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"Dashing" Cody Rhodes OR "Million" Dollar Ted


As we all know, both Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase have recently adopted new gimmicks. Ted has become the rich spoiled million dollar jerk that gets to walk around with Maryse and Cody has become the conceited with himself perfection boy that cares more about his eyebrows than his wrestling

My question is, which one of these two do you prefer and which one do you see going far with his gimmick. For me, I think it's Cody Rhodes, he's actually made something of himself working with very little and i think he should be applauded for that. He's made himself entertaining unlike Ted who just puts me to sleep no matter what he does

what do you guys think???
Rhodes, by FAR. A year ago, I'd have said Ted, but Cody has forged a new image for himself and is actually interesting, while Ted simply bores the life out of me, even with the Million Dollar Belt and Maryse at his side. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes is the far brighter star right now....it's as if Ted had his chance, but never seized the moment (maybe that's the fault of WWE too).
I would have to say "Dashing" Cody Rhodes too for right now. Personally, I felt Cody always had the better mic skills but DiBiase was better in the ring. With both having these personality changes especially in Dashing, I feel Dashing has not only improved more and charisma but also in wrestling ability as well, but a few months from now that could change.
I have been one of the few who have always liked Cody Rhodes more than Ted DiBiase, even when they were still in legacy. I believe Cody is better skilled on the microphone and in the ring. Now some people might not agree but Cody does have a better move set in my opinion. He has a good moonsault and I actually love the Crossroads. Even if it is botched and he does not get it fully rotated, it looks like it could snap a neck. So im going with "Dashing" Cody Rhodes
I think Million Dollar Ted will last longer,
Simply because WWE has plans to make a whole group out of his gimmick called the Fortunate Sons,
Which i'm looking forward too.
Though I like Dashing Rhodes to,
But I hate his new theme
i think what tghey will so with ted is he will go broke and start a whole new poor character style and of the two i like cody better as its something unique compared to teds boring nesse
I would have gone with Cody anyway but watching what I just watched "Dashing Cody Rhode's Grooming Tips" make me gow ith Cody even more. I like Ted, I think he is a good wrestler and could do something in his career but as far as entertainment value I got to go with Cody. Everything from the mirror in the titantron (BEST idea for a character in quite some time) to the movements to his new grooming tips make you either laugh or want to slap him in the face,....maybe both. I'm just hoping his size doesn't work against him cause I can see Cody as a solid IC champ.
I'd have to go with Rhodes. I don't really find Ted DiBiase all that compelling. I actually wished they would of let Priceless go on a little bit longer before they went with Orton. I enjoy the two bouncing off each other with their promo's. I don't really understand the point of their gimmicks. I know their fathers were around in the 80's, doesn't mean they should go back to those style of gimmicks. I liked them both better when they were proclaiming that they're better than their fathers.
If anything showed us how great Cody Rhodes is with his new gimmick it was the grooming tip episode we seen tonight on SmackDown. Rhodes had me entertained every time I seen him on tonight's episode of SmackDown and I look forward to seeing him every week for that matter. He has great theme music that fits him and his character to a perfect T, and he has the charisma to pull it off. Tonight's work was simply "dashing" pardon the pun.

As for Ted Dibiase, I am not as entertained with. He can be very boring and the need of using this "trust fund" as the only real thing keeping him relevant is pretty mediocre. I just don't find his singles run as intriguing or even as entertaining as what Cody has been doing. I just think Ted's biggest problem is that he is very bland and has as much charisma as a wet noodle. While Cody Rhodes has been given the right gimmick that truly let's his personality run to it's true ability. "Dashing" Cody Rhodes is the better of the two former Legacy brethren.
I prefer dashing Cody Rhodes. I love that gimmick its just awesome. As for Ted's I don't really see it going anywhere except for a fued with Morrison. I think this is really what Cody needs to be elavated to the main event status.

If you would have asked me a year ago who I thought was better I probley would have said Ted there was all this talk about him getting a push, but he never did. I think that Cody has really improved since being in Legacy and I think that he will be a world champion before Ted, but thats just my opinion.
Cody Rhodes by far. Granted its not an original gimmick the whole Ravishing thing but he pulls it off really well because he does have really good looks. He has a really unique entrance and despite everything thinking he was gonna get the short end of the stick compared to Ted I would say they are about the same level at this point.

And comparing them to their fathers. Ted is following in his fathers gimmick, although his manager is a really hot chick. But thats suppose to make it new? I dont think so. Cody Rhodes is the exact opposite of his father and to me the makes it funner to watch. And I hope Cody does end up being the bigger star then Ted. I think he has more potential and with both men's in ring and mic work about the same, once again IMO, I think Cody has the best chance of being a big star out of the two.
Here's my take on this. By NO fault of Ted Dibiase Jr. and his Spoiled rich kid gimmick, it's Dashing Cody Rhodes who is better right now. There are many reasons for this. One Ted Dibiase is on Raw using a gimmick that we seen from his dad years ago. It's not as great seeing it a 2nd time, HOWEVER, if and when WWE wises up and puts Ted Dibiase the leader of the Fortunate Sons with his brother Brett Dibiase and Joe Hennig (Michael McGillicutty) and makes them heel and have them all being a better, more properly used version of Legacy, then i think Dibiase will be better or just as good as Cody Rhodes. Dibiase is really good on the mic, he's just not used because the fans dont care about his gimmick. The fans, however, notice Cody's gimmick because it's new and we havent seen a heel like Rhodes. He brushes his eyebrows and looks at himself in the mirror, plus he's on Smackdown. I WANTED Rhodes to win the Smackdown Money in the Bank, hopefully WWE figures out that Rhodes NEEDS to be pushed, even if the Undertaker returns soon. I rather see Cody as World Heavyweight Champion than the Undertaker for another time.
Cody Rhodes is the all around better package right now. According to the divas hes the best looking, and judging by what i see he is the better wrestler in and out of the ring. Each week since his new gimmick change i find myself looking forward to his next promo and his entrance is one of the coolest i've seen in a long time.

Is it just me or is his move set growing with every match. The guy pulls out moves i never even thought he had. With his performance at MITB and tonight on SD i would have no problem seeing him as a future IC champion.

Ted on the other hand is stuck in a gimmick no one really wants to see because his father was such much better at portraying it. Until his rumored stable comes about i dont see any real progression with Dibiase. Until then Hes going to be stuck in this meaningless feud with Morrison.

I bet Vince wishes he had put Rhodes on Raw instead of Dibiase. It seems like the bigger star went to smack down which is rare due to the fact that SD is the second rate show.
(I still prefer it though over Raw)
The answer to this question is simple. The answer is DASHING CODY RHODES. The guy has the best moves, he has some mic skills and his gimmick is off the charts. I hate how he doesn't use knee pads, but I don't care, he has the look as well. Maryse should be with Cody Rhodes rather than that rich punk boy Ted.
2 months before WrestleMania 26, if you would've asked me, or most fans of WWE, I think it was pretty much unanimous that Ted had a much brighter future as a singles competitor than Cody. Now, I see Ted staying where he is, at mid-card level, for about the rest of his career. Cody, on the other hands, has convinced me with his new gimmick, that he is a future Main-Eventer. He sells it great. It's a great gimmick in itself. And Rhodes is a great wrestler. All he needs is for him not being a big man to stay out of his way, and he's going to the top someday.
I always thought Cody had WAY more potential than Ted when Legacy was feuding with DX Cody used to grab the mic and just OWN it. His in ring ability is also awesome. I like his character but I would of rather preferred a more ruthless agressive Rhodes either way I think he's doing a good job.

Ted CAN have a good future it all depends on how WWE uses him,
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes? That's an honest to god gimmick? I heard his intro, watched him gaze lovingly into the jumbotron, then got bored as hell as while McIntyre, Christian, and Hardy carried the match for him.
Dashing Cody Rhodes by far its not even close anymore. He is a better wrestler than Ted and he is better on the mic too. Rhodes has had some really good matches on smackdown since being drafted. His new gimmick really fits him perfectly. He does have an arrogrant sort of cocky look to him. His entrance with the digital mirror is great.

And I thought I alone absolutely loved his Dashing persona!
The guy has finally found the perfect gimmick and he really pulls it off well.
But with a moniker like dashing (pompous self-adoring), your promos have to be of the highest caliber and I do think Cody is getting there.

NWA Ric Flair and Ravishing Rick Rude are the tapes to study here
"Dashing" Cody Rhodes is money compared to "The Fortunate Son" Ted Dibiase. Sure, Ted is in my opinion more entertaining in the ring, but Dashing has a more original character. He's not trying to be the next Million Dollar Man like Dibiase is doing, or in Rhodes' case like The Common Man, he's trying to be the first "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. His entrance is hella cool and I still kinda wonder how they do that thing with the mirror. He's got a cool finisher and besides the fact that the lack of knee pads makes Rhodes look like a little kid, he's got a different look that sets him apart from the other heels.

Meanwhile, besides the amazing valetness that is Maryse on his arm, nothing's really different with Ted. He's got his father's Championship, he's got his old music from his Legacy days, hell his finisher is a Million Dollar Dream with a slam added to it. Add to the fact Dibiase wears a suit...it's like you know the guys a heel when he's wearing a suit. Nothing really screams original. Anything that makes Ted different is all Maryse's doing.
Cody Rhodes by a mile. Ted is very boring in the ring with a very boring moveset and low mic skills. He just stole his dads gimmick and WWE are trying desperately to get him more heat. Cody on the other hand, has a lot more heat than him, a rookie on NXT, an entertaining moveset and just an overall better gimmick.
Cody Rhodes all the way
Both are great gimmicks, with great potential. Both just need to be used properly. Ted is slowly getting there, but so is Cody. So they're very close for my taste.

Both are getting decent air time. WWE seems to be investing in them in the longer run. And that's a good thing, it shows that they will both go places. Eventually we could very well see Cody vs Ted at Wrestlemania. I sure would love to see that.

To answer your question however. I don't have any preference. I like Ted in his own manner, he keeps me interested. I'm not sure whether it's due to him or Maryse being glued up against him, either way he's doing just fine.

The same goes for Cody Rhodes, now there's nothing glued to him. But he's still interesting. He has some funny or great promos. He is showing the potential to drag this gimmick miles to the top. And it's slowly starting to shine through.

So therefore, I don't prefer one of them, I like them both somewhat equally.
it has to be cody his gimmick is different yes we has saw superstars more worried about there looks more than the matches but he not copying anyone Ted is he just coping his dad

the annoying thing is i like ted when he and cody was team but now he bores me to hell prefer cody and he used to bug me when he had no personalty
Cody Rhodes is the all around better package right now. According to the divas hes the best looking, and judging by what i see he is the better wrestler in and out of the ring. Each week since his new gimmick change i find myself looking forward to his next promo and his entrance is one of the coolest i've seen in a long time.

Is it just me or is his move set growing with every match. The guy pulls out moves i never even thought he had. With his performance at MITB and tonight on SD i would have no problem seeing him as a future IC champion.

Ted on the other hand is stuck in a gimmick no one really wants to see because his father was such much better at portraying it. Until his rumored stable comes about i dont see any real progression with Dibiase. Until then Hes going to be stuck in this meaningless feud with Morrison.

I bet Vince wishes he had put Rhodes on Raw instead of Dibiase. It seems like the bigger star went to smack down which is rare due to the fact that SD is the second rate show.
(I still prefer it though over Raw)

I completly agree with you. Everytime i watch SD I'm curious on what type of moves he will make this match, or what his promos will bring this time. He is way better than dibiase, and always was.
Cody Rhodes has done alot better in terms of actually performing his gimmick

It dosent help that Ted has been involved in the most painful promos with JoMo the last 2 RAW's, absolute cringe worthy. Ted is a worse version than his dad's gimmick, while Cody has a gimmick that has been done alot before, but he has changed it just enough that its fresh and different than those who came before him. Rick Rude and Cody Rhodes, while similar gimmicks, did things very differently. Ted is Million Dollar Man Light, worse in every aspect

The only advantage Ted has is his size over Cody, Rhodes just has more charisma and has done wonders with his gimmick, i think its caught everyone off guard at how good he is playing this.

He isent anything like his dad but he obviously inherited some mic skills from ol Dusty. I look forward to what CM Punk, Swagger and now Cody will do on SD!, i cringe at what Ted will do on next Raw

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