Dead before their time, dead before TNA's Time

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
I recently got thinking about a wrestler who died recently, who died before his time, who I think in this new TNA could have been something. When I say new TNA, of course I mean the post January 4th TNA.

So the question for you before I spill the beans on who this dead wrestler is, which wrestler who died within the past oh four or so years, would be perfect to bring in, and possible for TNA.

Most of you are probably thinking the man is Umaga, however, I never thought he would do well in TNA... as he is a savage version of Samoa Joe for me.

The man I am talking about was actually in TNA last before he died. His name is Test. He was apart of TNA who went against Christian's Coalition before he decided to retire. However, he was thinknig about making a comeback, and I think that he would be a big part of TNA as a big man who could possibly even get a feud with Hogan as two powermen, if Hogan decides to return to full time wrestling. He could also feud with Abyss as a heel.

In fact, I think a great storyline for him is retiring people, first taking out jobbers, then taking on other talent TNA is actually firing, then moving on to challenge Hogan.
Yeah, I believe Andrew Martin could have worked in the new TNA. It is sad he is gone as he was a solid worker for sure. I do miss seeing him sometimes.
Mike Awesome......he could have been great. WCW killed him but if he went back to being dominant like it ECW he would be a good fit for TNA
Test was never part of the Christian Coalition it was AJ Styles and Tyson Tomko........dude seriously you need to get your facts straight.

But you're right Test would have made an awesome addition to the TNA roster in this new era they are moving to.

So would UUUUUMMMMMAAAAAAGGGGGAAAAA! I mean if anything you could have had him feud with Samoa Joe OR have him be the second of the Nation of Violence, then it would have at least seemed like it was worth while having Joe go pyscho and joining Taz.
Test was never part of the Christian Coalition it was AJ Styles and Tyson Tomko........dude seriously you need to get your facts straight.

But you're right Test would have made an awesome addition to the TNA roster in this new era they are moving to.

So would UUUUUMMMMMAAAAAAGGGGGAAAAA! I mean if anything you could have had him feud with Samoa Joe OR have him be the second of the Nation of Violence, then it would have at least seemed like it was worth while having Joe go pyscho and joining Taz.

If I'm not mistaken he said WENT AGAINST the Coalition...Maybe you should learn to READ before criticizing...

Test in TNA would have been HUGE IMO.
Umaga and Samoa Joe together = The reborn wild Samoans of TNA
Test could have been a HUGE factor in going against the WWE in these Monday Night Wars and he'd have HUGE motivation to do so. Just think of the way he was released after his neck injury! If you don't know what I'm talking about, God help you!
Another guy that could have been big in TNA, and like Crash, was in TNA when he passed, was Chris Candido. You can only imagine what he could have done had he not broken his leg during that six-man tag.
I agree Test could have really been great, not only in TNA but also in WWE, they could have used the momentum he had with the Steph/HHH storyline, to really push him.

That could have been beneficial to TNA, because they could have used him a a great big man, esp since he got the "makeover".

I also agree with Umaga and was expecting to see him in TNA. This man was a beast in the ring! And I agree he could have had a great tag run and then fued with Samoa Joe.

What about Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit, granted they already had great careers in the WWE, but what a great steal this would have been for TNA!!

Think About it...
Benoit vs Daniels
Eddie vs AJ Styles
and so much more!
Yeah I think he'd have been good for TNA actually, he was always pretty good in WWE and given the right gimmick could have been something interesting, maybe not a world champion or anything (although, you never know) and would have certainly been a better monster heel than someone like Tomko was.

They could have done with him what WWE did with Umaga, given him a brand new gimmick and have him run riot in the place.
Test was always one of those big men that got lost in the shuffle in my opinion. Test would come and go from TNA and WWE and he never really got a huge reaction. Maybe TNA could of used him in the new TNA to compete against Morgan or replace Abyss as Hogan's protege. I would have loved to see Brian Pillman, Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, and Saturn in TNA if they were healthy. Mike Awesome would of been a great talent to be in TNA as well.

Pillman could be the loose cannon and have Foley's old gimmick as the crazy hardcore wrestler that is sick of everything. Even if Pillman didn't wrestle, he could have been a hell of a manager. I could only imagine what great X Division matches The Radicals could of had in TNA. Benoit and Guerrero could of had some awesome matches for the championship against Kurt Angle or Sting. They could of also wrestled AJ or Wolfe. Just imagine a Benoit and Styles match, incredible.
Test was always one of those big men that got lost in the shuffle in my opinion. Test would come and go from TNA and WWE and he never really got a huge reaction. Maybe TNA could of used him in the new TNA to compete against Morgan or replace Abyss as Hogan's protege. I would have loved to see Brian Pillman, Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, and Saturn in TNA if they were healthy. Mike Awesome would of been a great talent to be in TNA as well.

I thought the fan's reaction to Test was really starting in increase when WWE brought him back to ECW. Though it didn't last long, as Test was released after a violation of the Wellness Program (though he was supposed to just be suspended for 30 days).

I always thought Test has a really good ring-presence and although I never thought he was a tremendous wrestler but he still had a really good looking big-boot.

Here is the problem - had Test not died we really have no idea what would have actually occurred. After Test's death autopsy reports showed that Test suffered from Dementia pugilistica, the same condition that was found in Chris Benoit's brain. It's a common neurological disease in boxers with symptoms varying from Parkinson's to Alzheimer's. It is likely that his mental ability would soon deteriorate, as his case was found to be chronic already and he was only 33.
Always liked Test, he had solid in ring work, sure he wasen't the best on the mic but other people who were worst then him got pushed. Its a shame he never really got a chance in TNA, the ECW WWE run kinda ruined his rep.

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