One superstar that you wish you could have changed the career of?

The Boogeyman.

I absolutely loved this character. I always saw him as the next Kane, with a little bit of Lashley sprinkled in. He's the type of gimmick who enjoyed punishment and then knew how to really dish it out in an obnoxiously aggressive type of offense. I'm not trying to say that he was great in the ring or great on the mic or anything even remotely close to that. Actually, I don't even care about Marty Wright the person, I just loved the Boogeyman character and the potential that came with it to make the next big red machine type of character. But then they used him as a comedy jobber in ECW with Hornswoggle. Ugh.

Another one is Kenny Dykstra. One of those rare athletes who is just great at everything. Mic work was excellent, ring work was great, he was extremely over as a heel thanks to the Spirit Squad, I feel like he should've broken away and developed a Jericho-esque no nonsense attitude and just start kicking ass and taking names like it was going out of style.

And finally, I think I'll group these guys all together for the same reasons: Ken Anderson, Elijah Burke, Matt Morgan, and Scotty Goldman, a.k.a. Colt Cabana. Why? Because all of these guys have one thing in common...they were so good that the WWE didn't know what to do with them. Anderson was the most over of the three obviously, but all four, and I do mean literally all four, could be in the main event WWE scene today if the E would've just used them right. Anderson was on his way to the ME but then the ridiculous "he dropped me on my neck" thing from Orton went down and that was that. WWE should've at least given Anderson a suspension or a fine or SOMETHING before they released him so quickly. Burke and Cabana didn't do a whole lot in the WWE, but those two guys had at least *some* kind of run in the E and both are incredibly talented in every aspect of wrestling. Matt Morgan's credibility started at about 0 because he had the ******ed stuttering gimmick. It's like...this guy is what you've been looking for; you found a big guy that can move around and can talk, so what do you do? Handicap him with a stutter. Regardless, these four guys are too talented to be working for any promotion other than the WWE imo.

After WCW ended his winning streak, they dropped the ball on him big time..e.g. Tazer on a Pole match, losing to Scott Stiener at Hall. Havoc, even bringing his wife onto Nitro. I thought it was the right time to end his streak, but would have given him back the WCW title ASAP! Its a shame that Goldberg only got that one WCW WOrld Championship.
i dont know if this was limited to wwe guys or not. if so then i apologize. but i would have loved to seen what could have happened with magnum ta if there was no car wreck. dude was stupid over. he is a pretty cool guy also. i keep in touch with him a little and he looks like he is doind well. man what could have been!
Actually, if I could change ONE guy's career. It would be The Rock. I would make it so he never went into movies and was still wrestling today.

To be more on topic...

I would say Kane. I think WWE had numerous missed opportunities with him. When he first removed his mask was a perfect opportunity to give him his first legitimate title run. He was on fire at the time. LOL No Pun Intended...

Also, I'm not sure I ever would have removed his mask. Maybe they should have put some kind of makeup on his face to make him really looked burned and disgusting. Then maybe he would have had to keep it on or refused to take it off or something.

Even Kane now, with the shaved head, would still look badass in the mask.

**Honorable Mention for Christian. There would have been A LOT I would do differently in his career!
The Kenny Dykstra one is dead-on. That guy was so fun to watch in the ring, he was undoubtedly the leader of the Spirit Squad, and he was pretty good on the mic from the bits we had from him. I thought there was so much potential in that guy. What happened? At least we got Dolph Ziggler from Spirit Squad... I guess...
Cant decide on just one so...

This push he has right now he would have gotten years ago. He had more than earned it, and the mask would be back, he just seemed so much better with it.

Matt Hardy

So much could have been done with his career by now it's sad. In my opinion at one time I would have bet he was going to be a world champion. His gimmick has been stale for a long time now. Briefly as a heel he had a flash of hope, but it didn't last.

A great monster heel. He got good crowd reaction, his moves stunned people considering his size. He should have been a world champion, and a dominant one at that.

Brian Pillman
He was before his time in many ways, a psychotic heel at times, and always fun to watch in the ring. Woudlnt have been a limit to the gold he would've won.

Someone else already mentioned Magnum TA, Rage and Kaos, Ted DiBiase Sr. and a few others I agree with too.
Kenny Doane (Dykstra). He's one of those total package guys; good on the phone (he didn't get an overwhelming amount of mic time in WWE, but he's a local boy and his performances in the area are mint), with solid, convincing wrestling skills.

Unfortunately, he is apparently a bit of a prick when it comes to dealing with fans. There are plenty of stories of him having problems with fans after events (remember the lawsuit after he ran over an autograph seeking fan's foot?) This could be why TNA never picked him up- while he's a talent, he has nothing to offer that you can't find somewhere else or do without entirely.
There's so many im just going to list a few off the top of my head cause wwe has drop the ball on alot of talent & it truely sucks.

1. Booker T, he came to the wwe w/2 Titles & they not only turn him into a joke but when he worked real hard & was over the most w/the fans they still decided to let him lose to HHH at Mania 19. I know they later gave him the title as King Booker but that 1 run w/the title can be easy forgotten.

2. Kane, everybody seems to agree that kane should have been had the run he is getting now, for a matter of fact this should be his 4th or 5th run w/the title.

3. Benjamin & Haas, I mean w/as much talent as the 2 of them have in the ring you would have thought that they both would have had better single runs.

4. Christian, no need to explain im sure you guyz can agree that he should have had a few good runs as champ also.
Changing careers is not changing lives... its pointless saying you'd have stopped Owen dying or Pillman's jeep crash... they happened... all you can change is the career they had as a "booker" on these type threads, we aint god!

1 - Davey Boy Smith - Either pushed him insted of Bret in 1992 or later in 96 beating Shawn for the World title... Davey really did get screwed over by Vince on the World title and the Euro belt, every time nearly Shawn was involved...... I think it led to a lot of his dependency issues... I'm sure Shawn regrets not putting Davey over now...

2 - Rick Rude - Given him the World title either from Hogan or Warror in 89/90... Rude was IT then, many say DiBiase was the best heel but Rude was a far bigger heat magnet... Hogan refused to work with him on size and Warrior refused to job out for the world title, despite Rude being singlehandedly responsible for his "education" in the WWE ring... Rude walked and had a great WCW career but he could have been so much more to Vince had he not listened to prima donnas...

3 - Randy Savage - I would have kept Randy active in the WWF as long as humanly possible, he had 4 good years in the WCW... during that time he could have brought on a massive amount of talent for Vince and perhaps that would have avoided WCW's rise... Nash and Hall are credited as the biggest "steals", I think it was Savage... cos he proved WCW was competition by going there...

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