I Joined The Liberal Democrats

Here's what I don't get - I don't think Labour will win the next general election, but I don't think they'll get hammered. Corbyn's no worse a leader than Milibland and has a clear political identity unlike his predecessor and it's extraordinary that Neil bloody Kinnock can stand there with a straight face and say Corbyn's a poor leader. The man lost an election versus John Major. He can fuck right off.

The 'traditional Labour, working class vote' died a painful death last election when Labour lost control in its heartlands - in Wales, Scotland and the North. Those areas turned their back on Labour because they thought they'd become the Tories and felt they'd been betrayed by a Labour party that said it'd rejuvenate the country at the hands of Blair/Brown.

For better or worse, Corbyn is most certainly neither of those. That'll appeal to some.
I certainly hope the defeat won't be as emphatic as I expect. However, I think it's a mistake to think voters vote based solely on where a party sits on the left-right political spectrum. Competence, or at least perceived competence, is a good example. Ed Miliband didn't lose an election that was handed to him on a plate because he was Tory-lite, or because he was Red Ed, but because he looked like a fucking div eating a bacon sandwich and had all the authority of a twelve-year-old. And, not to tell you your own business, but Scottish politics has been divided on the lines of nationalism versus indepence, identities which the Tories and the SNP have happily assumed, leaving Labour spinning round and wondering what happened. Plus the Ruth Davidson Party was an absolute PR masterstroke. Saying you'd like to bring back sympathy strikes isn't going to do shit in that environment.
The way I see it, Corbyn isn't the big problem. It's his supporters that are turning people off, as well as the smear campaigns from the press. Much like Trump, but Trump is obviously worse than Corbyn. Corbyn is extremely easy to attack though.

That, and he reminds me of Dr Breen:
Nowhere else for me to put this:

Corbyn's stance on Brexit: retain total freedom of movement, don't worry about the single market

Number of people this appeals to: 17
Boris Johnson's stance: no freedom of movement, unlimited access to the single market, free blowjobs for all
TBH this doesn't really mean anything. Also there's nothing wrong with affiliating with a group that generally shares your values and ideals.

Also Uncle Sam that is seriously the best episode of Peep Show.

Independent is a political party (so yes this does mean something). I really doubt most people 100% agree with any party. I find it odd to label yourself as one specific party unless you're running for office.
They have a very strict membership policy. They don't even let you in if, for example, you're a staunch free market capitalist who shits their pants and calls for a company to be boycotted when they react to market forces. Then again, you're probably already a Tory MP by that stage.

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