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Dark Days Ahead?

I agree with the CSR views i'd like to see those things happen don his old outfit. I doubt Undertaker will be slugging it with Cena as Raw is unlikely to have Taker back and Cena won't come to Smackdown.

Maybe having an Urn back but with the ashes of Bearer inside and it could possibly act like Cryptonite to Taker like headaches or whatever something just evoke a weakness in the Taker yet he prevails over whoever carries this Urn.
I don't think turning Undertaker heel will be anything doable, at least not turn him heel properly, he would still get massive cheers, because he's been put up against face people before who automatically therefore became the heel of the fight.

Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio are two very over faces he wrestled in the last years time, and none of them was enough to get Undertaker booed or be considered a heel, Undertaker got a face reaction when he Tombstoned John Cena, not many can brag about that.

And therefore I don't think Undertaker will, or perhaps could be turned heel, because he's get cheered no matter what he does.
Undertaker turning heel would be just as unsuccessful as it was when he did it in 2002. People still cheered for him when he was heel so I don't see why it would be any different this time around. A factor is that Undertaker was face for so long, fans just wanted to cheer for him and do nothing else. That's a reason why guys like Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio will probably never be heel.
The fact of the matter is that The Undertaker is incapable of getting heat. Not because he is a bad heel, but because he is a living legend. He could utilise every heel tactic there was and still get a face reaction because wrestling fans love him.
The Undertaker has, what, 2 years left in him. He isn't going out as a heel, that is pretty obvious. He has done so much for wrestling as a whole, he has stayed in the WWE for 20 years and become one of the best loved wrestlers in history. He'll go out with crazy pops, not a bunch of people singing the goodbye song.
There will be no point, he will get the same reaction..Just when flair is heel, he will still get cheered..Taker is now the same..it happened to him back in 2002, he always got cheered no matter what he did..

Taker will stay the way he is..he will take on both faces and heels..
I would love it, but I don't think Vince is ballsy enough to try it. He seems to love to keep things simple nowadays
THIS is probably the ONLY way to even have a chance to get Undertaker over as a heel. Its NOT going to be another wrestler that does it! Its been proved in the past- it cant happen that way. It MUST be a puppet master type gimmick- where Taker is basically just taking orders from PB. Or maybe even VKM if PB isnt available.

It all comes down to the power of The Urn! Bring back the urn. The Urn held by Paul Bearer can make Taker a heel again. If anyone/anything can get it done, its PB w/urn in hand.

They tried this same thing back in 2004 or so when Paul Heyman was running Smackdown. He had the urn and The Dudley Boys were somehow involved. Guess what? He was still cheered. Even after destroying guys like Rey Mysterio and a rookie John Cena- not to mention he encased Paul Bearer in a cement coffin and told everyone this:

"He was my only weakness, so I got rid of him" or something like that. Fans reaction? Cheered. He tried being the monster heel controlled by the urn, but it didn't get booed in the slightest.

That is why I agree with others here; Undertaker can try to be heel, but will always get cheered. Somehow he passed any form of kayfabe bad-guyness and is a living legend. Very few boo legends.
Undertaker is a legend...he could come out on any night and tombstone John Cena or any other face and still get a huge pop. I don't think a heel turn is necessary unless they are willing to form a new ministry to feud with these nxt guys...which would be fricken awesome.

I do agree with CSR. If there is one thing i wish for every time i watch wrestling its for the original Undertaker to return...not the Deadman, there is a huge difference.

Whatever happens with him he will always be my all time favorite wrestler and has had the most successful gimmick of all time.
I personally would love to see this, but currently, I dont think there is anything they can do to actually make him a succesful heel. Like many others have stated, getting Undertaker heat is harder than getting a pop for Jesse Jackson. I don't think this will happen anytime soon, not unless the 'E thinks of a AMAZING angle that would get anyone heat.
One of the most quoted quotes in Wrestlezone that I have seen comes from the man Mighty Norcal, and this is what he had to say:

"The Undertaker could chokeslam a baby and still get a face reaction."

Truth is, this rings eerily true. Undertaker can't become a heel anymore than Shawn Michaels could when he turned on Triple H in the last limbs of his career. Taker is a legend, and there is absolutely NOBODY who is more over than him that could make Undertaker look legitimately heel. He has been through it all and has done just about anything notable. Have him kayfabely set fire to an orphange and he will still get cheered. That's how badass the Deadman really is.

He can't go heel. No matter how hard WWE can try, fans won't boo. He's contributed too much now to be looked at as a bad guy. Ric Flair was a bit the same way even with his stint in Evolution; people knew he was heel, but cheered and "woooed" their hearts out. That's the golden thing about Taker; no matter what people are going to root for him and cheer him on if he is facing a major heel like Edge or the big babyface John Cena. He has that power.

And I would personally MTFO if he went back to his Ministry ways.
Would be very hard to turn Taker heel without completely changing his gimmick. And they're not going back to the American Badass at this point. Not to mention, would be completely pointless. The guy is about 5 leagues above the rest of the roster in the fans' eyes. Why mess with his character?
Should Undertaker turn heel? No. Purely because there isn’t enough time left in his career to get it over with the crowd.

This time next year Undertaker will not be wrestling anymore.

The only person who could possibly get a face reaction against a heel Undertaker would be Cena; even then all the smarks would be booing Cena.

They definitely want to get in Kane involvement before Undertaker retires, thus why they have introduced him to this latest story- to set up a feud or team.

The hip surgery he underwent last year was a big warning sign, but these latest injuries after a light match are the nail in the coffin; WWE know they have to retire the Undertaker.

Everyone is saying "A heel turn would leave a massive gap in the face roster”; "No one on Smackdown is big enough to carry the face role, or as a heel champ":

These are things we and WWE have to worry about When Undertaker retires anyway, not if he turns heel or not.
An Undertaker heel turn will not work for one reason and one reason alone. You have all said it in more words than less but I have a simple explanation for it. Undertaker is what I like to call a "Perma-Face" it's one of my dude-terms that goes along side "Perma-Stoned". The Undertaker is a permanent face fixture in the WWE no matter what. He has even transcended the role of face or heel in a lot of ways because clearly he's not a Mysterio/Cena/Kofi/R-Truth type of face or a Jericho/Edge/Miz/Ziggler heel. He's above all that and no matter what he does as you have said, he's still going to get the big pop from the fans. When Undertaker first showed up in the WWF he was a heel and that didn't last too long before he was so popular they seemingly had no choice but to put heels against him. That was waaaay back and they couldn't keep him heel. If they couldn't do it then, they aren't going to be able to do it now.
I believe he's been classified as a tweener for the most of his career, due to being cheered, even if he chokeslams the shit out of a guy like John Cena, who he fucking tombstoned, and still got cheered.

I wouldn't mind seeing them attempt to turn Undertaker, but I ultimately, won't be surprised if it failed.

With this PG thing they have delved into Cena has attracted a ton of new fans, which IMO is kind of sad. I am sure though that there are still a ton of people out there would would like to see Cena tombstoned on a daily basis. I just don't care for Cena, mostly I think because he has been pushed so heavily for so long.

Will I think mentioned the Ministry days which I didn't particularly care for mainly because it was so over the top, and don't get me started on the corporate ministry. I think that crap was going on when the NWO was starting to wind down. WWE needed something way over the top thanks to the Wolfpack which almost saved the NWO until the fingerpoke of doom.

I doubt very many of you remember the Angle Jake the Snake ran with the Undertaker back in the day. They were messing with the Ultimate Warrier. It ended with ended with the Undertaker turning face an saving Elizabeth from a chair shot from Jake.

That was a great angle. I think that they need to turn taker heel one last time, he has the ability to make it work.

They could finish it off with him turning on someone an finishing his career as a face.

Would make up for the lack of heel HBK. Really was hoping for a heel HBK before the end.
With this PG thing they have delved into Cena has attracted a ton of new fans, which IMO is kind of sad. I am sure though that there are still a ton of people out there would would like to see Cena tombstoned on a daily basis. I just don't care for Cena, mostly I think because he has been pushed so heavily for so long.

Sad that John attracted fans? not at all, it's good for business, but then again it's your opinion, and nonetheless it adds nothing relevant to this thread, John Cena being tombstoned by Undertaker didn't get a heel attraction, even considering the large positive fan base John has.

Like I've said, Undertaker is almost impossible to turn heel again due to his popularity, so no matter how popular John Cena gets, even he can't turn Undertaker heel, there's perhaps only 2, or 3 people who could ever possibly get a small heel reaction out of Undertaker, and Hogan is the only active one of them in the wrestling business still. (for those who wonder, I'm thinking The Rock, Stone Cold and Hogan are probably the only ones who would get cheered over Undertaker)
Sad that John attracted fans? not at all, it's good for business, but then again it's your opinion, and nonetheless it adds nothing relevant to this thread, John Cena being tombstoned by Undertaker didn't get a heel attraction, even considering the large positive fan base John has.

Like I've said, Undertaker is almost impossible to turn heel again due to his popularity, so no matter how popular John Cena gets, even he can't turn Undertaker heel, there's perhaps only 2, or 3 people who could ever possibly get a small heel reaction out of Undertaker, and Hogan is the only active one of them in the wrestling business still. (for those who wonder, I'm thinking The Rock, Stone Cold and Hogan are probably the only ones who would get cheered over Undertaker)

You are probably right, odds are we will never see it.

Still think its sad that he has been shoehorned into the same old same old.

My point is that he could do it, and do it well, to hell with who the fans cheer.

Look at the active roster right now, which of the main guys can go back an forth from heel to face and make it believable.

HHH? How long does he have left a Sheamus Celtic Cross hurt him?

Orton? They are trying to remake him into Stone Cold and so far it isn't working.

Big Show? Who really cares anymore whether he is a heel or face?

Edge? He has been hurt to much for anyone to really get into him one way or the other, an his heel is kind of stale right now.

I might be getting off of the subject just kind of sad that guys aren't as versatile as they used to be.
You are probably right, odds are we will never see it.

Still think its sad that he has been shoehorned into the same old same old.

My point is that he could do it, and do it well, to hell with who the fans cheer.

The problem with your statement is that a good heel is someone who's considered to be booed, I've heard plenty of people saying "if I get booed, I'm doing a good job" if Undertaker doesn't get booed, he's not doing a good job, and he's not a believable heel because he still gets the face reaction.

Undertaker will most likely remain face due to that, and I can't really say with the whole "going into same old same old" because I've always found Undertaker to be entertaining no matter what, he puts on good matches on a regular basic, and the only problem I have with him is that I preferred his American Bad Ass microphone skills.

HHH? How long does he have left a Sheamus Celtic Cross hurt him?

Getting injured by a move that has you landing on the upper part of your back / lower neck area and getting injured has nothing to do with how believable Triple H would be as a heel, Triple H from my point is one of the greatest heels of all time.

When he turned into the McMahon-Helmsley era heel, he was praised to no end by wrestlers cause they said he could simply go the easy way and get heat off his D-Generation X style, but he made a 160 and adapted to a whole new style that got him heat of new levels.

Evolution he was damn hated as well, that doesn't scream "not credible, be gone from my sight" it screams "It's worked before, it'll most likely work again"

Orton? They are trying to remake him into Stone Cold and so far it isn't working.

Orton could switch between both, he's actually an in-betweener now, thereby the "tweener" part, and he's doing a good job at getting a great face reaction, Randy Orton got insane heel reactions during his feud with Triple H although, so he's a credible heel.

Big Show? Who really cares anymore whether he is a heel or face?

I prefer Big Show as a face really, he's much more entertaining to watch that way, but that's just me, I do believe he can function fairly well as a heel, he has done it when associated with Shane McMahon in the early 00's, why not again?

Edge? He has been hurt to much for anyone to really get into him one way or the other, an his heel is kind of stale right now.

Edge is a definite heel, he works the best as a heel, he's a boring face if you ask me, so he could definitely work the heel thing perfectly, and again, him being hurt in the past doesn't hurt his ability to act to a certain alignment.
If Jeff Hardy was still in the WWE, a rivalry with Jeff and Taker could work. However A LOT of work would have to go into making Taker heel. At the moment, Mysterio is the only smackdown face capable or getting a pop against him, which would still be tough.
I don't think turning the Undertaker heel would be an easy story to pull off. The most likely time for him to return would be closer to Wrestlemania (because of his streak) but people absolutely adore what he does for Wrestlemania so no matter what I don't think he'll receive heat. Just cheering out of respect.

Think back to Wrestlemania X8 where The Rock had serious trouble gaining any pop over Hulk Hogan who was meant to be a serious heel at the time. I reckon it would be the same scenario if Undertaker was turned heel - sure, you can turn him into a bad guy but that only works if there's someone fans love even more that they can cheer at over him. Does WWE have such a figure? I doubt it.
No Taker wont turn heel. The funny thing to me is that you all think that him being like he was during The Ministry of Darkness days would require him to be heel and say how could he be? etc etc.

He can do all that shit again and still be face since a lot of you have stated how he'd be cheered no matter what, even a kayfabe murder.

Why not have him be what he's suppose to be. Dark as hell, and still be The Last Outlaw, he doesnt have to be a sole dead outlaw with a few mystic ways, he can be a very dark Taker the likes of 98 and still be The Western Outlaw he is.
There is a way to pull it off, but they would have to reach further back into Taker's history than they normally do to do so.

The only way to do it is with the Urn. If they somehow had a wrestler, a heel, gain possession of it, that heel could use Taker to do their bidding.

The wrestler would have to be someone believable, someone that has decent mic skills, and the ability to parlay Taker's history into a modern storyline.

That person of course is Ted Dibiase. With his recent losses and upcoming loss in a feud with Rhodes. Take him off television for a few months. Have vignettes played every couple of weeks of Ted talking to his father about how to get to the top.

After a couple failed suggestions by his father such as getting a Virgil, using a giant, starting back up Money Inc, etc; have his father in desperation say that there is only one option left. If it works, Ted will end up on top of the business, but if it fails he will most likely be destroyed. Ted says he'd do anything to be on top. The camera shows his father pale and shaking his head.

The next vignette shows his father presenting Ted with a long golden chain. He tells him that he kept the real one all those years ago and the one that was lost was a fake. He then goes on to tell him that it's the reason why the other one couldn't keep him under control. (notice no name dropping)

The last vignette has Ted and his father in a graveyard at night. His father points out a specific plot to Ted and says something like "There is where I found him, now are you sure you really want to do this?" At which point, Ted replies, "I don't have any other choice." Ted takes the chain and raises it above his head, a lightning bolt strikes the tombstone and a hand raises through the dirt.

Ted returns to wrestling, with his father serving as his manager, his father wears the chain around his neck during matches and hands it back to Ted at the end of matches. For the first month or so, Ted either wins cleanly or by help from his father. Then during a match with a upper-card star (Cena, Orton, Punk, etc), nothing his father does really helps, so his father takes off the chain and raises it above his head. The lights go out for a few moments, when they come back on, Ted is on top of the opponent and gets the win.

This pattern goes for a few months, the arena going dark on only a few matches when it is really needed. Since coming back, Ted hasn't lost a single match.

Finally Ted gets a title shot after winning a #1 contenders match after the lights go out. The champion, probably Cena, figuring out what has been going on, gets the match made into a lumberjack match to prevent any outside interference and gets his father banned from ringside. The lumberjacks are made up of mid-level faces and only faces. Ted and the champ have a grueling match, Ted actually looking like a contender through it all. Towards the end, the champ gains the upperhand, as he hits his finisher, Ted's father comes out on top of the ramp and while doing his trademark maniacal laugh holds up the chain. The lights go out as the champ is covering Ted and stay out longer than normal. Sounds of a struggle are heard in the arena, several times however, the lights flicker really dim and it shows a large dark figure in the midst of the lumberjacks. Lights come back on and Ted is on top of the champ for the win.

The next night, on Raw, at the end of the broadcast, Ted and his father are in the ring doing the traditional heel ceremony. As they are celebrating, the former champ comes out and says he's sick and tired of the lights going out, the cheating, etc, etc. However, he's talked to the boys in the back and it ends tonight.

Most, if not all, the faces on both rosters head down and circle the ring. The entire time, Ted and his father have huge grins on their faces. As the first face climbs up onto the apron, Ted raises the chain over his head and the lights go out. Instead of coming on suddenly, like had been the pattern, they come back on slowly show Taker standing in the middle of the ring doing his traditional end of entrance movement.

Not to be deterred, the faces rush the ring any way, and Taker annihilates everyone of them. Ted nor his father lifts a finger to fight. Raw goes off the air with Taker kneeling before Ted while all the faces are laying around the ring and ringside area.

Months go by, Ted, with his father and Taker, wins every match. Because the lights go out, the refs cannot dq Ted when Taker is needed to interfere. Every match ends with Ted being presented the chain by his father, the belt by the ref, and Taker kneeling before him.

Taker is also used in squash matches to destroy any real threat to Ted's title. Even Cena/Orton/etc are no match for Taker.

After one match, a particularly grueling match, as Ted is being handed the chain, it slips out of his hands. As it hits the ground, Taker grabs Ted's father around the throat, Ted hastens to pick it up and Taker goes back to kneeling before him.

The next week, Ted and his father are shown backstage arguing. His father says a mistake like that cannot happen again, if it does, it will be the end to both of them. He goes onto say, that the only way to prevent that from happening, is to restore "it" to "its" original form.

The next week, instead of a chain accompanying Ted and his father, his father is holding an urn.

This entire period of time, since his return, Taker would have been getting boos. He would have been a heel.

When the storyline progresses, a wrestler ends up knocking Ted's father down in the middle of a match, Taker gets back possession of the real urn, and ends up feuding with Ted and his father at survivor series. However, once he ends up destroying Ted, Taker stays on his current path of destroying all that come against him. It finally ends up with Cena (of course SuperCena, who else) facing him one on one at Mania. At the end of the match, the ref gets knocked down. Cena gets a hold of the urn and bashes Taker in the head with it. Covers, ref revives. 3 count. Cena places the urn on top of Taker's chest and walks away in disgust. The lights go out, then a small fire is shown burning in the ring. The urn is on fire, when the lights come on, all that is shown in the middle of the ring is a pile of ashes and thus ends the career of the Deadman.

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