Christian, I voted no, because even though he is a FANTASTIC heel, who gets major heat, I don't really see Christian becoming a WHC, he's past his prime and WWE really missed the ball a few years back. Maybe they should just put him in the IC title chase and use him to put over younger guys like Kofi to the ME status, couldn't hurt.
I'd personally love to see Christian turn heel and win MITB. Many were hoping and praying that he would get a title run before heading to TNA the first time around when he seemed to be the most over and cool heel on SmackDown and RAW. I was hoping whenhe moved to SmackDown the first time that they would let him get the gold and hold it for a while but that didn't seem to happen. Now that he is there again, turning him heel and giving him a run with the title would be great for WWE and for Christian's fans.
Over the past month or so, there have been a few, let's say, "tense moments" between Christian and Matt Hardy. I know this may be jumping to conclusions a bit, but I feel there is serious potential for a feud between the two, ending with a fully heel Christian (which I think would be great). The first few encounters seem to have been passed off as part of both men's desire to get an advantage heading into MITB, but after what happened during their match on Smackdown, it seems to be a tease of things to come. I could easily see this as a highly anticipated bout for Summerslam, and think their history with each other could play a role as well, and a fantastic feud could be produced. My questions are: Would you like to see this? If so, how should it go down?
I would love to see it my suggestion is for them to become a tag team they get unified tag titles and it is all good untill Edge challenges them to a match then Like it was at NOC 2008 Edge doesn't say who it is then its reveled its christian who is edge's partner

Or you could have christian Go on a losing streak then when its really bad like 12 losses in he gets mad and starts Yelling and trashing the ring and really just losses it then he gets on the mic and says how he knows why he can't win a world and it because the fans are bringing him down he always pleased them but no more he only cares about him self
Yeah I definitely want too see these two fued and I think that it will likely happen however I am not really sure who the heel will be, the WWE has teased heel turns from both men over the past few weeks. In my opinion Christian is the one who should turn heel for this fued as IMO he is a better heel than face I'm not sure how I'd have it happen maybe he can attck Matt back stage or even beat him down along with his opponent(s) during a match. Any this would lead to some sort of stip match (maybe TLC?) at Summerslam.

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