D.Q. Finishes

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Are they ever acceptable (You can group count outs in with this as well). WWE seem to be doing a lot of these latley. Randy Orton, Batista & MVP have recieved the most. It reminds me of the Hogan era. When he would feud with somebody for several months, but he wouldn't pin them for a while, so out come the dusty finishes. The only difference now is that WWE was far more patient in those days and Hogan got a reaction whatever the result.

To be honest I don't mind DQ finishes. On Raw & Smackdown anywa. I really couldn't care less. When a big match is announced on TV I'm surprised if the finish isn't a DQ. But on PPV I hate it. The match has to be incredibly good for the DQ to not effect the match. My favorite match ends in a DQ and it doesn't bother.

But doing it to protect somebody and having them get pinned by the same wrestler a few nights/weeks later is pointless. It's especially pointless if it's not a feud or if there isn't going to be a rematch.
D.Q. finishes can be good if used correctly, which they are not. Like Jake said I understand a D.Q. finish on RAW, ECW, or SmackDown, but not on a PPV where the match has been hyped up to the limits. The D.Q. finish is great way to end, or continue a feud without making one of the superstars look weak. In my opinion though, WWE over uses this method. It gets annoying when I pay $40.00 per PPV to be ripped off with a D.Q. finish. Overall D.Q. finishes can be good, if used properly, which currently they are not.
Like Agrex said, if they are used properly, DQ finishes can be good. I don't like it at PPV's also, but sometimes it helps elevate feuds. It usually doesn't, but sometimes it does. Like you guys said, I'd rather see a clean finish on a PPV and have DQ finishes on Raw, Smackdown, and ECW, but whatever floats the WWE's boats I guess.
DQ's are good if used on RAW, SMACKDOWN!, and ECW but when they use DQ's on ppv it's a complete waste of $40.00 unless they want to continue a fued. My opinion is that wwe overuses DQ's in alot of title matches that some title matches are so predictable. The thing I like about TNA is that they rarely ever end matches in DQ's, their matches usually end in a clean pinfall.
Like most of y'all have said, D.Q. finishes are good if done the right way. An example of a good D.Q. would beJericho vs. JBL at the Royal Rumble. They had a feud going that was very "personal" and having Jericho get D.Q.'d only escalated their feud. But the way the D.Q. finishes are usually used are pointless. Why have a match go on for 10-15 on Raw, SD!, or ECW if a random guy is just going to come down and beat everybody up? D.Q. finishes are okay if done the right way, but they very rarely are.
D.Q finishes have there spot wen the situation is good.

If ppl get themselves disqualified, then this should result in a controversial finish that will continue into the next ppv in a rematch
If ppl get themselves disqualified, then this should result in a controversial finish that will continue into the next ppv in a rematch

Yeah but if you've paid £15 for a PPV then don't you deserve a clean finish? For example. Orton got DQ'd at Cyber Sunday only to face HBK again the next month at Survivor Series. But would two losses to HBK really have mattered? A great wrestler, or somebody the fans are intrested in can lose, and still maintain their momentum.
Well its just like any type of Finish, you have to use them all within a balance. If every match ends in a pin fall, that will seem boring, if every match ends in the face getting his hand raised, thatll be boring, if every match is a standard 1 vs 1 match, thatll be boring, we as humans need difference to excite us. Its like eating the same food, if you eat mash potatoes for 3 meals a day, you probably arent gonig to like them much anymore, but if you add some gravy it sure seems exciting.
Who's saying there shouldn't be DQ's? Not me. I'm saying there shouldn't be DQ's on PPV. Certainly not in the main events. They can have as many as they like on TV. But if you pay for a show and they have a DQ finish, just so they can promote the same match a month later than why would you pay for PPV's?
Look guys, the thing that gets me pissed off about this DQ thing is this,
John Cena and Randy Orton have been fueding forever, but i spent forty dollars of my birthday money to see somebody walk out of No Way Out as the WWE champ, at this point I do not care who is champion, but I spent good money for that ppv and i deserve a clean victor. And having Randy Orton do that cheap shit is not going to help his status if he turns face, and it does not make him a legite champion, in my opinion 4 people should hold this belt eventually in 2008,
Jeff hardy
love it or hate it John Cena
DQ's are good if used on RAW, SMACKDOWN!, and ECW but when they use DQ's on ppv it's a complete waste of $40.00 unless they want to continue a fued. My opinion is that wwe overuses DQ's in alot of title matches that some title matches are so predictable. The thing I like about TNA is that they rarely ever end matches in DQ's, their matches usually end in a clean pinfall.

What TNA have you been watching? Clean pinfall? They hardly ever have DQ's, thats true but a clean pinfall or submission is an even rarer thing in TNA, take last weeks episode for example (I think it was last week, could have been the week before, its awckward to keep up to date with TNA in the UK). Every single match ended with the aid of interference or in an all out brawl as a result of interference! Yes their was a pinfall or submission in a few matches but they were not clean pinfalls.

Anyway back to the subject at hand...

DQ finishes have their uses but they should be a one off occurence, not a simple way to have the champion retain without having the challenger lose credibility! They can be useful and even some times enjoyable. Take Orton v HBK at Cyber Sunday, that was the best lowblow of all time following a highly enjoyable match causing me to react in the way any dude does when they see something like that. Thats a DQ i'll remember for a long time as it looked as if Orton didn't pull the punch at all. Therefore I would say that as long as it is done well, follows a good match or leads to a post-match anything goes brawl (ie JBL/Y2J) a DQ finish can add to a rivalry but as long as they don't occur too often...
For a while WWE was going with the "heel cheats and gets the pin fall" style finish. Now that it is closer to Wrestlemania, they are goin back to the DQ finishes. (They need everyone strong) Ratings seem up despite this, so I guess it will work. I think the mainstream fans just want to see a finish so they keep watching.

TNA just kinda goes and I don't really pay attention anymore. I just try to support the up and coming brand with ratings...sadly (; _ ;)
Dq finishes can work when used right. Like most of you I ordered No Way Out for the WWE title match and I was so happy when Orton slapped the ref and got dq'd. I went fuckin nuts with happiness!
DQ finishes are total bullshit and foolish fraidy cat booking on WWEs part. The booking has become so absurdly simplistic since roughly september its ridiculous. Heels are all absurdly weak, cower and run in fear, and CONTINUALLY get them selves disqualified. Its ridiculous. And forcing your fans to pay 40$ just to see a continuation of a feud is a slap in the face, and makes your PPV event into a glorified episode of RAW or SD!...
DQ finishes are total bullshit and foolish fraidy cat booking on WWEs part. The booking has become so absurdly simplistic since roughly september its ridiculous. Heels are all absurdly weak, cower and run in fear, and CONTINUALLY get them selves disqualified. Its ridiculous. And forcing your fans to pay 40$ just to see a continuation of a feud is a slap in the face, and makes your PPV event into a glorified episode of RAW or SD!...

Even though I agree, I also disagree. I agree that I'm tired of shelling out $40 just to see a match without an ending, and I'm tired of seeing that crap on PPV's, RAW, Smackdown, and ECW. It get's really annoying because WWE overdoes it. But saying that it is total bullshit is wrong. Because DQ finishes can be very good at times. But the WWE, and TNA are overusing it. I mean we pay so much money to see some heel run away. But it's not total bullshit. As if it would be used correctly it would be a good thing.

DQ finishes can be good as they can continue a feud without making anybody look weak. But that doesn't happen very often, unfortunately.

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