Dave's "Old VS. New" Thread


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Hello and welcome to the latest of a long line of threads by myself. In this one, for those of you who care, I am going to attempt to compare the games of yesteryear to the modern say equivalents and try my best to draw some comparisons on how games today have remained similar to the games that line past and have gone before. However, I would also like to try and draw some stark contrast between the two titles/series and show how games have evolved. I have wanted to do this thread for a long time and I have a few ideas that I wish to get out of the way first. The goal with this thread is to examine both games and reach some conclusions about the gaming world and the two series in particular. Generally, I will only really do one game versus one game. However, I thought that since it was the first post and hopefully one of many, that I would do a series against a series. If it works well then I may consider doing a few more.

Now, before I get started, I want to lay down a rule for anyone else that wishes to take part in this thread. I don’t mean posting comments on a review. No, I would really like for people to be able to take part and compare the games that have crossed their minds. However, the rule that will be prevalent to this thread is that the original game that is in question must have been made before the turn of the century and the latter of the games must have been made afterwards. I will show you with my first example. The first series of games I am going to examine is Prince of Persia. Now, the first game was made in 1989 and thus is before the year 2000. The second series of games is the Assassin’s Creed double. The first of which was released in 2007. Hence both of these series meet the criteria.

Also, I would very much like for the games that you are comparing to be in the same general genre as the other. It can be as general as an RPG or as complex as the one I am doing, free roaming action/adventures. However, feel free to use your own initiative if you are indeed going to post up a comparison.

With all of that being said, please allow me to welcome you to an idea that I hope will become a very eventful thread that brings the world of old and new together. For many weeks, I have considered making this thread and I eventually found both the nerve and the time to put it up. You see, it is very hard to compare the legacies of games throughout time. The games of yesteryear are looked upon as classics and are untouchable in that state. They have lit up our youth and helped ease us into the gaming lifestyles that we now lead. They have a sense of nostalgia about them and that cannot be measured. However, the games that are more recent do not have the same luxuries and nostalgia to rely on. That is why I found it very difficult to put the thread up as I thought that it may sounds biased. However, what I eventually thought was that more recent games have much better software and consoles available to them. Never before has a game been so easy to access and play. The gaming world of today is hugely different and games made today do not have the same luxuries that games of the past did and still do enjoy. However, they are privy to a new world of luxuries that the games of the past did not. That is why I thought that this thread could work.

So, without with out further ado, please let me introduce the first competitors into the arena:


Yes indeed, two of my personal favourite series’ come head to head in this battle of the behemoths. I have long since loved games like Assassin’s Creed and Prince of Persia and I find it to be very fitting that the first post in this thread be filled with the comparison of two of the best series of games I have played in my life. So, let me first look at the Prince of Persia series.

Prince Of Persia:

The Prince of Persia series started in 1989 with the release of the self titled game, “Prince of Persia”. Since then, it has spawned 6 other games that have gone down in history and one upcoming game that promises to be a fantastic return to form. However, the first game is where it has its roots. I recently purchased the original on the Xbox Live Arcade and I was very surprised at how good it was. Sure, it is not as complex or as fun as some of the games that were around that time period but it is still a very enjoyable game. The gameplay was quite intuitive and it really put me in mind of a simpler time in the world of gaming. However, it is very important to note just how much of a leap forward in gaming this game truly was. It was not a sidescroller and it did not use projectiles as weapons like the trend seemed to suggest back in that time. No, the weapons were swords and the gameplay was very intuitive. It was very fluid in terms of animation and was a very enjoyable game. Since then, it has been ported to multiple different consoles and platforms around the globe.

The series is one of my favourites and the story, although confusing, is very rewording as you play through. The gem in the crown of the game series was the “Sands Of Time” trilogy that lasted for two years and spawned three games to add to the series. By far, it is the best of the releases and should be given all of the praise in the world. Before I played this trilogy of games, I had never heard of the Prince Of Persia. It was only after being sucked into the story with great gameplay and intuitive gameplay that I really considered the game to be something special. I cannot tell you how long I have played Prince of Persia for and I think I would worry myself if I actually knew how long I had played the trilogy in total. However, I can tell you that the trilogy of games that really enticed me into playing is just fantastic. I would never be bored playing this game and the most I ever hope for is that when I finish it, I will not be sorry that I bought it. This trilogy went above and beyond that and to this day is still one of my favourite series of games. I could choose any one of them and still be as enticed and awe-struck as I was playing it for the very first time.

However, I personally feel that this series of games is ruined by the last of the releases. Call me old fashioned but I really do not want to see this game go with the tide and change to something so far from what it was that it losses all of it’s personal identity. This was the case with the 2008 release of “Prince Of Persia” on multiple consoles and platforms. Never before have I been so disappointed to see a game go down hill that fast. Sure, it kept the same premise of parkour and adaptive storyline but it was a terrible game. The combat had completely changed and instead of being intuitive and fresh, it relied on the tide of youth washing over it with anime trends. It failed and it failed hard. I finished it and although I still enjoyed it remotely, I could not help but think what the old Prince of Persia games would be like if they were recreated in some way and brought on to the new generation of consoles.

That is the case for the upcoming release of “Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands”. I saw the first trailer of this game at the Spike VGA’s and I have not come down off of my high yet. The old nameless prince from the sands of time returns in this interquel between “The Sands Of Time” and “Warrior Within”. Words cannot describe how happy I was to see it return to it’s roots and put the 2008 release behind it, at least for the time being. My fingers are crossed that this game will be a fantastic addition to an already stellar group of games in the Prince of Persia series.

Assassin’s Creed:

Now, after reviewing the series that really laid the groundwork for this series of games to exist, I must move on to the modern day pretender. We will move onto the game series that is trying to steal the carpet from under the feet of the classic series. Assassin’s Creed, from it’s release in 2007 has captured my heart again and again. The first game was a beautifully put together game and although I do agree with the fact that it was repetitive, it never grew stale. The story was fantastic and engulfed me from the very fist time that I played it. Of Course with the story still playing out, I cannot comment on how it is going to end but the chapters this far and premise of the game for that matter have been extraordinary. I must say that I never expected this game to become anything. I remember seeing a trailer for the original and I could not have been more indifferent. However, upon buying the game, I realised that this was much more than I had ever dreamed of. It follows the same trend of gaming that Prince Of Persia did and is extremely intuitive. Shades of the Prince can be seen in Altair and the first thought that I had whilst playing the original was how similar, in regards to gameplay, it truly is.

The sequel and most recent game in the series, is one of the best games of 2009 and more so than this, one of the best and most entertaining games I have played in this decade. Many thought that it would follow the same trend as the original and be very repetitive. However, all manner of criticism was blown out of the water upon release. Assassin’s Creed 2 is one of the finest gaming storylines that I have ever been embroiled in and I could not wait to find out more about it. The game kept me playing for hours and upon finishing it, I could not have been happier. The storyline of the game is split and Ubisoft really did do wonders with the story that I thought was running out of ideas and added great swerves and twists to keep us guessing. It is a fantastic game and a huge seller this year. People have commented on how intuitive it was and how it signals resurgence in the games of this nature.

Comparisons and Winner:

Now, the comparisons of these games are pretty easy to see. Both have had wonderful runs in the mainstream gaming market. It is not without good reason though as both series of games have been utterly astounding and have rocked my world. Without the Sands Of Time Trilogy from Prince Of Persia, I promise you that I would not be a gaming fan at all. However, without Assassin’s Creed, I may have lost the urge to play games. Both series of games came at a time that was vital to me in terms of my gaming tenure. Both of which enticed me with great storylines, fantastic graphics and excellent gameplay. Looking back on the games of the past, you can see how far both of the series’ have come. From the initial Prince of Persia game to the latest one that is coming next year. From the first Assassin’s Creed to the sequel, both series’ have evolved immensely and are stalwart titles in the field of Action and adventure games.

The great strength of this thread is going to be how games of the modern day match up against games that laid the foundation for its success and through this, we can determine for ourselves which of the games was better and had more of an effect on you as a gamer.

My winner is: Prince Of Persia series.

As I stated before, Prince of Persia, the original is a fantastic game really deserves an immense mount of credit. It was groundbreaking and signalled a new dawn for games everywhere. It followed this initial success up with a fantastic series of games in the Sands Of Time and without those games, I would not be the fan of gaming that I am today. Assassin’s Creed is a fantastic couple of games but it does not have the same feeling and enthusiasm about it that Prince Of Persia seems to have. However, the series has been hit and miss and it was a very tough decision for me in the end. I find myself constantly changing my mind and it pains me that one series has to be the winner. However, things may change after the release of the next round of games from both. Until then, Prince Of Persia is my winner.

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