Dibiase Admirer


Getting Noticed By Management
After watching Raw it seems they are going to play out a secret admirer story with Ted Dibiase. A few weeks back Maryse "found" a love letter in the car which Teddy new nothing about. Then this week a video package played after the match talking about love with hearts and everything.

so with that whom do you think that is advertising. I for one have no idea as it seems most divas are on NXT and it'd be stupid to be one of them unless its Aksana to feud with Maryse.

I for one can't answer this unless it's directed at Maryse and ends up being Brett Dibiase to feud with Teddy.

We'll just have to wait, what you ya'll think?
First of all. I seriously wouldn't think it's Ted DiBiase who has an admirer, more that it's Maryse who has the admirer, especially considering she found the letter, as well as the flowers (I believe it was flowers).

Maryse really also seems like the obvious choice for it all, considering the fact that Ted DiBiase seemingly plays off as if he only has Maryse for the attraction and because she looks good, but the true love is being rich, which Jerry Lawler have played off on every now and then.

So the question really should be who's the admirer of Maryse, and especially considering the fact that we had pretty much zero hints towards the answer yet, or seemingly there's not showing any signs of an admirer ever stepping forth. So really it could be anybody, and it could also be nobody.

I guess, all we can do is to sit back and wait for this to develop.
This storyline has some potential and I really hope it doesn't get wasted on a debuting diva to feud with Maryse. I'm holding out hope that the secret admirer is Goldust. He is one of the more underrated guys on the roster and a personal favorite of mine. He has done a good job in the past at getting guys over and he could really do a lot for Dibiase. The biggest knock against Ted Jr. is his lack of personality and Goldust has no shortage of that. A quick feud or maybe even a brief tag team for those two could get Dibiase over and give Goldust some deserved TV time.
I think it'd be good to see where this leads up to. It'd be even greater if the admirer was JoMo, have him work his 'magic' on Maryse. If I'm not mistaken, wasn't there a spot a few weeks ago where Maryse got involved somehow and she almost got taken out and JoMo showed concern for her?? (Or was I just mistaken?) What better way to show up Million Dollar Baby than to take away one part of his goodies, by taking away his 'million dollar diva.' Another funny guess would be is if the Secret Admirer were Cole, that one time on Superstars, King and him were joking about how Cole seems to have a way with the Divas and Cole said that he thinks Maryse looked at him and that he had a chance with her. lol Granted, I know it was all ribbing, but that would be an even greater twist.
This storyline has some potential and I really hope it doesn't get wasted on a debuting diva to feud with Maryse. I'm holding out hope that the secret admirer is Goldust. He is one of the more underrated guys on the roster and a personal favorite of mine. He has done a good job in the past at getting guys over and he could really do a lot for Dibiase. The biggest knock against Ted Jr. is his lack of personality and Goldust has no shortage of that. A quick feud or maybe even a brief tag team for those two could get Dibiase over and give Goldust some deserved TV time.
well, my hope is that the person they "want" is Maryse and if they "want" Dibiase it's as a Tag Team partner and i do NOT want it to be Goldust. I am not a fan of this storyline at all. My wish is that, this is a weird way to turn Dibiase face and then have him form a Tag Team with either his brother Brett Dibiase (if he's healthy) or Michael McGuillicutty (with a new last name), but something tells me this storyline will be cheesy like the Hornswoggle ones because these two havent really been used up until recently.
Its Val Venus!...ok maybe not him, but its not going to be a big star such as JoMo, Bourne and god help Not Mark Henry...but who knows, I Hope it's somebody like Goldust as 'Big Sexy' said. He's getting on now, and a fresh storyline would really give him his spotlight back, especially since he's dressing as William Regal, Being in 5 second matches...But Knowing WWE, Somebody crap like Hornswoggle is probley behind it, just because it would make the Kiddys laugh...I'm Just Sayin...
I definitely think that the secret admirer thing is aimed at Maryse. Remeber Dibiase talking down to her previously? I would love the "admirer" to be Miz. Why? Because a while back he kept pursuing her, and she basically gave him the cold shoulder, saying "you're not important enough" during his Cena fued. But oh, have times changed! I think it would be a great addition to his mini-stable with Alex Riley... imagine those three walking out with Miz as WWE champion, claiming to be the hottest thing going in WWE!

However, using previous booking logic, this is probably going to end with the secret admirer being Mark Henry! Or worse, Zack Ryder!

Oh, and about Golddust; I believe NXT set up an Aksana/Golddust marriage angle last night (which I love because they look great together), so i don't think he's the admirer.
This storyline has some potential and I really hope it doesn't get wasted on a debuting diva to feud with Maryse. I'm holding out hope that the secret admirer is Goldust. He is one of the more underrated guys on the roster and a personal favorite of mine. He has done a good job in the past at getting guys over and he could really do a lot for Dibiase. The biggest knock against Ted Jr. is his lack of personality and Goldust has no shortage of that. A quick feud or maybe even a brief tag team for those two could get Dibiase over and give Goldust some deserved TV time.

This! This looks to be an amusing comedy storyline that could help out Ted DiBiase hopefully develop some personality and acting skills. Goldust has both, plus ring skills. Working with Goldust could provide with some funny segments and the veteran could help the rookie improve enough to eventually even take that main event spot everyone thought DiBiase was destined to have.

Unlike most IWC wrestling fans, I enjoy comedy segments, provided they're actually funny. I think wrestling needs a balance between serious wrestling and storylines, and some comedy matches. And Goldust knows comedy.

I'm excited for this storyline.
What about the chance of the secret admirer being Cody? With him now winning the tag titles, he can appear on raw to start the feud between the former partners. He was present at Raw on Monday when the flowers appeared. Cody obviously has the whole new "I am the sh!t" look going and they can use the angle that he should be one with the hot girlfriend. Then as the previous poster mentioned, it could turn Teddy face and have him partner with his brother to have a tag feud with the new champs.
Do you guys remember the Maryse and Jon Lovitz angle they pulled when Lovitz was the guest host? This is probably the answer to this. Lovitz was also seen at a Raw eyeing Maryse when she out for some Divas match of something. This angle is going to be a big let down. Nothing good will come of it.
well, my hope is that the person they "want" is Maryse and if they "want" Dibiase it's as a Tag Team partner and i do NOT want it to be Goldust. I am not a fan of this storyline at all. My wish is that, this is a weird way to turn Dibiase face and then have him form a Tag Team with either his brother Brett Dibiase (if he's healthy) or Michael McGuillicutty (with a new last name), but something tells me this storyline will be cheesy like the Hornswoggle ones because these two havent really been used up until recently.

If they're setting DiBiase up for a tag team, Id like to see Husky Harris come back and use his real name and be partners with DiBiase. A few months ago when "The A-Team" hosted DiBiase called IRS uncle Irwin. What if they went the route of "family" and brought combined them as a tag team. Maybe have IRS or Million Dollar Man as a manager for awhile. IF the WWE is setting this up as a tag team, it better be worth it and not just trhown together like most tag teams are.

This is the only scenario that would get me interested in this. DiBiase has been bland since he went on his own. Not really interested in what he is doing right now. The WWE has potential to create great characters with the talent they have and the family they have working for them. They need to use it to their advantage with this.
I think that the WWE will do something stupid like make it Mae Young or something like that and she comes out and kisses Dibiase that's something that the WWE is known for doing so i wouldnt be surprised if that happend
If they're setting DiBiase up for a tag team, Id like to see Husky Harris come back and use his real name and be partners with DiBiase.

This is the only scenario that would get me interested in this. DiBiase has been bland since he went on his own.
i hope it's NOT Goldust first of all, Goldust isnt what he was and teaming him and Dibiase up would basically make Dibiase's career worse than it is, if Dibiase does form a tag team or does turn face, my wish is that it's with either his brother Brett Dibiase or with Hennig. Hennig and the Dibiase's can form a Fortanate Sons group and Hennig can claim he's the perfect son while the Dibiase's can say they are the rich ones and together that makes them Fortanate or something like that. If not Brett Dibiase or Hennig, team Ted Dibiase NOT with Husky Harris, but with Husky's brother who (from what i heard) looks more like his father.
I think its cody rhodes , remember cody rhodes is dashing and he'd be even more dashing with a dashing woman on his side lol cody rhodes and ted dibiase fued for maryse ? It makes perfect since .. they were apart of the same tag team ( Legacy ) .
IF the WWE is setting this up as a tag team, it better be worth it and not just trhown together like most tag teams are.

I also wouldn't mind seeing Ted Dibiase form a stable with his brother AND both Husky Harris (under his dad's last name) and Rotunda's/Harris' younger brother who looks more like his dad and they can call themselves Money Inc. 2 or something, but i doubt WWE does that because for some reason they dont take their tag team wrestling seriously. Every tag team they have split up, it wouldnt surprise me if the Usos or Harts split up in the near future.
I think its cody rhodes , remember cody rhodes is dashing and he'd be even more dashing with a dashing woman on his side lol cody rhodes and ted dibiase fued for maryse ? It makes perfect since .. they were apart of the same tag team ( Legacy ) .
That would make sense, BUT would WWE think about this??? likely not, it seems that with Dibiase they dont care about making him great like they wanted to in the past, hopefully they get Maryse away from Ted Dibiase ASAP so they can plan better for Ted Dibiase. Unlike Cody Rhodes (whose Tag team champion now) Ted needs a partner so he can be noticed again. Cody Rhodes could lose the Tag Team titles and i wouldnt care because Cody is a better singles star. he's got the talent and the mic work to be great on his own.
hmmm i can't wait to see where this soap opera goes..perhaps Ted Dibiase's dad's tax guy is the admirer..if Vince Russo was in WWE i don't think he could come up with such intriguing and sensible storylines. This is interesting, i hope Mark Madden writes a column on how amazing this is compared to the Abyss story in TNA.

In all seriousness though, maybe Virgil is leaving the letters to lead Dibiase along to make him think he's admired and then when he's least expecting it he's gonna deliver a Shawn Michaels superkick to him and turn his talentless career around and become the greatest wrestler in the history of WWE.
For some reason the whole time the music was playing when the letters were scrolling on the titantron all I could think of was the World Largest Love Machine.... Viscera. Not sure what his health is cause he was so overweight and WWE wanted him to drop some lbs.
I want it to be Zak Ryder he is getting more segments backstage so maybe it could be him saying Edge is his mentor. Then he can say Edge also got big after his after with a former diva (Lita). This wont happen but a guy can wish right.
Michael McGuillicutty Is a good bet, creative are gonna want to get him back onto television soon as he did great in NXT, and feuding with Ted DiBiase would be a very intering way of getting him back into the frame.

Cody Rhodes is far too busy winning the tag team championships with Drew McIntyre and feuding with the Hart Dynasty now, to be getting involved in any type of feud with Ted DiBiase.

John Morrison would've been an interesting choice if this was done months ago, but there feud has already been and gone, and it's far too soon to see them dive right back into another one.

Goldust, is a possiblity but I hope it's not, I personally have never been a fan of his. I must admit, there are worse people that it could turn out to be, Goldust did help get Sheamus across in ECW, with their brief feud.

The Great Khali again wouldn't surprise me and again I hope it's not. Khali is known for being a bit of a "ladies man" with the Khali kiss cam etc. and he's not exactly doing much else these days.

Ted DiBiase Sr. and Brett DiBiase! Ted Sr. pissed off with Ted Jr. for treating him so bad after Wrestlemania and stealing his gimmick, that'll he'll steal Maryse, and of course introduce his other son Brett, who is the new favourite son and will feud with Ted Jr. to keep dad happy. Now I find it unlikely that this would be the case, but just think how it could all play out - Ted Jr. would almost immediately turn face after the admirer being revealed as his dad, he and Brett would feud for a few months, Ted Sr. would of course use Maryse to get into Ted Jr's head, and cost him victories over Brett. But something would happen, and either Brett would turn on the dad or the family would unite, but either way Brett and Ted Jr. would form a tag team (The Fortunate Sons).
This storyline has some potential and I really hope it doesn't get wasted on a debuting diva to feud with Maryse. I'm holding out hope that the secret admirer is Goldust. He is one of the more underrated guys on the roster and a personal favorite of mine. He has done a good job in the past at getting guys over and he could really do a lot for Dibiase. The biggest knock against Ted Jr. is his lack of personality and Goldust has no shortage of that. A quick feud or maybe even a brief tag team for those two could get Dibiase over and give Goldust some deserved TV time.

Sweet revenge 20 years later from when Ted Dibase Sr. stole Sapphire away from Dusty Rhodes.

I didn't realize this was a developing story. I must not be paying close enough attention lately because I have no memory of the letter or the flowers. This past week was the first I ever saw of this story. Stories like this are always fun because it keeps the fans guessing.
i had a wacky thought.. it is Goldust.. but he's not after Maryse, or Ted.. he's after the million dollar belt!

OOOOooooh that gold belt, all those shiny gems, it belongs around the waist of only one person... uuuuusssh Goldust... rawr
I like where this storyline could possibly go. Than I start to wretch when thinking of other places this could go.

A Diva on Ted Storyline just doesn't interest me. A new Diva for Maryse to feud with? Yay! What a great career turn Ted is in involved in!!! LOL... I hope they are not looking to go down this path.

The idea of it being Cole, or an actor, such as Jon Lovitz is horrid. I just don't wanna see that AT ALL!!

But what I think would be positive is it being someone connected to his past in some way.

Husky Harris - Because IRS was his dad, they could work an interesting angle, maybe even turning Ted face in the process.

Cody Rhodes - This could really be the best possible result for this "mystery". Cody seems like he will not be turning Face anytime soon. So that might kind of force a Face turn for Ted, which could be a good thing. Who knows?

Ted Sr. - The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. Ted Jr.'s daddy. I don't know how deep they would go with this, but if done right, it could be decent. But, if done wrong... It could be as similar in horridness as Torri Wilson and her dad, involved with Dawn Marie, I believe it was.
It's Tyler Black... think about it. He loses the ROH World title, and now he has nothing left to do... plus he's going to skip the FCW spot anyway. Or at least, that's who I want it to be =\

However, keeping it more realistic and looking around, I'd like to say that maybe it's R-Truth or someone that Ted's being feuding with recently. This is WWE after all and they usually try to spice rivalries up by adding another element to the mix.
I think that it's aimed at toward Ted and that it's a new Diva. If you remember several weeks ago on this site's news section, they stated that WWE was going to introduce a new Diva. However, at the time, they were playing all those silly intros each week on Smackdown for Alberto Del Rio and they stated that they didn't want to have two new wrestlers being teased at the same time so they were holding off on the Diva. I think that we are now seeing "hints and teases" of that Diva since Alberto has now made his full-fledged debut.

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