Deadman Championship Wrestling

So who do I get to annihilate first? Bring on the TMNT, I've a got a Shining Wizard Pizza with extra Black Mist sauce waiting for them!

Black and White pyrotechincs go off in the DCW Arena as we present you with DCW Souled Out. All the DCW Championships will be on the line...and word is tonight the nWZo is here!...and they're taking over!​

DCW World Tag Team Championship
RandySavageTaker & Tdigle (c) vs Booker PPV & Doc Steiner​

Tdigle comes out first representing Creationism. The crowd is booing heavily as its a pro nWZo crowd and everyone came to see the nWZo. He is wearing his tag team title over his shoulder and waits for his partner to come down.​

RandySavageTaker comes down next with black and white pyro and the title over his shoulder. He has his full nWZo gear on and the crowd is going nuts. He gets in the ring stares into his partners eyes and goes out to the ring apron.​

Out next is the team of Big Poppa Pump Doc Steiner and Booker PPV. They look ready for action and look to be on the same page. The same can't be said for the champions.​

The official holds both titles into the air and asks for the bell to be rung. The opening contest of the ppv is set to begin. Its Tdigle and Doc starting the match. Doc and Tdigs lock up and Doc wrings the arm of Tdigle. He wrenches it a few times then tags in his partner Booker PPV. Book hits a side kick followed by a few knees to Tdigs arm. The nWZo utilize quick tags and continue to work over the arm if Tdigle. He finally hits a enzuiguiri and reaches for a tag to his parter. But ST just drops from the apron. Booker hist the Book End and gets the pinfall. Your winners and NEW DCW World Tag Team Champions! Booker PPV and Doc Steiner! The duo along with ST gang up on Tdigle three on one until that traitor 48.7 the current DCW Champion comes down to break it up. He will defend the title later tonight.​

Out next is the leader and remaining member of DX Sign Guy. His opponent Becker "Hitman" Hart. The match begins and Sign Guy gives a crotch chop which Becker responds with a clothesline. He then locks in the Sharpshooter and Sign Guy immediately taps. Winner BECKER HITMAN HART!​

Anyone not featured in tonights card competed in a battle royale. If your a member of the DCW roster or the nWZo and you weren't on the show you were in this battle royale. Syxx won and earned a shot at the TV title.​

DCW Television Championship
Leonardo (c) vs J.JKO Jarrett

Leonardo comes out first to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song.He has the title around his neck. Next is J.JKO Jarrett. He has a guitar and blonde hair.

The match begins with Leo charging JKO. As he comes close JKO busts the guitar over his head. The match hadn't begun yet so the ref rings the bell. JKO covers for the easy victory and the TV title. Winner and new DCW T.V Champion J.JKO Jarrett.

DCW Anarchy Championship
E7 (c) vs ???​

E7 comes out awaiting his opponent. Its SavageTaker! The Special Referee is Nick Shausette. Its about a ten minute match of ST beating down E7. He hits the Tombstone Piledriver followed by a Diving Elbow Drop for the win. Winner and NEW DCW ANARCHY CHAMPION! RandySavageTaker! OHHHH YEAAHH!​

Hollywood X Hogan w/Hip2bHogan def. Norcal w/Will's head.

Luther Bischoff & Razor Nash def. IC25 & Slyfox.

Michaels,Lariat,Bagwell,Sting,Rhodes def. Ninja Turtles,Kobe & Shaq.​

DCW World Heavyweight Championship
48.7 (c) vs The Giant Tenta w/ Wallstreet Special Referee: Slick Christian Johnson.

The Giant demolished poor 48.7. In his last match ever Tenta showed why he is a true competitor. He hist three consecutive Chokeslams followed by putting one foot on the chest of 48 and Slick counted to three. Winner and new DCW Champion! The Giant Tenta! Afterwards he gave an emotional speech before vacating the title. The whole nWZo came out and gave each other the two sweet two finer touch. Many cried and embraced Tenta. Leave the Memories Alone started to play. But the nWZo kicked the stereo and some bad ass metal song played to end the show.
I'm the TV Champ. COOL! I literally laughed when I read that we kicked the stereo and played metal. DCW Television Champion FTW!!! I'm gonna start from the beginning and read this whole thread over again, you seem like you can write a show! That was scary awesome! Can't wait for next week!

*The preceding announcement has been paid for by the nWZo*

JKO: Bar Room, I have just come here to say:


JKO throws the DCW Television Championship into a trash can.

JKO: That is all. Hit the music

Unholy Profit and Christian Battlez, you're going down!
*The preceding announcement was paid for by the nWZo*


Now that DCW was back in control of the nWZo, I want to regain my DCW Title. It is once again mine. All mine.

That is all.
I need a mod or something to change the title of the thread to nWZo Championship Wrestling....but you have your TV title still.
I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, but DCW is mine.

Me and CB both owned half of the company, if he wants to get rid of it, the most you can have is half. I still own my share, but i'll talk CB into giving me the complete share of this company and I will be running DCW alone.

[QUOTE="THE" U.P.;1281443]I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, but DCW is mine.

Me and CB both owned half of the company, if he wants to get rid of it, the most you can have is half. I still own my share, but i'll talk CB into giving me the complete share of this company and I will be running DCW alone.


Fuck you then

JKO tell the rest we starting nWZo Championship Wrestling cause i ain't owning half of this shit heap with a gump.

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