CWL Power! week 1

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*Power theme and Pyro go off and fans screem*

The Chairman appears on the titantron

Chairman:Welcome everyone to CWL Power! As you know, our Sea title tournament will start tonight and our main event is a suicidial six way for the CWL heavyweight championship. But first, our tag team titles will be decided when Eugene and the Hurricane go two on two with Heidenrich and Paul London. Also, my personal assitant just informed me that joey styles was visiously attacked in the parking lot before tonights show, so our invite for the three annoucers will be postponed until monday. Last but not least, i just signed some new talent that will be here for the sea title tournament. enjoy the show!

*Eugene and The Hurricane come out to The Hurricane's music. Eugeneis running around like crazy, and The Hurricane seems a little agitated*

*Paul London and Heidereich come out to Paul London's Music and they both run to the ring together.*

Match #1: Paul London and Heidenrich vs Eugene and The Hurricane

London and Eugene start off. London use quick and athletic to keep Eugene down. Paul London trys a moonsault, but misses, and Eugene tags in the Hurricane. Hurricane starts to beat London at his own game, using quick and athletic moves. He goes for the Eye of the Hurricane, but London blocks it and tags in heidenrich. Hurricane trys to knock down the big guy, but Heidenreich over powers him every time. Heidenrech sets Hurricane up for the shoulderbreaker, but makes the mitake of going towards Eugene's corner. Hurricane calls for a tag, but Eugene is ditracted, waving at the crowd. Heidenreich hits the shoulderbreaker for the 1.....2......3!

Winner and NEW Universial Tag Team Champions: Paul London and Heidenreich

Eugene relises they lost, and goes to check on Hurricane. The Hurricane gets up and looks really mad at Eugene, he calms down, and they walk to the back together as we go to commercial.

When we get back, HBK is in the ring waiting for his opponet

A masked man makes his way to the ring and demands a microphone.

???: Ladies and Gentlemaen, this match is shecudualed for one fall. Already introduced, from San Antonio, Shawn Micheals. And now, the moment you have all been waiting for, The man who will single handedly change the CWL! I hail from Green Bay Wisconsin. MRRRRRRR. KENNADY..........KENNADY!!!!

Match 2: Mr. Kennady vs. HBK
Mr. Kennady starts right away with some chops and HBK comes right back. They go back and forth punching each other, But Mr. Kennday starts to dominate towards the end of the match. Mr. Kennady hits a Kenton Bomb for the 1.....2......3!

Winner: Mr Kennady.
Mr. Kennady: The Winner of this match as a result of a pinfall, MRRRRRRR. KENNADY.........KENNADY!

We cut to Todd Grisham in the back, standing next to a man wearing Green shorts and boots, with a Backward Camoflague baseball cap, and short black hair.

Todd: I am here with new signee The Nick, and Nick, your first match in you first major promotion is against vertran Rey Mysterio. Are you nervous?

The Nick: HAhaha! Nervous? You think some who was introduced to wrestling by the Rock and trained by the Rock would be nervous? Of couse not! I can almost smell the Sea title.....Now, if you will excuse me, i have a midget to Powerbomb, if ya smell what The nick is baking!

back from commercial, Rey and The Nick are both in the ring

Match 3: Rey mysterio vs The Nick
The Nick looks down on rey and starts to laugh. Rey responds with a low dropkick to the knees. The Nick gets right back to his feets and starts to just push rey around the ring. The nick starts to taunt the crowd, and Rey trips him from behind! The Nick is in position for the 619, and Rey hits it. Rey jumps off the ropes. The Nick catches him and hits a powerbomb for the 1...2....3!!!!!

Winner: The Nick!
We cut backstage as we see Todd Grisham hanging out back stage when JBL comes in

JBL hey Todd! What are you doing interveiwing a Circus Monkey like The Nick, when you should be interveiwing and Wrestling God! All I want to say is, when the title becomes mine, I will set the example for what all future champions should be. In fact, there will be no other champions. I will be the only champion the CWL will ever Need!

Edge's music hits as he runs down to the ring, then Charlie Hass's music hits.

Match 4: Before Charlie knows whats going on, Edge hits him with a huge spear! Edge pick Charlie up and hit the Edgeucution! Edge then hits another spear for the 1......2.......3!

Winner: Edge!

Edge grabs a mike.

Edge: Did you just see that? I just beat him in less then a minute. If that doesnt tell you why i should be in the title match tonight, nothing will! I will prove to you all by winning this title, that I will be champion someday!

Christian is alreadyis already in the ring when Bobby Lashly's music hits.

Match 5: Christian vs. Bobby Lashley.

Lashley uses his power to overpower the smaller Christian. Christian is just getting massicured, there is really no other way to put it. When Christian finally gets some offense going, he knocks the ref out. Chirstian goes for a chair, but another ref comes out to stop him. As the ref gives the chair back, Chirstian sneaks behind lashley and hits him with a low blow! Then an unprettier for the 1.....2......3!

Winner: Christian

Chirstian Celebrates up the ramp. we go to the final commercial before the main event!

Back from commercial, Benoit and Cena are in the ring, JBL is making his entrance, followed by Austin, then angle, then HHH.

MAin Event: Angle vs Austin vs JBL vs Cena Vs HHH vs Benoit

Angle goes after Cena , Austin goes after HHH, and JBL goes after Benoit. Cena starts to win agaisnt Angle, throwing him out of the ring. He Joins Benoit going after JBL, but JBL overpowers them both Austin stops on HHH and hits JBL from behind, and the start to brawl. Angle gets back in the ring and goes after the gorunded HHH. meanwhile Cena and Benoit recover and join Austin on beating up JBL. Austin wispers something into both Cena and Benoit's ears, and the both agree. Cena lifts JBL up for th FU! He FU's him to the outside! Benoit climbs the turnbuckle, and goes for the Flying headbutt on JBL. Cena turns around. Stunner to Cena! at the exact same time, Angle lifts HHH up for the angle slam. Angle applys the ankle lock onto HHH as Austin goes for the pin. The Ref Doesnt see Austin's pin! He is looking at angle's ankle lock. HHH trys to get to the ropes, but taps!!!!!!!

Winner and NEW CWL world heavyweight champion: Kurt Angle!

Angle is handed the title belt and turns around STUNNER! The world champion is left lying in the ring as Austin looks on.
Here's the thing I felt that your match were way too short and they ended prematurely especially the Mr. Kennedy vs. HBK match.

The Main event was good but you have to stretch the match span longer than that be more descriptive, like tell more about what happened in between the bells.

Christian vs. Lashley- That had potential to go somewhere but you did'nt expand on it at all. Just remember be creative as if you were going to air it on television.

a lot of your matches were very short. 45/100 a bad show.
For some guideance check out my show WWA: revolution.
yea, im trying. i just dont know moves well enough to use them regularly.
- London and Heidenreich is a stange pairing, I would have never have thought to put those two together. I like the humor between Eugene and Hurricane being tag team partners. Nicely done match, and it's always great to see new Tag Team Champions.

- Kennedy's approach with the black mask was pretty cool. I would have preferred to see this match have some more detail, but it was still pretty cool. HBK jobbing to Kennedy though? Eh, at least it gets Kennedy over.

- The Nick...interesting character. I don't like how Mysterio jobbed out to him though. Still, his promo was pretty well done.

- The Edge segment was pretty pointless, just to be honest. The match was short and bland. I think you should have had someone come out and cut a segment with Edge.

- Christian getting the HUGE upset on Lashley was great! Nicely done match, probably my favorite of the show.

- Angle winning was pretty cool.

All in all, I like the idea you've got going here. Your match endings seem great, I would just like a little bit more detail in the actual match itself. Other than that, keep it up.


- Vertan
Vertan said:
- London and Heidenreich is a stange pairing, I would have never have thought to put those two together. I like the humor between Eugene and Hurricane being tag team partners. Nicely done match, and it's always great to see new Tag Team Champions.

- Kennedy's approach with the black mask was pretty cool. I would have preferred to see this match have some more detail, but it was still pretty cool. HBK jobbing to Kennedy though? Eh, at least it gets Kennedy over.

- The Nick...interesting character. I don't like how Mysterio jobbed out to him though. Still, his promo was pretty well done.

- The Edge segment was pretty pointless, just to be honest. The match was short and bland. I think you should have had someone come out and cut a segment with Edge.

- Christian getting the HUGE upset on Lashley was great! Nicely done match, probably my favorite of the show.

- Angle winning was pretty cool.

All in all, I like the idea you've got going here. Your match endings seem great, I would just like a little bit more detail in the actual match itself. Other than that, keep it up.


- Vertan

Sorry for the sort of long hiatis, but summer school got in the way

anyway the london tag team idea actually came a couple of months ago from sd vs raw 06 when they beat another tag team i might use here sometime for the title.

Yeah, i didnt really like how the HBK, Edge, and Nick matches turned out, but meh what are you gonna do. To tell you the truth Edge was supposed to encounter someone, but i changed my mind at the last minute.

I went back and forth with the christian match for a while, as i really like both personalities.

The main event was my favorite, but everyone has a different opinion. Angle winning was the plan all along, but nothing is set in stone as of now.

thanks for the higher reveiw. really put my sprirts up. now i got to go update the website.
I actually like the London/Heidenreich pairing. I think it works.

I agree the Kennedy/HBK match could have been better. The thing with your matches is you leave a lot to imagination. Just put a little more detail into them.

The Nick? Is this maybe an original character or your version of Spirit Squad's Nicky?

Anyway I'll be looking forward to the next show. 50/100
nah, the nick would be me if i was old enough, im trying to see the reaction to the character by you guys before i give him a main event push.
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