Did anyone see the liberal democrats political broadcast last night?

Deexter Jorgan

Has a Dark Passenger on board...
Ok so i was board last night and decided to wait for Jono Ross to come on and saw the party political broadcast for the liberal democrats, some old guy came on and decided to rant about a few things

- The Economy:

We are in a recession, and he basically said that the amount of money the government is throwing at the problem is atrocious, we need to cut down spending in order to help save this lovely country of ours (yeah right)

- Finger Pointing:

The Parties involved in this recession should not point the finger as whose to blame, they need to work together to insure that this doesnt happen again

- Tough Decisions:

If they get into power they want to remove tax credits, stop students from going to uni because aparently in their view its pointless because graduates rarely get any work anyways (their view not mine).

Basically it was the most stupid and one sided broadcast i ever seen, not even the rock could save the lib dems at this point and IMO this is kind of shocking, are these the steps we really need to take? I know things are bad but it seems that the liberal democrats are attempting to swing the votes of the working class by hanging students and families on welfare out to dry.

Whats your opinion?

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