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Turd Ferguson

I didn't see a thread created for this. Spoilers ahoy, by the way, because I have a theory about this season that I want to discuss.

So far this season's been kind of iffy with Dexter adjusting to married life, being a dad, and his new neighbors. It's interfered with his work as a blood spatter analyst, and also his work where he plays vigilante serial killer. His wife is still a constant nagger, and his stepdaughter is entering a rebellious teen stage... leading to cringeworthy scenes. In addition to all of this, the show's two least interesting characters, LaGuerta and Batista are involved in an interoffice relationship. Debra, his sister, is also in a boring relationship with Anton (who reminds me a lot of Eggs from True Blood), the former criminal informant turned Skinner victim from last season.

The season has been saved so far by the addition of the Trinity Killer, played by John Lithgow (to creepy perfection), and the return of FBI superstar Frank Lundy (who is retired and tracking Trinity). So far, we don't know too much about Lithgow's character other than the fact that he's killed two women. One in a bathtub, where it is made to look like a possible suicide, and the other was a mother of two who he forced to jump off an abandoned warehouse. When she asked him to just push her off, he flat out says, "It doesn't work like that." And then when he walked by her body, he says, "mommy" and spreads her ashes on the ground. The third killing that hasn't happened yet, the victim is a male who gets bludgeoned to death. Lithgow, at his home, pours two glasses. One glass of water and one glass of whiskey. He then pushes the glass of whiskey to the imaginary person he's sitting next to, and tells him to drink up, because he's next.

I'm guessing that his sister committed suicide the same way he killed the first victim, by killing herself in a bathtub, cutting into her femoral artery. The mother, grieved over her death, jumped off a building. Lithgow blames his abusive alcoholic father over both deaths and bludgeons him to death. This means that to fall in line with how the second death happened (where the woman jumped off the building), Trinity has to get the third victim liquored up and then provoked to attack him. Hopefully that's Quinn.
I've been meaning to start a thread on Dexter for awhile now, but I always end up forgetting. Oh well.

I've been meaning to get into this show for years after reading great things about it during it's first season on Bloody-Disgusting, but I never got around to it until about a year ago. I watched all of last season, and since then have watched Season 1. I haven't gotten around to watching the rest of the seasons in between, but I've been watching this season as well. Michael C. Hall is just such a brilliant actor, and with my unbelievably huge crush on Jennifer Carpenter, the show is a must-watch. Everything about it is brilliant, the writing, the acting, the action itself. Such a dark and morbidly brilliant series.

I want more Jennifer Carpenter though. More, more, more!
Your theory isn't really all that original or anything Guy. I've read that one a few times. Though Quinn biting it just doesn't seem like an option to me. He's just starting to get into it with Dexter. No reason to undercut that story arc this early in the game. I think if Trinity ends up killing a major character at any point, it'll be Rita or Lundy. But I don't want Lundy to go too soon either as I'd like him to see that the Bay Harbor Butcher is still at large before he bites it. That and a confrontation between Lundy and the real Dexter would just make this season for me.

As for this season, I don't think it's iffy. Sunday's episode wasn't the best ever, but it was just a warm-up episode. Nothing wrong with that.
Wahey, we finally have a Dexter thread. I love this show.
As per usual, it's a slow build up to the finale. I've been surprised by Lithgow because he's been unusually restrained but when he blows up with his wide-eyed crazy man it's a joy to behold. Debra's investigation into he father has been put aside for now but expect that to return towards the end. Lundy is doomed and everyone knows it, which is a shame because I like him but Dexter, Trinity and Lundy can't co-exist for long.
As for Trinity, he's obviously recreating something in his past and your theory seems fairly spot on. The first two murders are made to look like suicide, the third is not.
Wahey, we finally have a Dexter thread. I love this show.
As per usual, it's a slow build up to the finale. I've been surprised by Lithgow because he's been unusually restrained but when he blows up with his wide-eyed crazy man it's a joy to behold.

Agreed, I absolutely love John Lithgow and his work so far on Dexter has been great. The man can play creepy like very few others, his performance so far kind of reminds me of his character in Brian De Palma's Raising Cain.

Any show with John Lithgow as a serial killer...yeah, I'll be tuning in.
Last night's episode was easily the best of the season and that was one of Dex's best "victim of the week" kills ever. The build was as intense as any one episode arc the show's ever done and the payoff just played so well.

"Are you gonna rape and kill me?"

*High pitched Michael C. Hall psycho laugh* "What's with you and rape?"
Good cliff-hanger for next week as well. Something I thought was going to happen towards the end of the season just happened four episodes in. Yep. This bitch just got kicked into high gear.
I didn't really read through all the comments, as I have started watching Dexter just about two weeks ago, and went through each of the other seasons in about record time.

Absolutely love the show. I thought Season 2 was the best, with Season 1 just an inch or two behind the second season and Season 3 behind that one. Although, I enjoyed Season 3, as I did each of the Seasons. I just thought 2 was the strongest.

I have seen the first episode of Season 4 on the Showtime website. However, I can't seem to find other episodes of this Season anywhere. Does anybody know where the other 3 episodes can be seen at so I can catch up? I don't mind paying for them, but I just can't seem to locate them anywhere.
Yeah Sid, season two was tops. However, the show is still very good and last night's episode (the fourth of the fourth season) really kicks this season into high gear. You gotta get caught up.

All three of the episodes you're looking for are on Youtube. People have been pretty good about uploading them this year. Hope you enjoy them.
Last night's episode was easily the best of the season and that was one of Dex's best "victim of the week" kills ever. The build was as intense as any one episode arc the show's ever done and the payoff just played so well.

"Are you gonna rape and kill me?"

*High pitched Michael C. Hall psycho laugh* "What's with you and rape?"
Good cliff-hanger for next week as well. Something I thought was going to happen towards the end of the season just happened four episodes in. Yep. This bitch just got kicked into high gear.

I'm truly pissed off that I saw that ending coming because it was an awesome end to a great episode. So much for the usual slow build, things just got turned up.

Damn spoiler tags

I know I said Lundy was doomed to die but I was hoping it wouldn't be this early in the season while there's still a lot for him to do. I think that's it for him though. The question now is who shot him, Trinity or Anton? I'd have to guess the latter. Also nice to see a bit of emotion from Dexter. You got the impression he could be going down a bad road with his family but that seems less likely now.
I'm going to go out on a major limb and say that Trinity didn't kill Lundy and shoot Deb. We've seen how Trinity gets emotional after every murder so far, and the most emotion he showed the morning after was when he was arguing with his waitress about his omelette. They never showed the killer, and Dexter is just assuming Trinity did it. Furthermore, if the shooter was Trinity, you would think that after he went through the pockets, he'd make sure he'd grab Lundy's tape recorder. I think they're building up to a major twist here. I think it also involves Quinn somehow too. They made it a point to tell the audience he was the first one on the scene.

I'm disappointed about Lundy's death as a whole. I was really hoping for some sort of confrontation with Dexter with him saying he knew he was the Bay Harbor Butcher. They alluded to Lundy having second thoughts about it being Doakes towards the end of the second season, and that would have been a great plot point to revisit.

Also, with Dexter having a constant inner monologue with his father, I'm hoping that at some point, Doakes gets brought into the mix with those moments as a foil to him. Doakes was such a great character, and it's not like the actor who played him has been in anything since he got blown up.
I'm going to go out on a major limb and say that Trinity didn't kill Lundy and shoot Deb. We've seen how Trinity gets emotional after every murder so far, and the most emotion he showed the morning after was when he was arguing with his waitress about his omelette. They never showed the killer, and Dexter is just assuming Trinity did it. Furthermore, if the shooter was Trinity, you would think that after he went through the pockets, he'd make sure he'd grab Lundy's tape recorder. I think they're building up to a major twist here. I think it also involves Quinn somehow too. They made it a point to tell the audience he was the first one on the scene.

I actually think the same thing is coming. I don't think it is Trinity, either ... and nor is the shooting a result of the Vacation Murderer.

I am going to go out on a limb and suspect Anton of being the murderer. He was simply the jealous boyfriend. He knew Deb and Lundy were sleeping together, so his jealousy took over.

I don't think Quinn is involved in this. But I have a strong suspicion that Anton is.
Just watched the 5th episode, which included probably the most unpleasant death so far. Trinity is a nasty bastard

I'm going to go out on a major limb and say that Trinity didn't kill Lundy and shoot Deb. We've seen how Trinity gets emotional after every murder so far, and the most emotion he showed the morning after was when he was arguing with his waitress about his omelette. They never showed the killer, and Dexter is just assuming Trinity did it. Furthermore, if the shooter was Trinity, you would think that after he went through the pockets, he'd make sure he'd grab Lundy's tape recorder. I think they're building up to a major twist here. I think it also involves Quinn somehow too. They made it a point to tell the audience he was the first one on the scene.

I agree entirely, I also think Trinity in some respects wants to get caught and was disappointed when Lundy was killed, as was I. There was so much more for that character to do yet but now, much likes Doakes, we've lost a major point of interest. As far and Lundys killer, I've just got a feeling about that reporter.
As far as Dexter, I suspect we're now heading into familiar territory with him getting closer to Trinity, though I may be wrong. This season has consistently surprised me.
The reporter? Quinn? What the fuck is wrong with you people? :lmao:

Neither would have ANY reason to want Lundy dead.

The reporter?! :lmao:

Anton or Trinity for me. And knowing how the show likes to swerve us and Trinity is the current theory, Anton looks like the safest money at this point.

I hope this isn't the typical "Dex gets close to someone like him" story. You'd think he'd have learned how this dance ends by now. Change it up a little, writer monkeys!
Well, why couldn't it be the reporter?

She shoots them and as a result, Quinn is all pissed off and emotionally vulnerable because his partner was shot. She wants and needs him back for her career, and now she's there for him. She knows how the vacation murderers commit their crimes, so she goes ahead and frames them for it, and they take the fall.

Also, the whole subplot with Dexter's apartment was stupid, in between Rita pressing Dexter about it after his sister was almost killed, and Dexter not having a good lie to cover it up. All Dexter had to say was that he's using the apartment as his office, because he likes to work outside of the station, and in the line of work he's in, it's best that the kids don't stumble across some of the gruesome stuff that comes with the territory of his job.
Well, why couldn't it be the reporter?

She shoots them and as a result, Quinn is all pissed off and emotionally vulnerable because his partner was shot. She wants and needs him back for her career, and now she's there for him. She knows how the vacation murderers commit their crimes, so she goes ahead and frames them for it, and they take the fall.
I don't buy that at all. I mean how broken up did Quinn look during their encounter this week? It's not like he was extremely emotionally vulnerable, so I can't imagine them going that route.

That'd be a huge leap of logic on the reporter's part too.

Also, the whole subplot with Dexter's apartment was stupid, in between Rita pressing Dexter about it after his sister was almost killed, and Dexter not having a good lie to cover it up. All Dexter had to say was that he's using the apartment as his office, because he likes to work outside of the station, and in the line of work he's in, it's best that the kids don't stumble across some of the gruesome stuff that comes with the territory of his job.
I can see Dex not having a great lie about it. He's quite revenge focused right now and lately he seems to be stumbling like details over this anyway... He's slipping.

As for Rita... She should have stayed broken like she was in the first season, because I don't like her all empowered and whatnot. Trinity should totally make her jump off of a tall building.
The reporter? What the fuck is wrong with you people? :lmao:

After last nights episode I'm even more inclined to say it's the reporter. Anton was nowhere to be found, it's clearly not the vacation murderer and Trinity (I prefer it to Arthur) seems like a normal guy unless it's connected to his family. The reporter gets a story out of it but there's something else I'm not seeing yet. She's the reason Quinn was first on the scene of the shooting. Maybe she's setting him up. You know that business with Quinn from last season was never resolved, what was it that FBI agent had against him? I'll have to look it up.
She wasn't an FBI agent, she was IA, she was dating Quinn's old partner who had a drug problem and blamed Quinn for not helping him with it. No mystery.

The reporter theory is still stupid.

The skinner and the Ice Truck Killer weren't on every episode in their respective seasons. Let's not rule Anton out yet.

Last night's episode was swell. Dexter and Arthur's first interactions made the episode. Nothing else stood and chance and I'm left needing more.

Also, Arthur left Dexter with a great message about honesty and "jumping in with both feet." It's gonna be sad to see such a wholesome guy go.
I don't know if you guys saw the preview for next week, but what I feared they're going to do with Quinn is going to apparently happen.

Spoilers in white text:

They're going to make him the new Doakes, apparently, with him asking Dexter what he has to hide with him keeping his old apartment, and following him to a club where he stalks his next victim. I don't think that we've seen the last of the case that was Dexter's first kill this season. Quinn probably has questions about the guy just disappearing.

I thought the entire episode was well done, and this season is really starting to take off with Dexter and Trinity starting to interact with each other. My heart was pumping when he went inside Trinity's house and started looking around for his "trophies", complete with him actually holding the fucking urn and looking inside, wanting Trinity to catch him. Trinity absolutely should have reacted the way he did and shouldn't have apologized to Dexter afterwards. I thought the end was great, with him giving Dexter the murder weapon. I can't wait to see how things go from here, and if Trinity wasn't onto Dexter with the way he was talking to his son, he most definitely is now with the urn incident.
I don't know if you guys saw the preview for next week, but what I feared they're going to do with Quinn is going to apparently happen.

I thought the entire episode was well done, and this season is really starting to take off with Dexter and Trinity starting to interact with each other. My heart was pumping when he went inside Trinity's house and started looking around for his "trophies", complete with him actually holding the fucking urn and looking inside, wanting Trinity to catch him. Trinity absolutely should have reacted the way he did and shouldn't have apologized to Dexter afterwards. I thought the end was great, with him giving Dexter the murder weapon. I can't wait to see how things go from here, and if Trinity wasn't onto Dexter with the way he was talking to his son, he most definitely is now with the urn incident.

I just got done watching the episode. Not really all that big an episode this week, despite Dexter meeting Arthur Mitchell for the first time.

This LaGuerta and Batista storyline really seems to be sapping a lot of time from each episode.

But if someone comes into your home, and that person picks up an urn belonging to your family, and just stares there with the urn in his arms looking at you .... wouldn't you get upset? I'm not saying that Mitchell should have went over and threw him up against the wall and choked him, but he really had nothing to apologize for in getting upset. You basically have a guy holding your sister's urn (with the top off) and simply looking at you.

I wish Mitchell would have questioned Dexter as far as why he would pick up something like that and actually take the top off.
I'll agree that Arthur should have questioned him. However, being a guy who's hiding what a vicious bastard he is, apologizing is probably in his nature (a sort of defense mechanism). If it was any normal person, apologizing seems like a no-no. But Arthur doesn't want to develop any sort of grudge with anyone or get any sort of special attention from this "Kyle" fellow. Best to just leave it alone and move on for him.
Also, here's my theory as to who the shooter is after rewatching the episode:

Trinity's son.

He went on about how good of a father Trinity is. Trinity's son read about Lundy being in town to chase down someone who's been eluding him for 30 years. He went ahead and saved him by killing Lundy.

I think there were a lot of hints dropped that makes it seem like at least one person in the family at the very least knows. Trinity said that he had a hard time integrating his family life with his past, and that they were there for him and even saved him. He also talked about jumping in with both feet and being honest.

I just think its too easy for the shooter to have been Trinity himself. This show likes to surprise the viewers, and this is pretty plausible.
Also, here's my theory as to who the shooter is after rewatching the episode:

Trinity's son.

He went on about how good of a father Trinity is. Trinity's son read about Lundy being in town to chase down someone who's been eluding him for 30 years. He went ahead and saved him by killing Lundy.

I think there were a lot of hints dropped that makes it seem like at least one person in the family at the very least knows. Trinity said that he had a hard time integrating his family life with his past, and that they were there for him and even saved him. He also talked about jumping in with both feet and being honest.

I just think its too easy for the shooter to have been Trinity himself. This show likes to surprise the viewers, and this is pretty plausible.

Wow. That would be interesting. Just like how Dexter's step-dad trained Dexter as he was growing up. They would truly be running virtual parallel lives.

I don't think it was Arthur Mitchell, as that is who they want you to think it is.

But at this point, I would say that your theory is quite plausible. So I would say it is either him OR Anton, with of course his motive being that he was jealous of Lundy and angry that Deb was seeing Lundy behind his back.
i starting watching this show on my 360 netflix. they had all of season 1 and 2 and i became hooked. HOOKED. i love how dexter always talks in his head. his struggle with his dark side and trying to fit in normally is so intriguing and funny at the same time. season 2 was my favorite hands down. dex was soooo close to getting caught and every episode i thought it might happen. this season so far is ok. i like the trinity killer. especially now that dex has learned he has a normal life also. wife and kids....pastor...i cannot wait to see how this turns out.
Ok so I might get blasted for writting in this section but idc cause its worth it. I just started watching Dexter the first season and am 4 episodes in. The show is much better then I expected and I am really hoping to catch up to this current season as fast as possible. I have been pleasently surprised thus far and hopefully this show will continue to impress me.
Ok so I might get blasted for writting in this section but idc cause its worth it. I just started watching Dexter the first season and am 4 episodes in. The show is much better then I expected and I am really hoping to catch up to this current season as fast as possible. I have been pleasently surprised thus far and hopefully this show will continue to impress me.

You shouldn't have too much difficulty catching up, as each Season is only 12 episodes. Try to knock out 3 or 4 episodes an evening IF you can. That was what I did, and now I am completely caught up to this Season.

Season 1 was excellent. All-around great story. I became hooked around the third or fourth episode. The Ice Truck Killer is an excellent storyline.

Season 2 was hands-down the Best season. Dexter is pursued after they discover there is another killer on the loose besides the Ice Truck Killer. The characters are phenomenal.

Season 3 was the only season I was kind of Iffy about. Jimmy Smits has a great character in this and was the highlight of the Season. I simply think they might have given away too much too soon with him. Plus, the Skinner storyline was a big letdown. I thought they were going to build up a massive confrontation between him and Dexter and it didn't happen. Not a bad Season, but the weakest of the 3.

And Season 4 is pretty good so far. Better than Season 3, but not quite as good as Season 1 .... at this point. However, the Seasons really start picking up towards the end, and we are now over halfway through the Season at this point.

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