Devon Dudley Apparently Finished With TNA

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Devon tweeted the following a half hour ago:

Devon Dudley ‏@TestifyDevon
i would like to thank the tna fans for making the last seven years fun . im sure we will see each other again down the road real soon.

im ready to see where god bring me to next. i cant wait . i see big thing on the way


Recent reports said Ray was negotiating on behalf of both men with TNA, over their respective contracts. If Devon is finished, then one can only assume Ray, who is easily one of the top heels in wrestling right now and has featured prominently on Impact Wrestling is done too. So there is a possible Dudley Boy/Team 3D reunion sometime in the future, whether it be in WWE or overseas, however this could be seen as a loss due to Devon's popularity (in Orlando) and the subsequent vacation of the TV title, which to be honest, Devon made meaningful... yes, you read that right.
Devon tweeted the following a half hour ago:

Recent reports said Ray was negotiating on behalf of both men with TNA, over their respective contracts. If Devon is finished, then one can only assume Ray, who is easily one of the top heels in wrestling right now and has featured prominently on Impact Wrestling is done too. So there is a possible Dudley Boy/Team 3D reunion sometime in the future, whether it be in WWE or overseas, however this could be seen as a loss due to Devon's popularity (in Orlando) and the subsequent vacation of the TV title, which to be honest, Devon made meaningful... yes, you read that right.

Ray still has time. Devon on the other hand.... Oh, I knew you'd at least listen to one of my prayers God Almighty.
His run in TNA is the only time Devon has meant ANYTHING as a singles wrestler ANYWHERE. They must have offered him a shitty deal as he isn't going to get that much TV time or any titles elsewhere. I'm surprised he is leaving, if it's true.
I suppose the question has to be asked as to whether this is TNA low-balling Ray and Devon or if it is Ray and Devon asking for far too much.

Given the success the pair of them have had as singles, especially Ray, it is surprising that they would pick now to walk away for anything other than financial reasons.
I'd guess TNA low-balled them, but I can't see WWE offering them much more seeing as they'll only see their worth as tag guys and that division is in essence as poor as the Divas division.
Devon did fuck-all with that title. Seriously, he's useless unless he's in a tag team with Bully Ray.

As for Bully Ray, if he leaves TNA, they're in deep shit. He's easily the best heel on the program right now. Yes, even moreso than Roode.
Personally I'd love to see Bully Ray in WWE. Not as a tag team with Devon, but as a singles competitor in the character he has now. I get that they're probably a package deal, so sign Devon as well and let him bide his time in the low to mid card. But I'd be interested to see Bully Ray (obviously with a new name) have some sort of heel run in singles in WWE. I have no interest whatsoever in seeing the Dudley Boys reincarnated in WWE.

Having said all of this, I still don't think they are going anywhere. These days, wrestler tweets mean nothing. I think they are staying in TNA, and Bully Ray (at least) is going to be a major player in the Aces and Eights storyline.
Oh poor TNA
They have to cut every cost.
No wasted cash here...


No frickin' way Bully Ray is leaving too, that would be insane to let him go at this point.

I wouldn't be shocked if this is a swerve, even though I'm not the biggest Devon fan he seems to be over in TNA so I don't see him leaving either.
No frickin' way Bully Ray is leaving too, that would be insane to let him go at this point.

I wouldn't be shocked if this is a swerve, even though I'm not the biggest Devon fan he seems to be over in TNA so I don't see him leaving either.

They're a package deal;
I doubt Bully would leave him
This seems to be real.
I don't want to see Ray leave TNA. I know if he does get signed in the E, he will not be used properly. I mean, he has been walking through a rotating door for the last year, but he is one of if not the most entertaining character in wrestling right now. The Bully gimmick is so freaking great. I think he could be a world champ in TNA without a doubt. He is in good shape, and still has a few great years left in him. Hope he doesn't go- but if he does I want to see him work with Daniel Bryan. I don't know how or why, I just think it would be great.

I could give two shits about Devon.
I believe Dvon could beat Punk in a real fight.

At this point I have assumed that most of the contracts that "ended" aren't going to WWE but to whatever is backing Aces and 8s.
I don't want to believe either of them are leaving. Let's face it, what can they do if they really did go back to WWE? Like Dragon Saga said, Devon has made the TV title relevant, regardless of how much hate he gets. If the TV title is made to be even more of secondary belt to the HW title, it kinda started with him. As for Ray, its even more unbelievable he's leaving considering how far up the card he is. In truth though, even with Ray as the #2 heel behind Roode, I'm sure TNA will be fine with out him or Devon. Ray has taken a backseat of sorts since the A&8's showed up, and he did start off slow in the BFG series. I'd miss them both, but I'll wait and see for sure if Ray is truly done.
If they both left i don't think TNA would be that bothered. With Bound for Glory coming to a end, there will be a few stars for TNA to pick from as the next TV champion and as far as filling Bully Rays shoes, they have guys like Magnus and Daniels that could step up to take his place. Don't forget TNA are more then likely bringing in a couple of new faces as part of the Aces and Eights storyline. this will mean less on air time for guys like ray and Devon. Plus if Double J is the one behind Aces and Eights then he would most likely gett Bullys spot on the card anyway.

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