Cody Rhodes

I don't know what the general feeling with Cody is, but my thoughts are this..

He only has his spot, because of his Father. Cody MAY have talent in time, but his t.v. spot is because of a lack-luster series of events resulting in a death.. as well as several injuries that have probably made W.W.E. reconsider bring in the older wrestlers.

I personally don't like Cody, his gimmick is cowboy-ish.. but his attire is plan & crappy. At least where a cowboy hat, or chaps, or a belt buckle.. go hang out with Cade & Murdoch for goodness sakes. hahaha

His finishing move, is a D.D.T. -- albeit, a nice one.. the classic finishing move of a cowboy, has seemingly been.. the bulldog off the ropes, or running up from behind.

Finally, is it just me, or does Cody not even LOOK like either Dusty OR Dustin?!? Apparently during the making process, Dusty was scrapping the bottom of the bowl for the remaining Genes he had. lol
I could see great things for Cody Rhodes' future. I think he will be one of the top stars in the next 5-10 years and not like Cena or Batista either, this kid can actually wrestle his way out of a paper bag. Ironically, I can see him gain most of his successes as a Randy Orton-type heel, he will be wearing the ten thousand dollar suits and acting like an ass which will get great heat on him. Right now he needs a lot of work before he is ready for the main event scene and hopefully WWE doesn't rush him in to things too quickly because IMO, he will be a future WWE Champion.
I don't know what the general feeling with Cody is, but my thoughts are this..

He only has his spot, because of his Father. Cody MAY have talent in time, but his t.v. spot is because of a lack-luster series of events resulting in a death.. as well as several injuries that have probably made W.W.E. reconsider bring in the older wrestlers.

I personally don't like Cody, his gimmick is cowboy-ish.. but his attire is plan & crappy. At least where a cowboy hat, or chaps, or a belt buckle.. go hang out with Cade & Murdoch for goodness sakes. hahaha

His finishing move, is a D.D.T. -- albeit, a nice one.. the classic finishing move of a cowboy, has seemingly been.. the bulldog off the ropes, or running up from behind.

Finally, is it just me, or does Cody not even LOOK like either Dusty OR Dustin?!? Apparently during the making process, Dusty was scrapping the bottom of the bowl for the remaining Genes he had. lol

While i'm not all that impressed with the kid (mainly cause he looks so skinny and kinda sloppy in the ring or maybe that was just Davari), he has a future in this business. He can talk which is a huge requirement in WWE and he eventually will fill out. As someone said earlier he is a younger version of randy orton.

I really don't have a problem with the gimmick, the attire, or the finisher. It's similar to dustin's early WCW gimmick. When he got over because of his pops. The DDT finisher works cause it's makes you think of the 80's/early 90's which is were his gimmick is taken from (Honestly I would have marked out hard if he finished him with Dustin's bulldog).

Dustin is cody's half brother and they don't really look as differrent as it may seem except for the fact that dustin had blonde hair and cody's hair is brown.

I find it kinda funny that cody's getting a push when it seemed for years that Vince hated Dusty (the Polka Dots and headband) or anything associated with dusty(Dustin as GoldDust).
Please will someone please stitch Cody some new trunks? He looks like a lima bean out there! apart from that, his last match was much better than the match before that. If he can keep showing improvement, thats great. I did like it when he gave a condom to McMahon. It allowed the fans to be exposed to Cody, but it still doesnt say anything about Cody's gimmick. This kid needs a gimmick because him being the American Dream's other kid is not going to cut it for long....
cody teaming with orton? yeah so now cody can get over as a heal if he killed his dad's legend.... and then he can become the new goldust since we're in the mood for bad ideas.... i really dont see any future it teaming orton with cody.... sorry.... if it happens, i'll eat crow....
think about it. cody with orton, killing dusty's legend. he then doesn't have to live off his father and we already know orton causes trouble. not like golddust, but more like orton and edge, just cody's younger. if it doesn't happen that way, say goodbye to cody. fans rally behind him like eugene.
Cody will get people behind due to him being dusty kid and standing up for his daddy against the big bad legend killer. Though he has shown that he has some moves in the ring he really blan with his entrance, ring look. He needs a remake to get some more personality. He can talk so that good thing but i think instead of having Cody on RAW that Smackdown would have been better. Though it wont surprise me that by early next year he will be the Intercontinental championship hunt.
Cody wont team with Orton b/c the title is going to Orton and he is feuding with Cena and HHH. No time for a new faction to develop. Cody is said to be very good on the mic and does look kind of evil, heel turn will definitely legitimize him more However, his entrance, ring attire and move set need to be worked for him to really make it. His wins look like "fluke wins" b/c he has no finisher. So with work, maybe a short move to SD or ECW, but it does seem he was prematurely called up.
Cody wont team with Orton b/c the title is going to Orton and he is feuding with Cena and HHH. No time for a new faction to develop. Cody is said to be very good on the mic and does look kind of evil, heel turn will definitely legitimize him more However, his entrance, ring attire and move set need to be worked for him to really make it. His wins look like "fluke wins" b/c he has no finisher. So with work, maybe a short move to SD or ECW, but it does seem he was prematurely called up.

You are right on that a nice heel turn would really work him as his face man just as that evil look so he could really pull that off. Though if that would to happen he need to switch shows IMO but a heel Cody would be great as the only people cheering for him are kiddies and girls.

He was prematurely called up as VKM wanted a new face to put aside the Benoit thing. And VKM thought a new face would help plus it work good with the storyline between dusty and orton.
while i agree with both aj and ozz, i think he is bland and orton can make that diffience. and ozz, what about orton winning the belt. i know have cody learn and run interference for orton during matches. setting up orton/runnels vs cena/hhh? but i mostly agree with smackdown.
Yeah he definitely needs to turn heel, but not right away. He should keep fighting for his job on Raw for awhile, they need to have coach or whoever keep telling him if he loses he's gone, or maybe after awhile go on a losing streak or whatever, something to get him fired from Raw. Then after awhile have him show up on ECW or SD!, as the tag team partner of somebody. In my dream world, Cody would team up with Ric Flair on SD!, but it could be whoever. Give them a decent run as a tag team, not necessarily win the titles but come close, and THEN have Cody turn heel and fued with whoever his partner was. By this time, maybe one more fued, he should be ready for a United States title run. He still needs to bulk up though, just like Kenny.
on second thought, that would be like orton/flair. 1, been done before and 2,i rather see the kids. maybe 2-3 gen for a name.
It goes without saying that Rhodes does have a history with having a hell of a legend for a father. Some could go on and say he was pushed too fast. Maybe he was, but you could say that about almost anybody but like most of everybody, I've heard decent things to good things about him. Now, he has only wrestled for less than to a month on TV. Establishing himself will take time as will touch-ups needed if any to his mic work and in ring skills. However, on Raw this past monday, the crowd chanting boring couldn't have been helpful but part of that could also fall on the shoulders of Charlie Haas for not doing a good job to help carry the rookie. Time will tell as to how big a star Cody Rhodes can be, but it's not going to be the only time that the offspring of a wrestling legend established himself. Randy Orton of course is one that was brought up on this thread and you can also throw Bret Hart, Jeff Jarrett, The Rock. Let's just see where the puzzle pieces fall for Cody Rhodes and see how it turns out for the kid.
If anything, the WWE should give him more mic time since that is his strong suit (hell, no better teacher than The American Dream who raised the bar in his day when it came to mic time...NOBODY will ever be as great as Dusty is on the mic). Once the fans see how strong he is on presenting himself vocally will they start to fall in for his athleticism in the ring. SmackDown is a better fit for him.
I think it is cool to see all the 80's stars' kids breaking through now. Rhodes, Smith, Hart, Neidhart and I've heard of the Million Dollar mans son coming in aswell!
Before we know it we will have HHH's kid spraying milk from the ring apron!
I can't actually believe what I read. I have no clue who said it, but someone actually gave the idea of Randy Orton & Cody Rhodes v. Triple H & John Cena.. all I have to say is..

If W.W.E. is THAT pathetic to get main eventers, they need to sell the company to T.N.A. Cody Rhodes is NOT main event material, especially not now. I give him another two monthes before fans turn on him, like they did Santino. (the only difference is.. Cody has a finisher, & a legendary Dad.. Santino has.. Umaga? lol)

Cody needs a new look, a better finisher.. even if it is a bulldog. And a gimmick outside of being the "other" grandson, of a plumber. Maybe add Kristal with some poka-dots & they can be the second coming.. lol
You can tell Cody's gonna be good on the mic. Now he just needs a gimmick all to his own and some more experience. He's gonna be pretty good.
i think Cody is going to be a great wrestler, he does need to bulk up a little. Somebody posted earlier he has the built of spike dudley. He needs a gimmick but stated earlier, him giving the condom to mr mcmahon was hilarious. But to get him off on the right track he needs maybe to team up with a someone and have a run at maybe the tag team titles.....Or send him to smackdown.He might get used better.Raw is full of star power. But anyways Cody in the future has the talent to be a legend but we will see how he gets used.
Cody will be getting a push very soon i think. I think he's going to go after the IC title from Carlito or Kennedy, depending on tonight (defenitley not Umaga, that would be a squash) And he will fail at getting the IC title, or he might win it and lose it within 2 months max. Then he will begin a feud in the WHC picture. (tag matches cena/cody vs HHH/orton ? ) thats just my 2 cents, because i think HHH will go heel after his 2 week feud with Bookah.

but hell, i guess we shall see :D
Cody Rhodes? Then what else is next? I don't think that Cody can be a much big main event Superstar, he looks so yuck! Don't know what to think about Cody as for his push a good IC Championship Push don't matter. But then again he remains a Mid-Carder.
If Cody Rhodes wants to get into the Big Ground then he should really Work out and build up then I don't mind looking at him as a long IC Champion.
hes not that small, if he has good enough moves to sell his size in ring then i dont see why in the future he cant be main event, u guys are sounding like vince wanting every superstar to be huge, its because of fans like this that most of the wrestlers in WWE have to take steroids, cody is athelitc, him bulking up would just force him to change his style in ring, with from what ive seen i really liked and was entertained...

many guys arent huge, burke, punk, nitro, but hell they can still sell a match with their size, cena vs nitro didnt look like it would be a squash because of the size difference... i think hes okay as long as his moveset is effective like jeff, burke, nitro, punk and all the other less bulked up stars...
Cody Rhodes doesnt need to be winning any title anytime soon...maybe the Cruiserweight on Smackdown...maybe the womens title..i dunno..but no major titles. He's been rushed into the Main WWE scene, and the results wont show for years
cody was a mistake why did they make him lose to orton so much thats a horrible way to start your wwe career maybe the storyline is goood but i wouldve waited rill winter or something when people forgot about orton vs. rhodes thing and he probably wouldve been better then.

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