Daniel Bryan - Breaking Throught The Glass Ceiling

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Sheamus' Suntan

A hound of justice
Im pretty aware there's been a fair few threads on Bryan since money in the bank, but this one comes about something a bit different;


This video has be laughing the whole way through. Bryan shows everyone here he DOES indeed have personality and that if he was just given a bit of time, with a more free reign over his speech and a mic, he could do absolute wonders.

While it's lesser affiliated with WWE because anyone can open a youtube, he actually mentions that WWE are big into social media and he's following that - so I presume this is going to be the latest trending of A true long island iced z story.

What amuses me is that the guy actually comes off REALLY charismatic. I don't know, it's not just that he comes off as able to talk but he seems comfortable. Now I dunno if any you have tried speaking into a webcam for a few minutes - it's easy to lose where you are etc. I think he does this really well though and IMO, give Bryan a bit more mic time and bang. I think you have yourselves an actual star.

So I guess the question here is would more mic time help Bryan get over?
Or would Bryan become the new incarnation (but less unstable) of Benoit - a guy who rarely talked, unless REALLY needed but more gets the job done by beating people in the ring?

I would appreciate some more mic time for Bryan. I think it'd come off well and I personally think you can't sell stories without the use of a bit of mic time so it would be well received I think.
Daniel Bryan has a very quirky/funny sense of humor. It's hilarious. He can also be really funny and awesome as a heel. The best thing is that when he's let loose he's just Bryan.

I think he purposely looked nerdy at first. The goofy haircut, the plain promos, and I think he was told to be that way. What's better? Having a guy come in, looking as good as he can look, talking as good as he can talk? Like they say, if you're already at the top of the mountain, you can only go down. People are getting to see Daniel Bryan grow, which should make them more attached to him.

Watch his matches closely and listen. His entrance gets a decent reaction, the beginning of the match gets a decent reaction, but by the end of it, they're biting all of his falsies and usually pop for the finish. He sucks the audience in to his matches better than anyone on earth today who isn't a huge person/character/talker.

One thing I think that WWE doesn't realize is that a guy can be a joker and a main eventer. Not everyone needs to be a badass or a serious guy. Kurt Angle as the funny guy who could kick your ass was better than super serious Kurt Angle. Daniel Bryan can definately pull that off because he's very believable as a guy who knows what the hell he's doing in the ring.

Another video, that's more of a Paul London video, is the "American Dolphin" video from a PWG show. Funny shit.
I say that if he stays face, he should get on the mic more, but if he goes heel, in which I don't see it happening, I think that he can pull a Beniot and just kick ass and take names.
You have to remember that youTube video was recorded in a Hotel Room and no one was around. Its very easy to be comfortable that way. Also he had no script he was just saying what he wanted. On TV you don't have that luxury you're going to have a script. Can he sound that comfortable working with a script and in front of 13,000+ people.
Since DB has come to the WWE I felt he had what it took to get to the top and it is good the WWE thinks so as well. Only thing I think that needs changing is his damn music. Bring back the generic rock theme from Summerslam, that kicked some serious ass. Back on topic. I look forward to seeing how they handle DB and his MITB briefcase. Right now it seems he is waiting until Wrestlemania, so that could really be his shining moment if he were to capture the championship on the grandest stage of them all. We all know DB has the in ring skills and hopefully over time he gets more mic time (which he should) and shows us that he isn't as bad on the stick as people make him out to be. He can really work the whole routine of "I'll let my in ring action do the talking" and give the best match each and every night. DB winning the case was shocking, but it has me interested in him and I'm guessing that was the point.
I'll admit that DB is exceedingly talented in the ring. On the mic...well I still say he always sounds as if he's got a bad head cold, but he's starting to grow on me. About the time he started to feud with The Miz, I thought he just might go somewhere and it's at this point I figure he's really getting good.

The trouble is that his success seems to be coming despite the WWE rather than with its cooperation, and that might just hold him back. DB has a large and growing "underground" fanbase which seems to be the force pushing him along rather than the WWE. In short, I don't see him getting the kind of success that...say...Cena or Orton have attained, although if he keeps stepping it up he might get to...oh...possibly a Mysterio level of success. His size will play a factor, but maybe not as much, especially if he continues to build on his submissions moveset.

He's an interesting and quirky character, but also extremely relatable, especially given his constant adversity. I'm hoping that the WWE doesn't bury him because if they manage to continue his slow build to greatness, and if DB stays the course, there's no telling what he could do.
I watched this earlier today and thought it was hilarious. Bryan is a pretty funny guy, as some older promos of his will show, and when he feels comfortable speaking it comes across as natural. But, as someone else mentioned, this was him alone in his hotel room, not in front of thousands of fans that need to be impressed. Still, if given more time on the mic, I feel Bryan can become a pretty solid promo guy. He won't be CM Punk, but he doesn't need to be. As long as he can get his point across while speaking, and keeps performing in the ring like he has, he should be given a main-event shot soon, especially with the briefcase.
I think Bryan's biggest flaw is that he has a very weak build which means casual fans might not buy into him as a title contender. He definitely needs to change his theme music because his current theme just screams midcard. Look at what changing Punk's music did, now everyone thinks he's just that more epic.

I'm glad that they announced Bryan's cash in to be at WM28 because GOD DAMN, he would not be ready to cash it in anytime before. I'm pretty sure that's why everyone believed he had no shot winning MITB, because no one saw him rising to the top this quickly, especially since it was his first PPV match since Survivor Series. They're basically telling him that he needs to step it up a notch in the areas where he might not be shining or he might get the Kennedy treatment with the briefcase. Only time will tell, though. I hope he gets his title match.

An Orton/Bryan title match at WM28 definitely appeals to me though. If booked right, and if Bryan has had the proper fan build leading into this match, the fan dynamic could be off the hook. Whether it's a face/face or face/heel feud I think if Bryan continues to be booked properly and look like a legitimate title contender by WM, fans would be going nuts for him to win the title.
Now I feel as if Daniel Bryant is going to go either two ways after winning the MITB.

1.) Heel: He has a chance to actually go heel and cash the MITB on a face superstar, (Orton) before Wrestlemania. He can win and become a heel just like he was in ROH.
Problem: Smackdown has too many heels, might backfire and leave Orton as the true man out.

2.) Wrestlemaina: He could cash in the MITB at WM and give probably one of the best techinical performances since Angle vs Beniot.
Problem: He loses and goes down as the only person to cash in MITB and lose. Wouldn't be great highlight for his carrer and would be a big downer.

Let me feel what you feel......
I cant see Bryan turning heel, he seems like too much of a nice guy. Hes too over with the crowd. I see him cashing in at WM and winning, just because WWE has this whole IWC initiative going on. Eventually someone like Orton would get to him and take the title away and he'll be the Miz of SD, another former champ stuck in the midcard.
I don't see either of those things happening.

As you noted, SmackDown is very heel heavy. The only way I see Bryan becoming heel is if another major heel on SmackDown (such as Sheamus or Christian in the distant future) turns face. Just don't see it - plus, I don't really know if he has the look or persona to be a world champion heel in the WWE. Small, technical and very likable. Just doesn't say heel to me.

More than all of that, I seriously doubt Daniel Bryan really does cash in at Wrestlemania. I like him, but I just can't see the WWE seriously using one of the two world title matches on Daniel Bryan - especially if Cena/Rock really ends up being for the WWE Championship (meaning Daniel Bryan vs. _______ would be the other main event). The very fact that he's called his shot so far ahead instills a lack of confidence of it happening. Either he's going to go back on his word and cash in earlier (like Edge did the first time) or he's going to be the second man to lose the case beforehand. Just as Mr. Kennedy (Anderson) did to Edge - albeit due to real life injury. Kennedy also called his shot as a Wrestlemania cash in.

What should he really do? Cash it in early. Like... October-January ish. Do so on a heel (like Christian, Sheamus etc). Bryan gets his month or two in the spotlight as a face until someone takes it from him - like Orton in an Elimination Chamber match. That way Bryan gets his moment in the sun but WWE still has a major name carry the belt to Wrestlemania. Orton could face the Rumble winner (like the Miz, for ex.) at WM28.

Or.... He cashes in early and loses and the discussion is over.
I have to say that Bryan winning MITB is what has me watching Smackdown right now. Orton/Christian are having a good feud but the only reason it's being dragged out is because of the lack of main event feuds that can be done on Smackdown with their limited roster.

As for what will happen with Bryan and the briefcase, I really don't know. That's why I've been watching. I'd like to see him stay with it until WrestleMania, but it's also entirely possible that he loses it before then. The WWE is testing the waters with him. They know if he were to cash it in anytime soon it just wouldn't work and his title reign would just be treated like Jack Swagger's.

They put off his cash in until WM so that they can see if the guy can get more over with the crowd and step up his game in all areas and take it to the next level. If he fails to do so within the next couple months and WM is just around the corner, they'll probably end up taking it off him. But when a guy's biggest attribute is that he can lure the crowd into a match through his in-ring ability and emotion so well, then you know the guy has got the potential to step it up a notch.

I hope they keep it on him though. An Orton/Bryan title match at WM is pretty intruiging to me, whether it be face/face or face/heel. If the MITB angle is done right with Bryan, there will be tons of people screaming their heads off in the arena for him to win. He's in a similar position as Punk, just not as big. He's been giving the biggest chance in his career to shine and now he must prove his worth.
im sorry but I never see daniel bryant getting over... he clearly is just a local worker who fails at everything cause i've followed wrestling for a while and never have heard of him.....

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you mean daniel BRYAN!!! OHHHHHH... Well yeah I see him doing well at some point in the WWE... I will say that when I saw that he won MITB I assumed that he was going to be the first to cash it in and lose (I will admit seeing this for swagger in the past so I could very well be wrong...)

I do think that Bryan as a heel is a little bit more easy to promote and would allow him to be more over with the crowd... As others have said though, Smackdown is very heel heavy and therefore don't see that change anytime soon..

What could potentially work however (this came to me as I was typing this response out) would be something that has never happened before... After the summerslam match of Cena vs Punk (I'm assuming this is going to happen..) Punk wins (Or cena, though I don't want it to happen..) Del rio then chooses this to cash in his briefcase... He's dispatched in some way shape or form... Perhaps a countout, or DQ "win" but doesn't get the belt.... He takes out the champ with the briefcase in anger.... right after this Daniel Bryan then comes out cashes in HIS briefcase, but after all of that, his lebell lock or another submission is reversed into the anaconda vice/cattle mutliation/STF whatever and he taps out... This sets up a potential fatal 4 way or even a triple threat match for a rematch at the next PPV... Punk or Cena as champ (or as challenger) vs Del rio vs Bryan for the championship.....

Could work...
In my opinion, he does have the charisma and he will be given the ample time to show it off during the days till next year's Wrestlemania. Although I love Bryan, I just can't stand his goofy grin that he has whenever he cuts a promo and his shaking of his arms (like when he won the MiTB briefcase.) They come across to me as really awkward.

Bryan is one of the best in the ring and can carry almost anyone to a good, if not great match. Hope that he is put in a feud with Wade Barrett (who has great mic skills, IMO) to bring up his mic work!

And as one poster stated before me, the video was shot from a hotel room, where he could have multiple tries doing the video. Talking in front of a crowd and a video camera is much different. Public speaking usually sets off your nerves that you can't think right and just want to act 'properly'.
I love Daniel Bryan; I think he's brilliant. If you're expecting a swerve where I suddenly turn round and say he's awful, well, sorry to get your hopes up.

Unfortunately, I don't think he's quite broken through the glass ceiling yet. I mean, he broke through it, then got the Bellas dropped on him, fell back through it and suffered severe spinal damage. What we're seeing now is a Daniel Bryan that's only just stopped using a proverbial heat wheelchair and is now being awkwardly slid across a repaired glass ceiling.

If they allow him to use all his tools - and I'm assuming they will - and keep godawful writing away from him - and I'm assuming they will - then that ceiling could be pretty badly damaged come WrestleMania, but it's holding pretty strong for now.

Nice jacket, though.
Yes. More time on the mic would help Bryan get a bit more over. He is fantastic in the ring but if he is going to main event then he must be able to do promos. Having him do promos more often would be good for him because it is a chance to practice and improve through experience. Bryan is already decent on the mic but allowing him to do a promo each week until Wrestlemania would help him tremendously in reaching the main event level by the time he cashes in.
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