Daniel Bryan = Shawn Michaels 2.0?

Taker would have to win somehow. Perhaps some old friends of Taker's interfere. HBK and HHH. They take offense to Orton's attempting to end the streak in such cheap fashion after so many before him busted their asses trying to do the same. So even though Orton wouldn't win, it would be such a sleazy move he'd get the kind of nuclear heat fans THINK he's going to get at Summerslam. The next night, Taker is forced to forfeit the title due to injuries suffered during Orton's attack. Title is vacant and is awarded to the winner of some sort of tournament.
He's going to be the face of the company...He gets Austin like pops.. I know people don't like him as much as the older legends like HBK and Austin...but come on! he's just as popular with the fans as they are. He's dedicated to his craft and he has a lot of people in the business supporting him and pulling for him. HHH is HBK's best friend in real life, and HBK trained Bryan..So there's the sympathetic edge he has going for him, and then not to mention everyone that has wrestled him has said that he's the best they've ever faced. Punk thinks he's the second best wrestler in the world after himself. HBK is proud of him, Cena might end up being his future brother in law so of course if Cena is going to step down as the face one day, he'd only give his spot to family.....I mean there you go, either way Bryan is destined to be a top guy. He only has the catch phrase because you need that nowadays to stay as a stand out.....And name one bad Bryan match, I dare you! He's brought wrestling back.
I think it's important for people to realize that Shawn MIchaels wasn't always the greatest wrestler that ever lived. It really wasn't until the last few years of his full-time career that people started looking at him as a potential all-time greatest candidate. At least, from what I remember of the HBK chatter, it was around the time he had the first Mania match with Undertaker, and was rumored to retire, that the perception of him being the best ever grew. And honestly, I think that's because WWE actually started projecting him that way, to promote the matches with 'Taker.

I'm not saying it's not true. He very well may be the greatest of all time. But Daniel Bryan is still relatively young. HIs WWE career just began a few years ago, and he's really only been a main event player for less than two years. He's coming up on his first major program, with John Cena. I mean, working with CM Punk was major, yes, but as much as I love Punk, there's a whole different level of perceived success when a guy works a top tier WWE title program with John Cena, at the second biggest PPV of the year.

Back to what I was saying. HBK had the luxery of pretty much growing up into the WWF. He really didn't train for ten years on the indys before getting into the WWF. He spent 3-4 years in the AWA off and on, which is a respectable and normal amount, and then got his WWF contract and started working a tag team with Marty Jannetty. It wasn't until the early '90s where he really started breaking out. What I'm saying is, a lot of people think Shawn is this magical entity that was always the best, no matter what time he was in. Even when he was in the midst of his main event prime as the focal point of the WWE product - I would say between 1994 and 1998 - he was only ONE OF the best. There was also Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Davey Boy, and for a good long while Mr. Perfect cranking matches as good as, if not better than HBK.

When he came back, and won the world heavyweight championship, dropped it 28 days later, and then never won another major singles title again. Not that you need a title to be the best, but after he came back, however great he may have been, he was rarely THE guy. And arguably there were better wrestlers than him at the time (Kurt Angle, mostly).

So, what I'm trying to say is, if your arguement is that Daniel Bryan isn't like Shawn MIcahels because HBK is the greatest of all time, and was always in a league of his own, you need to rethink your opinion. In my opinion, they are similar, but only in that they are/were ONE OF the best in the WWE. Bryan is probably the best wrestler on the roster, but he'll be eternally competing with CM Punk, John Cena and Randy Orton IF he maintains his spot in the main event. ANd Shawn had to compete with Bret Hart, the Undertaker and a really shitty product for a few years in the mid-90s.

If Daniels has a point he needs to work on, it's his mic work. Its passable. Late '90s Bret Hart passable. But it's not great, and he needs a better talker to carry him through feuds. You know, outside of the "yes" and "no" chants. I recently rewatched the 3-way spot between Punk, Bryan and The Rock from Raw 1,000. It's cringe-worthy how out-classed Bryan is by those two on the mic.
really? i think he's great on the mic, remember his anger management skits with Kane? he was super funny and likable and stood out. Remember when he was WHC, he had that feud with Big Show and he gave that promo about being vegan and was telling everyone about the slaughterhouses and telling everyone to "be vegan"...just like the Hogan lines of "take your vitamins, say your prayers....." "Be Vegan" its classic and awesome! he's totally good on the mic......Punk and Rock are good, but I'd rather listen to Bryan on the mic then the Rock talking in third person about candy**** and jabronies....
I really hope so, The best thing wwe should to have John Cena tap out to Bryan to make him truly a top star, it's about time someone new gets on top (or at least around Cena'a level) and really hope wwe pull it off with Bryan
He produces a catch phrase and becomes very very over with the crowd each show even as a heel..Then he starts having epic match after epic match, then they pair him with Kane and they win the tag titles all while having awesome comedic timing and great chemistry with Kane. Kids love him, adults love him, women think he's lumberjack sexay! The dude is on the level and he deserves to win the championship at Summerslam and carry the belt for a long period of time and become a multiple time champion. He is an everyman, people can relate to him, even the average guy who isn't popular and is lanky and skinny. that gives them hope so they cheer for Bryan just based upon that.
So 1st we say ziggler is shawn michaels since that didn't work out

We say Bryan is michaels? Daniel's wrestling move's is nothing like Hbk's.
Hbk is the generic lightweight wrestler moveset, he has move's such as elbow drops from the top rope and superkicks.

As Daniel bryan has the Highflying Submission specialist his moveset are Dropkick's and Submissions!

What's next Sandow's the next hhh?

or maybe darren young is the next booker t?

We need to quit thinking of who's similar to this and who's similar to that, instead how about we look at the in ring skill's of these performer's and say hey their good instead of saying OH MY GOSH HBK VERSION 2!!!!!

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