Deadman Championship Wrestling

M_F vs Undertaker's#1Fan​

UT#1F comes out first with his long monotonous music. After about 10 minuts of walking the Owner of DCW Christian Battlez comes out with the remote from Click and fats forwards his entrance. This gets a face reaction. M_F comes out next to Halo by Beyonce carrying a jar filled with what appears to be thunder. M_F hits UT#1F with the jar before the bell. The jar breaks and all the thunder comes out and lands on the ringfloor. UT#1F is busted open now and the ref asks him if he wants to continue he says yes and gets to his feet slowly but not as slow as his entrance. The ref calls for the bell and M_F mounts UT#1F (no homo) he lands repeated right hands to the open wound then hits the long kiss goodnight finisher(big smooch followed by a roundhouse kick) followed by a cocky (again no homo) one foot on the chest pin. Winner by pinfall M_F.

After the match M_F celebrates for a good length of time. This gives UT#1F enough time to come to and collect all the thunder and pieces of broken glass and put them in a bag. Ladies and Gentleman UT#1F has indeed stolen M_F's thunder. This rivalry is far form over folks.

Mr.L vs Gelgarin​

The match begins with Lee putting Gelgarin in a side headlock and bringing him down to the mat. Gelgarin counters out of it with a headscissor and both men get to their feet. Gelgarin with a kick to the midsection and brings him down with the Wii Factor(X Factor). He gets a three count. Winner by pinfall Mr.L.

A Commercial airs for DCW Extreme Rules in Four weeks.

Steamboat Ricky & Barack Obama vs 48.7 & John McKain

Ricky goes at McKain from the get go leaving it pretty much a one on one match between Obama and 48.7 while Ricky and McKain fight through the crowd. The former DCW Champion takes it to the President of the USA locking him in various arm submission working over the arm of Obama. The crowd starts unjustifiably cheering for Obama which causes Barack to get some momentum going. Obama elbows out of a Cobra Clutch 48.7 just applied then hits a back suplex and locks in the Barackshooter. 48.7 gets to the ropes so the match continues. Obama picks him up and hits three right hands knocking down 48.7. He starts taunting setting up for the Barack Bottom. He hits it then rolls up his sleeves comes off the ropes and hits the Presidential Elbow for the three count. Winners by pinfall Barack Obama & Steamboat Ricky.

DCW World Tag Team Championship​

Doc & Mr.PPV (c) vs Tdigle & CH David​

Mr.PPV & Tdigle start the match off while Doc is on the apron making sigs on his laptop. Tdigle does a good job of working over the neck of PPV. He tags in David but when PPV needs a tag Doc is too busy making sigs. David hits him with the Diamond Cutler but PPV kicks out. PPV finally gets Doc's attention but it turns out he didn't actually want the tag. He actually wanted to play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 online with Doc's computer but Doc wasn't being a good tag partner and wouldn't let him use it. David hit a second Diamond Cutler and got the pinfall. Winners and new DCW Tag Team Champions Tdigle & CH David.

After the match Doc and Mr.PPV were arguing and PPV pointed at Doc with a really mean expression on his face. It made Doc and everyone else in the arena uncomfortable including the owner Christian Battlez.

JKO has been fired for dumping the DCW TV title in the trash. Therefore his opponent for tonight the Anarchy champion ST has been added to the Fatal Four Way Match for the DCW title.

DCW World Heavyweight Championship
Christian Battlez vs Profit vs Slyfox vs X vs SavageTaker​

Battlez and Profit begin the match working over ST like a tag team. Sly and X battle it out on the floor. Sly rams the tv monitor into X's head laying him out across the announce table. CB picks up ST and drills him with a DDT. Profit lands a jumping knee drop before both men stomp away at his prone body. Sly climbs to the top rope to execute a top rope leg drop through X and the announce table but once he gets up there Profit shoves him off sending him crashing through the announce table anyway but hurting both men. ST starts to fend off both CB and UP but the numbers gain continues to come back. ST finally gets the advantage and sends Profit through the middle rope. He hits the Lethal Combination on CB and heads up top for the Macho Elbow he hits it and goes for the cover but gets a two count. He lifts CB up and hits the Tombstone Piledriver followed by another Macho Elbow. He attempts another cover but this time Profit pulls ST off the cover. He RKO's ST and attempts a cover but CB breaks it up. A shoving match ensues and Profit pushes CB out of the ring and gets ensnared in Hell's Gate by SavageTaker. Profit passes out from blood loss (internal injuries) and ST becomes the first Triple Crown winner in DCW. Winner and new DCW Champion SavageTaker!


Next week SavageTaker determines the match type for Extreme Rules for his title defense as well as we determine a new number one contendor! Good night everyone! and congrats SavageTaker!!!!

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