Cryme Tyme breakup: Well, that didn't work out now did it?

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
Before I start, did you know Shad's name is Shad Chad Javier Romane Chittick Gaspard? The things you learn on wiki.

Anyway, the first SmackDown after WrestleMania, Cryme Tyme suffered a quick loss to Ebony and Ivory themselves, John Morrison and R-Truth. After the match, Shad snapped and attacked JTG. They feuded up to Extreme Rules, where JTG won a Strap Match over his former partner. Shad won a rematch on Superstars the next Thursday and that was it.

JTG has gone on to random low-midcard matches, including jobbing to "Dashing" Cody Rhodes on SmackDown this week. Shad beat a few local competitors and then was sent down to FCW where I think he has actually lost most of his matches. (That may or may not be accurate, it seems every time they post results on the main page he lost)

So what was the point of breaking them up? WWE has so few "real" tag teams, and Cryme Tyme was one of them. They were almost like the black, less entertaining version of the Motor City Machine Guns: Always over and close/in the title hunt, but never champs. Did the WWE make a mistake by splitting them up?
I think so. There are so few face tag-teams. And none at all on SD! as far as i know. Now instead of a tag team that was over and entertaining to watch, you have a lower midcard and and FCW wrestler. This was definately a mistake.

Of course every team breaks up eventually, but i think they did it at the wrong time. They couldve at least be used to put over the Dudebusters or Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins.
We all said it was a bad idea at the time, and the WWE has done nothing to prove us wrong. They got a month of face time and that was it. JTG has potential and they aren't letting him show it, and hopefully Shad can develop a character in FCW or he is completely useless.

Hopefully Cryme Tyme will reunite in similar fashion as the Colons did. Even if they aren't a threat to the titles, they are a good team to put over the young heel teams on Smackdown that seemingly have no legit tag teams to face.

Cryme Tyme was one of the most over tag teams in the WWE, and for no reason they just broke them up, and for what? Nothing. This was pointless and a horrible decision by management as Cryme Tyme was over, a credible tag team, and they were able to get the newer teams over.
I said it was a bad idea then, and I still think it was a bad idea. As Vintage One said, WWE isn't letting JTG show his potential, and Shad is in FCW learning how to be better overall. Cryme Tyme was over, and I really liked them. There are some teams that should never be split up and Cryme Tyme was one of them. As a team, they worked together well, they were actually featured on TV, and I think they really should have won the titles at least once because they were popular and fun. They'd be great as a legit threat to the titles or as enhancement talent, as heels (vicious street thugs) or faces (playful street thugs).

I want a Cryme Tyme reunion, because unless WWE plans on strapping a rocket to JTG's ass, neither former member is going to go anywhere except the unemployment line.
In a way, splitting Cryme Tyme was a good idea. Shad sucked and needed some training, whilst JTG was ready for a push into singles competition. Well, they accomplished 2/3 of what was supposed to happen... I'm not seeing any sort of push for JTG and is being used the way Finlay was. He won against the lower card guys and entertained the children in the audience, but the moment he saw some sort of "real" competition he lost.

As Doc said, they've got to push JTG and this whole split won't have seem like a waste. Either that, or put him into another tag team with someone else... I'd love to see the team of Truth and JTG. Truth, being the veteran he is, could give some sort of a rub to JTG and elevate him when they do break-up. Truth made Morrison relevant with the crowd again, so it'll be an easy task for Truth.

I'm not fussed on Shad, he needs to improve. JTG needs to rise or there's no use keeping him.
Shad and JTG won't do anything major on their own. Their split boggles my mind every time I think about it. Besides The Usos and The Hart Dynasty, WWE really doesn't have true tag teams. Shad and JTG could've had a nice run as tag champs.

There's a chance JTG could get near the IC title in the future,but after having to job to Cody, that seems highly unlikely. Shad could play the "scary big man" role, but he still needs more work. Either way, I don't see anything major happeing for Shad or JTG in the future. Both of them will be stuck in the mid card for a while, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were released in the near future.
As Doc said, they've got to push JTG and this whole split won't have seem like a waste. Either that, or put him into another tag team with someone else... I'd love to see the team of Truth and JTG. Truth, being the veteran he is, could give some sort of a rub to JTG and elevate him when they do break-up. Truth made Morrison relevant with the crowd again, so it'll be an easy task for Truth.

This just simply can not work because they are on different rosters. I know you are some what fantasizing but they just can't switch JTG over to RAW or R-Truth to Smackdown and I really can't see it happening. Yes Shad is bad, but him and JTG complimented each other well, and as a tag team Shad hid behind JTG in the ring, and did enough on the mic, with their catch phrases for him to be on the roster. Yes Shad is shit, but on Cryme Tyme, they give JTG something to do while hiding Shad's flaws.
They shouldn't have done this break up, but now its happened, JTG should be pushed instead of being relegated to lower-midcard status, they guy has potential, and the fans love him, plus JTG is charismatic, and good in the ring. But if they reunite it would likely be in the fashion of The Colons.
I was never really a fan of either member of Cryme Tyme as team, but as singles guys I can't really get into either of them. It would not surprise me to see them reunite again. Something along the lines of JTG getting the crap beat out of him and Shad coming to make the save and shocking us that he is helping JTG. This then would be accompanied by a few weeks of Shad trying to earn back JTG's trust and respect.

I believe the only real way for either of them to succeed is if they are with each other. Like Vintage One said, they complemented each other and JTG helped hide Shad's flaws in the ring and Big Shad could contribute on the mic. The split, like everyone has said has been a fail, as JTG isn't getting a push of any sorts and I guess Shad didn't make much of "his time", as he is down in FCW. I never saw much singles potential from either guy, but as a team they could at least make a nice run at the belts and maybe even get a win if a transitional champion is ever needed. Only time will tell, but the split right now looks pointless and I can't imagine that changing.
It's the curse of Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boyz I'm afraid.

Ever since those pairs split, the WWE seemed to have the idea that you could split every tag team up and let them both run as singles competitors, which simply isn't true.

Look at the Dudleys/Team 3D - a very credible tag team, but would be awful singles competitors.

I'm hoping beyond anything that they reform. They weren't a great tag team no. But I could buy them as tag champs which I can't for any other team on Smackdown right now.
I never truly cared about Cryme Tyme. Mostly because they didn't accomplish anything. They were just there as a kind of team for the sake of being a team and to put talent over. I cared so little about them that it became contagious towards The Hart Dynasty during their feud.

I seriously think that with a proper push at least to some position in the mid-card they could both serve a purpose. Actually putting talent over. Or winning singles competition belts themselves. I liked Shad's new look and what seems to have been a new gimmick as well. I just think it's a shame that they didn't capitalize on what could've been two firm mid-carders.

But yeah I guess there were truly no point in breaking them up. While as I said I don't give a damn about them. They could've served a purpose at least. They could've helped put over talent. Or give the champions a one Pay Per View fight or something.
I didn't really understand why the break-up happened when it did. Now, seeing what the former partners have done alone, i'm even more confused. When a tag team breaks-up, isn't one of them meant to go on and be really popular. It gave an alright feud for a month but that's it. It hasn't benefited Shad or JTG in the long-term.

JTG has gone on to random low-midcard matches, including jobbing to "Dashing" Cody Rhodes on SmackDown this week. Shad beat a few local competitors and then was sent down to FCW where I think he has actually lost most of his matches. (That may or may not be accurate, it seems every time they post results on the main page he lost)

Because before the break-up he was doing what? Headlining WrestleMania? Cryme Tyme were a jobber tag team in the lower midcard for the most part. But JTG has actually been doing pretty well, not spectaculary, but pretty well. He's winning matches and getting precious SmackDown air-time. I wouldn't be surprised if he does a promo soon. The great thing that JTG has managed to do is to stay over when Cryme Tyme split up. You are right about Shad, however. Most thought that he would be the main benefactor of the break-up. His inability to get over has really hindered him.

Both would be worthy of a decent midcard position. Well that is if Shad comes back from FCW a better heel. His look is great but he needs more character. JTG is fine and just needs time.
I Think That Splitting Up Cryme Tyme Was Stupid Because Cryme Tyme Was Loved By Many Fans and If They Were Given A Chance To Win Tag Team Gold, They Would of Been Great As Tag Tea Champs
I really don't like the idea even now. In my opinion, it would have been better if Shad would have been drafted to Raw and used as Ted DiBiase's bodyguard. He could have been in it for the money and it also would have played on the fact that he was a real life bodyguard.

JTG would probably be in the same boat anyway. Look how long it happened to R-Truth who practically had the same gimmick. He was on SmackDown! since August of 08 and just now seems to be getting ahead. It may take 2 years to get any sort of push and I just don't think the WWE will spend that much time in him.

Just reunite and let the crowd pleasing resume. From their chants of "Money, Money. Yeah Yeah" to their in ring tag team moves they had the love of just about every fan their. When the Yo's hit the sound system, their was a consistently large pop. They could probably sell a decent amount of merchandise and everyone loves the Lying, Cheating, and Stealing mentality.
I still do believe that it was a terrible idea, but I don't think it's a complete failure yet. Face it, when a tag team breaks up very rarely does both members of the team go on to find success on their own. But you can't expect them to get over without giving them anything to work with at all.

I think I have a very simple solution: take half of the time that they're wasting on McIntyre and Ziggler and give some to JTG. They've already established that nobody gives a fuck about the 2 most robotic mid carders they have on Smackdown! why not give a shot to someone unique with, I don't know at lest a hint of a fucking personality? JTG is tailor made to be way over with the kids and he is doing all that he can with the time he is given, but the E has to pull the trigger.

Unfortunately for Shad Gaspard, I think he'll go down as the Marty Jannetty of this group. I don't think he is completely useless, but he's not going to amount to much.

If they don't do something with JTG soon, then I do see an inevitable reunion between the 2. We've seen worse feuds been buried in the past, it wouldn't be hard to do.
I didn't like the split of Cryme Tyme at all. They were a decent tag team and they helped the WWE in an area where they were severely lacking. Usually when split a team they are destined for bigger, better things, or at least in member is, but the split of Cryme Tyme sent both guys down to worse places. JTG is a jobber and Shad is back in FCW, where be is jobbing.

I really hope they reunite this team, they're good together and their characters ate really good. I liked them as heels and as faces. Cryme Tyme NEEDS to reunite... No question.
I much preferred Cryme Tyme as a team, if nothing happens to them they could soon be released from WWE, so reuniting them gives them an opportunity to actually accomplish a tag title reign and even get a mid card push where they can actually feud. And now that WWE has a proper tag team division, CT can actually contribute in a good way, WWE should have made a decision like this.
I never truly cared about Cryme Tyme. Mostly because they didn't accomplish anything. They were just there as a kind of team for the sake of being a team and to put talent over. I cared so little about them that it became contagious towards The Hart Dynasty during their feud.

But yeah I guess there were truly no point in breaking them up. While as I said I don't give a damn about them. They could've served a purpose at least. They could've helped put over talent. Or give the champions a one Pay Per View fight or something.

This is exactly right Ferbian. They were a team that I did not particularly care for, but they had a purpose, and they did their job pretty damn well. They were over, but young talent over, and did I mention they were an actual tag team in the WWE.

There was absolutely no point in breaking them up. They had a month of tv time to feud each other and their feud wasn't even bad. Shad had an interesting gimmick with "My Tyme" and yes he needed work but he definitely could've stayed on the main roster and FCW at the same time.

JTG is extremely talented and he is over and is good on the mic and athletic in the ring and is a good show. He definitely has enough talent to be in the mid card and compete for a an Intercontinental Title or be an Money In The Bank as he certainly would be a treat in there.

Hopefully the WWE will fix this situation and just have Cryme Tyme come back together whenever Shad comes back to the main roster, and just have them go back to their old position in the tag team totem pole.
This annoys me that neither member of Cryme Tyme aren't going anywhere. For Shad I could barely give a crap but JTG is actually talented.

I don't understand why JTG wasn't put in the Smackdown Money In the Bank as unlike Cody Rhodes or Drew McIntyre HE IS OVER!. JTG has the talent and has the charisma to suceed in WWE to at least hold a midcard title such as the Intercontinental. As of late he has been taking children into the ring with him to do his signature taunt which with the likes of R-Truth and Rey Mysterio, Interacting with kids in the crowd gets you over big time. JTG is very athletic and at the time of the draft i read that the WWE were high on his in ring ability which is pretty damn impressive if you look at his athleticism and good array of moves. It's a damn shame JTG isn't being used to his best. He is very young at this stage which shows there is still hope for him.

Shad on the other hand as it has been mentioned went back to development to help people to learn to give a crap about him. He is decent in my opinion, the only problem with his is what seperates himfrom other monster heels? He has mediocre mic skills and had a pretty good look as a heel. His finisher is decent and he doesn't exactly have the best array of moves but still is somewhat decen tand could've been something good if he tried. But WWE shows us they haven't given up on him by releasing him as when they gave up on Shelton Benjamin they released him. Like JTG he is young and could have a pretty bright future ahead of him.
Doesn't really matter much, I'd say. They were shit anyway, Shad especially. Wasn't like they were going to do anything meaningful anyway. May as well let the Uso's and the Dudebusters take their spots..

It also got JTG, who may still have hope, away from Shad, who is hopeless. I'm sure he'll stick around the main roster for awhile, JTG that it, and possibly get a decent enough push at some point. Likely become US Champ or something. The whole affirmitive action thing, ya know?
Shad cant win anything nor can jtg...the only thing they can win is the tag titles...why split them at this time...they should re unite later this year and challenge for the tag titles...wwe will run out of competitiors soon...this was never a good idea..

They were supposed to push Shad from this split, instead he is learning more, whereas JTG is getting the action on Smackdown!!

WOW, wwe messed up!!
Yes! WWE made a huge mistake breaking up Cryme Tyme. I was anticipating it for a while now... I knew it was going to happen, but I always hated the idea. Now they have broken up for several months now, the same, exact thing I expected to happen, happened. NOTHING! Shad attacked JTG after losing a tag team match in less than a minute. In the weeks following, Shad continues to attack JTG mercilessly, leading up to a match at a ppv. JTG wins... Shad wins the rematch and then it's over.

If WWE was thinking of really breaking up Cryme Tyme... maybe they should have thought ahead, what would happen afterwards. If Shad needed to go to FCW and train more... why didn't it happen before the breakup? Atleast JTG is getting air time, but he's not doing much. He's just in random matches.

It was a terrible idea to break up Cryme Tyme then. It's a terrible idea now and it will likely continue to be a bad idea.
They’re both pretty useless by themselves unless JTG turns heel. They were a great over tag team and now they’re just 2 lost puppies without direction. Really silly idea by WWE to break them up. JTG dancing with kids and putting over mid card talent, he can do a lot more than that. And Shad, as much as FCW will hopefully help him he should have kept going with the heel push he was getting. He wasn’t that bad and just needed some guidance in what to do to gain heat and wrestle a bit better.

I hope JTG get’s a push but turn him heel so he can be a real thug. The street thug gimmick doesn’t work as a face unless he’s playing off of Shad. If it’s just him out there trying to be a friendly gangsta by himself he just looks like a tool, when he was with Shad they looked like tools, but tools you could love. Now if he were to go heel he could do really well, maybe change the gimmick up a bit more and he’s good to go.

No idea what they should do with Shad though. He probably needs to come back with no Cryme Tyme on him, something like an Ezekial Jackson character could work but honestly now that the tag team is gone I don’t see much hope for him any time soon.
I think Cryme Tyme had their run (if you can call it that) but they were starting to get stale. Sure they put on decent matches but never amazing matches. I am glad to see them go. When they had the occasional promo, it wasn't funny but embarrasing (for me!).
Cryme Tyme have to be the BIGGEST waste of talent around. Back when they first showed up in '06 they had the most potential to be that one tag team to make it a division even worth noting. Now it's 2010, Cryme Tyme never even held the title they chased for so long, and now they're trying to be put up as singles stars? That's a joke.

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