Desmond Wolfe. Holy Crap!

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
Basically, I think that Wolfe (aka Nigel Mcguinness) is an incredible wrestler. I also feel he is one of a dying breed; he is very submission based. His matches against Angle have been awe-inspiring, and Angle hasn't carried him or anything. He's held his own against the single best wrestler in the world.

I was just interested in seeing what other people thought of him. Because I think he is awesome and, along with guys like Pope and Anderson (still have to fight calling him KENNEDY!!!!!!...Kennedy...) he is part of the true next-gen of wrestlers.
I completely agree and dont think you will find anyone here who will disagree. Maybe he should not have lost at Final Resolution and his loss to the Pope is holding him back a little but those were two brilliant matches and I do think that he is held in high favour with the new regime.

He is certainly one of the best ten workers in the company and he should be fine. A future Global and World champion i am sure.
Agree with you 100% on this one. Desmond Wolfe (or Nigel McGuinness) to those of us who used to watch him regularly when he was in ROH is part of a dying breed in wrestling. The submission style is getting less and less attractive to today's wrestling fans who are more obsessed with the over the top, high flying action. I'm not saying I don't like the high flyers, in fact I'm a big fan of the X Division in TNA, but I've always been a fan of the guys that were more technical with their style. Guys like Bret Hart and Kurt Angle come to mind when I think of Wolfe's style of wrestling. So here's to hoping that Wolfe is not part of a dying breed and soon maybe we'll see more of guys like him.
Nigel is great. And I love his style of wrestling. I don't think that he is submission based, though. His 2 main finishing moves are Tower of London and his Jawbreaker lariat. And the way he works his matches, he doesn't work opponent's arm or leg just to get a submission victory but he does it to stop his opponents from using their most used body part effectively. Its great psychology and one of a kind with his slight MMA touch.

However, when you make blunt statement such as "Kurt Angle is the best wrestler in the world" please do yourself a favor and put "in my opinion" at the end because there are many people who will disagree with you myself included.
Desmond Wolfe is currently my favorite "up-and-coming" wrestler in any company today (if it isn't obvious). He has really come into his own in the "big leagues" and has one of TNA's most interesting characters. He really reminds me of a young Chris Benoit, who came to the states from Japan and instantly made his mark in ECW and WCW with his unique style.

Wolfe will only continue to improve, and it's WWE's loss for not signing him, even if there were other circumstances surrounding the non-signing. TNA has a tremendous acquisition in him, and they have made the most of it. Hopefully he will not get lost in the shuffle, and be taken for granted by TNA, as Benoit was by WCW years ago.
Wow, sorry, I didnt think people were so sensative about small things. Okay, IN MY OPINION Kurt Angle is the best TECHNICAL wrestler in the world. Personally I don't think many people can argue with that though. He's won a sack-load of titles and is one of the most consistent performers in the business, and rarely has a bad match, if ever. You really take things to heart too much.
And also remember Wolfe's other finisher; London Dungeon.

And I agree with it being WWE's loss. Not quite sure why they didn't sign him but oh well. They'd water him down anyway. They always do.

And to the bit about it being a dying breed; unfortunately submissions as finishers and technical wrestlers are a dying breed, but maybe guys like Wolfe, Angle (who's kept it barely alive) in TNA and guys like maybe Danielson in WWE (long shot, I know) could possibly give it a new lease of life and ressurect it.
The WWE was going to sign him but he failed a drug test. I mean their lost but they had a reason on not to sign him they just did not want to sign him. I really think that Wolfe and The Pope are the future I was so mad when the WWE let Elijah Burke go he was good the WWE just did not know how to use him. I really think that Wolfe is going to be great and his submission style is a dieing breed.
Actually, he didn't fail a drug test. He failed a pre-screening physical.

I guess they thought he was still injured and possibly a high risk of being injured again.

Either way, they were wrong.

Desmond has all the tools to be a huge star in the business.

He showed it in ROH, and he's showing it in TNA.

The guy came right in and had a great feud with Kurt Angle.

He's gonna be great for years to come.
I always thought it was funny that Desmond didn't get signed because they fealt he was a high risk. He has been in TNA and hasn't hurt anyone or been hurt. His injuries mainly acured in ROH where some of the guys work and unnecesary stiff style that could (and usually does) injure others. Desmond is one of the better guys TNA have gotten a hold of and if he isn't a World Champ within a year or two, TNA is missing a big oppurtunity.
I have to agree, this past saturday Pope took on Wolfe and it was one of the best matches ive ever seen. Wolfe technical skill is just insane, I think hes gonna be the future of tna as Aj was back in the day.
I have to say that I've been pleasantly surprised with both the way that Wolfe has put himself about and the way that he has been pushed. It's been very entertaining to have a British wrestler that isn't a goon on TNA too. However, I think failing a medical is a huge deal. WWE hold on to wrestlers with chronic neck injuries, and that goes for guys like Hardcore Holly, not just the big names. That makes me think that he is sitting on a time bomb injurywise and he might be out for a year or so. If that happens, it'll be momentum killed, and that's that. I hope that isn't the case and the WWE medical team got it wrong, because he's thoroughly entertaining at the moment, even if a little cliche ridden.
I was looking at his photos and does anyone else think he looks like Jason Stateham from The Crank movies and Death Race?

Anyway I dont think his injury ridden past will be an issue. Most of his injuries were arm related and he wrestled Kurt who does wrestle somewhat stiff and he came out unscathed so I think he will be good to go. Plus I think that's a reason why he probably doesnt use the lariat as much.
It doesn't surprise me that Nigel I mean Desmond is getting over. itsJMoney is right if you saw him in ROH or independent promotions you saw this guy was something special. I would love to see him as champion in TNA. He could have a great rivalry with Styles, Daniels or Joe. Hopefully Hogan will have the brains to use this guy.
When I first started watching Ring of Honor, it was cause I wanted to see where guys like Joe, AJ, Daniels and others came from. There were 3 wrestlers that hooked me and that I felt if they signed someplace else, they'd be huge. One was The American Dragon Bryan Danielson, Tyler Black and the last but definitely not least was the at the time world champion Nigel McGuinness (Desmond Wolfe). The second I saw that TNA signed him, I screamed at the top of my lungs YES!!!!! THANK GOD!!!!! Because I didn't want Nigel to go to WWE because I felt they'd ruin him. I think they'll ruin Danielson too but that's another story. But I knew that if Nigel went to TNA, he'd make it big. He had that great rivalry with Kurt Angle, one of the best in the world if not THE best and not only that, it was like instead of seeing Angle take a guy to the limit, it was like Nigel took Angle to his. And I was discouraged when Pope beat Nigel on impact, but Final Resolution made up for it. And TNA is making a huge mistake if this guy does not get a world title run. He can hold more than his own against Daniels, Angle, Styles, and I'd love to see him and Joe collide over the belt. And he has the mic skills too to get over. One of my favorites was when he was talking about his injuries in ROH and he said "It got to the point when some wanker said 'Nigel, when are you going to lose the belt?' and I said NEVER" and also "You wankers underestimated me before, don't make that mistake again." He can be the top heel in TNA, and he has all the tools to do it. Period.
Despite the fact that TNA is full of many flaws and even that is quite the understatement, they do have one performer that might just be the greatest in the industry today. Kurt Angle? Well he has certainly been the most consistent performer of the past decade but I am thinking of one man who is currently on his level.

His name......Wolfe....Demond Wolfe.

One of the most technically sound and gifted wrestlers on the planet today. He portrays his character with a perfect mix of confidence and cockiness that you absolutely love to hate. Unlike many in TNA, he utilizes his ring psychology better than anyone with the exception of Kurt Angle. He treats his matches like a work of art and there is perhaps no better artist than Desmond Wolfe.

Do you feel Desmond Wolfe is the best in the industry today? Disagree?
I don't feel he's the best yet. That title still belongs to Kurt Angle. But if all goes well, Desmond could definitely be a contender for that "best in the world" title. He's amazing to watch in the ring. As much as I like ring technicians like Danielson and Malenko, I always felt they were a bit boring. But Wolfe knows how to make a slow match feel intense. The way he works the arm has me covering my eyes during matches.

The fact that TNA has so many guys that can become the hot topic in wrestling is a big part of what's been making it so fun to watch lately.
I agree that he is ONE of the best. I wouldn't consider him to be the best all around in total. I am a huge fan of Wolfe. The guy can do any kind of match and flows through it with ease. I'm hoping (and expecting) huge things for Wolfe in the future in TNA and (possibly later on) WWE. The guy has all the tools to be World Champion anywhere he goes. Hopefully his major injury days are behind him and he can continue on with very little injuries and make the best of his career and become the superstar that he by all right should be.

I am now awaiting JJYanks to tell me he is overrated since he loves to bust my balls on most of my TNA oppinions.
I think it's safe to assume that the TNA wrestlers would nominate Angle as their man and the WWE wrestlers would point at Shawn Michaels. For the most part, anyway.
I think Wolfe has a bright future, but the best right now? Not even close. I would say several guys are better right now. A few of those being Kurt Angle, Triple H, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, AJ Styles, and Edge. But Number One in my book, right now....

Randy Orton. To tell you the truth, I think Orton is in a league of his own right now. His character is flawless. He plays the role of the psychotic, sadistic bastard better than anyone I have seen this past decade. I also believe he is the very best heel this business has seen in a long, long time. His in ring ability is top notch. This guy puts everything into his matches. It doesn't seem like he ever slows down. I mean, for god sakes, the guy makes a chin lock entertaining. His finishing move is probably the most well executed finisher out there today. It really looks painful, and he can hit it anywhere/anytime.

For me, he just has that "it" factor. He has something, I can't really explain what, that seperates him from the rest of the crowd. The only thing hurting Orton right now is the fact he has no great face to feud with. Cena is stale and barely over with the hardcore fans, and we have already seen that feud a few times now. Tripe H is a great wrestler, but has always been a better heel. Shawn Michaels is still one of the better in ring performers out there, but he's getting up there in age and his mic skills have gone way down. I believe he and the Undertaker could have a MAJOR heel/face feud, but Taker is getting old and won't be around long enough to be Orton's greatest enemy or anything like that. If a great face can emerge, a guy that EVERYONE likes (the likes of Hogan, Austin, Rock, Bret Hart, Sting, etc.), not like Cena who is loved by some, hated by many, I really think Ortons career will benifit greatly from that. I really think that in 10-15 years, people might be calling this guy one of the two or three greatest heels we have ever seen, if he can get the faces to battle with.
Wolfe...He will be the next big thing. He has the looks, and most importantly he's got the talent to be the FUTURE. But right now i do believe Randy Orton is the best, he draws the most heat from both TNA and WWE...also some cheers. Wolfe is the FUTURE, but Orton is the present. I can't wait to see Danielson in a WWE ring maybe teaming up with Punk and Fat Head Gallows, i even see him jumping to TNA in a year or two. That would be AWEESOME
C'mon, what about Brian Danielson! His matches are stellar, and rarely botches. Even Dave Metltzer recognizes it. He gave Danielson the Most outstanding wrestler award the last 4 years. And if its not him it has to be Jericho. His promos are spotless and the best to watch for the last 2 years.
I am now awaiting JJYanks to tell me he is overrated since he loves to bust my balls on most of my TNA oppinions.

Well, here I am.............but I'm not going to bust your balls on this one. I actually see a lot of potential in Wolfe. I did when I caught a match of his in like 2002 when he worked a dark match for WWE. He's a good in ring worker and has potential to become a great heel. I'd like to see him get a true feud though. An angry feud with mic time would go a long way with this guy. Right now I think he's the second hottest heel in TNA behind Mr. Anderson (yep, I think they are both doing better as heels than AJ). That's not to say that OVERALL I think more of Mr. Anderson, but at this time, he gets more crowd heat than anyone and that's big in terms of being a professional wrestler.

I only added my 2 cents for this. To answer who is the "best in the industry" is such a difficult question that I won't even begin to attempt it. There are so many aspects you have to excel in like promo ability, in ring ability which breaks down to working different styles and working them well, ability to create and stay within a character, ability to generate crowd reaction, etc. To pick someone who does all of these things better than anyone else would be damn near impossible.
Although, I really am diggin Wolfe right now, I think that he can still improve in some areas. He does play his character very well, or atleast to the best of his ability. I think that his microphone skills could be a little bit better, however as time goes on I see him improving on that. I do love his matches though, I think that he certainly does have the main even touch. He's a bonafide hall of famer someday, too.
Desmond Wolfe is extremely good and has a bright future in TNA, but he's got a long way to go and is far from the best in the industry today. I still think it's a toss up between Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle as BITIT. But Wolfe's star is on the rise and is a great wrestler to invest in. Maybe after a few title runs which I am guaranteeing he is going to get we'll have this conversation again.

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