Dagger's Video Game Walkthrough Series: FINAL FANTASY 4

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Welcome to Dagger’s Video Game Walkthrough Series!

I wanted to replay some old classics and make some nostalgic walkthroughs in the process (even though most people have played these games already…. it can still be fun to revisit these games by reading these strategies, maybe you’ll discover some trivia or a secret you never knew about. I’m going to post a video with footage of me playing through part of the game (I’ll try to make each under 9 minutes) then provide an in-depth post underneath it, then repeat for the next segment of the game, until the whole game has been played and discussed.

The first game I’m going to do a nostalgic walkthrough for will be Final Fantasy 4. Some of you know it as “That game from Dagger’s picture in his sig”, while many others may recall playing this amazing RPG in the past. It began as “Final Fantasy 2” on the SNES due to translation issues. The first time I played it was shortly after it first came out, in 1991. My love for RPG’s was truly born after playing this game for the first time, and thus it deserves the honor of being the first game in this series. It has been remade for the PS1, Gameboy Advance, and DS. This thread will discuss with the original SNES version.

Feel free to discuss my walkthrough as well as Final Fantasy 4 all you want, but remember that this is a non-spam section SO PLEASE DON’T SPAM. If you have something to say make sure you include “why” you think so, in your post, if you're going to say something.

With that out of the way, here is the first video. While it loads, you can read the post itself.


Party: Cecil


The game begins with a flashback. Cecil, the main hero, is the captain of the Red Wings for the kingdom of Baron. They were sent to Mysidia to get the crystal of Water. They regret doing this. There are two battles during this flashback segment, but the computer controls Cecil and it’s a scripted victory. He uses a couple of cool items that you won’t have access to until late in the game called FireBomb and LitBolt, enemies late in the game sometimes drop them but it’s pretty rare. They make it back to Baron and Cecil hands the crystal over to the King. He questions the king’s orders and gets fired from the Red Wings. Cecil and his friend Kain are then ordered to go deliver a package to the village of Mist.

This is where the video picks up, I left out the flashback since I was aiming for just gameplay in the video.

Party: Cecil


At this point you are finally given control over Cecil. The first thing I always do here is change up a few things on the menu screen. I change the window color background to red, my favorite color; and I also change the battle speed to be faster so that your turns in battle come up quicker. The last thing I change is to go into the item screen and move the “sort” command up to the top of the items screen. This game came before the days when the “sort” command was an actual command, rather than showing up in the items screen. This inconvenience probably helped in the creation of the “sort” command as an actual command in later games. So with the setup being fixed, let’s begin.

There’s not much to do in this room other than bug the guards or talk to Kain, he tells you to go to your room and get some sleep. The guards won’t let you into the king’s room, so head downstairs. You’ll find stairs leading down to classrooms with mages studying spells. Something funny happens here later on, but it’s not an important room right now. Inspect the switch on the wall in the main hall to open a door leading to 3 treasure chests. You’ll find 300GP, a Cure1 potion, and a Tent. If you walk outside and can’t get back in, hit the switch to open the front door. The guards have most of the rooms blocked off, so head upstairs on the left side of the main hall. This triggers a scene with Rosa, Cecil’s girlfriend. Outside you can go into the moat where nothing happens, visit some mages in the dungeon, or walk up to the tower which triggers a scene with Cid, a mechanic. Head up into the tower since there’s nothing else you can do now. Rosa comes to talk to Cecil before he goes to sleep.

The next morning Cecil and Kain wake up and begin their quest. Now some plot points are revealed through upwards scrolling text, that got left out of the video since it lasts several minutes and I wanted to mainly just include gameplay (these plotpoints are all revealed again later on anyhow). You’ll be in front of Baron on the world map, the guards won’t let you enter the castle so head into the town.

Party: Cecil, Kain


There a few hidden items in the town. Most of them are shown in the video, other than a few Cure1 potions inside the jars. Walk behind the woman at the northeast corner of town to find a secret path in the trees, follow it to a grass field with hidden items in it. These include 2 Heal potions and a Life potion. You can find two Tents by going down the waterfall by the dancer and looking around in a pool. Talk to the dancer to watch her dance, oldschool SNES graphics style (in other words, the music changes briefly while her graphic walks in circles for about a minute…. hey, in 1991 it was cool!)

The door on the southwest wall is locked until you return later in the game. So is the Serpent Road, which is a way to teleport to Mysidia. It re-opens later. Head inside the room with the soldier by the door, it’s the training room. You can learn RPG basics in there. The only one of these worth mentioning in here is the guy who says that you can change which playable character you see in the field screen by pressing the R button. If you talk to the weird looking guy at the table, you can rename your characters. I renamed Cecil “Dagger” after the hero from Division Blade. I renamed Kain “Roy” after a warrior from Division Blade. Not much else to do in town, the monsters are very weak at this point so you don’t need to stock up on items yet. Exit the town and head north on the world map towards the Mist Cave.


Each time a character becomes playable I’ll do one of these. Cecil is the hero of the game and he is playable from the beginning in his Dark Knight form. In the original SNES version all he can do is Fight, Defend, use items, and run away. He has a second form later on in the game which is far more useful in battles. His attack and defense stats in this form are decent enough to get you through the first few parts of the game.


Kain isn’t going to be playable for much longer (although he does re-join later) so I’ll save his character info for later on.

That’s all for this episode. Hope you enjoyed it. The next episode will be “The Mist Cavern”….

Coming soon.
In our last episode, Cecil and Kain were ordered by the king of Baron to deliver a package to the village of Mist. They left the castle and have now made their way to the Mist Cavern. In this episode, Cecil and Kain make their way through the Mist Cavern, battle the game’s first boss (The Mist Dragon), and reach the town of Mist.

While the video loads, feel free to read the written version below. There isn’t as much to say in this one as there was in the previous one…. but we do get a boss fight this time.


Party: Cecil, Kain

The Mist Cavern is very straightforward and the enemies encountered here are rather weak. They can all be defeated in one attack except for the SandMoths which take two hits from Cecil or one hit from Kain to defeat, unless you leveled up a bit. The treasure chests in this cave include 2 Cure1 potions, a Heal potion, and a Tent. (I cut one of the battles out of the video so it would be a bit shorter, that’s why it appears to jump at one point.) Once you reach the exit to the cave, you will be asked by the Mist Dragon if you intend to keep going forward. Choosing “no” does nothing, so choose “yes” to trigger a boss battle against the dragon.

BOSS BATTLE: Mist Dragon
Party: Cecil, Kain
Difficulty: 2 out of 9

For future reference, I'll do each boss' difficulty out of 9, with 1 being ridiculously easy and 9 being nearly impossible.

This is the first boss. He is really easy. Attack with Cecil and have Kain “Jump” while the dragon is in his regular form. Sometimes he changes into a form that’s only mist, don’t attack that form or else he will counter attack you with a skill called ColdMist. It’s not a big deal if you make that mistake once or twice, but the damage begins to add up after that and you don’t want to run out of Health Points. Use a Cure1 potion to restore HP if you run low.

Exit the cave now and you’ll be on the world map again. I decided to go ahead and include the event at the town of Mist in this episode too, so here’s what happens there.

Party: Cecil, Kain

As soon as you enter the town, the package opens itself. Monsters called Bombs (a common monster in the Final Fantasy series) come out of the package and start a fire all over town. Cecil and Kain are upset that this is what they were sent to the village for. Then they find a girl who is upset that her mom died. Turns out they are Summoners (Caller is the same thing, I believe this was a translation error) and her mother died because you defeated her summoned monster, the Mist Dragon! Cecil and Kain try to take the girl to safety with them but she refuses. This triggers a scripted loss in a battle against the girl. I don’t count this as a boss fight since it only lasts two turns before she summons Titan, ending the battle. Titan’s earthquake causes Cecil and the girl to get separated from Kain.

Now what can they do? Find out in the next episode, “Kaipo”.
In our last episode, Cecil and Kain had reached the town of Mist only to get separated after an earthquake. In this episode, Cecil goes to the town of Kaipo and gets a new ally.


Make your way to Kaipo, in the center of the desert. As soon as you enter the town, the game automatically takes you to the hotel so Cecil can rest and protect Rydia. Cecil tries to ask Rydia for forgiveness since his orders from the king led to the death of Rydia’s mother and the fire in her town. Rydia does not answer him. They go to sleep and are woken up as the door slams open, it’s soldiers from Baron who want to kill Rydia.

BOSS FIGHT: Officer & 3 Soldiers
Party: Cecil
Difficulty: 1 out of 9 if you don’t kill the officer, 3 out of 9 if you do
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This boss fight is very easy if you defeat the Soldiers first, they are weak and the Officer runs away if he is the last one left alive. I usually defeat 2 of the Soldiers and then go after the Officer. He takes a while to kill because he has a lot of Health Points. Use a Cure1 potion on Cecil if you get weak. You’ll get a lot more EXP points from this battle if you defeat the Officer. Once you do, any remaining Soldier will become confused and attack themselves.


Rydia has two different forms, child and adult. The difference between the two is that her child form has access to White magic, while her adult form has access to more powerful Black magic and Summon magic than her child form does.

Rydia joins the party. She starts off on level 1 with only 30 Health Points, so it’s a good idea to level her up a bit before moving on. I renamed her Kay, after the central character of Division Blade.

Party: Cecil, Rydia

There’s not much to do in town. You’ll find an Ether1 potion in one of the jars. If you talk to the dancer she will do a strange underwater dance in the lake. Head to the weapon shop and buy a Rod. You’ll soon get another character and the Rod is a better weapon than what he comes equipped with. Also, make sure to visit the house in the back. You’ll find Rosa in a bed, she is sick and you find out that you need a Sand Ruby to heal her sickness. If you do not do this, an old man in the northern cavern will not let you pass. Something funny you can do is touch the fire in the fireplace, a textbox pops up saying “Ouch!”. You made your character burn themselves! Ok, now leave town and go north to find the Watery Pass.

Party: Cecil, Rydia

If you’ve leveled up Rydia a bit, the monsters here are easily taken care of. Cast Lit-1 on them to get rid of most of them. When you talk to the old man (and you’ve found Rosa in the house at Kaipo) he introduces himself as Tellah and asks for your help in defeating a monster at the end of the cave. Tellah joins the party! I took him back to Kaipo to change his name to Marsh, after a sorcerer in Division Blade.

Cecil, Rydia, and Tellah head deeper into the Watery Pass to fight the monster, and that’s all for this episode.

The next episode will deal with the “Watery Pass”. Stay tuned.
Cecil and Rydia have wandered into the Watery Pass to defeat the monster blocking the exit, with their new ally, Tellah. In this episode, they battle the monster.


Tellah joins on a high level, 20. He has the lowest stats of any character (joining on a high level makes up for that) and the other characters catch up to him VERY quickly when they reach level 15 or so, but he’s useful for his magic. He has 90 Magic Points, and this NEVER changes.

So…. before we begin, here’s some trivia. Did you know that if you use a Rod as an item in battle it will cast a spell for no MP? Sure, most people know that the elemental Rods do this, but the non-elemental Rod does too! It does a strange non-elemental spell for more damage than a regular attack with the Rod does. I forgot to show that in this video, I’ll include it in another later on.


Party: Cecil, Rydia, Tellah

The path is fairly straightforward, although this place is much larger than the Mist Cave. The monster encounter rate is insane too; I swear this video would have been twice as long if I hadn’t cut out all the battles other than the boss. Anyways. The monsters here can be tough if you have not leveled up. Rydia can take care of most of them by casting Lit-1. Others, such as the Jelly monsters are weak against Fire1 which only Tellah knows right now. The Zombies are damaged by Cure or Fire but regular weapons do little to no damage to them. The Tiny Mages can steal your Magic Points with Psych, which is REALLY annoying if you don’t kill them fast enough. Then there are the Mad Toads who can turn someone into a frog. If you get turned into a frog, use a Heal potion or have Tellah cast Heal. Finally, the Alligators are weak against Ice, which both Tellah and Rydia can cast.

Treasures in the first room include a Cure1 potion, a Heal potion, a Tent, 120 GP, and an Iron Ring. Now head over to the waterfall. There is a secret room in there that you might not know about. In the secret room you’ll find an Elixir, a Cure2 potion, and 1000 GP. In the next room the treasure chest has an Ether1.

You’ll find a save point in the room after that. This was one of the first save points in RPG’s. FF1, 2, and 3 did not include them. Tellah uses a Tent and a scene plays out where he talks to Cecil as Rydia sleeps. They talk about how Tellah is looking for his daughter and how Cecil is trying to heal Rosa. Everyone wakes up, and the game continues. Head upstairs.

Open the treasure chest in the next room to get an Ice Rod, give it to Rydia. This will come in handy later on. The treasures in the room after that include 200 GP and a Cure1 potion. Go through the door and you’ll be in a room that has a “hidden” passage. I put hidden in quotes because you can see the passage due to it having a different shade than the walls, even though I think it was meant to be truly hidden. There’s several of these in the game, anyways…. go through the passage to find a chest with a Leather Helmet, then head back and open the chest by the stairs, it has a Cure1 Potion. Go upstairs. The background in this room looks really cool (for these graphics), you can see the river in between the cliffs. More treasures here…. these are 2 Ether1 potions, a Heal potion, and a Darkness Sword. Give the sword to Cecil to really boost his attack. Head upstairs once more to be back on the world map.

Once you’re on the world map, use another Tent. It will restore your HP and MP, chances are you will be running low right now unless you used some of those potions you’ve hopefully been gathering by opening the treasure chests. Enter the next part of the cave to find a waterfall. The party jumps down to the Lake. You’ll find a Darkness Helmet and a Darkness Gauntlet here, give both to Cecil. The next room has the boss in it. First, open the treasures in here to find a Darkness Armor (give it to Cecil!) and an Ether1 potion. Use potions to restore your HP and MP again if you need to, now it’s time to fight the boss!

Difficulty: 2 out of 9
Party: Cecil, Rydia, Tellah

Octomamm…. his name in other versions is Octomammoth, so Octomamm is probably a translation error. He’s rather easy. Cecil should attack every round as he will be dealing the most damage now that he has the Darkness Sword. Rydia should summon her Chocobo, cast Lit-1, or Cure1 when people get weak. Tellah should cast Cure2 if someone gets weak, or attack by casting Lit-1. This is one of the easier bosses and there shouldn’t really be any problems, reaching him is a lot more difficult than the fight itself (seriously, the encounter rate is insane in this cave….)

They defeat the monster and exit the cave, ending this episode. Next time we’ll find out what happens next…. someone will leave, someone else will join, monsters will be fought…. all this and a bag of chips, on the next episode of Dagger’s Final Fantasy 4 Video Walkthrough. Coming soon.
When we last left off, Cecil and his friends had just defeated Octomamm in the Watery Pass. Now they reach Damcyan Castle and a couple of interesting scenes take place….

Unequip Tellah of anything he has, he’s about to leave.


Party: Cecil, Rydia, Tellah

As soon as you approach the castle, the Red Wings of Baron show up and bomb the castle. Enter it. Go to the right along the wall to enter the treasure room. The guard dies as you talk to him, and you can walk down to grab the items. The ones in the dungeon include a Crossbow, a Leather Helmet, and a Ruby Ring. Now go downstairs for more items. These include White Arrows, an Ether1 potion, 2 Cure1 potions, 500 GP, Iron Arrows, and a Life potion. Now head inside the main entrance and go up to the top floor. A scene plays out when the party finds Tellah’s daughter Anna.

Tellah then battles Edward the Bard in a computer controlled battle. This would have likely been a cut-scene if those existed back then. The line “You spoony bard!” came from this scene, and it has grown famous over the years as an inside joke among gamers.

Anna dies during a long talking scene after this. Tellah runs off to fight Golbez and leaves the party. Edward joins in his place after Cecil and Rydia fill him in on the situation. He decides to help them heal Rosa, and they will head off to the Antlion Cave.


Edward joins at level 5 with only 60 Health Points. He’s actually not that weak, but he needs to be leveled up A LOT if he’s going to be of any use. He’ll be in the party for a while, so go ahead and level him at this point. I always do.

At this point in the video, I stopped to gain levels for Edward. I also renamed him after Jeliko, a bard from Division Blade. Oh, and I also made sure to include footage of the strange attack that the Rod does in battle when used as an item. I had forgotten to include that in the previous videoes.

Cecil, Rydia, and Edward fly off to the Antlion Cave in their new vehicle, the Hovercraft, which can fly across shallow water.

What will they find in the Antlion cave? Will they save Rosa? All this, and a bag of chips…. in the next episode of Dagger’s Final Fantasy 4 Video Walkthrough. Coming soon.
In this episode…. Cecil, Rydia, and Edward head through the Antlion’s Cave to get the Sand Ruby so they can heal Rosa.


Party: Cecil, Rydia, Edward

The Antlion Cave is much easier than the Watery Pass was. It does not take as long to get through, and most of the enemies are easily taken care of. Edward should be attacking if you have leveled him up enough to be useful, otherwise have him “Hide” in every fight. Cecil should attack every round as always. Rydia’s magic is once again the easiest way to deal with the monsters. The Turtles are weak against Ice (especially if Rydia uses the Ice Rod as an item) but regular attacks do enough damage to them. Creams however, you’ll need to have Rydia cast Lit-1 to defeat because regular attacks do 1 damage to them.

The cave is pretty straightforward. Go down the steps and open the treasure chests to receive a Cure1 potion and 190 GP. Cross the bridge to reach a couple more treasure chests with 210 GP and a Cure1 potion. Work your way back to the bottom left corner of the room for some hidden treasures. The path looks like it can’t be crossed but it can. You’ll find a Tent and a Cure1 potion. That’s it for the first room, go downstairs.

Head down the ladders until you reach a door. There’s a treasure chest next to that door with a Life potion in it. Behind the door you’ll end up in a room with a Charm Harp in there. Equip it to Edward immediately, that’s his best weapon. Go back outside and you’ll soon find another “hidden” path. Ignore it and follow the other path instead so you can get the items. Head up a few more ladders to reach a treasure chest with a Heal potion in it and another with 250 GP. There’s a stairway leading up to a Save Point, it might not be a bad idea to save before the boss fight. The treasures in the save room include a Life potion, an Ether1 potion, and a Tent. Now go back downstairs and go down the next flight of stairs.

You’re now in the Antlion’s room. Edward tries to grab the Sand Ruby but is attacked by the Antlion. Cecil and Rydia jump in to help Edward and the boss battle begins.

Party: Cecil, Rydia, Edward
Difficulty: 3 out of 9

This battle can be tough if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you do, it’s somewhat easy. Rydia is your MVP in this fight. Have her summon her Chocobo every turn. Edward should “Hide” and then defend until the fight Is over unless you leveled him A LOT. Cecil can attack if you’d like him to, but the Antlion counterattacks every “regular” attack. If your characters are strong enough to handle the counterattacks, then by all means make this fight easier by having Cecil and Edward attack. Otherwise, you’ll have to rely completely on Rydia.

After the fight, the party receives the Sand Ruby. They fly back to Kaipo to see if they can heal Rosa now. Unfortunately, that’s all for this episode. I tried to include the next scene(s) as well, but it got too long and I’m trying to keep these videos under 9 minutes each, so…. What happens when they try to heal Rosa will have to wait until next time.
When we last left off…. Cecil, Rydia, and Edward had found the Sand Ruby after defeating the Antlion. They make their way back to Kaipo quickly to try healing Rosa with it.


Party: Cecil, Rydia, Edward

Use the Sand Ruby on Rosa to begin a scene where she gets healed and talks to you. The rest of the party convinces Cecil to let her come with them. Everyone goes to sleep now…. everyone, but Edward. He can’t sleep, so he goes outside and starts playing his harp. (I left this scene out of the video due to time issues, so I’ll still describe it here.) A monster attacks Edward. He has to fight the monster alone, but it’s just a weak WaterHag. (Yes, that really is the name of that species of monster) Anna’s spirit appears and encourages Edward. After the battle he talks to Anna’s spirit a little more. She tells him that he loved her and now he should show that love to the rest of the world. Then Anna’s spirit disappears.

The next day the party wakes up and Rosa has officially joined. Go to the weapons shop and buy her some arrows for her bow. Every time she attacks using her bow and arrows, each attack will use up one arrow. So buy 99 arrows if you can afford it. I renamed Rosa after Lara, the leading lady and love interest from Division Blade.


Rosa is one of the best characters in the game. She doesn’t stay in the party long during this part of the game, but she permanently rejoins halfway through the game. Her restorative and supportive magic is essential late in the game, making her extremely useful.

Rosa joins with good enough stats that you don’t really need to level her right now. I usually do anyhow. Head to Mount Hobs using the Hovercraft, it’s next to the Antlion cave.

Party: Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa

The trail is blocked by a wall of ice. Rydia learns to cast Fire1, which she uses to melt the ice away. The mountain path is rather easy to follow. Go up and don’t go through the right cave yet, it leads to the boss. Go through the left cave first. Now you’re at a room that has a save point and some treasure chests. The treasures include a Tent, a Cure1 potion, a Heal potion, and 350 GP. Save if you need to. Head back to the first room and go through the right cave this time.

The monsters encountered here should not give you any problems. The Bombs and GrayBombs can explode, doing some damage to whoever that hits. The Skeletons are weak against Fire and Cure, but regular attacks will take care of them too. Spirits are healed by fire, but they are weak enough that regular attacks should finish them off. Nothing to be too worried about here. Have a Heal Potion ready in the rare chance that someone gets turned to stone.

You should be at the summit now. Open the chest to get some arrows. Walk past that to find a monk fighting a party of monsters. He says “ACHOO” when he fights them. I’m positive that this was a translation error because he says things like “KIAI!” in other versions. The monk is Yang, your new ally. He first fights 3 Imp Captains by himself in a scripted victory. Then the Mother Bomb monster attacks him and your party runs in to help him.

BOSS BATTLE: Mother Bomb
Party: Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Yang
Difficulty: 3 out of 9

For the first time in the game you have a full party, 5 characters. You’ll need all 5. This fight can be tough if you haven’t been leveling people up. Cecil and Yang should be attacking. Edward should attack if he’s been leveled enough, or have him “Hide” if he’s still weak. Have Rosa casting Cure1 to keep everyone’s Health Points up. Rydia should either summon her Chocobo or assist Rosa with the healing. The Mother Bomb has 3 forms, it’s possible to defeat it during the first or second forms but you have to be on a REALLY high level to pull that off, I’ve defeated the boss in the second form once. The second form will eventually use an Explode attack which hits the whole party before it changes to its third form. Have Rydia and Rosa cast Cure1 on the whole party immediately. If anyone dies, revive them with a Life potion. The third form is 3 Bombs and 3 GrayBombs. Keep having the three guys attack the bombs while the girls heal the party when necessary. You should win in no time.

After the fight, the party speaks with Yang. (I'll save his "new character" thing for next time) They warn him about how Golbez is going to attack the kingdom of Fabul, where Yang is from. Yang officially joins the party and they begin making their way to Fabul in an attempt to warn them of the inevitable attack.

What will happen at Fabul? That’s gonna have to wait until the next episode. Coming soon.
The last episode ended as Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, and Yang began making their way to Fabul to warn them about the likelihood of Baron attacking them. Now we find out what happens once the heroes get to Fabul.



Yang is a cool character. He can “Kick” to hit every enemy at once, but it does less damage than a regular attack does. He can equip claws, some of which are elemental, to increase his attack power which is pretty high to begin with. He has the highest growth rate for Health Points, but for some reason his health Points cap around 6,000.

I renamed Yang after Roger, a monk from Division Blade. Beginning after where you fought the Mother Bomb, follow the straightforward mountain path. You’ll be back on the world map. Just follow the path until you reach Fabul castle. The monsters here are nothing to worry about, most are just stronger versions of really weak enemies such as Imps.

Party: Cecil, Rydia, Edward, Rosa, Yang

A long battle is about to begin, so prepare yourself by buying some new equipment at the store. There is a new set of armor, gauntlets, and helmet for Cecil. You can also buy some elemental claws for Yang, I usually buy two of each so that he can take advantage of monsters’ weak points later on. You can also explore the castle a bit. Don’t walk up the second flight of stairs unless you are ready for the battle because it begins once you speak to the king. Head inside the left tower. Look in the jars and treasure chests to find some items. They include 2 Cure1 potions, a Tent, and a Heal potion. Upstairs is a nursing room where Namingway, the dude who can rename characters, is in one of the beds for some odd reason. On the top floor is Yang’s room, you can talk to his wife if you want but she’s not important until later. Now try the right tower. There’s 500 GP in the bar on the second floor. You can talk to the dancer who does a very odd dance, but I usually avoid it. The king’s room is on the top floor, you can borrow his bed to restore your health and open the treasure chest to get a Tent. That’s all the exploring you can do right now, time to go talk to the king. Make sure you unequip Rosa of everything she has, she is about to leave the party.

When you talk to the king you are asked to help defend the castle when Baron attacks. Rydia and Rosa volunteer to help out in the nursing room, which means you only have the three guys in your party for the battles…. This sequence is one battle after another and can be tough if you haven’t been leveling up because you have no healer in the party for the fights.

This is one of the coolest parts of the game, and it really set the standard for "one fight after another" sequences in other RPG's.

BOSS BATTLE: General and 2 Fighters
Party: Cecil, Edward, Yang
Difficulty: 2 out of 9

This would only be an easy fight, but you have no one to heal the party. Unless you leveled Edward up a bit, then he is better off using “Hide” to avoid all of these battles. Cecil and Yang should be attacking every round. Go for the General if you want more EXP points, but it’s better to just kill the Fighters first and let the General run away, which he does if he’s the last one left.

Now the Red Wings attack the castle, the party retreats to the main hall because they can’t fight back against airships. The monsters follow you in and attack.

BOSS BATTLE: Weeper, Waterhag, Imp Captain
Party: Cecil, Edward, Yang
Difficulty: 1 out of 9

Really easy, even if you haven’t leveled. One hit should kill each of them.

The monsters push the battle upstairs and you are attacked by a General and 2 Fighters again. The same strategy applies this time obviously. After defeating them, the monsters push the fight further upstairs. It’s now down to just your three guys and one of Fabul’s monks. The monsters have pushed you back to the throne room and the party locks the door. Then it turns out the monk wasn’t a monk at all, he was a Gargoyle in disguise!

Party: Cecil, Edward, Yang
Difficulty: 1 out of 9

This has got to be the easiest boss in the game. You’ve faced Gargoyles before and they aren’t that tough, plus there’s only one. Have anyone attack and he’ll quickly die.

The Gargoyle unlocked the door and more monsters come in. You’re attacked by a Weeper, WaterHag, and Imp Captain again, follow the same strategy as last time. The party tries to retreat to the crystal room after that, and Edward trips just as more monsters enter the room. It’s a General and 2 Fighters again, same strategy applies once again to get rid of them.

You reach the crystal room and the next person to enter the room is…. Kain? Kain says he’ll fight you, but against you! He faces Cecil in a scripted loss, it is impossible to win that battle so just attack yourself until Kain defeats you.

Rosa and Rydia run in just as the battle between Cecil and Kain ends. Rosa tries to reason with Kain but fails. Golbez walks in and you find out that Kain is working for him. Golbez shoots a beam of lightning at the party, defeating them. Kain grabs the crystal and Golbez takes Rosa hostage.

Rydia heals the rest of the party. They are all upset about what has happened. Their focus has now changed, they need to save Rosa. Yang suggests they ask the king for help in the morning, so they go rest at the Inn. The next day they go speak to the king, who offers to let the party use a ship to get to Baron. He also gives Cecil a new sword, the Black Sword. Equip it immediately, and also unequip everyone but Cecil because he is about to be your only party member. You regain control over the party now. There are a few treasure chests available in the throne room, go grab those before you leave on the ship. The items include a Cure1 potion, an Ether1 potion, and a new shield for Cecil. Now go board the ship.

The party goes to board the ship, not knowing what is going to happen to them once it sets sail…. And that’s all for this episode. Next one’s coming soon.
In the last episode the party had defended Fabul against an attack but failed when Golbez took Rosa hostage and Kain took the crystal. They decided to take a ship and try to get to Baron.


The party boards the ship and we all know that something inevitably ALWAYS happens during events in video games when you’re taking a ship somewhere. Surely enough, something does happen. The ship is attacked by Leviathan and Cecil wakes up on a beach all by himself. You are just outside of the town Mysidia, so enter the town.

Party: Cecil

This is the same town that Cecil and the Red Wings took the crystal from at the very beginning of the game during the intro. The wizards recognize Cecil and are still mad at him. One turns you into a frog if you talk to him. Talk to him again to get him to cast the spell once more, turning you back into a human even though his intentions say otherwise. The bartender gives you a poisoned drink if you talk to him…. you can fix that by resting at the inn upstairs. One of the white mages jumps off scared if you talk to her, which is pretty funny. You can get turned into a pig by talking to the dancer. It’s possible to still fight as a Pig but you have no access to special skills. It’s a fun challenge to try playing as a pig for a bit. Rest at the inn or speak to the dancer again to get turned back into a human.

Head into the large house in the back and speak to the elder. Cecil explains his situation to the elder. The elder suggests that Cecil goes to Mt Ordeals but might not make it alone so two wizards named Palom and Porom are ordered to come with you, they join the party.

Palom & Porom

They are twins and can cast spells together using the “Twin” command. It will randomly pick either Flare or Comet, both of which are very powerful during this part of the game. Porom can cast white magic although not as well as Rosa, and Palom can cast black magic but not as well as Rydia. They are very useful during the part of the game they are playable for.

I renamed Palom and Porom after Bob and Fay, two twins from Division Blade. Their stats and levels are pretty low so you should stop and level them up a little. Go to the store first and buy new equipment if you can afford it. Especially the Paladin equipment for Cecil, he will be able to equip it soon. Palom can equip elemental rods and you can get a Cure Staff for Porom. Now go gain some levels for the twins because they start to learn great spells after their levels go up a bit, and the next part is tough for a low level party.

Cecil and the twins leave for Mt Ordeals, and that’s the end of this episode.... until next time!
I ended up having to make this one a two-parter when it comes to the videos, and I might have to do the same for a few of these in the future when the same event takes more than 9 minutes to do.

In this episode, Cecil makes his way through Mt Ordeals with his new allies Palom and Porom so he can become a Paladin.



Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom

Once you enter Mt Ordeals, you’ll find a large fire is burning in the middle of the field but Palom puts it out with his Ice1 spell. Then a scene at the Tower of Zot plays out. Golbez summons Milon, the elemental fiend of Earth to defeat Cecil. The scene shifts back to Cecil and you regain control over the party.

Start heading up the mountain path. You’ll find a couple of treasure chests with Cure1 potions in them. The next room, although it’s the second room, is the 3rd station. Tellah walks out of a cave and agrees to rejoin you after a short talking scene plays out between the party. He is there to learn the spell Meteo. Tellah is now in the party again. Go through the cave Tellah had walked out of, to go from the 3rd station to the 7th station…. translation error? Has to be. The 7th station has two treasures and both are Ether1 potions.

The monsters are not a problem as long as you can keep your spellcasters’ MP high enough. Cecil won’t do much damage to most of the monsters but nearly all of them are weak against Fire and Cure spells, except for the Souls and Liliths which Cecil can defeat. Soon you’ll reach the summit, be sure to save at the save point because there are two boss fights coming. On a side note, I really like the background of this area, the trees and stuff down on the ground look really cool for graphics as old as they are. Milon attacks you once you reach the bridge.

BOSS FIGHT: Milon & 4 Ghasts
Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah
Difficulty: 2 out of 9

Get rid of the Ghasts first, they are weak against Fire and Cure spells just like most undead monsters. If Palom has learned Fire2 by now then he should be casting it on Milon, if not then have the two twins use Twin cast. Cecil should attack Milon every round, while Tellah handles the healing. Not too tough of a fight.

HEAL EVERYONE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE FIGHT!!!! (Change the row formations too, so that the back row is in the front row and vice versa) As soon as you step off the bridge, Milon attacks you again in his true form.

Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah
Difficulty: 3 out of 9

The second battle against Milon is tougher even though he is by himself this time. Use the same strategies as you did in the previous fight. Cecil should still attack. Porom and Tellah need to be either casting Cure to restore HP’s or casting Heal on anyone who gets poisoned. Palom can end this fight in a matter of moments if he has Fire2. On another note, I love the battle theme for this boss. Epic music for an epic fight. All four fiends and a few other “more important” bosses have it.

Once the battle ends, unequip Cecil of everything he has and change the rows back to normal. Then go over to the shrine. Cecil’s test to become a Paladin now begins. He receives the Legend Sword along with a shiny new sprite. Cecil as a Paladin must endure a battle against his Dark Knight self.

BOSS BATTLE: Dark Knight
Party: Cecil
Difficulty: 1 out of 9

Hardly deserves being called a boss fight, just defend for a couple of turns and the Dark Knight dies from using the Dark Sword too much. That was an ability for Cecil’s Dark Knight form that got left out of this version of the game, every time he uses it he loses some HP…. but it hits every monster.

After that, Cecil has passed the test and is now a Paladin. Also, Tellah remembers all the spells he had forgotten! He now has access to nearly every spell from both the White and Black schools of magic. He learns Meteo too, but you’ll never be able to have Tellah cast it because his MP never goes above 90.


Cecil will be in his Paladin form for the rest of the game. He’s knocked down to level 1, but his HP now increase much faster and he has access to better equipment. He can now cast some White magic spells, and use the Cover command in battle to take damage in place of one character. That can be useful in some situations.

Equip Cecil with any Paladin equipment you might have bought in town. Alright so now you need to head back to Mysidia. Take a Chocobo from the forest unless you feel like fighting a bunch of battles on the way there.

Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah

The wizards in town no longer hate you. Although the dancer still turns you into pigs if you talk to her. Go speak to the elder. He talks about the Mysidian myth and unseals the Serpent Road so your party can teleport to Baron. Palom and Porom are given permission to come with you since they want to keep traveling with Cecil.

What will happen when Cecil makes his return to Baron? Find out next time.
Really fun walkthrough so far for a fun game. If anyone is a fan of the series I would recommend they play this one if they haven't. I will probably end up going through it again soon because of reading this walkthrough. While it's not my personal favorite it still is a really great game with a great story. I loved the whole Dark Knight to Paladin part of the story probably the best. I think the only thing I really can't remember if there were much sidequest or whatever because I think I just went through the story and the game fairly quick.
It's funny, earlier I was lookin' for a FF4 walkthrough cuz I bought the game on the Wii Download store [Let it be known I thought when it said Final Fantasy 2 in the store, I thought it was the game with Firion. Little did I know US of A decided to fuck the name up.] But yeah anyway, the game is fun so far, but I'm kinda stuck now so, yeah. Definitely gonna be usin' this as the walkthrough. Can't wait to get enveloped in the story.
Sorry that it took so long to update this. Youtube won’t accept videos longer than 10 minutes anymore so it took me several days to edit 30 minutes of material to get it down to two 9 minute clips.

This episode deals with what happens when Cecil makes his return to Baron. A former ally returns, and the heroes battle the elemental fiend of water.



Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah

Head inside the Inn. There are three treasure chests in there that you could have gotten during the intro of the game, but I usually save them for this part. They have a Cure1 potion, a Heal potion, and a Tent in them. Now go talk to Yang at the bar. A battle begins!

Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah
Difficulty: 1 out of 9

This should be an easy fight. Just have the twins use Twin cast, and if that doesn’t kill the guards then Tellah should cast a high level spell such as Fire3 on them. Cecil should just attack. If this fight gives you trouble then you really need to level up a lot.

Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah
Difficulty: 2 out of 9

Now Yang attacks you. It’s almost as easy of a battle as the fight against the guards. Cecil should attack or cast Cure on the party if needed. The twins should Twin cast. Tellah will do more damage than the others by casting high level spells…. take your pick between Fire3, Lit3, and Ice3…. all will do over 900 damage to Yang. I usually am strong enough to kill him before the battle ends. If you aren’t, he will attack you for a couple of rounds then the fight ends if you survived.

After the battle, Yang rejoins the party. They all go talk inside the hotel. Yang gives Cecil the Baron Key, which can unlock the weapons shop in town as well as the door leading to the moat of the castle. Go to the weapons shop first to buy some new items. There is a hidden path by chair at the east end of the table in the corner, follow that path to end up in the same room as the merchants. You can open the chests behind the counters to find 2000 GP and a Thunder Claw. Buy two of each elemental claw (fire, thunder, ice) for Yang if you don’t already have two of each. Buy him a Headband a Karate Gear from the armor merchant as well. Now you’re ready to go into the cave leading to the moat. Unlock the locked door on the wall in town using the Baron Key to enter.

Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah, Yang

Equip Yang with a Thunder Claw as well as an Ice Claw, he will be doing extra damage to every monster in here now due to being able to hit weaknesses. This is a great place to gain a few levels. The monsters are fairly easy to deal with as long as Yang can hit their weaknesses and Tellah or Palom can cast thunder magic on them. The Aquaworms can use a Wave attack on you, so they are the most dangerous enemy here and should be defeated first when encountered. The Elecfishes are rather annoying since they have no weakness but they should not be too much of a problem.

Head south down the path and you reach some treasure chests. They have a Cure2 potion, an Ether1 potion, and a Life potion. Cross the bridges and go upstairs. Now you’re at a fork in the road, take the southern path through the “hidden” passage. The chest in this room has 500 GP in it. Keep following the “hidden” passages to end up in another room, which has a chest with a Life potion in it. Follow more “hidden” passages upward to find a large room with another Life potion inside a treasure chest there. Head up the stairs. There’s yet another “hidden” passage in this room and it leads to a treasure chest that has an Ether1 potion. Go upstairs and enter the door on the left to find a much needed Save point! There’s also a path leading to a chest with an Ancient Sword in it. Cecil’s Legend Sword does much more damage, but you can sell the Ancient Sword later on for some money. Exit the door and go upstairs to end up in the castle’s moat!

Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah, Yang

Not much you can do here, the castle is pretty much deserted. You can go up to Cecil’s room to rest and restore your Health which is recommended since two boss battles are coming. When you enter the main hall, Baigan enters and offers to join you.


Baigan is in the party for a whole 5 seconds before attacking you. It’s a shame, he could have been a cool Warrior-type character. I always wished he could have been playable during a battle before attacking you, but oh well.

Time for the first hard boss of the game, if he gives you a tough time then you need to level up badly.

BOSS BATTLE: Baigan, Left Arm, Right Arm
Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah, Yang
Difficulty: 4 out of 9

Depending on your levels this fight could be fairly easy or really difficult. The main thing to look out for is when Baigan casts Wall on himself. Tellah should cast a high level spell (Fire3, Ice3, or Lit3) on him immediately before Baigan can cast Wall. Once he does, DO NOT HIT HIM WITH ANY SPELLS! Wall makes spells bounce back and hit you instead. Cast Bersk on both Cecil and Yang so they will attack stronger, although this also makes you lose control over them. Tellah and Porom should heal the party as needed, and there’s not much Palom can do since his magic will get reflected by the Wall spell…. have him use potions on the party or just make him defend.

You’re not done yet. Go back to Cecil’s room in the left tower and rest to restore your Health because that way you’re prepared for the next boss. Go up to the throne room and speak to the king, who was actually the elemental fiend of Water, Kainazzo in disguise. Oh yeah, and unequip the twins of anything they have, this will be their last battle while in your party.

Party: Cecil, Palom, Porom, Tellah, Yang
Difficulty: 3 out of 9

Similarly to Baigan, this fight’s difficulty depends on your levels. If you’re strong enough you can win in just 2 turns. If you’re not, it might be a bit hard. Kainazzo can use Wave to hit everyone in the party, this is his strongest attack. He can also hide in his shell to restore his Health some. Tellah should cast Lit3 for insane amounts of damage. Followed by Palom casting Lit2 and Yang attacking with the Thunder Claw, that should be enough to take down Kainazzo. If it wasn’t, repeat the process while Cecil attacks and Porom heals the party. Kainazzo is the easiest of the 4 elemental fiends.

After the battle, Cid enters the room. The party asks him to show them where he hid his airship. He starts to take them there, but Kainazzo sets off a trap where the walls start to move in an attempt to crush the party. Palom and Porom turn themselves to stone to save the others. The remaining party members leave with Cid to find the airship.

A scene plays out between Golbez and Kain at the Tower of Zot. Golbez is upset that Kainazzo was defeated. They are planning on tricking you into giving them the Crystal of Earth.

The party finds Cid’s airship and they start flying. As soon as they leave Baron, Kain flies up to them in an airship of his own. Kain delivers the message from Golbez that Cecil is to exchange the Crystal of Earth for Rosa, who is still being held hostage.

You now have an airship, and Cid has joined the party! I renamed Cid after Clinic, the airship mechanic from Division Blade. Cid only has around 700 Health, so he will need some leveling to catch up to Cecil and Yang. If neither Cecil nor Yang have over 1,000 Health yet then you are in desperate need of leveling or else you’ll get slaughtered in the upcoming events.

A few sidequests are now available, in the next episode I will mention them. Cecil, Tellah, Yang, and Cid will be traveling to the cave of the Dark Elf, which will be the most challenging event yet. Coming soon…. and hopefully not as delayed as this episode was.
This episode will be longer since it has some sidequests in it. We last left off at a point when the first few optional sidequests open up. I’ll begin with those, then go into where the video picks up. Cecil, Tellah, Yang, and Cid were on their way to Toroia to find the Crystal of Earth, which has been stolen by the Dark Elf.


BARON CASTLE (Sidequest)
Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid

This is not required, but you can go back inside Baron Castle to get some more treasures now that you have defeated Kainazzo. Go through the main hall and take the stairs at the right. You’ll end up at a room that takes you outside, flip the switch on the left wall to find a door opening up. This door leads to a passage that has some treasures at the end of it! They include 2 Ether1 potions, 2 Cure2 potions, and 2 Life potions. Cid’s two workers are outside, you can talk to them if you want.

Go into the tower. There is another sidequest in here later on, but for now you can grab more items. In the first floor the treasure chests have a Tent, 2 Cure1 potions, and a Heal potion. There are two chests on the second floor. They have a Cure2 potion and a Life potion. Look in the jar by the stairway at the top floor for an Ether1 potion. The chests on this floor have 2 Tents and an Ether1. Finally, one of the jars in the basement has an Elixir. That’s all you can do here for now.

MIST (Sidequest)
Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid

This is an optional event. Return to the town of Mist (where you first met Rydia) and the people will have come back to the town. None of them say anything important. Enter Rydia’s house (the one at the top). You can go through the fireplace to a hidden path which leads to treasure chests with a Tiara, a Cloth Robe, and a Ruby Ring. In the grass field near the water you can find 100 GP. Save that Tiara for Rosa, she will be rejoining eventually. You can also find another hidden grass field through the trees, there are a Cure1 potion and a Heal potion hidden in there. You’re done here, nothing else happens in this town for the rest of the game.

SILVERA a.k.a. “MITHRIL” (Sidequest)
Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid

The official name for this place is Mithril, even though it’s Silvera in this version. Gotta love those translation errors…. Anyways. This town is inhabited by Pigs, frogs, and tiny humans. It is more of a novelty due to its strange inhabitants, and the fact that nothing relevant ever happens in this town during the game. You can buy some good equipment here, but it’s VERY expensive. Why not gain some levels outside while saving up money for the items here? Buy a Silver Hammer for Cid, but DO NOT sell his regular Hammer! Buy a Silver Shield, Helmet, Armor, and Gauntlet for Cecil. Buy one more of all the above except the shield for Cid.

The three guys standing still outside the shop will do a strange dance for you if you talk to them. It’s rather pointless, but funny too. You can find some hidden items in the grass here. Look in the grass behind the house to the right of the Inn to find a Silver Staff. It’s not very strong, you can sell it for more money though. The grass field above the house to the right of the shop has a Silver Knife in it, sell that too because it’s weaker than other weapons already available. Now look in the grass field above the shop, it has 5000 GP hidden in it. That’s all for this town, you’re done!

You can also go to a few other places now such as Agart and Eblan, but I will save Agart for when you’re actually required to go there and I usually save Eblan Castle for after Edge has joined since he is always in desparate need to catch up to the rest of the party in levels, the monsters there are good for leveling him up a little.

Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid

This is where the video picks up. Fly to the northeast a little, from Baron. You should reach a huge forest with a castle in it, that’s your next destination. You aren’t required to do anything in the town itself, but it’s highly recommended. I’ll discuss the town first and then the castle.

The weapons and armor shop in town might look like they have a horrible selection, but believe me, it’s not. Buy a Wooden Hammer for Cid if you sold his old one, you’ll need a Wooden Hammer. That should do it for the weapons. Buy Ruby Rings for each member of the party. You’ll need 4 if you don’t have any. Also, buy some Leather Helmets and Leather Robes for Cecil and Cid. You won’t be able to use any metallic equipment in the upcoming cave, except for Yang’s claws.

You can explore the town a little if you want. One building has a ton of people in it. Buy a “Pass” from one of them, it’s very expensive but if you have enough money to spare then you can enjoy another novelty…. I recommend you save first, buy the pass, then reset after viewing the upcoming segment, saves you money…. so when you have the Pass, talk to the guy by the closed door. He opens it for you so you can go downstairs into a bar. Talk to the clerk. A ton of dancers start dancing for you. It’s the most impressive of all the pointless dances in the game, although just as pointless as all the rest. Back in the day this segment was really cool though. You get nothing for doing this, and can only sell the “Pass” back for part of its original price. Are you glad I recommended you save first? A dancer gets mad at you if you walk into the back room of the bar, which ends up being their dressing room.

Of course there are some hidden items in town as well. Go down into the water then follow the water path until you get to a grassy area with steps. This seems like a dead end but a hidden path in the trees takes you to a hidden grass field. You’ll find 1000 GP, an Ether1 potion, an Ether2 potion, and a Cure2 potion in the grass. The last thing of interest is the house in the back. It’s a Chocobo farm! Nothing relevant happens here, but you can talk to the Chocobos.

Now it’s time to head inside the castle. You can explore it if you wish and even take some treasures in the basement, but I’ll leave those out until the next episode because one of the treasury rooms opens up after you defeat the Dark Elf so I usually go grab all the treasures at once.

What you DO need to do is talk to Edward. He’s in the nursing room which is found at the end of the walkway reached by taking the left exit in the main hall. Edward talks to the party a bit and then gives them a Twinharp. This item will be REALLY important soon. You are done here now. Head outside and walk to the northwest end of the continent, you’ll find a Chocobo forest. The White Chocobos restore your MP if you talk to them. The Yellow Chocobos can give you a ride anywhere on land, then run away once you dismount. The Black Chocobos can fly you but they can only land in forests. Take a Black Chocobo and fly to the island northeast of Toroia, it has a cave on it surrounded by a forest. That’s your next destination. You must fly there on a Black Chocobo because they can land in a forest and your airship cannot. On a side note, the Black Chocobos look blue to me, but oh well.

Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid

DO NOT enter this cave with any metallic equipment!!!! There is a magnetic field that paralyzes you in battle automatically if you wear metallic items in this cave, and you CANNOT heal this type of paralysis. Here is what your equipment should look like in order to guarantee safety:

Cure Staff
Gaea Helmet
Karate Gear
Ruby Ring

Thunder Rod
Gaea Helmet
Gaea Gear
Ruby Ring

Fire Claw
Ice Claw
Karate Gear
Ruby Ring

Wooden Hammer
Leather Helmet
Karate Gear
Ruby Ring

You don’t have to use that setup, but it’s what I usually do and no one gets paralyzed when using all those items. Also…. You might want to level up until everyone but Tellah has over 1,000 Health Points. It’s recommended. I sometimes even go until everyone but Tellah breaks 1,500…. but that’s just me.

The enemies might give you a hard time if your levels are low. Most of them are weak against Holy weapons, such as Cecil's Legend Sword but you can't use that right now. The Stingrats counter physical attacks if you don't kill them. The Panthers can instantly kill someone with Bluster (I cannot STAND that move!) so I often kill them first. The Ogres are probably the toughest to kill, until Yang gets the Charm Claw then they are not a problem anymore. If you're VERY lucky you can get a Mage to drop a Mage summon spell, save that for when Rydia rejoins. This item is RARE!!!!

Walk across the bridge and grab the Cure2 potion from the chest. Follow the path to the stairs. A treasure chest next to the stairs has a Heal potion in it. Go downstairs and then first head left to reach a treasure chest that has an Ether1 potion in it. Head to the northeast corner of the room to find a door. Inside this room there are more treasures, they include 500 GP and an Ether1 potion. Exit the room then head right and go down the stairs. Follow the path until you see another door. Inside that room you’ll find a Cure2 potion, a Cure3 potion, and a Life potion inside the chests. Go back outside and follow the path until you get to the next stairway. Enter the room.

Inside this room you’ll find a chest with a Charm Claw. Give that to Yang ASAP! It does a ton of damage to the Ogre enemies in here. You’re almost at the boss. Follow the path until you see a bridge going to the right, that leads to a save point. SAVE!!!! Use a Tent to restore your Health also if you need to. There’s a chest by the stairs leading to the boss, it has an Ether2 potion in it. Now go up the stairs and it’s time for a boss fight against the Dark Elf as soon as you talk to him.

First of all…. if you never got the Twinharp from Edward, this fight is impossible to win. The Dark Elf’s magic will do 9,999 damage to everyone. If this happens, go back to Toroia Castle and talk to Edward.

If you DO have the Twinharp, then the battle ends after a few rounds. The party are overwhelmed (regardless of your levels) and Edward finds out through the Twinharp. He begins playing a song on his harp that breaks the magnetic field of the Dark Elf, which is heard by the party and the Dark Elf through the Twinharp.

The game gives you a chance now to put your metallic equipment back on. DO IT NOW! Here is what your recommended equipment should look like:

Legend Sword
Silver Shield
Silver Helmet
Silver Armor
Silver Gauntlet

Thunder Rod
Gaea Helmet
Gaea Gear
Silver Ring

Fire Claw
Charm Claw
Karate Gear
Silver Ring

Silver Hammer
Silver Helmet
Silver Armor
Silver Gauntlet

Not required, but HIGHLY recommended. The true fight against Dark Elf begins immediately when you speak to him again.

Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid
Difficulty: 5 out of 9

It starts out easy, but as soon as he transforms into a dragon…. things get tough. He can use a Dark Mist attack on the party that does a lot of damage. Have Tellah cast Bersk on Cecil. If Cecil has the Legend Sword equipped then he will be doing the most damage. The fight can end in two attacks from Cecil if your level is high enough, otherwise have Tellah heal the party while the others attack. This is a hard fight if you’re on a low level but not too bad if you’re level is high.

After the battle the party grabs the Earth Crystal. They leave the cave…. and that’s all for this episode. Stay tuned for the next update, the infamous Tower of Zot!
When we last left off, the heroes had just gotten the crystal of Earth back from the Dark Elf. In this episode, they will find themselves at the Tower of Zot where some shocking events take place. Video 1 shows how to get through the tower and video 2 shows a couple of boss fights at the top floor.



Fly back to Toroia on a Black Chocobo. For the fun of it, I always leave the chocobo there for the rest of the game. He doesn’t fly back to his forest until you try to fly again, so he’ll just sit there in the forest by the castle for the whole game. It’s funny.

Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid

Head into the Clerics’ room in the back. They will be happy that you got the crystal back and let you borrow it. Kain’s voice is heard and he asks you to get on your airship. Don’t do that yet. There are a few things you can still do at the castle. You now have permission to grab all the treasures in the basement! Go out through the right door of the main hall and follow the path to the basements.

There are three basements. The left basement is the one that you did not have access to until this point. The girl opens up the door for you and you can get the items. They include 2 Cure2 potions, 2 Heal potions, 2 Ether1 potions, 2 Ether2 potions, 2 Elixirs, 2000 GP, a GreatBow, Fire Arrows, Lit Arrows, and Ice Arrows. The middle basement’s only item is an Ether1 potion inside a jar. The right basement has a switch to open the doors. Now you can grab the items there which include 2 Tents 2 Cure2 potions, 2 Ether1 potions, and 2 Ruby Rings. You can also talk to Edward for a short scene where the party tells him how they defeated the Dark Elf thanks to his help.

When you are ready, exit the castle. However, I highly recommend that you go gain some levels before moving on. If you are up to the challenge, take the Chocobo and fly to the continent of Eblan which is south of Toroia. Fight monsters there for lots of EXP until everyone but Tellah has over 1,000 Health if you have not done so already. If you are lucky, a monster might drop the Medusa Sword which you can give to Cecil. By now for me Tellah has over 700 and the others have over 1,500. It will help a lot to be on a high level in the next event, trust me.

To move on, get on your airship. Kain will fly up to you in his airship and tell you to follow him to the Tower of Zot. (Interesting note…. during the scene where the airships fly up to the tower, the graphic used for Kain’s airship is NOT that of the Red Wings, but that of the Falcon, an airship you find during the second half of the game. Maybe this was a glitch the developers never caught.) Golbez’s voice is heard once you are in the tower telling you to hurry if you want to save Rosa.

Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid

This place is notoriously known for making many players give up on Final Fantasy 4 forever because the difficulty skyrockets, and the events afterwards remain somewhat hard for the rest of the game. The monsters are mainly weak against fire magic so have Tellah casting Fire2 or Fire3 to get rid of the more dangerous ones such as the Ice Beasts, or the annoying Slimes which have high physical defenses (just cast Fire1 on them). Yang can deal a lot of damage here as well if he is equipped with two Fire Claws.

Let’s begin, shall we? From the first room make your way to the northwest corner to find a chest with a Fire Armor, which you should give to Cecil. Now head upstairs. There is a chest in this room but DO NOT open it unless you are at full health. A Flame Dog has hidden himself in the chest and attacks you when you open it. Unlike the other monsters in this tower, as his name implies, he is a fire elemental so have Tellah cast Ice 3 to quickly end the battle or have Yang attack with 2 Ice Claws. Switch Yang back to the Fire Claws again after this fight, and give your new Fire Sword to Cecil.

Go upstairs and follow the path to the next door. You’re now in a room that leads to three other doors. The left door leads you to two chests. The first one has a Poison Claw. Don’t equip it because the Fire Claws do more damage here. The other one has a Fire Shield, give that to Cecil. Now go back and enter the middle door to find Cid’s ultimate weapon, the Earth Hammer! It can cast an Earthquake spell when used as an item, and for some reason it does a lot of damage to the Ice enemies…. not sure why, but that works to your benefit. Go back and then enter through the right door. The chest in there has a Wizard Robe. Save that for Rosa when she rejoins. Now go through the door at the far right to be at the room where the next boss fight takes place.

Do NOT go through the left door yet! First head through the middle door to find a save point. Use a Tent there to restore your Health and Magic. Save too. As soon as you approach the left door, you will be attacked by the Magus Sisters.

BOSS BATTLE: Sandy, Cindy, Mindy
Party: Cecil, Tellah, Yang, Cid
Difficulty: 7 out of 9

Prepare for a difficult boss battle…. OMG are you in for a tough battle!!!! This battle is the reason I had recommended that you level up so much. The first thing you need to do is defeat Cindy, the one in the middle. If you defeat either Mindy or Sandy before defeating Cindy, then she will eventually revive them and you don’t want to happen now do you? Another problem, they cast Wall on her so you cannot cast magic on Cindy. They do an attack called the Delta Attack, which is really just the other sisters bouncing spells off of Cindy’s Wall to hit your characters. To make matters worse, sometimes they put Wall spells on your characters too, meaning if you heal that character then the healing spell bounces off the Wall to heal one of the bosses! Cecil, Yang, and Cid should attack Cindy every single round until she dies. Tellah can handle the healing with Cure3 or by using Cure potions if someone gets a Wall put on them. Once Cindy is gone, have Tellah cast Lit3 on Mindy and Fire3 on Sandy while the others keep attacking. If you lose, don’t feel bad…. LOTS of people get game over here. Level up some more and try again. In the video, I managed to get lucky enough to kill Cindy fast enough after having already killed Mindy before Cindy could revive her.

After you defeat the Magus sisters, you might want to save your game again ASAP…. why? There’s ANOTHER boss battle coming, and if you lose there then I know you don’t want to have to fight the Magus Sisters again, so save! Also, unequip Tellah of everything he has. He’s about to leave the party. Now head through the door. Kain and Golbez are waiting for you. They take the crystal but do not uphold their part of the deal of releasing Rosa after you give them the Crystal of Earth!

Tellah snaps and runs up to face Golbez by himself, in what just might be one of the coolest scenes in video game history. He angrily goes through all of his most powerful spells, until finally casting METEO for an astounding 9,999 damage, the most damage you can ever do in this game.

I remember seeing that for the very first time back in 1993 as a little 7 year old, and at the time it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. It’s not as impressive to some people nowadays, but 17 years ago this scene was the kind of awesome that made your jaw drop and your eyes bug out, and 17 years later you’d STILL remember how badass this was.

Anyways, getting back to the present. Golbez is weakened, and Tellah is knocked out. Cecil tries to jump in and help Tellah out but Golbez fires a beam of lightning at him and then leaves. Cecil regains consciousness, he notices Yang and Cid are already over by Tellah who is dying. Tellah dies and the party vows to avenge him. Kain had also been knocked out by the force of Meteo, speak to him. He seems to have regained his senses and takes you to where Rosa is. She is about to be crushed by a trap and Cecil saves her just in time. Cecil and Rosa embrace for a kiss, 16 bit SNES style. Gotta love those oldschool graphics lol…. Rosa then convinces Kain that he should rejoin the party, which he does. Rosa joins too, and will now be in the party for the rest of the game.


Kain has been in the party before, but not long enough to need to do one of these. He has a fast growth rate for his Health Points and can equip some of the most powerful equipment in the game. His best skill is the Jump skill which takes a little longer than a regular attack, but he goes offscreen for a turn or so and then comes back to do lots of damage.

Do NOT move down yet! A boss attacks you as soon as you do. First you need to equip Rosa, who comes equipped with a grand total of…. nothing! Equip her with the Great Bow, Lit Arrows, Tiara, Wizard Robe, and Silver Ring. If you do not have these things then equip her with Tellah’s old items (if you have them) or whatever you can. As long as she’s equipped with SOMETHING. Oh, and equip Yang with 2 Thunder Claws too. When you’re ready, head down the stairs and Valvalicia (translated incorrectly as Valvalis in this version) the elemental fiend of Wind attacks the party. Boss time.

BOSS BATTLE: Valvalicia
Party: Cecil, Yang, Cid, Kain, Rosa
Difficulty: 5 out of 9

This fight can be tough, but it’s easy compared to the Magus Sisters. She has a secondary form where she is spinning like a tornado. Have Kain use the Jump skill to get her to return to her regular form, where she is more vulnerable to your attacks. Cecil should be attacking or helping Rosa heal. Yang and Cid should attack every turn, regardless of what form Valvalicia is in. Kain should Jump every round, to guarantee that Valvalicia's not in her tornado form for very long. Rosa should be casting Cure3 (Cure2 if you don’t have Cure3 yet) to restore health to the party or Heal if someone gets turned to stone. This fight also sees the return of the epic battle theme that the other fiends had.

The tower begins to collapse once Valvalicia dies. Rosa casts teleport and the party end up in Cecil’s room at Baron Castle. They are worried about Golbez now having all the crystals but Kain tells them that there are still a few more and they are hidden underground. He also gives you the Magma Key. Cid informs them that the airship is still ok and they can use it to search for the place to use the Magma Key at. Then they all rest.

Where exactly should the Magma Key be used? That will have to wait for another day. Stay tuned for the next episode.
In this episode the party travels to the underground for the first time and a former ally makes their return. Video 1 goes from Agart to the battle against Calbrena, while video 2 includes the Golbez fight and exploration of the Dwarven Castle.



With the Magma Key in your possession, you will now need to fly south of Baron to the town of Agart.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Cid, Kain, Rosa

You’re supposed to go into the building in the center of town but you can explore a bit first. To the left of the entrance is a professor’s house, he is looking through a telescope at the moon. Search the grassy field above that to find a Cure2 potion. The weapons and armor shop doesn’t sell anything you really need right now…. although the boomerang should notably be pointed out. No one who can equip those is playable yet, or will be for a while. How random for it to be a shop item so soon. The small house next to that does not get its own map, but if you search around you can find Namingway, the guy who can change names. That’s random too, I don’t get why that house is even there…. Namingway could just as easily have been in the Inn. Oh well. Speaking of the Inn, it makes up for the pointless house. It is the largest Inn of the game and the townspeople provide some clues. In the lower left corner you can find another dancer…. but her dance is one of the least impressive in the game and equally pointless to the other ones.

Now that you’re done exploring, enter the house in the middle. There is a well. Drop the Magma Key into it. The screen turns red and an earthquake briefly takes place. You can now fly inside the hole in the mountain! Do so. The game goes into auto-pilot for a moment as a scene plays out. You are flown directly into a battle between the Red Wings and an unknown army of Tanks. The airship takes damage from the crossfire and you crash. Everyone is alright, but the airship isn’t.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Cid, Kain, Rosa

You’re now stuck here for a while. This is a great time to gain some levels. It should be noted that Cid is about to leave the party, so any levels he gains would be irrelevant. If you let him die in a battle, your other characters get more EXP. You can heal at the Dwarven Castle nearby, which is your next destination once you are ready to move on anyhow.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Cid, Kain, Rosa

Go to the left of the main hall to reach an Inn, you can restore health there if you have been fighting a lot of monsters on the underworld map. Do NOT go up the stairs in the main hall unless you are ready for a boss fight. I recommend leveling until Rosa has over 1,000 Health. It’s a shame Cid is about to leave, I really like this party and you don’t have it for very long. Go speak with the king once you’re prepared to move on.

Cid leaves to repair the airship as soon as you begin talking to the king. Yang then notices that someone is spying on the party. The king has the dwarves open the secret passage to the crystal room and the party goes inside. You’ll find a bunch of monster dolls called the Calbrena. The dolls lock the door and reveal that they are working for Golbez.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa
Difficulty: 3 out of 9

This battle is more annoying than difficult. The dolls first attack you individually as 3 Cals and 3 Brenas. The Brenas are very weak and can be defeated easily. The Cals have much higher health than the Brenas do. It is possible to win the battle quickly by defeating the 6 dolls, but you get more EXP by defeating the Calbrena in her true form. Eventually the dolls merge into the Calbrena if you did not defeat them fast enough (or if you wait like me). She can confuse a character which means they will randomly attack anybody, whether that be the monsters or your party members. The other really annoying thing she does is that if you weaken her to the point where she’s almost dead but don’t kill her fast enough, she reverts back to the 6 dolls! The dolls can then turn back into Calbrena, repeating the cycle. Defeat Calbrena in her main form if you can, for the extra EXP.

As soon as that battle ends, Golbez shows up and talks about how he will get all the crystals so he can reach the moon to gain access to something powerful. A somewhat scripted battle then begins.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa, Rydia
Difficulty: 2 out of 9

Yes, you read that correctly. Rydia returns during this fight. At first nothing works against Golbez. If you’re lucky, Kain will jump and remain offscreen by the time Golbez paralyses the party. He then summons a Shadow Dragon to kill you. Kain will jump back down at this time if he had been offscreen. Cecil (and Kain if he was offscreen for the paralysis) will be the only survivor(s) and is saved by the Mist Dragon!? You are then healed, and Rydia runs onscreen. Rydia had summoned the Mist Dragon and she looks different now. Take a few moments to revive the rest of the party if you want, Golbez’s spells aren’t as powerful as you’d think they would be. Once everyone is restored, start attacking and the battle will be over with before you know it. It’s so much easier than in the DS remake, where they made this fight rather difficult.


Rydia has been in the party before but she has come back with a shiny new sprite and an updated skill set. She lost the ability to cast White magic, but she can now Summon more powerful monsters and cast a wider selection of Black Magic. Rydia has become VERY powerful in her adult form.

After the fight Rydia explains that she has been living in the Land of Summoned Monsters ever since the Leviathan attack and time travels faster there, she is an adult now which explains her changed appearance. Everyone is glad she’s ok and Rydia rejoins the party. Rydia will be in your party for the rest of the game. Golbez regains consciousness and takes the form of a blue hand (really random, but whatever) then floats up to the crystal and grabs it before teleporting out.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa, Rydia

The party tells the king what happened and they decide to get the crystals back by sneaking into the Tower of Bab-il. Now you are free to explore the whole castle. To the right of the main hall is a weapons and armor shop. Buy a Flame Spear and Fire Armor for Kain. Buy Rune Rings for Yang, Rydia, and Rosa. You should also get Wizard Robes as well as Wizard Helmets for Rosa and Rydia. Behind the shop is a bar. A dwarf inside does a dance for you, arguably the worst dance in the game and it is also the last one. In other versions (but not this one) you can enter the developers’ room through a secret passage at the bar. It was taken out of this version because a secret item there was found to be too controversial. Upstairs from the shop is the tower. Open the chest to find a Dwarf Axe. The room upstairs from that has 500 GP hidden in one of the jars. Go up to the top floor. This room has a few treasures that include a Strength Ring, an Ether2 potion, an Elixir, and an Ether1 potion. Go back to the room where the Dwarf Axe was and head outside, enter the left tower and go up the stairs. There is 500 GP hidden in one of the jars here, now go up to the top floor.

This room frustrated me when I was a kid. It has treasures in it as well as Namingway, but they all seem impossible to reach. Go to the left to reach the chest with a Cure2 potion in it. From there go right 2 spaces, up 3 spaces, left 3 spaces, up 2 spaces, right 1 space, up 1 space, right 2 spaces, up 1 space, right 4 spaces, and down 3 spaces to reach the chest with an Elixir in it. From there go right 1 space, down 1 space, right 4 spaces, down 4 spaces, left 1 space, and up 1 space to reach Namingway. Next to him is a chest with an Ether1 potion. From there go down 1 space, left 2 spaces, and down 3 spaces to reach a chest with a Black Belt. From there go down 1 space, left 1 space, up 1 space, left 2 spaces, up 1 space, left 1 space, up 2 spaces, and right 1 space to be back at the first chest. Now you can exit this maze of a room and head back downstairs.

Downstairs from the equipment shop is a nursing room and an altar where you can find the Big Chocobo if you have a Carrot to feed him. He can store items for you, but I never use this. It’s better to sell things you don’t need. In the nursing room you’ll find dwarves who are just like the regular dwarf graphics but their clothes are red and beards are yellow. Apparently these are supposed to be female dwarves but they look just like the men. Someone on the graphic/sprite designing team must have gotten lazy on that one. Talk to the dwarf by the door to open the door to the Dwarf Base. The three chests in the basement all have Cabins. These are just like Tents but restore more Health. You’ll find a jar with water that restores your HP and MP to maximum in the next room. It’s conveniently located right next to the exit, which will come in handy later.

The party leaves the Dwarven Castle and are on their way to the Tower of Bab-il, which will be discussed in the next episode. Coming soon.
In this episode we go through another really cool part of the game…. the Tower of Bab-il! Video 1 shows the exploration of the tower and a boss fight, while video 2 shows a string of events that takes place afterwards…. ending with the introduction of a new party member.



From the Dwarf Base, exit from the room with the recovery water jar and follow the path on the Underworld map until you reach the tower. It’s not too difficult to find.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa, Rydia

This place is almost as tough as the Tower of Zot. I recommend leveling up until Rosa reaches 1,000 Health if you have not already. I often go as far as to get Rydia there as well, but most people do not level as much as I do. The monsters here can be tough, especially the Flame Dogs and the Chimeras. Most of the enemies are weak against Ice so have Yang equipped with Ice Claws and Rosa equipped with Ice Arrows. Rydia’s Shiva summon will come in handy too.

The tower is straightforward but there are a ton of items, so I'll mainly concentrate on getting the items for this portion of the walkthrough. From the entrance, head left to find two treasure chests with Ice Arrows in them. Add them to the Ice Arrows that Rosa should already be fighting with. The right side of the room has a chest with an Ether1 potion in it. Go through the door. There will be a Bandana in the treasure chest near you. Now head down the path and go through the door at the bottom of the room.

The chest in there has an Alert monster inside it. You’ll be finding these guys in many of the treasure chests here. They call other enemies to join the fight, so kill the Alert first. You receive a Blizzard Spear for defeating the Alert, give it to Kain. Go through the door to the right to find a IceBrand Sword guarded by another Alert. Give the sword to Cecil. Now Kain and Cecil both have ice weapons, which they can hit enemy weaknesses just like Yang and Rosa. Go through the door on the left now. You’ll be right next to yet another chest (there sure are a lot of them in this tower!) with a Cat Claw in it. This is Yang’s best weapon and he should equip it to do more damage to the Stone Man enemies. Have him use the Cat Claw and the Ice Claw. That takes care of two enemy weaknesses at once.

The chest in the right corner has a Cure2 potion. From there, go back to the door that got you to this room and go over to the door in the bottom part of the room. Don’t miss the Life Potion in a chest by that door. You’re now in another room. There are two items in here. The left chest has an Archer Bow for Rosa and the right one has a Life Potion. Now go back to the room you were in and follow the path to the next room.

Getting weak? Luckily there is a save point through the door just to the left in the next room. There are three doors on the right half of the room. The bottom left one has an Ice Shield guarded by an Alert, the bottom right one has nothing, and the top room has an Ice Armor which is also guarded by an Alert. Follow the path to the door.

In the next room you’ll find a long stairway leading to a locked door. This is important later. The chest on the left side of the room has 2000 GP and the chest on the right side has a Cure2 potion. Keep going through until you find yourself in a room with a door just to your right. There’s another save point in there. Save now because there’s a boss fight coming. Keep going down and open the chest at the bottom part of the room to get an Ether2 potion. Go through the door to the right of that.

You’re now at the top floor. The party watches as Rubicant orders Dr Lugae to look after the tower and Rubicant teleports out. A silly scene follows this where the doctor (as I call him) then sees that the party was spying on him, he attacks you alongside his robot Balnab.

BOSS BATTLE: Dr Lugae & Balnab
Party: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa, Rydia
Difficulty: 3 out of 9

Pretty easy fight. You can defeat either Balnab or the doctor. If you defeat the doctor then Balnab explodes. This result is inevitable either way though because if you defeated Balnab instead then the doctor repairs him and presses the wrong button causing the explosion to occur anyhow. Whoever is hit by the explosion will probably lose all of their Health, it hit Cecil in my video and he barely survived with 54 Health while he had his full 2000+ when the explosion hit him. Don’t relax just yet, now the real battle begins.

Party: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa, Rydia
Difficulty: 4 out of 9

Good grief, this fight is a nightmare on the DS version. It’s somewhat easy in this version luckily.

The doctor changes graphics into some weird skeletal creature. He poisons everyone but on some occasions will randomly cast the Heal spell on you, I never quite understood if that was a glitch or not. Probably something the testers missed. The main thing to look out for is his Laser attack. Not “Beam”, it’s weak. Laser will hit someone for around 1,000 damage and if you haven’t been leveling up then that’s a rather lethal attack. Keep everyone’s Health close to maximum and continue attacking. You should be victorious momentarily.

After the fight the doctor says the Super Cannon will destroy the dwarves then he dies. You get the Tower Key, which will open that locked door a few floors back. Head back there now. Once you get to the long stairway, take away all of Yang’s equipment. He is about to leave the party. Go inside and you’ll find three monsters getting ready to fire the cannon. They attack you.

BOSS BATTLE: 3 Dark Imps
Party: Cecil, Yang, Kain, Rosa, Rydia
Difficulty: 1 out of 9

If you need any help on this fight, then it’s a miracle you even got THIS far in the game.

Yang kicks the others out of the room in an attempt to destroy the cannon. The door shuts and you see an explosion. The party assumes the worst and they are forced to move on without Yang as they cannot get the door to open. Make your way back to the first room. When you try to exit the tower Golbez makes the stairway fall apart. Cid saves you by flying his airship up just in time. An enemy ship follows you for a bit but the party flies out of the Underground and Cid closes the hole by jumping out and detonating a bomb. So now both Yang’s and Cid’s conditions are unknown. Fly to Baron like Cid had suggested before he jumped out.

Party: Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia

The only thing you need to do here is talk to Cid’s mechanics. If you can’t find them…. go through the right stairway at the main hall and they will be outside that door. They install a hook to the airship that you can grab the hovercraft with. You’ll need this very soon.

The Hovercraft should be where you last left it, at Mount Hobs from before the fight against the Mother Bomb. Use the hook to grab it. Fly south of Toroia to reach Eblan. You can explore the castle, but I do not recommend it until Edge has joined. Use the hovercraft to reach the cave.

Party: Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia

I’ll save the exploration aspects of this cave’s walkthrough until the next episode. At this point I’m usually in a hurry to get Edge so he can be leveled up. In the “town” room buy a couple of Boomerangs for Edge. Continue through the straightforward path until you find Edge fighting Rubicant. Edge loses badly and he offers to join you after Rosa heals him.


Edge is useful but has one huge flaw. His defense is horrible. Stick him in the back row for now and equip him with Boomerangs. He can throw items at the enemy for lots of damage and use some Ninja magic. “Sneak” is basically stealing an item, but it’s worthless because it rarely works. Later on Edge will have to be in the front row to do enough damage with his weapons, as only the Boomerangs will do equal damage from the back row.

Edge joins on level 25, I am always somewhere between level 35 to 50 at this point. Edge has a TON of catching up to do in terms of levels, but it’s worth it once he has been caught up to the rest of the party. If you are close to Edge in levels (or on a level lower than his) then you need to level everyone up or else you’ll get destroyed in the next event. Get everyone past level 30, I typically go until Edge breaks 1,000 Health (yes, I know…. as usual….) before moving on. This would be a great time to explore the Cave of Eblan in its entirety, as well as Eblan Castle which has been available as a sidequest ever since you got the airship.

Will the party defeat the intimidating fiend of Fire, Rubicant? Are Yang and Cid alright? All this and more, in the next episode. Stay tuned.
Sorry that it took 10 days to finally update this thing…. I had a lot of things going on with school and didn’t have nearly as much time to work on editing the footage last week. Plus, I also had to level up Edge a lot which also took some time. I am almost done with this and there will be about 5 more updates before it's finished. Anyways, here is the next update to the walkthrough.

In this update the heroes face the elemental fiend of fire. the first video shows a sidequest and the cave of eblan, while the second video shows the tower leading up to the fight with the fire fiend and ending with a new airship.



EBLAN CASTLE (Sidequest)
Party: Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia, Edge

This sidequest is available as soon as you get the airship after defeating Kainazzo…. but I usually save it for this point so that it can help Edge catch up with leveling since there are a few optional fights here. Start by going inside the right tower. The treasure chest on the left corner can be reached by following a hidden path behind the top left pillar. It has 600 GP in it. Ignore the chest in the right corner for now. Go upstairs. Grab the Cure2 potion and the Ether1 potion from the chests on the left part of the room, as well as the Life1 potion inside the right jar. The chests on the right have a Cabin and a Drain Spear. To reach the chest with the Drain Spear, go through a path hidden in the wall to the right of the jars. The Drain Spear is guarded by monsters but they are not too tough. It’s just a Lamia and two BlackCats. If the BlackCats use Bluster to kill someone, revive them. Now go back and jump through the hole to get to the chest on the right corner of the previous floor! It has 800 GP. Go down from there. You’re in the basement now. The two chests on the left side both have Ether1 potions. The chest on the right has an Elixir guarded by 3 Mad Ogres. These guys are a little tougher. Do not use any elemental spells on them because they will only do 1 damage. Have the guys attack while Rydia summons the Mist Dragon and Rosa heals. Go up the stairs and you’ll be outside again.

Re-enter the castle and go into the left tower and go upstairs. There is a Cure2 potion in one of the jars at the top. Follow the hidden path in between the first and second jars at the bottom to reach the third jar, it has a Cure2 potion inside it. Keep going in the same direction to reach the hidden chests. They have 2000 GP and Mute Arrows. Go over to the left corner and go down through the wall. This leads you to the chest hidden at the left part of the first floor. It has an Ether1 potion in it. To reach the chest hidden on the right part of the room, go back down the stairs and down until you are one step away from the door. Go right and a hidden path takes you through the wall to the chest which is guarded by a Staleman and 4 Skulls. Defeat them and you get the Slumber Sword. Now exit the tower and go through the main door. Yet another hidden chest awaits on the right part of the room, just go straight towards it. It has a Cure2 potion. Go up to the throne room. Go through the left wall to find stairs leading to the hidden chests on the second floor’s left side. They have a Heal potion and a Cure2 potion. Now look for a similar stairway to the right of the throne room’s right wall. It leads to the hidden chests on the right side of the second floor! They have a Cure2 potion, a Life potion, and a Cabin.

That’s it for this sidequest, you can leave now.

Party: Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia, Edge

This cave could be explored before Edge joined, but once again I saved that for now so Edge could gain levels as I fight monsters while getting the items in the cave. None of the enemies should give you any trouble here. They are all very weak compared to the monsters you faced in the Tower of Bab-il, so I will focus mainly on the locations of items.

From the entrance, go through a hidden wall to the right to find a chest with a Shuriken. These are a powerful item that Edge can use with the Throw command, but every time one is used it’s gone forever. Save them for difficult battles. To the right of the Shuriken chest is another chest with a Heal potion. The chest on the lower right part of the room has 1200 GP in it. The next room is basically a town. The people of Eblan were forced out of the castle when it was attacked and are now living here. You can rest at an Inn in one room, buy weapons/armor in another, and rename party members by talking to Namingway in the room full of a lot of people. I renamed Edge after Zero, a Ninja Summoner from Division Blade.

Go upstairs from the town floor to get back to the cave. There is a chest right next to you with an Ether1 potion. Another one further up has a Tent. Go down through a hidden path below that to reach another chest with a Cure2 potion in it. Go up to the top right corner of the room to find a Cure3 potion. A hidden path in the wall by the stairs leads you to a Shuriken. Go downstairs. Wow, lots of treasure chests in here and they are all easy to reach so I’ll just list out all the items you find in them. The items found in this room include 2 Cure2 potions, a Cabin, 2 Elixirs, 1650 GP, and 2 Life potions. Now go up the stairs.

Through the door is a save point. A rather large hidden path to the right of the save point leads to a chest guarded by 2 Stalemen. You receive the Drain Sword from defeating them. Go back to the previous room. The chest at the left path has a Life potion…. and finally, the last chest of this cave, go up to where Edge fought Rubicant and follow the hidden path to the left to find an Ether2 potion. Now go up the stairs to get to the Tower of Bab-il’s above ground half.

TOWER OF BAB-IL (above ground)
Party: Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia, Edge

Edge shows the party how to enter the tower. This place is not as tough as the underground portion of the tower, but it can still give you trouble if you have not been leveling up. I usually do not attempt it until Edge has reached 1,000 Health. The main monster to be careful of is the Green Dragon. It has a ton of health and a powerful lightning attack…. not to mention a really awesome looking graphic.

A treasure chest with a Cure3 potion is right by the entrance. Another Cure3 can be found near the door to the next room. Follow the long stairway in the next room to reach a chest guarded by 4 Mad Ogres. Have the guys attack, Rydia summon the Mist Dragon, and Rosa heal. You receive the Ogre Axe when you win. Have Cecil equip it. Keep following the path through the next room. You’ll find 2000 GP and a Middle Sword along the way. Edge can equip it, but he’s still better off in the back row with the Boomerangs for now. The next room has an object resembling the teleporter Rubicant used in the underground portion of the tower. It’s never revealed to be so, but it is probably connected to that one. Either way, you cannot use it. There is a save point in the door to the left. SAVE HERE. I could not possibly stress that further! When you are ready, go through the door to the right. You’ll be at the top floor. Go to the far left of the room and up to reach a chest with 82,000 GP! That’s a lot of money! Now go towards the door to begin the boss fights.

BOSS BATTLE: King & Queen of Eblan
Party: Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia, Edge
Difficulty: 1 out of 9

Barely even deserves to be considered a boss battle. You can sit there doing nothing and the battle will end once the dialogue ends. It is possible to kill them both before the dialogue ends but you have to be on an extremely high level. After this fight, Rubicant shows up. Edge is angry and learns two skills through reaching such an extreme level of anger. He learns Flood and Blitz. Rubicant restores your health (he claims to want to fight fair) and the real battle begins.

Party: Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Rydia, Edge
Difficulty: 7 out of 9

This battle is VERY hard unless you have leveled up quite a bit. Cecil and Kain should be equipped with Ice weapons. Have Kain Jump every round. Cecil should attack, unless Rosa dies then he needs to help with the healing. Rosa should cast Cure 3 (Cure 2 if you still don’t have Cure 3) every round or revive those who die. Edge should cast Flood or throw Shurikens or just attack. Rydia should cast Ice3 to do some serious damage, I was around level 40 in the video and Rydia did 9,999 damage with Ice3. Rubicant’s worst attack is Glare, which hits one person for thousands of damage. Revive whoever it hits immediately and then keep attacking. Ice spells heal him when his cloak closes, so watch out for that. If you get stuck, level up and try again.

After the battle soldiers from Eblan show up to assist Edge but the party had already defeated Rubicant. The soldiers leave and the party go into the crystal room only to find a trap causing them to fall into the underground portion of the tower. It is possible to get past the trap and explore the crystal room using cheat codes. I did that once long ago and I recall that there is nothing relevant you can do. The crystals cannot be grabbed (for storyline reasons) and the door in the back leads to a dead end behind where you fought Rubicant. So you’re not missing anything by not being able to explore the crystal room without cheat codes.

The monsters down here aren’t much to worry about. The path is also very straightforward. The one thing to take notice of is that you can inspect the door in the second room to find a Poison Claw. How weird. Yang is long gone, but Edge can equip claws. Keep him in the back row using Boomerangs for now. Along the way you can find 2 Cure2 potions. The last door leads to an airship deck. Edge convinces the rest of the party they should “borrow” this airship. Edge names it Falcon and they fly out of the tower in it.

The Falcon cannot fly over the magma for some reason. How do you get it to do that? The answer to that question, and a couple of more sidequests, in the next update! Stay tuned.
It’s been several days. I have been busy with school (finals are over now) and other stuff in real life. I have time to update this again now.

This update to the walkthrough will deal with the sidequest where you go to the cave of summoned monsters. Video 1 shows the cave itself and video 2 shows the monster town at the end of the cave.



The Falcon is your new airship but it cannot fly over the magma for some reason. Fly to the Dwarven Castle.

Party: Cecil, Rosa, Kain, Rydia, Edge

Talk to the King and he gives you the key that opens the cave to the sealed gate. You’ll also need to visit the nursing room and talk to Cid, who is still alive. He repairs the airship in an amusing scene. At the end of the scene one of the dwarves stands on air, while everyone else is standing on the bridge. Programming mistake? Cid goes to sleep after that and now your airship can fly over the magma.

At this point you can enter the cave to the sealed gate. DO NOT GO THERE YET!!!! That’s the most difficult event in the game and it’s recommended that you do a couple of sidequests first. The sylvan cave (next episode) and the summoned monsters cave (this episode). Fly to the island west of the dwarven castle to reach the summoned monster cave.

Party: Cecil, Rosa, Kain, Rydia, Edge


If Rosa does not know Float yet, level up until she does. You have to cast Float on the whole party so that the lava on some parts of the floor does not damage your characters. It also helps when battling Arachnes in random encounters since they use Quake a lot. Most of the enemies here are not too difficult. The Warriors and Fiends are the worst of the bunch, Rydia’s summons such as Titan will come in handy if you encounter them.

Head north from the entrance to find a Life potion, and an Ether1 potion is hidden through a hidden passage next to that. Now go south of the entrance and you’ll find a Cure2 potion. Head down the stairs.

Have Rosa cast Float on everyone again immediately. Its effect goes away when you enter another floor for some reason. To the right of the stairs is a chest with a Cure2 potion. North of that is a path leading to a chest with a Cabin. Now head right and go downstairs, and have Rosa re-cast Float on everyone again.

This room has a lot of treasures. Follow the path to find a Life potion and a Cure3 potion. Follow the hidden passage’s left path to reach 3 chests that have a Cure2 potion, a Poison Axe, and a Ninja Katana. Give Kain the Poison Axe, but he will have to unequip his shield since that axe is a two handed weapon. Edge can equip the Ninja Katana along with the Middle Katana you found in the Tower of Bab-il. He should be strong enough to fight in the front row now, so make that change. Follow the hidden passage’s north path to find a chest guarded by 5 Warriors. Use magic that hits all of them at once such as Rydia’s summons and Edge’s Flood. You get the Defense Sword when you win, give that to Cecil. Now make your way back to the main path and step on the warp panel to end up in the monster town.

Party: Cecil, Rosa, Kain, Rydia, Edge

This is a town full of friendly monsters. You can talk to them like normal townspeople and none of them attack you. Treasures on the top floor of the town include an Ether1 potion, 7000 GP, and a Rat Tail (keep this, it comes in handy later). To reach the chest with the Rat Tail step onto the warp panel then step on it again but go down. Repeat this but go up to get back out. Step on the broken tile to find a treasure room. The items here include Samurai Arrows, An Elixir, an Ether2 potion, and a Samurai Bow. Give the bow to Rosa. Step on the warp panel to re-enter the town. Do NOT step on the broken tile though, you end up on the world map and would have to do the entire cave over again to get back to the town.

The second floor of the town has some shops. Buy Sorceror Robes for both Rosa and Rydia at the armor shop. Buy a Long Katana for Edge and a Blitz Whip for Rydia at the weapon shop. Rest at the Inn so your HP and MP will be full. You can save at the house in the back, and that’s recommended as there are two optional boss fights coming. In the house there are chests with a Heal Potion and a Life Potion. When you are ready for the bosses head to the library, the building in the middle. The bookshelves have some interesting trivial information about Rydia’s summons. The bottom floor has a king and queen. The queen offers to test your worth in battle.

Party: Cecil, Rosa, Kain, Rydia, Edge
Difficulty: 4 out of 9


This fight is not that hard, just incredibly annoying. Asura can heal herself for nearly all of the damage you inflict. If you level up Rosa until she learns Wall then you can cast a reflective barrier on Asura so she ends up healing you when she tries to heal herself. Now keep attacking with your strongest attacks. If the barrier wears off, cast Wall again.

GO HEAL AND SAVE NOW! Do NO talk to the king, he offers a test of your worth once you have defeated Asura. Heal and save first, then accept his challenge.

BOSS BATTLE: Leviathan
Party: Cecil, Rosa, Kain, Rydia, Edge
Difficulty: 5 out of 9

This is a little tougher. He uses a Big Wave attack that hits everyone for a lot of damage. Rydia should cast Lit-3, Edge should cast Blitz, Rosa should be healing, while Cecil and Kain attack. The fight will take a while but it should not be too difficult unless you attempted it without healing after fighting Asura.

After this Rydia learns to summon Asura and Leviathan in battle! Asura will randomly either heal the party or cast Life. Odds of Life are 1/3 while odds of healing are 2/3. There was supposed to be a third outcome where she casts a spell on the party to increase their defense, but that was taken out in this version. Leviathan uses a tidal wave for massive damage.

That’s it, you’re done here. Enter the treasure room by walking onto the broken tile and then step on the broken tile in there, you’re on the world map again.

Next update will deal with the Sylvan Cave, the other side quest currently available. Coming soon.
I've been busy, but wow.... I didn't realize it had been a month and a half since I last updated this thing! I really need to finish this!

Anyways. This update, the first in forever, will deal with the Sylvan Cave.


Party: Cecil, Rosa, Kain, Rydia, Edge

To reach the Sylvan Cave, fly to the top left corner of the underground. This place is similar to the Summoned Monsters Cave in the sense that Rosa must cast Float on everyone or else they will take damage when walking on certain parts of the floor.

The monsters aren’t too bad, just incredibly annoying. The Toad Lady and Tony Toads can turn your party into toads. The Molbols can cast every single negative status effect on someone using Bad Breath. All the other enemies are easily taken care of. The treasures in the first room include a Cure2 potion and Charm Arrows. There’s more but you can’t reach them yet. Go downstairs.

There’s two different paths to take. Start with the southern path. You’ll be near a Save Point. Be sure to have Rosa re-cast Float on each floor. There will be a path you can follow to a chest from the first room with an Elven Bow in it. Rosa can equip it but you probably have something stronger already. Go back towards the stairs at the left of the room after grabbing the 1000 GP and the Cabin north of the stairs, go downstairs.

Go up to the top of the room and open the chest with the Mute Knife in it, it’s guarded by monsters though and Rydia probably already has a stronger weapon. The stairs in the middle of the room go up to the previous floor where there are more treasure chests with items including a Cure2 potion, a Ether1 potion, Ice Arrows, Fire Arrows, and Lit Arrows. Head back downstairs and go down the stairs near the chest that had the Mute Knife in it. There’s an Elixir near the stairway.

Keep following the path and you’ll reach a house. Inside are the Sylphs. Later on they are summons you can unlock. Yang is here too, the Sylphs are helping him recover from the explosion at the Tower of Bab-il. Be sure to talk to Yang. He can’t respond but it’s important for another side-quest later on. Go upstairs to find a tile that warps you outside.

You’re not done yet! Re-enter the cave and take the northern path at the fork this time. You’ll end up in a room that has a Cure2 potion, a Heal potion, and a Charm Rod. Go up the stairs. More treasures up in this room! The items include a Cure3 potion, two Cure2 potions, 5000 GP, an Ether1 potion, and three Heal potions. Jump down the hole and follow that path until you’re in a room with a ton of treasures.

This cave doesn’t have a boss, but the treasures in here are all guarded by really annoying monster groups and all are worth grabbing. Have everyone at full HP and MP if you can. It’s worth it in the end. You get three Elixirs, The FullMoon Boomerang, the Avenger Sword, and Medusa Arrows. Equip Edge with the FullMoon Boomerang because he really needs a more powerful weapon, especially if he's still in the back row.

That’s it, you’re done! The next update will deal with the infamously difficult Sealed Gate. Stay tuned.

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