Debater's League - MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!!


Gone but never forgotten.
To all participants:

Unfortunately, due to personal conflicts by participants and other members, the Debate League needs to get cut short this year. This is both good and bad new for everyone involved.

Bad News -
We cannot continue to replace debaters and judges. To be quite honest, I'm all worn out. Those who quit did not live up to their responsibilities and caused more work for Phoenix and myself than we ever anticipated. So we are going to cut the regular season of the league after week 8 has been completed this Friday at 2PM EST. I apologize to the alternates that have been patiently waiting to be inserted into this competition. Blame all of the quitters this year... not Phoenix and myself.

Good News -
There WILL be a winner. Following this week's Round 8 debates, everyone will get a week off to give the judges a chance to catch up on all unscored debates. Since CH David has resigned as a judge, I will be taking over his duties personally in order to ensure this is done with no more delays and I will continue to judge for the remainder of the season.

After all debates are judges, I will tally the wins and total points for each participant and reveal the semi-finalists from the Alpha and Omega conferences. If any of the resigned debaters qualified for these spots they will automatically be disqualified and their position will default to the next-highest scored debater on their conference. A semi-final round will follow for one week, followed by a conference final debate for a week and ending with a debate by the winners from each conference that will last 10 days, giving each participant extra time for a clean debate. (Unless they collectively choose to end it early.)

In conclusion -
Phoenix and I would like to personally thank all the participants that stayed dedicated and worked their asses off in the preliminary rounds. All of you did a tremendous job and I wish you the best of luck.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask them in here.
Man, that is a bitter-sweet announcement.

Truth be told, I am quite happy with it. I faced all of the people I wanted to and my choice week was the very last week. I was beginning to get fatigued by the competition but this has renewed my want.
That's why it's such a commitment. But I think we have more than enough means to crown our semi-finalists. We just need to finish judging now.

And now I have double-duty... I have to maintain the league and judge it. But then again, Phoenix has been doing this since day one so I won't complain all that much.
Well this is good, I was going to have to miss next week anyway because I'm going to Ohio and I can't miss any points. This had it's fun times, but it sure did wear on me, coupled with IC's tourney was tough to find time to do both. Thanks for running this for us D and Phoenix, I may or may not sign up again next year.
Sounds about fine. I liked the time with it, however it would be unfair to drag others through all of the judging and the replacement just because I wanted to continue.
I agree with BC, the combination of the tourneys battered me. Tenta gave me shit for it but I think BC will vouch for how tough this has been. Having JMT last week topped it off - I felt I was constantly debating and didnt have time to do anything else.
I agree with BC, the combination of the tourneys battered me. Tenta gave me shit for it but I think BC will vouch for how tough this has been. Having JMT last week topped it off - I felt I was constantly debating and didnt have time to do anything else.
So true. Yet funny that after that he dropped from the mod competition and hasn't been seen since.
No debate with jmt? Ah well... good thing though because next week on the "week off" I won't be here at all. Saves me losing 20 points.
Will you just discard the week off then, or what? Since not everyone had one, things can get skewed, and whatnot.
I'm fucked i was hoping that i would get out of the hole the idiot before me left but thats resonable and i can't wait for next year

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