Crock and Maysock Present: WWE RAW (Episode 1)


Cole: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Michael Cole at ringside, alongside me is Jerry "The King" Lawler.

King: Oh, boy, is it going to be a great show tonight! The Miz has his first match as WWE Champion in tonight's main event.

Cole: And what a main event it will be. The Miz will go toe toe against Wade Barrett of Nexus in a non-title matchup.


Cole: Speaking of Miz, here he is! He may very well be the greatest WWE Champion we've ever had.

King: You may be getting ahead of yourself Cole, he hasn't even defended his belt. I mean, he won it last week...

Cole: And what difference does that make? I know greatness when I see it... and Miz is Awesome.

Miz struts his way to the ring, Alex Riley by his side. Miz gloats to the crowd about this WWE Championship.


The crowd heavily boos Miz.

Miz: Last week, I finally took advantage of my Money in the Bank briefcase and cashed it in to beat a vulnerable Randy Orton. He didn't deserve the belt anyway, all along he was just warming it up for me. Ever since I stepped foot into a WWE ring, this was my destiny. You people should try to be more like me, your problems would all be solved. If Randy Orton was more like me he might still be the WWE Champion bu-


Orton's music hits and he walks calmly to the ring. He is calculating every possibility.

Orton: Miz, don't get too comfortable with MY WWE CHAMPIONSHIP! Everyone here knows, that when I get my rematch... I will have my hand raised in victory. Last week, I had been in a grueling match with Wade Barrett when you weaseled your way down to the ring like a coward. You know you aren't enough of a man to face me fairly.

Miz and Riley begin to beat on Orton, but Orton throws Riley over the top rope and nails Miz with an RKO. Orton slithers out of the ring and walks back up the ramp.
Cole: Here comes our first match of the evening.

King: That's right Cole, we have a tag match to kick off the show. William Regal and Goldust vs Zack Ryder and Yoshi Tatsu.


Regal and Goldust walk together, to Regal's theme.


Ryder begins to walk down the aisle, joined by Tatsu. Ryder is immediately frustrated with Tatsu interrupting his entrance.

King: I can't say I'm not excited for this one, Cole. Such a set of 4 superstars together in one match, could be explosive!

Cole: Hardly. This match will be a freakshow, King.

The match begins with Tatsu in the ring with Regal. Regal immediately hits a shoulder block and mounts Tatsu on the ground. He hammers away at Tatsu, with closed fists, until the referee's count hits 4. He gets up, pulls Tatsu with him. He sends Tatsu into the corner. He makes the tag to Goldust and they begin to double team Tatsu. Regal leaves the ring as Goldust sets Tatsu up on the turnbuckle for a superplex. Tatsu fights his way out, Goldust falls on his back on the canvas. Tatsu cannot get off the ropes in time as Goldust recovers just in time and knocks Tatsu down. Ryder is extremely frustrated on the apron. Goldust hits a scoop slam on Tatsu, hits the ropes and hits a dropping knee to the shoulder. Goldust hits another quick tag to Regal, Regal begins to hammer away at Tatsu again. Regal brings Tatsu to his feet, and out of nowhere Tatsu hits an enziguiri. He crawls to his corner and gets the tag on Ryder. Ryder runs to the ring where he is tripped up by Regal. Regal locks in the Regal Stretch. Ryder taps quickly.

Cole: Veteran move by Regal, great job.

As Goldust and Regal celebrate, a frustrated Ryder pushes Tatsu, who doesn't want a fight. Ryder storms off.


Cole: What's this minor leaguer doing here, King?

King: Shut up Cole. This is the US Champion.

Bryan stops at the top of the aisle, points to Regal and begins to applaud his mentor.

King: He obviously wants to applaud his good friend, and mentor, Regal. Hats off to Bryan.

Cole: Shouldn't he be preparing for his title defense later?

King: Do you ever have anything intelligent to say?

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