Dead crowds theory

and you must not understand its THE INTERNET. You guys can make a big deal about it, and I can continue to not give a shit. I post for fun and to make fun of people like you. To many of you are too serious with this, I mean, its the fucking internet for fucks sake.

BTW do I get a custom banner with all of my super cool awards? Id love to enlarge it and print it out and take to the Royal Rumble

No, clearly YOU don't understand how serious this is. This will follow you for the rest of your life. Job interviews, background checks, and good luck trying to smuggle a Mexican baby with an anus full of cocaine out of the country when boarder patrol picks you up for being WrestleZone's worst poster of 2011.

We don't have custom banners, but we do have t-shirts.
I'd assume hes kidding with the whole following you around for the rest of your life thing. But im going to go with him being serious. The Mods in here are a bit ridiculous with their posting "rules".

We're here to read a few posts and engage in it with other people, but when you live in a basement and haven't seen sunlight in god knows how long, thats how u become a moderator. I just got a warning for making a thread about the Royal Rumble. It was a duplicate topic. I just laughed and was like wow I'm glad i have a life and don't have to look through thousands of threads to see if they're in the right spots and meet "forum standards"

Or... you know... there was the same thread a few posts below and they move it.

Contrary to popular beliefs, mods do have a life. Heck, I have a whole basement full of lifetimes with their heads cut off!

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