"Dashing" Cody Rhodes

Cody has always had that speech impediment.

I don't know what some of you guys are on about. Some people say S's a little more pronounced because they've had braces or whatever, but Cody doesn't have a lisp (neither does Swagger but his over-stressed S is more noticeable). If you want to hear a wrestler who lisps listen to Ric Flair. And somehow, he was one of, if not the best promo guy in the business.
You can make it with a speech impediment.The best part about having it,is you will almost always have material for good promos against your opponents.It's all about how you use the tools you have to become a great superstar and I think Cody will do well.
I've always felt that all Cody needed was SOMETHING to play off. Now he has this cross between Rick Rude and "The Narcissist" Lex Luger, with a little added Zoolander gimmick and he is a relevant heel on Smackdown. It didn't take much, and why? Because he is a talented performer who simply needed a direction and screen time.

As far as his lisp, it's barely evident. I don't even notice it in his promos. He knows how to perform and he speaks well perhaps in spite of it. The kid seems made to be a wrestling star. This new gimmick is giving him an opportunity and I believe he is running with it already. I see big things for this kid and remember, he's only 25! He is on the fast track much like his mentor, Randy Orton. I don't know if he'll rise as greatly, but the kid can go in the ring and he can talk. What more can you ask for in a WWE wrestler?
Im well and truely liking Cody's new gimmick, it definately suits him, he has that Rick Rude attitude from how he is the sexiest guy on the roster, that and he loves himself, and that is making him better in the ring. Cody's mic skills are always very good and this whole gimmick shows how much charisma he has, and those who say his speech impediment is a hinderance, who cares....he can talk on the mic.
Dashing Cody Rhodes? well i dont much mind him in the ring, i cant stand the name. it's kinda lame actually. do i agree he's bigger than Ted? no. Ted was injured, so they had to use him as little as possible for a while, now he's back and in the title run also. i say Ted definitely has the bigger career ahead of him. what would be good for cody, is if him and his brother had a fued, that would be pretty entertaining

Ted is the one looking "lame" in comparison to Cody. Cody has a bona-fide gimmick now, whereas Ted is struggling to establish himself as a singles competitor on Raw, even with the help of the Million Dollar Belt and Maryse. I think "Dashing" Cody Rhodes is f**king awesome. If you'd have asked me the same question 6 months ago, I'd have rooted for Ted, but Cody has proven to be the bigger "character" so far.
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes is great. Cody always was thought to be the weaker one compared to DiBiase, but I think everybody will need to take a second look in about a year from now, as both are getting their pushes right about now, and we will see how far each advance in a year.

Cody is not his father, and that is for damn sure. Cody has a unique gimmick, and he is one of the only who can pull this off so good. Cody has been excellent on the mic, and his lisp is not a problem, as it is isn't as bad as Swagger, and his gold on the mic lately has covered it up pretty well, and I hardly even notice it.

Cody is solid in the ring, and with this new gimmick, he should become more charismatic and be more fun to watch in the ring. He will certainly become interesting, and I think everybody is believing "Dashing" can and will become a main eventer in the very near future.

And I applaud you for that Cody, as you have worked hard and you surely deserve it based on your recent performance.
I'm kinda digging this new thing with Cody now. I was a bit unsure at first. I think this will truly set him apart from his dad and brother. This cocky-ness, and the new opening video, (PS- LOVE LOVE the digital mirror) I think this might bring about some interesting feuds for him. I can see this hopefully going somewhere if done right. I just hope they keep it for a while since I'm going to a SD show in December, and can't wait to see that sh-tick live with him. :p
I'd give this gimmick a lot more credance if the bloke didn't look like the frog that even the princess wouldn't touch. Not saying he's hideous at all, but hey - is it just me, but the bloke looks like a frog!

Then again, i'm maybe not the best judge of what defines a good looking man! I'll bow to all your greater wisdoms on that =):worship:

Definably better than Ted Jr. He may not be getting over, but he can work the gimmick and comes off as a natural character as opposed to his former "better" half, Ted. "Dashing" isn't exactly too catchy however. Doesn't really roll off the tongue well. But he seems to be able to work well out of the ring with the gimmick. Being on Smackdown and NXT and totally avoiding Raw helps a lot as well. He can aviod the comedy skits that plague other guys and allows him to establish a connection with the fans.
I thought the digital mirror thing was pretty cool last night, definately gives him a unique ring entrance not sure if it will hold up in the following weeks however.
ive always liked Cody and thought he was going to go on and do great things in his career, this is a step in the right direction. The promo was well done and very funny and i hope the E continues with this gimmick :lol:
The "Dashing" gimmick has endeared me to Cody. I have no idea why, but I have a guess or two:

- The "digital mirror" - best use of the RAW set I've seen, probably
- The looks - damn sexy
- The attire - weird one, but yeah, I like his boots and shit
- The mic skills - better than average, which means "really, really good" these days

Never thought he'd pass over Ted, who I liked for an entire week not ten months ago, but yeah, he's done it. With the lack of top heels on SmackDown, he'll probably get a push soon. Or not. Like he cares; he's sexy as fuck.
I love "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. His new theme is pretty good for his gimmick, and that Digital Mirror is simply amazing. It gives his character more then just The Uncommon Son of The Common Man. His is separating himself from his father and I love it. He has a cocky heel look and he is going to take this gimmick and run with it.

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