Cody Rhodes

I agree with you Jack, it was a bad move by putting an upcoming superstar into a feud with somebody who just slapped him down for about four weeks. If only Dusty Rhodes could have had a feud with Davari or something, lol.

Anyways, i see him in the IC title picture for sure. Or if he does go to SD! the US title. or a new tag team?

I think if he stays on raw he will get in the wwe title picture and obviously lose, but just use it as a push :D
I think Cody Rhodes has everything going for him. He's young, talented, and obviously is going places, hopefully good places. The only problem I have with Cody, isn't really a problem with Cody, it's more like a problem with how they protray him. I think Cody could be much, much better as heel, especially if they gave him some mic time (look at his OVW stuff), and I think he's a lot more interesting as an edgier character. Right now he seems a bit too "fluffy" as I like to say.

Despite that, I am looking forward to seeing what Cody is going to do in the future. He has all the right "ingrediants" to one day become a top star.

Flames Out
When I look at Cody Rhodes, surprisingly enough I see a lot of Randy Orton, which kind of made it funny that these 2 had a feud right away. Just look at the similarities: both Cody and Randy come from highly respectable families of wrestling, only Randy is a 3rd generation while Cody is 2nd generation. But if you really look at it, Cody is almost like a 3rd generation because there is such a gap between Cody and Dustin Runnels. Secondly when Orton first came to the wwe, he had a similar physique to Cody. Orton also had the same kind of move set as Cody ala very technically sound(not flashy). Orton also used, if im not mistaken, the crossbody press from the top rope as his finisher when he first came to the wwe, and that seems to be what Cody uses. Also when Orton first came to the wwe, he gave off the same kind of vibe as Cody, a young wrestler eager to prove themselves, but with a hint of arrogance to them(when Cody walks down the aisle, the look and strut he gives is almost like he thinks he is better than anyone, its not an overpowering arrogance, but there is some there). So what this comes to is that I see Cody Rhodes brought up slowly in wwe, used as a mid-carder for a while, but I can definitely see Cody turning heel quite in the same way as Orton did and spitting in the face of tradition. He won't necessarily become the next legend killer, but I do think that Cody would make a good heel in the future.
I've said it once.. I've said it twice.. I'll state my opinion for the third time.

After seeing Cody Rhodes go over Daivari & the World's Greatest Tag Team.. I'm still not impressed. Now I'll admit, I simply didn't like him cause his gimmick is stale.. to me, if you use your family blood line.. albeit, respectable & good.. it just means you have no true character, or charisma of your own.

Now this is only a comparison by gimmicks, not talent. However, take Owen Hart for example. He broke into the business, as the Blue Blazer just so he WOULDN'T fall into the gimmick of being "Bret's brother," or having huge family lines in wrestling. Once again, albeit, that gimmick failed Owen & he did turn to his bloodline.. the point I'm making is.. he never truly escaped being the "younger brother of Bret Hart."

Cody needs to step away from the gimmick of being Dusty's son. He needs to build his own career.. not continue it where his Father left off.

My other issue with him is his size. The only comparison that he has to Randy Orton, is the fact both looked tall & skinny. Cody needs to bulk up, or get a better attire.. cause the yellow trunks aren't doing him any favors with his body size.
Get rid of the banana yellow outfit, the stupid boots and his dad and people will take him much, much more seriously, I assure you. Is it just me or does it sometimes seem that he never gets any sleep? His eyes look constantly tired, but it could just me be...

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
Is it just me or does it sometimes seem that he never gets any sleep? His eyes look constantly tired, but it could just me be...

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!

IT'S THE ROIDS!!! hahahaha Sorry, couldn't resist.. but I guarantee you if the media ran a story on Cody & his eyes. It'd be roids.

I noticed that too, however. If you ask me, I think he gets beat up at house shows a lot. Perhaps they're black eyes?
hello, Im new here but i thought this would be a nice first topic to post on. The Cody Rhodes story is for me the best thing going in WWE right now. I love turning in every week to see a little bit more of what he can do and watch him progress. I think he's already showing hes one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Frankly I get tired of seeing guys punch, kick, and slam someones head into the turnbuckle for 90% of a match. It's nice to see someone use some technical skills again and actually have a good sense of storytelling in the ring. I'm sure it won't last as he gets bigger in push and status, WWE will change his booking so his matches look more like everyonoe elses, but it's nice to see something close to "wrestling" going on in there again.
Out of all my WWE watching friends I am the only one who seems to have the time for Cody Rhodes. I think he looks like a real good star for the future. A lot more than the likes of Santino Marella.

The general consensus from my friends is if he had a gimmick then he would be better and to a degree I agree with them. Just now he's just Cody Rhodes, son of Dusty with his plain little trunks and generic music. Give him a character and some decent promo time and let's see what the kid is really made of.
he should beat up his dad and turn heel. announce to the world that he doesnt want to follow in his dads steps, he wants to make a name for himself and not known as dusty rhodes son. with him beating up his dad and if orton doesnt win the title. orton and cody can team up and become tag team champs. calling themselves the Legend Killers
I think Cody's going to go real far, not just because his fathers a Legend, but because I think he has alot of talent, his DDT's and English Bulldogs are brutal lol. I also see some tag-team potential and he should be ready for some gold very soon. That's my opinion, anyway.
I think that Cody Rhodes will do pretty good.But i dont think they should have started him out in a fued with Randy Orton.I think 4 about 3 years or so he will be in the Intercontnentle championship picture than 1 day he will get the bubp to the wwe championship picture and maybe win the title
Well I've waited a while to say what I want to say about Cody Rhodes, I've seen enough matches of his to comment now. Cody Rhodes is a welcome breath of fresh air, he seems to improve week by week and I can see him going big places. However from what I think and what people have said I think the following needs to be done;

1) He needs to get out of the I'm son of Dusty Rhodes, I mean Goldust didn't do that, and I don't think he should be int he shadow

2) I think he needs to form a tag team with another midcarder (no idea who) and be brought into th tag team division, this will help him be built up, to see if he's ready for the big stage and this tag team needs to be a proper team (like Londrick, WGTT etc not two individuals thrown together)

3) Keep him on Raw, I think it's a disgrace that smackdown is seen as the lesser brand, more mid card talent on Raw please!
Well I've waited a while to say what I want to say about Cody Rhodes, I've seen enough matches of his to comment now. Cody Rhodes is a welcome breath of fresh air, he seems to improve week by week and I can see him going big places. However from what I think and what people have said I think the following needs to be done;

1) He needs to get out of the I'm son of Dusty Rhodes, I mean Goldust didn't do that, and I don't think he should be int he shadow

2) I think he needs to form a tag team with another midcarder (no idea who) and be brought into th tag team division, this will help him be built up, to see if he's ready for the big stage and this tag team needs to be a proper team (like Londrick, WGTT etc not two individuals thrown together)

3) Keep him on Raw, I think it's a disgrace that smackdown is seen as the lesser brand, more mid card talent on Raw please!

i agree with you. i posted this earlier.. he should beat up his dad and turn heel. announce to the world that he doesnt want to follow in his dads steps, he wants to make a name for himself and not known as dusty rhodes son. with him beating up his dad and if orton doesnt win the title. orton and cody can team up and become tag team champs. calling themselves the Legend Killers... what do you think
After watching a few of Cody's matches I really cant say anything bad about the kid. Its been mentioned already about the whole im Dustys son if he can make a name for himself all the better.
i agree with you. i posted this earlier.. he should beat up his dad and turn heel. announce to the world that he doesnt want to follow in his dads steps, he wants to make a name for himself and not known as dusty rhodes son. with him beating up his dad and if orton doesnt win the title. orton and cody can team up and become tag team champs. calling themselves the Legend Killers... what do you think

I think he would work better as a face and like I said in a proper tag team, not with Orton as he's a main eventer at the moment, the push would come too soon for him. I feel he needs someone like Divari (not suggesting him) who can work in the ring and who's currently a low-mid carder like Rhodes.
if they do tag team him up. i would like to see cody and idk, maybe they can bring someone over because there isnt much there. maybe the val venis or something who can still teach cody the ropes but if they are plaining to keep him as a tag champ for a decent amount of time in the near future he needs someone to help him more then val unless val gets one more push.
I really like Cody, he is young, and is willing to learn. In a few years he might even be a main eventer. But right know WWE is lacking of tag teams so like FlameboyUK said I think he should go in to the tag scene. He is very talented and needs to work with an eqaul, so lets say when Gregory Helms returns he jumps ship to RAW and starts a tag team with Cody. It would help the division and Cody could really learn from Helms.
i agree with you. i posted this earlier.. he should beat up his dad and turn heel. announce to the world that he doesnt want to follow in his dads steps, he wants to make a name for himself and not known as dusty rhodes son. with him beating up his dad and if orton doesnt win the title. orton and cody can team up and become tag team champs. calling themselves the Legend Killers... what do you think

Ah I've had that idea for weeks.. Cody's actually from my hometown and I see him at my gym every now and then. I like his style, he's still really really young.

Maybe they could even team him up with Benjamin, since they were both amateur wrestlers. Maybe have Benjamin take him under his wing while Haas is gone. Haas comes back and Benjamin turns on him. I could see a nice feud there.
I like the idea of him out of his dad's shadow. The, as a heel, how about a team with Matt Sydal? I didn't like Sydal's new persona of the cocky, arrogant guy at first but its starting to fit. Maybe head down to OVW to hone their team skills and come back up to RAW and feud with Londrick? We all know that if Sydal goes to the Cruiserweight division, he'll be lost in the shuffle. This way, he'll be able to gain some mainstream exposure like we all know he and Cody deserve...
cody rhodes def has the potential to become something great just like his father if not better...all the elements are there and once put together we will see something amazing added to this far as turning him heel and him babbling about not wanting to live in his fathers shadow i think its a horrible idea...i think rhodes should build himself without involving any bullshit like that..unless he is a good couple years into his career..overall i dnt think that storyline is good...but rhodes is def on the road to becoming great..let him build himself keep him as a single wrestler so he can build more of a character before he throws himself into a tag team..a kid like cody rhodes has alot of possiblity and if built right we can see a future main eventer for the company
I'll admit that the first time I saw him have a match I was like "yikes, he's small!" but after some consideration I like that he's not too super buff and he looks like a real person (minus the DORKY ring attire), All his raw matches have looked pretty decent to me but I don't think he's ready for Raw yet (whomever said he was put on TV in a rush to distract from the Benoit nightmare was correct) but he's there already and it would be sad if he went to SD or God forbid ECW so I think it might be nice to watch him develope and grow into the business right in front of our faces. He looks SO young, he cant be any older than me at max (I'm 23)....anyone know how old he is? EDIT. Answered my own question. He's 22. Thanx wikipedia.
He is gonna be the same as orton apart from all the behaviour problems hopefully. Orton Comes in and develops and now he is a main event star. I think Cody will do the same. Give him about two years and he will be challenging for some gold. I think at the moment it is good to have Cody on TV because of all the suspensions. He has a normal build and doesnt look as if he pumps steroids in his body so it can show people who watch the shows that you dont have to be huge to be a wrestler.
You dont have to be huge, but being the son of a legend is probably something to do with it :p

I personally think he is O.k. his performances havent dazzled me, nor have they disappointed me, they are what I expect from a rookie, and I think he is gaining popularity by the week, which is a good sign for a rookie.

A heel turn would do wonders for him in terms of getting further in his career, we need a few more heels on Raw I think, especially with Booker leaving for 2 months (or permanantly if you believe what you read).

He needs some new clothes and music, apart from that Ill give him my blessing.
I dont have a problem with the guy, he is a solid in ring performer and has vastly improved since his debut. I think the best thing for him would be as a tag team to develop him there. He does remind me of Randy Orton but a tad bit smaller. I hope he has the same success as Orton. His facial expressions made him look like he could be a good heel. His DDT actually looks painful. He does need some new attire but. He is young, I dont know how old but i am looking forward to see him grow on the A list show and it'll will be a matter of time before he has gold around his waste. I just hope they dont use him to fight daivari every week, but all in all he looks mighty impressive.
Codys a good wrestler but I think he needs to work on his mic skills a bit.

I think best thing for him to do would be to get a manager....Dusty himself maybe?...or even thinking about it Mick Foley and let them do the talking for him.

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