Cross The Line Is An Awful Phrase

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Thank you C.M.

What does Cross The Line actually mean?

TNA's new slogan "Cross the Line" refers to the fact that TNA doesn't feature clear cut faces and heels.

This has always been the foundation of Vince Russo's booking philosophy, as he feels there are no true good and evil people in this world.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Also might be a marketing campaign aimed at stealing fans from WWE.


TNA's new slogan "Cross the Line" refers to the fact that TNA doesn't feature clear cut faces and heels.

Now forgive me if I'm wrong. But doesn't TNA have clear cut heels and faces? You've got Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, A.J. Styles (faces) & Booker T, Team 3D, Awesome Knong (heels). Any wrestler who doesn't have a clearly defined role is probably the subject of bad booking. It's not so much bad booking if you do it on occasion, but every other week and it really is just bad booking, no other way of putting it.

Also don't heels and faces come out through different sides of the arena?

This has always been the foundation of Vince Russo's booking philosophy, as he feels there are no true good and evil people in this world.

Are all murderers just poor misugided fools? And why would they take part in wrestling anyway?

Also might be a marketing campaign aimed at stealing fans from WWE.

In conclusion I've come to the , err, conclusion that this is the most ******ed phrase in all of wrestling. It's baffling, even more so than The Power Is Back. TNA is pushing it so hard it's making me ask questions about my sexuality, and I honestly don't think that is the point.
I've actually been wondering what "Cross The Line" meant, but I don't buy that it means there are no heels or faces.

How is everyone being a tweener crossing a line? To me cross the line means TNA is doing something edgy, different, unique and ground breaking.

So that means, in my opinion--which I'm not about to defend for hours to TNA lovers because this is MY OPINION--TNA is not now crossing a line nor have they in the past. And I sincerely doubt they will in the future.
If crossing the line means TNA's doing something edgy, different, unique and ground breaking then that slogan doesn't even fit their product. They're failing miserably at doing all of those things.

I could see the slogan meaning WWE fans crossing the line to come to TNA, but I don't see that happening in reality. TNA's going to have to do a lot more then a slogan to draw WWE viewers away to their product.

The whole Russo philosophy about no faces or heels is also hugely flawed. Sure there can be shades of gray but tell me one character in the history of wrestling, even in the Attitude Era that really was neither a face or a heel and made this philosophy true? Steve Austin was a heel who became a face, sure he often used "heel" tactics but that didn't make him a tweener in any way, the fans cheered him and made him their GOD which made him a face without question. Mick Foley as Mankind was a heel and his characters had shades of gray in him, but the people got behind him and made him into a face, the same as the Rock. So, how has this philosophy ever really been applied? Even in TNA right now, name me one character whose not clearly defined by the fans as either a face or a heel? Maybe they were trying to do this with Joe at the last PPV by making him do heel tactics against Booker T, but he didn't become anything but the face he was before as the following Impact he was cheered as a face and no one treated him any differently. Booker T is clearly a heel.
Cross The Line simply put is the marketing campaign to try and get other wrestling fans particulary WWE fans to cross the line so to speak and watch something different thats it pure and simple. I dont think its a bad phrase either it sticks in your head and directly appeals to fans that dont currently watch the TNA product. I think TNA could have had a worse phrase than that and to be honest its not doing any harm at this point in time. And serves for the purpose they need.
"Cross the Line" means that TNA finds the lines that other companies draw for their talent and TNA has their talent cross those lines. For example:

1.) Women in WWE usually compete in bikini matches and Pudding matches...TNA women compete in steel cages and street fights

2.) WWE has banned the pile driver...TNA has a guy that does a flip pile driver.

3.) WWE wrestlers aren't allowed to do 450 splashes or shooting star presses...TNA wrestlers do those moves from the top of a steel cage

That's what I get from the TNA slogan "Cross the line"
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