Deuce & Domino

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
What was everyone's opinion of them. They looked solid in the ring and they seemed to have enough charima to distinguish them from all the other new wrestler's that arrive each week.

My problem with them is the gimmick. Could'nt they have just brought them in as a normal tag team? I cant see them going anywhere with that gimmick. Maybe they will get the WWE Tag Title's but they mean very little so it is'nt really an achievement. WWE has a habbit of bringing superstars up with different gimmick's. I understand the need for a bit of variety but most of the gimmick's they use are worthless. An Asian cowboy, a man who wrestle's in a dress a female performer with a large growth on her face. Surley they can make credible performer's without having to resort to making pointless gimmick's.

I might be wrong but is'nt one of them Jimmy Snuka's son. You would have thought they would have tried to capitalise on that.
They looked pretty solid to me. I agree that the gimmack has to go. However, at this rate, I don't think Smackdown has a real plan for the tag team division. London and Kendrick; Regal and Taylor; are the only other teams who mean anything. What ever happened to Stevens and Idol? Are they still on the roster? I thought they was getting a push at the titles. I am a fan of tag team wrestling but I am afraid that WWE is killing it. They killed WCW, damn near close to killing ECW, and they killed the curserweight division. I think that the tag team is becoming a thing of the past. It is all gimmacks right now. What ever happened to the good ol days with the Hart Foundation, L.O.D, The Steiners, Harlem Heat, the list goes on and on. These tag teams were as big as singles stars. The WWE should go back and fix this. And by fix, I don't mean bring up tag teams with gimmacks that overshadow their actual skill. No offense to that new team.
properly reunite MNM and the Hardy Boyz. Both teams should go to Smackdown as Raw has too many tag teams and ECW isn't worth bovering about.
what do you mean reuinte MNM and the Hardy Boyz? They have already been reunited or did you not watch New years reveloution?
what do you mean reuinte MNM and the Hardy Boyz? They have already been reunited or did you not watch New years reveloution?

They're not reunited for good just for special matches.

I think Duece & Domino looked pretty good in-ring, stupid damn gimmick though & does Smackdown have an obsession with car entrances (Eddie, JBL & now them). the on guy don't know which one it was did some nice kicks there at the end too bad it was a squash match. i'd like to see them against K.C James & Idol Stevens when they're back or Regal & Taylor.
They looked pretty solid to me. I agree that the gimmack has to go. However, at this rate, I don't think Smackdown has a real plan for the tag team division. London and Kendrick; Regal and Taylor; are the only other teams who mean anything. What ever happened to Stevens and Idol? Are they still on the roster? I thought they was getting a push at the titles. I am a fan of tag team wrestling but I am afraid that WWE is killing it. They killed WCW, damn near close to killing ECW, and they killed the curserweight division. I think that the tag team is becoming a thing of the past. It is all gimmacks right now. What ever happened to the good ol days with the Hart Foundation, L.O.D, The Steiners, Harlem Heat, the list goes on and on. These tag teams were as big as singles stars. The WWE should go back and fix this. And by fix, I don't mean bring up tag teams with gimmacks that overshadow their actual skill. No offense to that new team.

Idols and Stevens are back in OVW and deservedly so..they are good in the ring.. but really they had nothing chemistry wise. Killing tag wrestling? I'd say WWE are making a half arsed attempt to try and bring it back specially in the last few months with The Hardy Boyz, MNM..possibly La Resistance, WGTT, Cryme Tyme, The Highlanders. London n Kendrick, Taylor n Regal, Cade n Murdoch and more importantly maybe soon Smith and TJ Wilson. Give it time shit doesn't happen overnight? As for the WWE burying the Cruiserweight Division? Well SHIT son they've let Gregory Helms hold the belt for a year now and recognized as the longest reigning champ bla bla they are making an effort with the cruiserdivision which couldn't be said at first with the brand extension.

With Duece and Domino i was actually impressed., they seemed comfortable and from watching some of their matches in OVW they seem good. As for the gimmick, it's a little lame but it can always evolve with time .. there's nothing worse than a generic tag team coming in with no gimmick and then just disappearing (Gymini anyone?). Give them time and I am sure they will come through.
I personally think the gimmick is great. The two guys, Deuce and Domino, were great on the stick and from what I saw, pretty decent in the ring. They are a great addition to a very bland tag division on Smackdown.
Deuce is the adopted son of Jimmy Snuka to Answer the question someone had asked earlier. The Duece and Domino gimmick was brought up from OVW. the only thing i don't like is cherry and her roller skates. How the hell is she going to wrestle in skates, she probably won't but still.
Its the first time i hav seen them allthough i heard bout them from OVW, personally i liked the gimmick and liked them. They looked as though they both hav great charisma personally and together. The gimmick allthough a bit strange is somethin i think will get them over alone. I hav to say though the music is lame, but it will prob grow on me as they continue to fight. I jst hope they have a good finisher becouse tht is what i like most bout tag team wrestling. The 3D was a good finisher, Hart Attack from the Hart Fondation was good, Doomsday Device was a good finisher, Backbracker top rope knee drop from Demolition was a good finisher move, i jst think sometimes, tag teams need to spend a bit of time in practising new innovative tag moves. Infact prob the majority of the WWE needs to. I mean we allways see like twelve clothlines in every match. Tht is where TNA is goin right cos the majority of the matches dont consist of the same moves. Also, i think tag teams go wrong in WWE is becouse they r to individual sometime like they hav there own individual finishin moves instead of a tag team move or they hav a really basic and terrible tag team move where u think what is tht. Anyway enough bout tht, yeah i think tht the tag team of Duece and Domino could be a sucess.
They are the one who should defeat London and Kendrick for the WWE Tag team Gold.
Deuce and Domino were very intense and looked pretty decent in the ring. Their gimmick was better when it was in the movie "The Outsiders" and Emilio Estevez and Tom Cruise played their gimmicks. So in summary...wrestlers good. Gimmick? $hit. Just complete $hit.
I thought they did a pretty good job in their debut match. I like the gimmick, but I didn't like their entrance music (corny 50s, not actual 50s). Domino didn't seem good on the mic, but Deuce fit the gimmick perfectly on the mic. Cherry needs new attire and to lose the skates, but I can see them going somewhere with this if they make it a little more serious (there are greasers currently, not just in the 50s).
i dont like them. i admit that they do impressive things with their legs. but they dont rly have technique or a finisher. their finisher is just a snapmare and then a stif kick smashing the opponents head into the mat. atleast MNMs snapshot was a tag team attack.
Yeh I agree, they seemed quite good in ring. That boot to the face thingy is pretty impressive, looks violent.
Cherry is very impressive and on last weeks show her nipples were visible!
i like this tag team. the untouchables. or Deuce and Domino. they are pretty good, amazing tag skills like the older version of DX. see, WWE need to keep bringing in these developing talents because what are they going to do when taker and hbk and the game are all gone? shelton benjamin? carlito? they need a push for some top gold. the hardys? top championships for those hardys would be the greatest thing next to the divas. it would be awesome for some fresh faces. but vince is still living in the 80's cause hes what? 807 years old?
Am I the only one who thinks theys 2 guys are arrogant and cocky, constantly accusing people of looking at his "girl" then hitting them, on last SD! deuce even yelled to the crowd "shut the fuck up"

Tbh, i can't wait until the BoD beat some sence into these guys
this crap is ruining the wwe, instead of making the new hardy boyz or dudley boys, a tag team that is actually known, they come out with this shit that will last at the most 2 months
ooh! :D

I like the gimmick. It's different--greasers meet the Dice Man--Ohh!. Cherry is fly. I dig the skates and skirt and all. At least they have something that sets them apart from other teams. The gimmick can evolve, but I think they are off to a good start. I look for friction involving Cherry to break these guys up as a tag team, though.
it is a good gimmick and they are solid. they are the new face of smackdown's tag team division. idol and stevens will be back when michelle mccool returns because their gimmick did not work without her. jeff hardy is being pushed big time as a singles wretler. i could only see mnm reuniting full time because they are both better as tag team wreslters. matt hardy is better in tag matches while jeff is much better as a singles wrestler.
I really like these two. They are a good heel team and their gimmick doesn't bother me at all. They really are good and their match with London & Kendrick was very solid and good. London and Kendrick have been tag champs long enough and i think that it is time for a change. Deuce & Domino will be pushed and one thing i like about Deuce, is that he's Jimmy Snuka's son. That really makes me even more interested and he's already shown that he's very athletic in the ring. These guys have impressed me ever since they debuted and beating the Tag Team Champions is a very positive sign for them. Hopefully they compete at No Way Out for the titles though.
Am I the only one who thinks theys 2 guys are arrogant and cocky, constantly accusing people of looking at his "girl" then hitting them, on last SD! deuce even yelled to the crowd "shut the fuck up"

Tbh, i can't wait until the BoD beat some sence into these guys

Oh... come on! It's a gimmick for Christ sake!

That's exactly what their gimmick is. To be rude, cocky, arrogant, heels, etc.

You are taking this too serious! Wrestling is entertainment, not a reality show.

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