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I recently started watching this show (last week as a matter of fact) and I’m already hooked too. The show has some very good writers and a great cast. I’ve caught myself up already with season 1, 2, and 3. Now, I’m watching season 4 and I’m on episode 4. So later today I’ll probably be caught up with season 4. Too bad I’m not subscribed to Showtime L. So I’ll have to wait a couple of days so that I can download the newest episode.

Anyways, my thoughts on the 1st season is that it was pretty good and the second best season so far. Like LS said, it had a great story and it kept me intrigued throughout the entire season. I honestly tried to not watch the next episodes because it was already late and I needed to go to sleep…but I couldn’t help myself and ended up staying up until like 2 O’clock in the morning just to finish watching it.

Season 2 was the best season for me too. At first I wasn’t too sure about it but later it on it got really good and I couldn’t stop watching. It also helped that they had a story that I thought turnout to be great and great actors. Like season one, it kept me hooked.

Season 3 (which I finished watching yesterday) was okay for me. I don’t think it was terrible but it wasn’t as good as one or two. It could have definitely been better. I think the story with The Skinner was solid but they could have done a lot more with it.

Season 4 is already looking pretty good to me. The story seems interesting and I can’t wait to get caught up to episode 6. Tonight is episode 7 right? If so then I might try and find a way to watch it. That’s why I love the internet.
Yeah this show is great from the very few episodes i have seen so far. I love this storyline between Dexter and the ice truck killer and cannot wait to see what it leads to. I really hate his sister though and have read,unfortunatley, that she dies later in the series which I cant wait for. The show is very addictive much like Californication. Some very good writting which is a breath of fresh air in the ever stagnant film industry.
No arguing that Dexter is one of the very best shows on television, and something I look forward to each and every week. This past week's episode was great for me just because of getting to see the interaction between Dexter and Trinity. I've always been a huge fan of John Lithgow from when I was just a little kid, and he's been so good so far as Trinity that I think it's safe to say he's the best long-term story arc killer they've had on the show yet.

I'm also really digging how Dexter is becoming more human seemingly every season, from not caring about anything when the show began to having genuine emotions for Rita and the children. It's nice to see our anti-hero have a bit of a heart.

Can't wait to see how this season turns out.
So the more I watch this show the more I really like it.......EXCEPT for that stupid fucking sister. Dexters sister is so obnoxious. She is incredibly unprofessional in the first season and even when she gets any sort of break she never thanks Dexter who is constantly helping her further her career, be it she knows it or not. I really want this character dead.
Just got done watching last night's episode, another very good edition of Dexter. Minor spoilers will follow so don't continue reading if you don't know. Next week's episode looks even better, finding out at the end of the episode that he had killed an innocent person was a nice touch, and I'm very interested to see where his character goes from here, whether he continues down this path of remorse he's seemingly been on lately. Debra's story has gotten a bit tired at this point frankly.

Next week's episode looks fantastic though, it looks like Trinity and Dexter are going to come clean with eachother about who they really are, which has me salivating in anticipation.
So the more I watch this show the more I really like it.......EXCEPT for that stupid fucking sister. Dexters sister is so obnoxious. She is incredibly unprofessional in the first season and even when she gets any sort of break she never thanks Dexter who is constantly helping her further her career, be it she knows it or not. I really want this character dead.

Deb may be obnoxious, but nobody is more obnoxious on that show than Rita. She whines even more than Deb does and is extremely high-maintenance. She is also paranoid based on her past failed marriages.

Lila was absolutely perfect for Dexter, had he shown the same amount of loyalty to her that she showed to him.

It's just interesting that every time someone comes close to accepting Dexter for who he is, he pushes them away.

And next week's episode looks phenomenal, I agree X. Finally revealing each other's true selves to the other is going to be epic.
Very good episode but yet again I saw the ending coming. Dexter killing an innocent man has been coming for a long time and it's no surprise it happened this season. Slowly enough he's been compromising the code more and more, getting more emotionally involved and the photographer talking to Debs was the final push for him to cut corners just a bit too much. Looking at the trailer it happens again next week when instead of killing Trinity in his normal precise way (which would take time that he doesn't have) he takes the chance to push him off the roof. Slowly enough he's losing control
The one thing I didn't like about this episode is how they forced Quinn into being the new Doakes. Rather than Dexter saying something like, "Hey, Deb's really been through a lot, and I just don't think it's right for your annoying, albeit hot girlfriend to be hounding her like this when she's still dealing with such a traumatic experience", he went ahead and told Quinn he'd go ahead and rat him out about stealing the money. For the most part, Dexter's not into having too many enemies around, and I thought it was sort of a bad job by the writers to go ahead and do that. And now, Dexter killed a seemingly innocent man (although he was a rapist), the same guy he was stalking when Quinn followed him to that bar.

Hopefully it turns out that both he and the assistant were in on it. All the assistant did was clean up the mess afterwards, and the photographer did all the killing. Dex will be off the hook. The photographer did say stuff like "They'll live on in my art!". And hopefully the dirt Quinn has on Dexter is not who he was scouting out, but that he goes to nightclubs and had another apartment, so he thinks he's cheating.

Here's what I want to know though... what was up with the coffin Trinity was working on? He also seemed really standoffish during the trip to cut the tree down, and seemed like he was sad and depressed when he was constructing it. Maybe Trinity really kills in fours, and he buries the last victim in the coffin. Lundy's investigation didn't go into missing persons... therefore there are no fourth victims to look for. Anyone, including Dexter, can be fair game for his fourth victim.
Here's what I want to know though... what was up with the coffin Trinity was working on? He also seemed really standoffish during the trip to cut the tree down, and seemed like he was sad and depressed when he was constructing it. Maybe Trinity really kills in fours, and he buries the last victim in the coffin. Lundy's investigation didn't go into missing persons... therefore there are no fourth victims to look for. Anyone, including Dexter, can be fair game for his fourth victim.

That's actually a really interesting idea but I suspect the answer will be a lot simpler. Trinity is an old guy, he looked like he was struggling at times and the pattern suggests he decided to finish where he started. I'd imagine he's dying which is why he came back to Miami.
The one thing I didn't like about this episode is how they forced Quinn into being the new Doakes. Rather than Dexter saying something like, "Hey, Deb's really been through a lot, and I just don't think it's right for your annoying, albeit hot girlfriend to be hounding her like this when she's still dealing with such a traumatic experience", he went ahead and told Quinn he'd go ahead and rat him out about stealing the money. For the most part, Dexter's not into having too many enemies around, and I thought it was sort of a bad job by the writers to go ahead and do that. And now, Dexter killed a seemingly innocent man (although he was a rapist), the same guy he was stalking when Quinn followed him to that bar.
I rather liked Quinn in that role. Dexter is stretched rather thin this season, having a family to worry about, playing fast and loose with the code in his stalking of Trinity (more on that in a minute), having the police catching up with Trinity to worry about, having Deb to worry about, and so-on. All with less free time than he's had in past seasons. Him making stupid mistakes like that (and others) are a major part of the season and make perfect sense. This whole season is one big fuck up for Dexter. In this way, I think we're supposed to see, as you do, that Dexter has accidently pulled Quinn close enough to see his darkness, unlike Doakes who was able to see it coming with astounding 20/10 vision.

Hopefully, that wasn't the last we see of Dex vs. Quinn.

On to tonight's episode! Can you say potential game changer?! Wow.

SPOILERS for 4.9 ("Hungry Man") below!

The shocker at the end was completely out of left field, and I have yet to fully register that. Thus, I'll forgo commenting on it for the moment.

One of my big complaints going into the episode and through the first bit of it is that Dexter is playing with Trinity a little too much. He sees himself as having much to gain from Trinity as Harry's code never taught him how to deal with a family. Thus, Trinity has been given a longer stay of execution than we've ever seen Dex give and certainly a longer one than Harry would ever allow. This started out semi-reasonable, but things have hit the fan. Dexter, in an act of compassion or an act against a father figure he decided doesn't want to become (You decide!), threw himself into the thick of a high disturbing family environment this week, making things personal in a way that Harry would never allowed and then going on to show his darkness.

Dexter has gone against Harry's code in the past, but never in this manner. He's strayed in order to find independence, to connect with people like him, and now to learn how to connect with a family. However, in idealizing Arthur's life, he's found another man like himself who's wearing a mask (which was clear in the garage when Trinity was reciting the roles of parent and child, and last week in the way he gave in to Dexter's ploy to come along in an effort to follow what he believes to be expected social norms). Things aren't well in that home and when this onion's layers are peeled back, Dexter sees what Harry was always afraid of: A monster destroying the lives of the innocent people around him. In his disgust, Dexter has made himself memorable in the eyes of that family. Not only that, but he entered this scenario to protect a son who might be abused by Arthur (or to see how Arthur handles a child who acts out). This led to him reaching out to Arthur's daughter with creepy results, and Arthur's wife having an uncomfortable one-on-one with Dexter. All of this on top of Dexter not understanding the boundaries he was violating by showing up like that on Thanksgiving!

Dexter is in it up to his eyes. Under the name Kyle, sure. But the fact remains that if Trinity dies or mysteriously vanishes, we have suspect number one. A man who saw Mitchell's disturbing homelife and had an outburst unbecoming of a normal person. The police need to take Trinity in or Trinity's son needs to have an obvious and messy outburst that leaves Arthur as nothing more than a chalk outline and Arthur's son in handcuffs. I hope Dexter understands this. There is no such thing as a perfect crime. Dexter's learned this in the past. Now, Dexter may learn his hardest lesson about how out in the open playing fast and loose with the code can leave him.

Is Dexter like Trinity? Does Dexter's true nature have the potential to destroy his family? Harry doesn't always come off like the good guy, but Harry's code has often proven itself to be well crafted (Built to last, baby!). What if Cody had found the blood slides (or something else) this week? What if Rita cheats on Dexter? What if Debra finds out about Dexter's connection to Rudy? Dexter is still a man who needs to keep some things hidden. As was noted earlier, Dexter is prone to slip-ups this season with how thin he's spreading himself. Even if he has good intentions, would he seriously be able to handle his worlds colliding (Or even, as Arthur Mitchell saw, one world imploding?)? How right might Harry be? Is the time coming for us to see what Dexter's really made of?

In other news, I see Career Ending Consequences on the horizon for Maria and/or Batista. They're cute together, but they were warned!

Debra/Masuka? That could be fun...

Can't wait to see how the writers bring the season home! Knowing that season five is confirmed, we could have a big ending on our hands!
Last episode(Hungry Man) was fucking awesome and probably one of the best episodes of Dexter ever. I can't find words to describe how awesome the last episode was. There were too many great plot twists and ending was really really shocking. When I started to think the series started to losing momentum it delivered a great episode like this and probably last three episode will be better. If the last three episodes can go in this routine this season can even top season 2.
Yeah I absolutely loved the last episode, the Thanksgiving dinner at Trinity's house had to be one of my favorite moments in Dexter history. Seeing Trinity's family for the hellhole it truly was was great television, from the son quietly covering his mouth so as not to scream as his father broke his finger to the daughter trying to seduce Dexter, to the mother's sheer fear of anything that might upset Trinity. The final blow off with the son smashing the vase of ashes was great, and Dexter attacking him brought a smile to my face. But, just as he's about to kill him, his family intervenes and hugs him crying saying they love him? Fuck that, this guy has tortured them for years, and now they're hugging him? I hate that shit.

Good episode, no, great episode. Cannot wait to see how the rest of this season turns out.
Another great episode last night as now we're set for the finale. That last scene with Arthur entering the police station was incredible. From him finally realizing Dexter was indeed a cop, to seeing the picture of him on the bowling team, to seeing all of his work summed up, and seeing that they got the wrong guy was great. And then the mind-blowing ending with him finally finding out Dexter's true identity... just a well-shot scene. I cannot wait for next week.

I think Dexter will get Arthur, but it's going to come at a very high cost for him. I think their endgame is going to revolve around Cody. Arthur still needs to complete his cycle... and now, as he starts to really find out about who Dexter really is, he's probably going to find out that Dexter has a 10 year old stepson in Cody who would be the perfect candidate to be cemented. Furthermore, it would be a way for Arthur to really get at Dexter like I'm sure he wants to. All season, they've built Cody up as a sweet kid who really loves Dexter and views him like he would as his actual father.

Dexter gets his man, but it comes at an enormous cost for how reckless he's been all season.


Also, some of the stuff the preview alluded to... this finale is going to be mindblowing. I have no idea how he's going to explain the whole Brian situation to Deb... you know that's coming once she confronts him about Laura Moser.
A big kudos goes out to whoever it is who decides what the title of each episode will be. Just when I thought there was no way you could out-do last season's Easy As Pie when it comes to revealing details about end of the episode before it even starts, you top yourself and then some with Hello, Dexter Morgan. Thank-you for showing us the final line of the episode (and a line we've been waiting to hear all season long) before this week's installment even gets started. Ground-breaking, brilliant stuff right there.


I know Guy posted some spoilers to be highlighted, but I dare not read it. Evidently, Showtime shows way too much in their previews and I don't want to know what you saw. In Canada, the Movie Network just rolls the credits after the show with no preview for next week to spoil things for us. It's like watching the episode on DVD and it makes everything seem fresh because you haven't been subjected to the extremely revealing promos.

As for this week's episode, I hope it's just setting some things up for the finale and we're treated to a real barn burner next week. That episode, while full of action, didn't quite hit the spot for me after a season of waiting for a HUGE explosion. One episode left and I hope most of it is spent on action and makes the slow build feel like it was worth our time. This episode felt like it was neatly typing up loose ends and putting Dexter in Trinity's cross-hairs for next week. Nothing wrong with setting stuff up, but after the near-slump (I'm being kind as I really like the show) in the middle of the season, this felt like the writer's had too much to do and just decided to take the easy way out and close some arcs off in a way that's nice and clean and leaves Dexter with few (if any) consequences to deal with for his season of fuck-uppery. Christine's suicide and that trucker getting pinned with the Trinity Killings really make me feel we're headed for a very by-the-books finale. Trinity gets sliced up real good, Dexter rides off into the sunset. It can be fun, but we've seen it before. It's time for Dexter to meet real consequences, IMO.

In my ideal world, Trinity would have been caught or killed this week and the entire finale would have been spent on loose ends threatening to reveal Dexter's Dark Passenger to those around him. The Trinity arc has been fun and the final confrontation will likely provide more of that, but I can't wrap my head around letting something stew so slowly this season and then giving it another week to stew as they did this week. Last season, the Miguel story took up the whole season but you got the feeling that something was happening most weeks and that the show wasn't just plodding along on cruise control. This season... I can't say the same.

Next week, I need to see the death of a major character or someone like Deb, Rita, or Quinn getting very close (at least) to see the real Dexter. I really hope they don't end this in "paint by numbers" fashion. I'd like them to leave us with something to chew on while waiting for season five.

Guy, I'm digging the Cody theory. I was predicting that Rita would bite it earlier in the season, but Cody getting killed will have just as much of an impact without leaving nearly as much of a hole in the show as the loss of Rita would. Fact: I don't want to see Dexter's next step as a character come from learing about the difficulties of being a single parent. Rita doesn't annoy me nearly as much as that story would be liable to.
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Well, I knew from the Previews that Trinity entered the police station, and I knew that Christine was being held there for the most part. I was expecting him to find a way to kill his daughter, but I see that she took care of that all by herself.

Next week is going to be one Hell of an episode. I just think this season moved a little on the slower side ... as it took a little long to establish Trinity's character and get things going. Although Lundy getting killed put some things into motion, at least. It was a shame to see him go, as I thought him and Dexter would have made great opponents ... which you saw to some degree in Season 2. Lundy just didn't know it.

Trinity is certainly ballsy, walking into a police station. But I guess he figures there is clearly a reason why Dexter hasn't reported him to the police yet. Also, he threatened to extort Trinity, so Trinity could use that against Dexter, as well ... if he has proof somehow. But that is questionable if he actually does.

But we've already seen that Trinity isn't afraid to die, as he attempted suicide earlier on.

So we'll see. I thought for sure that Batista and LaGuerta were going to get fired ... but they still might be next episode.

I don't forsee anyone major getting killed though. I think the conflict with Trinity is enough of a selling point for a finale so that isn't needed. As much as I would like to see Rita get killed off, I just can't see it happening, as she is responsible for us seeing the other side of Dexter.
I know that this might be an off topic tid bit but I have yet to watch a lot of this show. However, I feel that after watching the first three episodes, it is a show that I could really get involved with. I have seen some of the reviews for the show and I think that it is something that really speaks to me. I like to think that this show is kind of like a mix between House and CSI. I think it is very like House as he works things out mentally and I am very much a big fan of the psychological TV show. House does it extremely well and after watching a couple of episodes of Dexter, I think it follows in the same vein. It is very like CSI in the traditional sense though, with crimes and autopsies and felons etc.

So, without spoiling anything for me, baring in mind that I am at the beginning of the show, what do I have to expect from the show? Also, how far wide of the mark am I with my summation of the show. Any thoughts on the matter would be most appreciated.
If you enjoyed the first threee episodes, I'd definately recommend you keep going as when I look back, I peg the fourth episode (Let's Give The Boy A Hand) as where the show really begins to hit its stride in a way that's similar to future episodes. In fact, the first two seasons pretty much get better as each episode goes by.

The House comparison may be sound if a House comparison does it for you. The supposed "psychology" of both shows can get somewhat convoluted at times, but I'd say Dexter's is less convoluted or at least more consistent and often much more enjoyable to watch once you know the rules the show chooses to play by. My biggest beef with House is that even the most introspective of people don't talk or act like that... So by default, Dexter is definately better than anything House has done in ages (Except for the season 6 opener).

I don't watch enough CSI to make a proper comparison on that front.
If you enjoyed the first threee episodes, I'd definately recommend you keep going as when I look back, I peg the fourth episode (Let's Give The Boy A Hand) as where the show really begins to hit its stride in a way that's similar to future episodes. In fact, the first two seasons pretty much get better as each episode goes by.

The House comparison may be sound if a House comparison does it for you. The supposed "psychology" of both shows can get somewhat convoluted at times, but I'd say Dexter's is less convoluted or at least more consistent and often much more enjoyable to watch once you know the rules the show chooses to play by. My biggest beef with House is that even the most introspective of people don't talk or act like that... So by default, Dexter is definately better than anything House has done in ages (Except for the season 6 opener).

I don't watch enough CSI to make a proper comparison on that front.

I'm glad you have given it such a good report as I am very much looking forward to seeing what is in store for me as I delve a little bit deeper into the show. I have not watched any more episodes since I made the first post here and I was waiting for someone to give me a little representation of what it is like before I get any more embroiled in a show that will be lost on me in the end and a waste of time. However, I am very much looking forward to watching the fourth episode a little later and I am interested in seeing what you are referring to. With that being said, I hope I like it. If it is closer to the later episodes, this may not be a glowing representation of it.

The House comparison is something that I really thought was quite true of the show. However, I can see where you are coming from. House does tend to get a little convoluted and I am hoping that Dexter manages to stay away from going down that road. I often get the impression from House, that they are trying to confuse the fans with medical jargon and just create things and expect us to go along with it. I must admit though that Dexter seems to have stayed away from that so far. Let's see what the next few episodes bring.
If you haven't seen the episode yet, I highly recommend that you don't read any further. Last night's finale had a MAJOR twist that is going to pretty much ruin the show for some of you guys who aren't caught up with the fourth season at all. Tread carefully for at least a few posts, as there's going to be a lot of discussion I'm sure about the finale.

My god, what an episode. I really enjoyed it from start to finish, and my heart was beating right from the beginning when we had the continuation of Dexter and Arthur's conversation. The events that folded from there, from that guy pursuing Dexter for breaking his rearview mirror, to actually getting his hands on Arthur, to Arthur planning on fleeing everyone and everything, to him finally getting arrested was amazing. And ultimately, that sequence summed up the entire season. Dexter got careless, strayed from the code, and had to deal with consequences of such a huge magnitude.

And at the end, Dexter did get his man, but it came at a huge cost with Rita getting bathtubbed. My jaw dropped for at least a minute. Between Harrison being in the exact same position Dexter was when he was a kid, to the fact that the writers had such huge balls for actually killing off Rita. It makes me wonder if Arthur told Rita all about Dexter right before killing her. After the episode, when Michael C. Hall and John Lithgow were talking about what transpired, Lithgow talked about how much darker that last scene between Dexter and Arthur really was once you know what actually happened right before, and he was absolutely right.

It also makes me wonder what direction they go from here. Part of me really hoped they wouldn't kill off Rita, because I'm not sure how much I like the thought of Dexter being a single dad, and especially raising Astor, who is pretty much going to be the bitchiest teenager ever now. I guess they could have the kids live with Paul's parents, but then that really goes against what one of the major themes of this season was, which was family.

Also, Dexter is going to get investigated, big time, over this. There are going to be quite a few points that could make Dexter a suspect in her murder. Sure, she was killed in the style of a Trinity murder, but it doesn't mean that he did it in the eyes of the police. Spouses are always suspects in murders. Also, consider this:

1.) Masuka knows that Dexter knows about Rita kissing Elliot.
2.) Elliot is going to bring up being punched over it.
3.) Quinn thinks Dexter is a cheating bastard to begin with, and now this happens. Quinn is going to pursue the fuck out of this.
4.) Dexter doesn't have much of an alibi. Sure, he was at Arthur's house when the family got taken in, but that was it.
5.) Deb might be weirded out that right after telling Dexter his brother was a serial killer due to his childhood, Rita is killed.

There's also going to be a lot of suspicion as far as Dexter's involvement with Arthur goes. Arthur was at the police station, talking to Dexter right in the middle of the goddamn place, and Batista looked right at him as he was walking by. There has to be footage of them talking considering there are cameras all over the place. Dexter was talking to the family right before the raid, and you have to wonder if they saw him out in the open with his ID around his neck, standing around as they got taken into custody. There's also the issue of Dexter being arrested and Arthur's van being right there.

So, next season is going to tax the living shit out of Dexter. In between having to possibly raise three kids, and possibly be investigated for murdering Rita, as well as having to satisfy his Dark Passenger, he also has to deal with the fact that Rita getting murdered is 100% his fault. He could have let Arthur die quite a few times, and instead he wanted to learn from him.

It's also very interesting that Dexter really can't exact revenge either. Sure, he killed Arthur, but that was right before he knew about Rita's death. He killed the person responsible before the horror of seeing his wife dead. Now what does he do? Excellent writing by the writers there.

And finally, Dexter asked himself at the beginning of the season, "Can I have it all?" The universe responded with a resounding, "No, you can't."

Excellent season (perhaps the best overall), excellent acting by Michael C. Hall and John Lithgow... they better get awards. I can't wait for next season.


Yes, Guy. Family was a major theme. Family vs. The Dark Passenger. As usual, but in shocking fashion, The Dark Passenger wins out when stacked against Dexter's longing for connection. I think Dexter is going to realize that after the damage he's done to those around him that he's too fucked to be around people. All of this coming right after Dexter starts feeling like he's good for people.... :(

Let's be frank. The damage Dexter caused to those he loved this season didn't stop at Rita. Deb got shot because she was with Lundy who she never would have met in the first place if not for Dexter's dark deeds. On the whole, Dexter is even more responsible for the pain of those around him than even the show lets on. Which I like.

Rita's death was done very well. Although she was written this season in a way where she seemed to hinder progress as we rode side-by-side with Dex's darkness, there was a genuine sweetness in one of their final encounters together. Couple that with the fact that we want Dex to be happy and writer's made us think Rita was out of the woods... and you have a very well executed shocker.

I think the grandparents will take Cody and Astor. Dexter as a single father of three will be too much.

I like the idea of Dex being a suspect for this. Very interesting stuff.

Absolutely chilling ending. Dexter's Darkness as racked up another victim whom he was connected to. Harry, Brian, Lila, Miguel, Rita. Where does it end? As much as we like to ride with the Passenger, will even we accept that he has to change? Is change even possible? Are there more victims to come?

I don't wanna say RIP Debra too early now, but she's gotten plenty close to Dex and lived to tell the tale. How much closer will she get and how will it all end?

Bathtubbed. My new favorite word.

And.... done!

What can you say about that ending. The moment Rita's phone rang on the desk, you knew what it meant. As he walks to the bathroom there is a moment of relief as you hear Harrison crying, at least the baby is OK, then the full horror of the situation reveals itself. Rita dying wasn't entirely unpredictable but the way it was presented makes it the most shocking moment in the series.
As for what happens now, I can only imagine a Dexter rampage as he has no Trinity killer to take it out on. All the more tragic as when he left Trinity, he'd seemingly decided that wasn't going to kill anymore. You've also got issues with Mitchell's family links between Dexter and Arthur and the neighbour who had been causing trouble. Season 5 will see everything unravel, just as Arthur said, "It's already over"
Spoilers Fucking Obviously

So yeah, what can I say that you three haven't summed up already? Like Guy my heart was pounding from the beginning until the end, and that truly has to be one of the very best episodes of Dexter ever. I know everyone hates Rita, but I never had a problem with her and I always held out a minor hope that just maybe Dexter could have it all and perhaps even stop killing, but this season pretty much confirmed that will not be the path of Dexter Morgan. I can only imagine the rage he's going to have next season just dealing with the death of Rita, but add to that he'll surely be investigated for it, well, we're in for some serious change on the show next season as well.

How many seasons have been confirmed thus far anyways? Anyone know?

Amazing acting, and the framing and cinematography, or rather the mise en scène, was simply perfect. As the episode wore on the angles became more and more disjointed and claustrophobic, brilliant job all around there.

One minor thing I thought was sickeningly humorous was when Dexter lied to Arthur right as he was about to kill him and told him that his daughter had committed suicide because of him. I took a bit of sick pleasure out of Dexter laying a little mental torture on Trinity before icing him.

But god...the children...oh man they are going to become so much more annoying times one thousand next season. Fucking A, I almost wish they and their grandparents just died in a car accident on their way home from Disney World. I'm a bit of a sick fellow.

Great finale, great season, great show. What else can you really say here? If you're not watching Dexter, you're wasting your TV.
How many seasons have been confirmed thus far anyways? Anyone know?

Only 5 confirmed. I suppose it's possible to continue after that point but given the way they're progressing with Debs investigation in Dexters past, it's a matter of time before the two clash and once that happens, it's over.

One minor thing I thought was sickeningly humorous was when Dexter lied to Arthur right as he was about to kill him and told him that his daughter had committed suicide because of him.

How was that a lie?

One minor thing I thought was sickeningly humorous was when Dexter lied to Arthur right as he was about to kill him and told him that his daughter had committed suicide because of him. I took a bit of sick pleasure out of Dexter laying a little mental torture on Trinity before icing him.

But god...the children...oh man they are going to become so much more annoying times one thousand next season. Fucking A, I almost wish they and their grandparents just died in a car accident on their way home from Disney World. I'm a bit of a sick fellow.

Great finale, great season, great show. What else can you really say here? If you're not watching Dexter, you're wasting your TV.

Sorry to burst your bubble there bro, it wasnt a lie, you remember the reporter that Quinn dated, well she confessed to Lundies killing and the maiming of Deb, she shot herself in the head afterward.

She was Trinitys daughter, he neglected her, didnt give a crap about her at all, called her weak.

Now with the bath tub situation how do we all know that it was Trinity?, it could have easily have been Elliot, come to think of it, we don't know what hes like, who he is, he could easily become the focus of next season.

Or even Trinitys oldest son, could be mimmicking what his dad had done in an attempt to get at dexter after finding out that he wasnt his dads friend.

either way im waiting to find out what the hell is gonna happen next, next season will be absolute chaotic and i cant wait to tune in.
No I realize now that he was talking about Christine, for some odd reason I thought that Dexter was talking about Arthur's other daughter with his "real" family, Becca. Simple mistake on my part.

I still found sick pleasure out of the mental torture of Trinity.

And it was definitely Trinity who killed Rita Deej, I don't know if you tuned in but after the show they had a brief little interview segment with Michael C. Hall and John Lithgow where they talked about the ending to the season and they talked about how Trinity killed Rita and how that makes the final scene between Dexter and Trinity even more chilling. It was definitely Trinity.

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