

Pre-Show Stalwart
So I was watchin TNA tonight and during the sting jarrett match I was thinking about the whole deception thing and Nash and stings tactics.

I think they are working on bringing TNA to what WCW was, almost exactly I still have hope that young ones still might be risin

Note I said young not originals. Im not the type that says push the originals, wrestlers are good I dont care what company they made a name for themselves in.

I think they are saying that behind the scenes Hogan and Bischoff are still the same and that explains why they told Joe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, he doesnt know the bigger picture. Its tho only thing that makes since. I dont know if a thread like this has been made I didnt see one.

I mean look at hogan and bischoffs team which now has Jarrett and Joe. Jarrett who still has a good 5 or 6 years left in him, if not more. And Joe will be the future. They are TNA's nWo Hollywood. Nash and Sting have yet to get any new members but thats because they have been mysterious as to what they are talking about. They hacThey are TNA's nWo Wolfpac. You have Fortune who has alot of young talent, some I like some I dont. Then you have EV2 who will be a new spin on WCW but they already have Brian Kendrick. I dont think he will be the future but at least they are are giving someone young a chance. then u have a few other guys in TNA who are doing thier own thing.

Alot of People say TNA is becoming WCW in a bad way but I dont mean in backstage politics, I mean in style.
Yes a thread like this has been made plenty of times. And yes whatever you said is in fact the deception...

But so this isn't spam: Hogan and Bischoff are the bad guys. Sting and Nash are the good guys. This angle has been going for almost a year now and hopefully TNA realizes that this is the one they'll actually have to finish.
I agree with both you guys. I do believe though that Nash and Sting need to go on a recruitment drive. They aren't going to be able to handle Hogan's lackey's on their own. I would love to see Nash and Sting be the "They" that Abyss has been talking about, along with Hall and Xpac. I would also have loved to see Joe turn and clobber Hogan and join Nash and Sting. I mean come on Joe is barely being used and he isn't even in the top ranking for title contention. What a waste. Oh well, hopefully this angle finally finds a conclusion.
yes but my point is I think they will do it in the same style with everybody having alliances with somebody else which is the best way to get an emotionally involved story. Have conflict between people who have a personal connection. a bunch of seperate factions.
It makes sence for Sting and Nash being the good guys in that fact that they will probably fued with a heel Fortune after the current "Deception' storyline unless it ties in with the current storyline.

But I am a little confused. If Hogan and Bishoff are the bad guys, does that make Jerrett and Joe the bad guys also? Unless Hogan and Bishoff turn heel by disposing of Joe and possibly Jerrett. I actually want to see a heel Jerrett though.

I was actually pretty young during the whole WCW thing and only remember somewhat and what I know from research so I am not oppsed to multiple factions in TNA. I like the idea of a war within TNA where everybody has to choose a side with Fortune, EV2, WolfePac, Hogan and Bishoff, and whoever the hell "they' are if it isnt one of the previous mentioned.

I actually like the "Deception" thing.
For me, the Deseption angle is the most interesting right now. This is because I like Hogan, I like Bishoff and I miss the good old nWo times. Don't get me wrong, I don't what The Band back, I don't want to see Hogan vs Sting, but I like the fact that currently in TNA there is something that relates to the nWo area and involves wrestling icons of that time.

So what is Deseption? In my opinion, Hogan and Bishoff are going to be eventually revealed as true heels, and they will take total control of TNA. What's more, they are not going to use any brute force to gain power. They are just going to deceit people, lie, play politics, get Dixie's trust and some day, Dixie voluntarily will give them the total. There could be, for example, a storyline that a Dixie has to leave TNA for personal reasons for some time, and she gives the power to hogan and bishoff for this period. Then when she returns, she finds that she is no longer welcome in TNA.
I agree with both you guys. I do believe though that Nash and Sting need to go on a recruitment drive. They aren't going to be able to handle Hogan's lackey's on their own. I would love to see Nash and Sting be the "They" that Abyss has been talking about, along with Hall and Xpac. I would also have loved to see Joe turn and clobber Hogan and join Nash and Sting. I mean come on Joe is barely being used and he isn't even in the top ranking for title contention. What a waste. Oh well, hopefully this angle finally finds a conclusion.

I think Hernandez who seems to be left out of the mix lately will end up joining a side. Right now, I do enjoy Sting & Nash as the outcasts though. I think those 2 as the 2 man duo is just fine. I don't really care to see a stable around Nash & Sting. I do agree with the OP that this angle is very interesting though. I think by BFG everything will come home or by then the pieces will at least be coming together.

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