Daniel Bryan and Mark Madden talk on his fans, company position, Roman Reigns & more


Pre-Show Stalwart
This interview with Mark Madden is about 13 minutes long and it goes over topics such as Wrestlemania, Bryan not being the guy, what Roman Reigns can do to succeed, Bryan's fans, and his beard, here are some cliff notes:

http://www.iheart.com/show/139-Mark-Madden-Super-Genius/?episode_id=27 157986

WWE sees Bryan as A top guy, but not THE top guy

Bryan doesn't know why he has so many diehard fans

Roman Reigns is legitimately a super cool bad ass and WWE just needs to let him be himself

Bryan tries to be different in his approach to the underdog babyface role to standout

Dean Ambrose is really good at doing his own thing

Hunter Pence is not a wrestling fan and he started the YES! chants for the San Francisco Giants

Bryan likes the YES! chant because it's fun

Bryan promised himself he would never play backstage politics or do steroids to further his career. He feels that if he can't be successful without those, then he's just not good enough.

Bryan says he will never threaten to leave if he doesn't like an angle

Bryan has been wrestling since he was 18 and he is now 33. He just loves wrestling.

Bryan admits he doesn't have the mindset of a successful professional wrestler, but for some reason he is one

Bryan has heard nothing about Triple Threat rumors at Wrestlemania(PR response)

I don't see the point of asking someone something like that (the triple threat). You know they're not going to say, "oh yeah, X is happening."
My guess is because Madden got starstruck that an actual working wrestler was on his show and he marked out. That is the only reason that he would ask a question that any self respecting adult would not bother with.
My guess is because Madden got starstruck that an actual working wrestler was on his show and he marked out. That is the only reason that he would ask a question that any self respecting adult would not bother with.

Mark Madden is more of a mark for himself than Shane Douglas was a mark for Shane Douglas. And what's worse, Madden's only claim to wrestling relevancy is a third wheel announcer for a failing WCW at the end. At that point, most fans have more wrestling credentials. But he tricks Wrestlezone into paying him a few bucks for some horribly constructed editorials, so people are supposed to take him seriously. Daniel Bryan going on this show will only make things worse.

I imagine that Madden will now reference this interview in every editorial he does from now on, like he does his meaningless time as an announcer, and like he does when he thinks he's being hilarious by calling Stephanie McMahon Chyna, Jr.
So very true. Mr. Madden didn't pull the "Chyna JR" BS with Bryan on the show, did he? He gets a top WWE guy on and he has the chance to say how he feels about the product, and does he do it? Does he ask the "tough questions"? No. He asks whether it'll be a triple threat match at Mania the way a 7 year old fan would at a meet and greet.
I've got nothing against Mark Madden personally. Don't know the guy but I respect his right to his opinion. I haven't read any of Madden's editorials in a quite a while because, basically, if you've read one you've read them all as they're virtually all gloom & doom stories shitting on Vince, Triple H, WWE as a whole, Dixie Carter, TNA as a whole. Not that he hasn't made or still doesn't make some good points sometimes but, all in all, it's basically the same editorial over & over.

This interview with Bryan doesn't surprise me in the slightest. There was nothing new revealed here that I didn't already know from half a dozen interviews Bryan's done over the course of the past year. Essentially, Madden did a puff piece which, as I said, doesn't really surprise me because I've LONG since suspected, about as close to knowing for a fact without actually knowing him personally, that the guy's a windbag. Like laodaron alluded to, Madden is his own greatest mark. I'm not surprised he didn't try to ask any sort of hard hitting questions, any tough questions or what have you. It might've seemed opportunistic in some ways if he had but, then again, at least he'd have seemed like the journalist he's claimed to be.
I've got nothing against Mark Madden personally. Don't know the guy but I respect his right to his opinion. I haven't read any of Madden's editorials in a quite a while because, basically, if you've read one you've read them all as they're virtually all gloom & doom stories shitting on Vince, Triple H, WWE as a whole, Dixie Carter, TNA as a whole. Not that he hasn't made or still doesn't make some good points sometimes but, all in all, it's basically the same editorial over & over.

This interview with Bryan doesn't surprise me in the slightest. There was nothing new revealed here that I didn't already know from half a dozen interviews Bryan's done over the course of the past year. Essentially, Madden did a puff piece which, as I said, doesn't really surprise me because I've LONG since suspected, about as close to knowing for a fact without actually knowing him personally, that the guy's a windbag. Like laodaron alluded to, Madden is his own greatest mark. I'm not surprised he didn't try to ask any sort of hard hitting questions, any tough questions or what have you. It might've seemed opportunistic in some ways if he had but, then again, at least he'd have seemed like the journalist he's claimed to be.

Mark Madden is a hack. He's always been a hack. He's a f level shock jock. His radio show is especially funny, because he asks for calls, and whenever a fan that calls raises a great counterpoint to one of his points, instead of answering the fan, Madden just hangs up on them. He's the kind of guy that will talk shit on a wrestler/athlete incessantly, but when that wrestler/athlete appears on the show, he sweet talks them so hard you can hear the cum dripping down his chin over the radio.

Oh, and as a side to the whole Hunter Pence thing.... Neil Walker was doing that LONG before Hunter Pence was, and he's a legit wrestling fan. The face that Pence gets all the shine for it is kind of obnoxious.

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