Deserving to move up the ladder

Who moves up the ladder to main event status?

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Rusev

  • Wade Barrett

  • Starsust

  • Neville

  • Other

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Championship Contender
This poll is pretty simple. With all breaks and injuries, out of the ones listed, who deserves and should move up from mi-card to main event level? Not counting these guys...

Seth Rollins out 6-9 months
Randy Orton???
Cesaro out 4-6 months
Daniel Bryan unclear
John Cena till mid December
Nikki Bella unclear
Brock Lesnar part time
Undertaker partime
Sting unclear
Shaemus is world champ
Roman Reigns world title #1 contender
Kevin Owens is IC champ
Ambrose IC #1 contwender
Del Rio is US champ
Swagger is US #1 contender
New Day are tag champs

So, who grabs the brass ring?
Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and Jack Swagger could all be moved back into the main event scene with no effort. It's not that WWE doesn't have top talents, it's that the guys they want to be the top talents aren't ready to be, and the guys who could be top talents, WWE doesn't want at the top.
None of these guys will. They have their two main eventers, Reigns and Sheamus and that's all they need until Cena comes back apparently. Rusev and Barrett have already benefited by getting much larger roles as Sheamus' henchmen. They're suporting roles but it's a hell of a lot better than what they were both previously doing. Stardust and Neville MAY move up to the mid-card, but it seems like Jack Swagger has hopped them in that respect... and Ziggler just lost to Tyler Breeze so I doubt he makes any sort of jump up.

Don't expect WWE to just thrust somebody into the main event. I've learned to expect the least creative route from "Creative", and that's Reigns/Sheamus, until Cena comes back and than it will be, Reigns/HHH and Sheamus/Cena. And they'll labor through the months without ever building another legitimate main event star until we get back to the same stuff we had 3 months ago.
None of these guys will. They have their two main eventers, Reigns and Sheamus and that's all they need until Cena comes back apparently. Rusev and Barrett have already benefited by getting much larger roles as Sheamus' henchmen. They're suporting roles but it's a hell of a lot better than what they were both previously doing. Stardust and Neville MAY move up to the mid-card, but it seems like Jack Swagger has hopped them in that respect... and Ziggler just lost to Tyler Breeze so I doubt he makes any sort of jump up.

Don't expect WWE to just thrust somebody into the main event. I've learned to expect the least creative route from "Creative", and that's Reigns/Sheamus, until Cena comes back and than it will be, Reigns/HHH and Sheamus/Cena. And they'll labor through the months without ever building another legitimate main event star until we get back to the same stuff we had 3 months ago.

Exactly.... I know they are not going to make any new main event stars from these...
But still i want it to be Bad News Barrett.... He has all what it takes to be a main eventer...
Okay let's take your poll choices one by one.

Dolph Ziggler missed his chance at regaining main event statue after they did nothing with him last year at Survivor Series. He came out as the sole survivor and I really thought okay they would push him again. Instead he ended up in a lame story line which not only took him down a few pegs, but Rusev and Lana as well. I won't count Summer Rae as she was already a few pegs below them anyway.

Rusev again after the horrendous story line between him and Ziggler it might take awhile to get him back to where he was before. Not only that, he is just coming back from injury, and that's the second time this year he's been out. I'm hoping he doesn't get the label "injury prone" and that stalls any push he might get. It also seems that McMahon was furious with both he and Lana for getting engaged and breaking kayafe. He'll hover around the top of the card, but a sustained push I just don't know.

Barrett I love. He is great on the mic and in the ring, and I have no idea why he's been held back. He should have been pushed a long time ago. I guess though injuries have taken their toll and maybe he's being seen as a guy who had two pushes and two injuries resulting from them. They might be wary of giving him another one. Again he's the type of wrestler they can move around anywhere in the mid card.

Stardust is just too out there, and creeps me the hell out. The gimmick while played brilliantly is just too comic book for my tastes. Plus they've stuck him with the Ascension which is never a good thing. That team has been totally ruined by Vince's manipulation of their gimmick. I think the boat has sailed a long time ago for Rhodes and he will be mid card for the rest of his career.

Neville, I like. His biggest issue is his size. He's just a bit on the smallish side. He can go like a mofo, and he's a true high flyer, but I have problems believing he can beat much bigger guys. No I don't mean slowpokes like Big Show and Mark Henry. I mean someone like an Alberto Del Rio, is is tall, fast and very technical. If Neville had another 6-8 inches on him, he's be up near the main event picture no problem.

So like someone else said, you just can't take any of these guys and throw them into the main event scene and make them believable to win the title. If they do go into a title match, then it's for sure they are coming out the loser. A build takes awhile, and with Cena due back in a few weeks, and the push still on Reigns, the WWE doesn't seem to have the resources to even bother with the mid card for now. The time to elevate them was when they had a full roster, and they could have changed up the matches every week or so.
None. They have their plans for the Wrestlemania season. This is it. Rollins was going to fight HHH. So now Hunter doesn't get his match at Wrestlemania. At least it saves us from another terrible entrance like the terminator one. That was awful. Maybe DB comes back. And even then they won't push him to the main event he will fued with KO over IC belt. Cena gets back and he fueds with Del Rio. Or worse he ties Flair fake 16 times championship title record. (Flair has more then twenty reigns) so no all those guys are tuck on the lower card and 9 times out of 10 Wrestlemania will suck like the last few years have.
Damien Sandow deserve to come back to the midcard.

While WWE's current main event scene is horrible, i see the real talent stay away from it, cause whoever step up the ladder will quickly become main event jobber.

Besides WM name itlself, i can't see many matches they can get fans invested in: Cena/Reigns, Owens/Bryan, Taker/Sting, and that's it, and IF Bryan and Sting will be able to wrestle, otherwise WM 27 can lose it "most horrible WM of all times" spot
I'm a huge Barrett fan. And I thought after his King of the Ring win he was back and main event level. Then paired with Shaemus I thought okay a tag title run..I don't get it. He has everything. Look, size, mic skills, speed, everything.
I predict None of the above. Simple reason is WWE creative doesn't want to write them at the top of the card so...the middle they will stay.
Cena returning shortly & having Brock ready to take on new feuds keeps the main-event with some depth, ADR can step in as well.

WWE will continue to go with Kane & Big Show, especially at this time of year when the road to WrestleMania is nearly ready to begin again.
Just cut the scripted promos for guys like Del Rio and push them to the top. I don't know who here watched Lucha Underground but WWE's Del Rio is world's away for achieving the potential of the real Del Rio. The guy can flat out cut a promo and get you invested in him as a character. This one isn't even his best but compare the fire he shows here to what he shows in WWE.

I'd choose Rusev over anyone. His program with the divas had it's weaknesses, yet I believe the point of it was to 'humanize the monster' to some extent......and in that regard, it did what was intended. I never thought we'd see the guy smile in sincere fashion (not the evil grin we get from villains) and I found myself liking what he was doing.

Meanwhile, he's still a cannonball in the ring; a heel who works in scientific fashion. I liked watching him chop down big guys with methodical tactics. True, those of you who have no use for technical wrestling will be bored by Rusev, yet his style is completely his own and his nasty attitude makes him fun to watch.

If not for a couple of injuries, I think Rusev might have attained main event status by now. At the same time, Lana's injury also contributed to a break in her guy's momentum.

But with her or without, I believe Rusev could be a fixture near the top of the card for years to come.

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