Debut Percy Watson!


Occasional Pre-Show
For all of you who don't know, Percy Watson was the charamatic indvidual who was on NXT season 2 who used to wear glasses with no lenses. Percy Watson is currently in FCW but has been competing in WWE dark matches for roughly 7-9 months. He regularly wrestles in WWE dark matches and at RAW house shows. He has beaten such superstars such as Tyson Kidd, Curt Hawkins and Drew McIntyre... Drew McIntyre?!?!? This man is not even on programming and he is beating a man who was dubbed as Vince's chosen one!! Are you serious bro?!?!?

Clearly WWE has plans for Percy in the future. He is a good worker, ahs a unique look, fairly young, decent on the ring and extremely charamatic and good face potential. WWE should debut him immediatly on Monday Night Raw. Raw is in desperate need for faces and Percy is a one trick pony who only knows how to be a face. He can be and stay a midcarder. He can compete with Drew McIntyre again, Ziggler, Swagger and possibly Del Rio if the continue to waste him. Also an intresting fued would be Percy vs R Truth. I think he needs to debut immediatly. Raw needs midcrad faces and instead of making Drew McIntyre or Swagger a face which would be pointless, send people like Reks and David Hart Smith back to FCW and debut a potential midcard champion.

What do you guys think? Should Percy Watson debut on WWE programming?
Drew McIntyre?!?!? This man is not even on programming and he is beating a man who was dubbed as Vince's chosen one!! Are you serious bro?!?!?

You forgot to mention he beat McIntyre, post McIntyre and his wife getting into an arguement in a hotel, which saw Tiffany get arrested, which shines a bad light on WWE and has been the reasoning for Drew McIntyre falling into nothing but a main eventer on WWE Superstars.

What do you guys think? Should Percy Watson debut on WWE programming?

I watched him on NXT Season two... And I can't stand him. There is a huge difference between having a personality and being down right annoying. Percy Watson is down right annoying. Eddie Murphy ought to call him up and ask for his personality back, because everytime Watson spoke on NXT, he raped it a little bit more.

Why don't his glasses have no lenses? Is that supposed to be comical? How is that comical? Is he a good wrestler? He's a decent in-ring wrestler, fair dues to him, hes been in WWE Development since 2009 and as you said, has been making dark match appearences and house show appearences for the past nine months. He 'ought to be a good wrestling after the exposure they've handed him.

You are correct. WWE need a few new midcarders on the RAW brand. But why Watson? If WWE debuted Tyler Black(Seth Rollins; ugh!) tomorrow night, I got five bucks that when the ratings breakdown comes out, his debut will have seen people tune in. Why not Richie Steamboat? Another guy who could send ratings up.

People have seen Watson, do they really need to see him again? He did okay on NXT. But as I said, he really isn't anything special. He isn't someone like Black, Steamboat and hell, even Consequences Creed(Xavier Woods). If WWE want to make a good midcard, any if not all three of them wouldn't be bad.
i agree with debuting him. they need new faces over recycled vets in recycled feuds. he had the charisma and the ring work, he just needed a new physical look for his gimmick. he was really the only bright spot on NXT season 2 imo and the most memorable aside from the infamous Mustache Promo by Eli Cottonwood.
Percy Watson is a great tag team type personality. He should be on the main roster but we'll see what they do with him. I have no faith that WWE even knows how to use him.
Man, I loved Percy Watson during NXT2. I think they'd need to be a little bit more specific on who he actually IS... they always said he was a "party god," or something, but he looked and acted more like Urkel. Was he really that cool or did he just think he was? I'm not sure, but I was constantly entertained by the guy. Hilarious demeanor and appearance, good in-ring skills (including a cool finisher--"float-over DDT"), and probably most-importantly, very capable on the mic.

I agree! He'd be a great opponent for some of the thousands of upper/mid-card heels RAW has right now. I could see a feud with Dolph Ziggler being great, due to their collective in-ring skill, and the reactions that Watson could give to Vickie talking. And given enough time on the mic (which I shouldn't be optimistic about, actually), I think he could really grow into a character that people recognize and enjoy.
YEEEEEES!!! I always loved Percy! When he was on NXT, me and my sis would laugh at his cheesy Eddie Murphy smile. But then, I realized that he has a good build, is relatively young, very talented in the ring, and is OOZING charisma! The glasses w/o the lenses, the whole "Oh Yeah!" catch phrase, how over he is with the WWE universe. I want him to debut some time this summer. I would be LOVELY if he came in and debuted tomorrow.

(does the little dance) OH YEAH!!!!
If percy watson were to debut it would most likely be on smackdown because they need a face midcarder/future main eventer to.Christian just turned heel, and Barrett(a heel is the IC champ).And the midcarder division is mostly heels to Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Khali&Mahal, Chavo, All of The Corre.Compared to Sin Cara, Ezikel Jackson, Daniel Bryan, (whatever Johnny Curtis is).Percy Watson needs to be on smackdown and he can sure as hell bring some excitement to that show
I just hope WWE does not turn him into Flash Funk. While he has been in FCW for a long time he's the only one who is being developed for WWE tv the right way. Send him to Florida let him work dark matches with tv talent ( He gets beat up after a win by either Miz or R-Truth constantly ) while at the same time he's getting to work on his craft and between FCW and WWE dark matches he's getting used to the WWE schedule. Guys in Nexus Corre (except Barrett) should have stayed in developmental longer because they're not ready for prime time. While the jury is still out on Percy I do believe he has the upper hand than those given the bigger spot lite.
hell no percy watson SHOULD NOT debut! he was just frickin annoying on nxt i couldnt stand him and honestly i didnt see any talent with him he was just trying to sound like eddie murphy and be funny with those stupid frickin glasses! it wasnt like kayfabe annoying he just was so annoying to the point he pissed me off (like micheal cole does) and i think the ONLY talent on nxt season 2 was mr.perfect's son Joe Hennig/Micheal McGillicutty and Husky Harris,Kaval wasnt bad but he shouldnt have won plain and simple i hope wwe never brings up percy watson let him rot down in FCW or just fire the guy if they need new mid card faces how about bringing up richie steamboat,tyler black/seth rollins and xavier woods? those guys r really good and shouldnt b in fcw hell they could even bring back husky harris with his fcw gimmick as a face! if hes been working house shows all these monthes and never shows up on tv......yeah thts not a good sign for the future of ur career IMO :shrug:
You forgot to mention he beat McIntyre, post McIntyre and his wife getting into an arguement in a hotel, which saw Tiffany get arrested, which shines a bad light on WWE and has been the reasoning for Drew McIntyre falling into nothing but a main eventer on WWE Superstars.

I watched him on NXT Season two... And I can't stand him. There is a huge difference between having a personality and being down right annoying. Percy Watson is down right annoying. Eddie Murphy ought to call him up and ask for his personality back, because everytime Watson spoke on NXT, he raped it a little bit more.

Why don't his glasses have no lenses? Is that supposed to be comical? How is that comical? Is he a good wrestler? He's a decent in-ring wrestler, fair dues to him, hes been in WWE Development since 2009 and as you said, has been making dark match appearences and house show appearences for the past nine months. He 'ought to be a good wrestling after the exposure they've handed him.

You are correct. WWE need a few new midcarders on the RAW brand. But why Watson? If WWE debuted Tyler Black(Seth Rollins; ugh!) tomorrow night, I got five bucks that when the ratings breakdown comes out, his debut will have seen people tune in. Why not Richie Steamboat? Another guy who could send ratings up.

People have seen Watson, do they really need to see him again? He did okay on NXT. But as I said, he really isn't anything special. He isn't someone like Black, Steamboat and hell, even Consequences Creed(Xavier Woods). If WWE want to make a good midcard, any if not all three of them wouldn't be bad.

Out of Rollins, Steamboat, Creed and Watson, who is your least favourite? Percy. Which of them would you want to be midcarders, you don't want Percy.

I would PREFER Rollins debuting but I dont want him to be a midcarder. I would much rather have Rollins debut and become a quick maineventer.

I said Percy because he can always stay a midcarder and a face. He is that good to become a maineventer and he hasnt got the right persona to be a face.

I would have Percy be a midcarder than Steamboat, Creed or Rollins as I feel they are already better than some of the current midcarders i.e Swagger and Kofi.
If percy watson were to debut it would most likely be on smackdown because they need a face midcarder/future main eventer to.Christian just turned heel, and Barrett(a heel is the IC champ).And the midcarder division is mostly heels to Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Khali&Mahal, Chavo, All of The Corre.Compared to Sin Cara, Ezikel Jackson, Daniel Bryan, (whatever Johnny Curtis is).Percy Watson needs to be on smackdown and he can sure as hell bring some excitement to that show

Raw would be more ideal for Watson as they really only have a few faces and a huge amount of heels.

I agree, Smackdown needs a new face. Sin Cara would be great but can't speak english and botches frequently, Daniel Bryan no charisma, Kane too old, Zeke his time will come. Why not debut Seth Rollins i.e Tyler Black. Smackdown is afterall a the 'wrestling' show in the WWE and Seth is a god damn good wrestler !

Anyway if Percy debuts, his charisma needs to be on RAW but more importantly RAW needs a face and Percy is a great Face!
I was surprised how much the crowd was into him when I saw him dark compete at Buffalo in February, I don't care much for his gimmick, but he definitely can carry himself as a performer. More power to him, I think he'd make a fine addition to the lower card right now.
You forgot to mention he beat McIntyre, post McIntyre and his wife getting into an arguement in a hotel, which saw Tiffany get arrested, which shines a bad light on WWE and has been the reasoning for Drew McIntyre falling into nothing but a main eventer on WWE Superstars.

I watched him on NXT Season two... And I can't stand him. There is a huge difference between having a personality and being down right annoying. Percy Watson is down right annoying. Eddie Murphy ought to call him up and ask for his personality back, because everytime Watson spoke on NXT, he raped it a little bit more.

Why don't his glasses have no lenses? Is that supposed to be comical? How is that comical? Is he a good wrestler? He's a decent in-ring wrestler, fair dues to him, hes been in WWE Development since 2009 and as you said, has been making dark match appearences and house show appearences for the past nine months. He 'ought to be a good wrestling after the exposure they've handed him.

You are correct. WWE need a few new midcarders on the RAW brand. But why Watson? If WWE debuted Tyler Black(Seth Rollins; ugh!) tomorrow night, I got five bucks that when the ratings breakdown comes out, his debut will have seen people tune in. Why not Richie Steamboat? Another guy who could send ratings up.

People have seen Watson, do they really need to see him again? He did okay on NXT. But as I said, he really isn't anything special. He isn't someone like Black, Steamboat and hell, even Consequences Creed(Xavier Woods). If WWE want to make a good midcard, any if not all three of them wouldn't be bad.

wow did you hit the nail on the head about Percy. I found him annoying and i have never once sat through an episode of NXT. just cant do it. i kinda tried...but...well yeah...

but about his experience, i have to say your opinion is definitely a product of todays world. its absolutely amazing to me that kids today consider someone who has been in the business for 2 yrs pro enough to be on raw or sd and even crazier that people should pay for him on a ppv.

i long for the days when you had to be an elite character who knew the game and brought with them a character and a fanbase to the wwf. wwf used to be where the elite were (im talking 80's, very early 90's). now its just a bunch of green kids who go through their growing pains in front of the world, cant last more than 5-6 yrs and couldnt talk one ass into a seat.
First off, the person who said that Percy Watson was the only bright spot in NXT season 2 is wrong. i liked at least 5 guys which was opposite from the first season when i only liked 3. My issue with NXT 2 was the names. Michael McGuillcutty!!!! NO! it should be Michael Hennig (i understand changed his first name). Husky Harris?? no, sounds pathetic. Anyways, the bright spots of NXT 2 werer Harris, Henning/McGuillicutty, Kaval and of course Alex Riley and Watson somewhat entertained me, but not like the other four. Riley or McGuillicutty should've won that show.
I saw him on the UK tour beating Primo... he was screaming out to be in a tag team... my personal choice would be the former Consequences Creed... get Booker out from the mic to manage/lead them and I think they would be a great team for a new NOD..
I love me some Percy Watson, but I don't know if now is the best time to debut him. I'm not a big fan of bringing up somebody without putting them into a feud immediately, and I simply don't see who he would be able to feud with right now. Unless they break up the Corre and keep all three guys heel, there's no heel that he could put on a feud with, except maybe Ted DiBiase, whom would be used to establish him as a regular, but won't exactly help make the episode of Raw or Smackdown any better.

Basically, I don't see any reason for Percy to debut now, as it is a very inopportune time to do it. Wait for a spot to open up for him (one always does), and then use him to the best of his abilities so he can not just wrestle, but also entertain.
I have only to words to say about Percy Watson moving up to the main roster "OH YEAH"!!! Ok that was corny, but I think he would be very entertaining on Raw. I don't see him as annoying as there are people on the main roster who are way more annoying than he. I not saying make him a maineventer up someone like him is needed right now. They missed their opprtunity to turn Swagger face, so they need someone else. I can really see him in a gimmick in which he thinks he's cool but really isn't. A feud down the line between Watson and Truth would be hysterical.
I think it's just a matter of time before he debuts on either Raw or Smackdown. I agree with J Glass they should wait a little while before bringing him up to the main roster. At least to after roster cuts. If he was brought up now he would probably be lost in the shuffle. He is very talented and could be a bigger asset to WWE than just being on Superstars. Which would probably be the case if he's brought up now.
I hope to God they don't debut him any time soon. His gimmick is annoying. I'm not regularly a homophobe, but the entire time I watch him all I can think of is how gay this guy is... Who the fuck does jazz hands as a celebration? Is he a cheerleader or a wrestler?

It's now to the point that I hate even hearing his voice. His promos always have "You know what I'm saying" thrown in over a hundred times and the way he carries himself is so gay looking to me... There are so many guys in FCW right now that can easily take Percy's midcard spot until he stops making me want to dip my eyes in acid.
I love me some Percy Watson, but I don't know if now is the best time to debut him. I'm not a big fan of bringing up somebody without putting them into a feud immediately, and I simply don't see who he would be able to feud with right now. Unless they break up the Corre and keep all three guys heel, there's no heel that he could put on a feud with, except maybe Ted DiBiase, whom would be used to establish him as a regular, but won't exactly help make the episode of Raw or Smackdown any better.

Basically, I don't see any reason for Percy to debut now, as it is a very inopportune time to do it. Wait for a spot to open up for him (one always does), and then use him to the best of his abilities so he can not just wrestle, but also entertain.

Theres not a perfect time at the moment?! RAW is flooded with heels! They need a new midcard face! Currently talents such as Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Swagger and Reks to an extenet are all wasted talents as they are not relevant. They need to be in a credible fued. But if they are in a fied with people like Santino people will say it's a step down for him. If they are in a fued with Bourne, it will be uninteresting. Thats why Percy should debut. RAW needs another Midcard face, he can carry a fued with his charasima and mic skills and this will help guys such as Drew McIntyre and Swagger who will soon become irelevant in Monday Night Raw down the year. Percy needs to debut!
Theres not a perfect time at the moment?! RAW is flooded with heels! They need a new midcard face! Currently talents such as Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Swagger and Reks to an extenet are all wasted talents as they are not relevant. They need to be in a credible fued. But if they are in a fied with people like Santino people will say it's a step down for him. If they are in a fued with Bourne, it will be uninteresting. Thats why Percy should debut. RAW needs another Midcard face, he can carry a fued with his charasima and mic skills and this will help guys such as Drew McIntyre and Swagger who will soon become irelevant in Monday Night Raw down the year. Percy needs to debut!

What are you talking about? There are plenty of midcard faces on RAW that are much better suited for midcard feuds than Percy Watson. Riley, Bourne, Kofi, Santino, even Zack Ryder or Chris Masters are all much better choices for a midcard feud than Percy Watson.

Furthermore, how many midcard feuds do you want a time? Right now the only midcard heels that would be worth putting in a feud are Ziggler and Swagger, with Drew McIntyre on the outside looking in. Stick Kofi in a feud with Ziggler, and Bourne or Santino in a feud with Swagger and bam, you have your midcard filled out. The rest of RAW can be carried by Cena, Rey, Del Rio, Miz, CM Punk, and R-Truth. There is still no room for Percy Watson, who would still be in the bottom of the barrel if he moved up to RAW from FCW.
What are you talking about? There are plenty of midcard faces on RAW that are much better suited for midcard feuds than Percy Watson. Riley, Bourne, Kofi, Santino, even Zack Ryder or Chris Masters are all much better choices for a midcard feud than Percy Watson.

Furthermore, how many midcard feuds do you want a time? Right now the only midcard heels that would be worth putting in a feud are Ziggler and Swagger, with Drew McIntyre on the outside looking in. Stick Kofi in a feud with Ziggler, and Bourne or Santino in a feud with Swagger and bam, you have your midcard filled out. The rest of RAW can be carried by Cena, Rey, Del Rio, Miz, CM Punk, and R-Truth. There is still no room for Percy Watson, who would still be in the bottom of the barrel if he moved up to RAW from FCW.

Look Percy is better than Masters. Masters was a jobber therefore he has no credibility. Masters was a past steroids user. While he may be good in the ring he has no Mic skills. Therefore Percy is better than Masters.

Percy is better than Ryder because Ryder is a jobber to jobbers. He is only wrestles on Superstars and never wins. Therefore Percy is a better choice for midcard role instead of Ryder.

Percy is better than Santino because Santino is a joke. Santno is a jobber. Percy is better than Santino beacuse people if Percy was against Swagger people will belive he has a chance of beating swagger instead of people belive Santino will beat swagger.

Percy is better than Bourne. Bourne is great in the ring but is small and lacks charisma. Percy got a unique look, oozing with charisma, decent in ring and a good height therefore Percy is better than Bourne.

Kofi is the only credible midcard face on the brand. Riley should be on the same status of ADR and CM punk after the fued with the Miz which is above midcarder and near maineventer.

People who should be cut is Koslov - Not needed anymore. Primo - Jobber. Reks - Inactive for 30 days. DH Smith - Same a Reks.

Percy is made for being a midcard face.
I just can't envisage the Percy Watson character as providing anything more than Santino style comedic relief, although my own reaction is to cringe rather than to laugh. The only way I could imagine him as a solid midcarder is if he built a time machine taking him back to 1994. Otherwise, at least tone down his schtick, it's way OTT and would get annoying fast.
Look Percy is better than Masters. Masters was a jobber therefore he has no credibility. Masters was a past steroids user. While he may be good in the ring he has no Mic skills. Therefore Percy is better than Masters.

When has Masters ever been a jobber? Even if he was, that has nothing to do with his credibility, as he recently beat Drew McIntyre in a match. Hell, he beat him by submission. Furthermore, his mic skills are more than adequate for a midcard feud, which rarely involve any mic work anyway, and could easily be carried on the mic by a solid heel.

And what does being a steroid user have to do with anything? Jeff Hardy was consistently doing his fair share of bad shit, that didn't mean he was any less fun to watch (unless he showed up for the show high off his ass).

Finally, Masters is very good in the ring. Both his matches with McIntyre were very, very good matches where he showed his ability to use power moves creatively and effectively to put on a good match.

Percy is in no way better than Ryder.

Percy is better than Ryder because Ryder is a jobber to jobbers. He is only wrestles on Superstars and never wins. Therefore Percy is a better choice for midcard role instead of Ryder.

He just beat Evan Bourne recently, therefore defeating your theory on him being a jobber to jobbers. Still, that's nothing compared to the massive following he has; a very vocal following that puts Zack Ryder way ahead in line for a push than Percy Watson.

Percy is better than Santino because Santino is a joke. Santno is a jobber. Percy is better than Santino beacuse people if Percy was against Swagger people will belive he has a chance of beating swagger instead of people belive Santino will beat swagger.

And this is where I start to think that you may be an idiot. Santino is comedic, yes, but he's also one of the best things Raw has going for it. He's over as hell with the crowd, and he's pulled off some pretty unlikely wins with the use of the Cobra. I think people would believe Santino is just as likely, if not more likely, to beat Swagger than Percy Watson, a man who has accomplished literally nothing in the WWE.

Percy is better than Bourne. Bourne is great in the ring but is small and lacks charisma. Percy got a unique look, oozing with charisma, decent in ring and a good height therefore Percy is better than Bourne.

Decent? Ehhh, Percy is pretty bad, and this is coming from a fan of his. Bourne shatters him in in ring ability. And you're underselling Bourne on charisma. Sure, he's not exactly the charismatic masterpiece that is Percy Watson, but he has his own unique charm that comes from him smiling and really seeming to enjoy what he does. You know what they say, a smile goes a long way.

Kofi is the only credible midcard face on the brand. Riley should be on the same status of ADR and CM punk after the fued with the Miz which is above midcarder and near maineventer.

I doubt Riley is going to jump right into the main event after his feud with The Miz, which he will inevitably lose. He'll definitely be on the upper tier of midcarders, but he'll still be a midcarder, at the very least until John Cena drops the belt.

People who should be cut is Koslov - Not needed anymore. Primo - Jobber. Reks - Inactive for 30 days. DH Smith - Same a Reks.

Don't see how this is relevant, but okay.

Percy is made for being a midcard face.

I agree, but now is not the time to debut him. If they debut him now, he'll have one or two low profile feuds before being lost in the shuffle, like DH Smith, Reks, or the Usos.
When has Masters ever been a jobber? Even if he was, that has nothing to do with his credibility, as he recently beat Drew McIntyre in a match. Hell, he beat him by submission. Furthermore, his mic skills are more than adequate for a midcard feud, which rarely involve any mic work anyway, and could easily be carried on the mic by a solid heel.

And what does being a steroid user have to do with anything? Jeff Hardy was consistently doing his fair share of bad shit, that didn't mean he was any less fun to watch (unless he showed up for the show high off his ass).

Finally, Masters is very good in the ring. Both his matches with McIntyre were very, very good matches where he showed his ability to use power moves creatively and effectively to put on a good match.

Percy is in no way better than Ryder.

He just beat Evan Bourne recently, therefore defeating your theory on him being a jobber to jobbers. Still, that's nothing compared to the massive following he has; a very vocal following that puts Zack Ryder way ahead in line for a push than Percy Watson.

And this is where I start to think that you may be an idiot. Santino is comedic, yes, but he's also one of the best things Raw has going for it. He's over as hell with the crowd, and he's pulled off some pretty unlikely wins with the use of the Cobra. I think people would believe Santino is just as likely, if not more likely, to beat Swagger than Percy Watson, a man who has accomplished literally nothing in the WWE.

Decent? Ehhh, Percy is pretty bad, and this is coming from a fan of his. Bourne shatters him in in ring ability. And you're underselling Bourne on charisma. Sure, he's not exactly the charismatic masterpiece that is Percy Watson, but he has his own unique charm that comes from him smiling and really seeming to enjoy what he does. You know what they say, a smile goes a long way.

I doubt Riley is going to jump right into the main event after his feud with The Miz, which he will inevitably lose. He'll definitely be on the upper tier of midcarders, but he'll still be a midcarder, at the very least until John Cena drops the belt.

Don't see how this is relevant, but okay.

I agree, but now is not the time to debut him. If they debut him now, he'll have one or two low profile feuds before being lost in the shuffle, like DH Smith, Reks, or the Usos.

You Sir have a good knowledge for the sport and it is getting harder and harder to beat you.

Look, this all started off because look at the midcard heels Raw has. Swagger, Drew McIntyre and Ziggler. They really only have one midcarder face which is Kofi.

Ryder is extremely charsmatic, I love Ryder. But Ryder has been jobbing for a long time. I cannot recall him beating Bourne, last victory I can recall is him beating Kosolove with Hawkins interfering. Ryder win/loss record must be extremely poor. If he was pushed and had a midcard fued with Swagger and they had a 1 on 1 match handsdown Ryder will get the bigger pops but also handdown Ryder will lose. Don't take it personally I love Ryder but he has no credbility. Who can actually believe a guy that squashed by Sheamus in like 5 seconds can beat a former World Heavyweight Champion.

The only reason WWE put up with that S.O.A.B Jeff Hardy is that he was the biggest Fan Favourite in the WWE during that time. Masters on the other hand is not a fan favourite. I for one am suprised he is still with the company after his past addictions to steroids. Primarly why Masters is not being pushed is due to his past drug abuse.

And are you trying to tell me Masters was not a jobber? LOL. Did you watch Superstars and Smackdown during 2010??? Whenever he was telivised he lost to boost upcoming heels i.e Rhodes, Reks. He lost to other jobbers i.e Chavo. And he rarely ever one and if he did it was against the likes of Hawkins or Archer. After seeing Masters lose on a regular basis I can never believe he can beat the likes of Swagger or Ziggler. He beat Drew McIntyre... their obvisouly booking Drew wrong and making him lose to JOBBERS such as Masters, Bret Hart also tweeted about this.

Bourne. Bourne is arguably in the Top 3 best in-ring competitors in the WWE right now. Most likely behind Bryan and Punk and joint 3rd with Sin Cara a.k.a Mistico. He has a number of exciting moves in his arsenal but like Bryan he has no charisma. WWE is no longer about wrestling sir, it's more about about entertainment. It's either your charimatic or your not. Percy is, Bournes not. I'm sure even you can understand... ;) Also the fact Bourne is small means that he is unlikely to be pushed. Before you say 'What about Mysterio, he's small and is a 3 time world champion' Myserio is mexican! He was only pushed because they wanted to gain Mexican viewers and gain a hispanic audience and fan base. They previously had Guerrero but he sadly passed away, god rest his soul. With now Eddie to promote mexicans along came Mysterio. The only reason Mysterio was pushed instead of Chavo was Mysterio was already a loved face while Chavo was a heel. Mysterio was only pushed to promoet to mexicans. He's not entertaining... Neither is Bourne therefore it is unlikely Vince will chose to push a small uncharismatic indvidual like Bourne.

Smiling goes a long way ? It has especially worked for Bourne hasn't it? His smile has allowed him to win 0 Titles during his time with the company... ¬¬

Your calling me an idiot? Well Sir you are a fool. Santino has a little finisher that is less impactful than a punch and has won a few matches. You even said it yourself, 'suprising'. It is suprising when he win because he is a freakin' jobber! That move can never hurt anymone. Have you ever seen Santino beat a former world champion such as Ziggler or Swagger? NO. Have you ever seen him beat a jobber like Ryder or Hawkins? YES. He beats jobbers and suddenly you think he is more likely to beat Swagger? HAHAHAHAHA! Sense the sarcasm. Percy is A. a better in-ring competitor, B. better build and C. a clean slate. What I mean by this he has not had a past of jobbing such as Santino or Ryder so people will think he is more than likely to beat a guy like Swagger because he is new and never before seen, nobody knows what he is capable of.

And know to talk about Riley... Riley will be the next big thing after the fued with the Miz. How do I know? After attacking the Miz he suddenly recieved more pops the following week than John Cena did that night. If he runs with the ball during the fued with Miz he can be huge come the end of Summer time. Riley will obviosuly lose to Miz at CP but he may win MITB? He may have another match with the Miz at Summerslam because I doubt they will have Miz vs Cena again. The future is looking good for Riley. After all of this he most likely still won't be a midcarder. He most likely will go against CM Punk, ADR or R Truth if they are not in a fued.

I said guys like Reks, DH Smith, Primo should not be on the roster because guys like PERCY!, Steamboat JR., Seth Rollins, Xavier Woods, Brett Dibiase, Bo Rotundo deserve to come up soon.

To summarise Percy is an ideal candidate to become a midcard face on Raw ahead of Masters, Ryder, Satino and Bourne because no past drug history, no past history of being a jobber, oozing charisma, mic skills, decent in ring ability and will fit in perfect as a midcard face!

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